Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries

Chapter 29: Gu Zhizhi


Gu Xizhou recounted what happened. He thought that the original owner would always give him some feedback this time, but he did not expect that the original owner would remain the same as before. Gu Xizhou was so angry that he spoke to the air for a long time.

While taking the medicine, he said, "I don't think I can do the job of a criminal police officer. Look at my injuries in the past three days. It's too bad. It's even worse than when I was a magician!"

"… "

"That... or should I resign?"

"… "

"If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your promise!"

"… "

"If you have an opinion, speak up."

"… "

Still no one paid attention to him, Gu Xizhou lost his temper, "How squeak?"

"… "

It was very early in the summer, Gu Xizhou just woke up, and saw a post-it note on the bedside vaguely - "No resignation!"

Gu Xizhou pouted and threw the note away. He went to pick up the water. The water dispenser was also stuck with "No Resignation".

Gu Xizhou dazzled and saw the sticky notes on the wall in the living room, his head was huge, in fact, he was just talking about it yesterday...

Just thinking about it, Gu Xizhou saw a few words written on a yellow post-it note at the door: "I spoke yesterday, but you couldn't hear it. You rookie, you have the nerve to say that you are a magic cultivator, and you can't even see a ghost."

Compared with the previous post-it notes of "no resignation", the handwriting of these few is correct, and you can tell that they are written slowly at a glance.

Mo Xiu was despised by ghosts, and Mo Xiu wanted to turn his face: "Squeak, what squeak! I'll call you Gu Zhizi in the future."

"… "

Gu Xizhou rested at home for a few days. Every day, Gu Zhizhi was so angry that he doubted his life. When a Volkswagen drove to Gu Xizhou's community, Gu Xizhou went downstairs early and waited.

Wang Ao visited Gu Xizhou while he was off work, first checked Gu Xizhou's injury, and then asked a few questions.

"A few days ago, I said I would pick you up, but the problems behind the traffickers you caught are very serious. The provincial government is calling the police. If you rest well, come back with you. This is an opportunity."

"Okay, thank you Wang Ju, I'm almost healed, I'll be back tomorrow." Gu Xizhou had just finished speaking when a cry suddenly came from his room.

He and Wang Ao looked at each other, very tacit understanding without making a sound, and gently pushed open the bedroom door.

In the room, a man in black clothes was lying on the ground, holding his head in his hands, crying and shouting: "I was wrong, Brother Ghost, you let me go, I didn't know Brother Ghost, you lived here, if you knew , I dare not come even if you give me a hundred courage!"

"Will you let me go, woohoo, brother! I swear I'll never steal anything again in my life!"

"Wuwuwu, you treat me like a fart, let it go!"

Wang Ao was stunned for a moment, and looked at the man kneeling on the ground with tears covering his nose and his face, and his crotch was wet. He noticed the opened bedside table and wardrobe, and immediately understood that this was a thief.

"Stealing to the police's house? You're very good!" Gu Xizhou looked at the thief who was crying bitterly on the ground, his mouth twitched slightly. He thought that the other party would definitely be frightened when he saw him and Wang Ao in police uniform. But he didn't expect the thief to see the two of them, and even rushed over, grabbing Wang Ao's police uniform with both hands, and shouting, "The police help me! There are ghosts in the room!"

"Ghost?" Wang Ao looked at the room with a bewildered expression, and his serious face was suddenly displeased, "Don't pretend to be a ghost here, don't try to fool around!"

Speaking of which, Wang Ao took out a pair of handcuffs from his trouser pocket and handcuffed the skinny man, "Break and burglary, follow me."

"Okay, okay! Take me to the police station!" The thin man held Wang Ao's clothes tightly, his eyes looking at Wang Ao, as if he had seen a savior.

Wang Ao has been handling the case for so many years, but he has never seen such a strange flower: "..."

Gu Xizhou: "..."

"Brother police, let's go, there are really ghosts in this house!" the thief said anxiously.

Wang Ao glanced at the time on his watch, and said to Gu Xizhou in a deep voice, "Okay, that's it for today, I think you're pretty much better. In the morning tomorrow, you should go to the hospital to get some medicine, and then come to the police station."

Gu Xizhou said: "Okay, Wang Ju."

The thief beside the two was chilled, handcuffed in handcuffs, and looked around Gu Xizhou's room nervously and fearfully, trembling all over, begging to Wang Ao who was still talking, "Officer, let's go to the police station quickly. Well, I'm afraid..."


Wang Ao: "..."

Gu Xizhou: "..."

Gu Xizhou sent Wang Ao and the thief who had stolen into his house downstairs, Wang Ao said to him, "Okay, don't send it away, go back."

"That's fine." Gu Xizhou was about to leave when the thief suddenly shouted.

"Brother Police, there really is a ghost in your house, you believe me, it just... just hit me! You should move out as soon as possible!"

Wang Ao, who was on the side, gave him a shudder on the head of the thief, and said angrily, "What age is this, and it's still feudal and superstitious, go, and go to the police station with me!"

The thief was a little aggrieved, he relentlessly said to Wang Ao: "There really is a ghost in his house, the things in the room can fly!!"

Gu Xizhou: "..." Brother, you know too much.

When he got home, Gu Xizhou threw the key and went back to the bedroom, "The thief was so scared that he wet his pants, and Wang Ao thought he was trying to get out of the way, so he slapped his head in the bag."

"It's really miserable, Gu Zhizhi, you are really awesome."

"… "

"You're a policeman, you scared everyone to cry."

"… "

Gu Xizhou said: "You can be scary, why don't you talk to me?"

"… "

"...why do you ignore me, squeak."

"… "

Gu Xizhou forced it for a long time, and the other party seemed to be unable to bear it anymore. Gu Xizhou saw a pen on the desk and began to write—

Don't call me Gu Zhizhi!

I'm ignoring you because you rookie devil repair can't hear you!

you chicken.

Gu Xizhou: "..."

Gu Xizhou said, "Gu Zhizhi, you can't leave this house at all, can you?"

"… "

Gu Xizhou: "You threatened to follow me, but you lied to me."

"… "

Gu Xizhou patted the ashes on his body, sat on the edge of the bed, and said lightly: "What the hell happened to you? I died in the spiritual world, I heard Si Yu, oh, that Si Yaoxing said that I should be Completely dead."

"… "

Gu Xizhou saw that the other party started to play dead again, "Okay, I'll move out tomorrow."

This time, Gu Xizhou heard the sound of the chair hitting the desk. It was obvious that Comrade Gu Zhizhi was too excited.

The two sides were at a stalemate for a long time. Gu Xizhou guessed that the original owner might be staring at him, but unfortunately he couldn't see it. After a while, the pen on the face slowly wrote - don't move!

Gu Xizhou read the note and said, "Then tell me, why did you summon me?"

Note: …

Seeing that the pen has been hesitant, Gu Xizhou frowned slightly: "If you don't tell me, I'll move out."

Note: …

"I really moved!" Gu Xizhou pretended to say, he even packed up his things, but the content on the note was never updated, he grabbed the air with his hand, and found nothing.

Gu Xizhou sighed, and sure enough, he couldn't touch Gu Zhizhi's soul.

After leaving the house, Gu Xizhou found a hotel to stay overnight and didn't go home. He wanted to see if Gu Zhizhi could really calm down. In the early morning, he didn't drive, but took a taxi and called the police station.

Early in the morning, Wang Ao had a meeting to talk about the recent mobilization of the police force, and several pictures of traffickers flashed on the projector in the conference room—

"Qian Hongliang, 49 years old, 1.78 meters tall, is a native of Nanmu Village, Taishan County, an extremely poor area. He took away a large number of young men from the village on the grounds that he went out to work in agriculture. This time, the police force was mobilized to firstly search for five fugitives from a criminal group led by Qian Hongliang, and secondly to rescue abducted women and children in impoverished villages around Taishan County.”

"This area is a very poor area with inconvenient transportation. Most male villagers buy abducted women..." Wang Ao's voice was a little hoarse, "According to our preliminary investigation... In most villages in Taishan County, every household has a woman who buys and sells women. Because of the situation, this operation may be very difficult, I hope you are all prepared, and gather at the entrance of the city bureau tomorrow morning, all right, the meeting is dismissed."

After the meeting, Fang Zhi saw Gu Xizhou, and slammed into him, "Brother Gu!"

"Last time your sister seemed to be frightened, how is she now?" Gu Xizhou asked.

Fang Zhi said: "It's okay, Wu Xiaoxiu was rescued. Their school has advertised this, and now all students in the school are required to bring their student ID cards when entering and leaving the school, and take out their student ID cards in an emergency!"

Gu Xizhou snorted, holding the information he just sent in his hand, and took a closer look at the situation in Taishan County and the nearby villages, his face was not very good, "Are you going too this time?"

"Go." Fang Zhi nodded.

"Take it and have a look," Gu Xizhou put the information in Fang Zhi's hands, Fang Zhi took it and went to his seat to study it carefully. Gu Xizhou sat in his chair and looked outside quietly.

The next day, Gu Xizhou went directly from the hotel to the meeting point, and met a lot of policemen. He found that many of these criminal policemen and policemen knew Gu Zhizhi. He was far away, and those people were greeting him.

The car drove for most of the day, and they didn't arrive at the Taishan County Public Security Bureau until the afternoon. Inside the Public Security Bureau sat lanky police officers with dark skin. As soon as they saw them, they immediately greeted them and took them to a restaurant in the county for dinner.

“Have some bar!”

"No," Gu Xizhou waved his hand, "We are here to do business, you first explain to us the situation here."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man sighed, put down what was in his hand, and said, "We are poor here, the houses in the countryside are all tile-roofed houses, the walls of earth-tiled tiles, and the roads have never been repaired, so there are bachelors in every village. ."

"There have been several times before that even the family members of the abducted women have found our side and the village, and the county police have all gone, but they can't get anyone..."

"What's the matter? How dare you fight with the police?" Someone asked with a little doubt.

The middle-aged man sighed and said helplessly: "Isn't it? If you really did it, there was one kidnapped two years ago. The family found us, and we all went to a bureau and were beaten by them. a meal…”

"This..." Everyone around was stunned, not expecting such a situation, "What's going on?"

"Those villagers have all bought people. If you go to a family to grab people, they will come to block people with axes and scythes. That time, one of our people was cut with a scythe by those villagers." The young man felt a little uncomfortable. "Our side is the hardest hit area, but we didn't expect that there are hundreds of people from the surrounding villages!"

"They don't make sense at all, they're extremely arrogant, and they're trying their best to be ruthless!"

When the man said this, the police officers who came with him were a little dazed, but the criminal policemen who were sitting in a pile with Gu Xizhou were not afraid.

One of the black-faced old men said lightly: "I want to see how arrogant they can be. I have never seen any ruthless people. I have been a criminal policeman for so many years, and if they are killed, they will commit crimes."

"Well, the criminal police have been sent this time, and we can't return without success."

"How is the data collection on your side? Determine which abducted women are at home or in the fields. When we find someone, we will directly take them away. In several villages, we will do it at the same time, lest they be on guard and lock them up. "

"Today? So fast?" The locals froze for a moment, "Will it be too fast today?"

Gu Xizhou put down the things in his hand and said, "It's not fast, let's fight quickly, each of your police station will send one to each of our teams... By the way, leave five police officers at the police station to guard."

Gu Xizhou's eyes fell on the man and he smiled slightly.

A senior criminal policeman next to him heard the words and was stunned for a moment. Then he nodded and said yes, "Yes, leaving five people in the police station to help the people who left will not disrupt your normal work."

Before getting into the car, Fang Zhi pulled Gu Xizhou aside and asked, "Brother Gu, why are you still keeping people? With so many villages, there are not enough people?"

Gu Xizhou put down the information in his hand and said, "If no one is left to watch them, what if someone goes to tip off the news?"

Fang Zhi: "?"

"This place is small, and many people know each other. It's hard to guarantee that they don't have a relative who also bought abducted women. I can't tell, so none of them can leave our sight."

"So that's how it is!" Fang Zhi looked at Gu Xizhou's eyes with a sudden realization.

Gu Xizhou didn't bother to pay attention to him, and continued: "Wait a minute, be smart, close the car door as soon as people arrive, don't get hurt."

Fang Zhi nodded, "I know!"

"Although it is said that so many criminal police officers are sent, the guy can't be used. If there is a fight later, pay attention to your own safety, and don't be the same as last time," Gu Xizhou said, turning to look at Fang Zhi and asking, "You How much time is left?"

Fang Zhi glanced at the countdown in the void, "There are still two days."

"Well," Gu Xizhou nodded and made an estimate. It happened to be Saturday, "Okay, I'll contact Si Yu when I get back."


Fang Zhi took a deep breath when he heard the words, the countdown to the void, every minute and every second of life was dwindling, and he could see the passing of life, which made him cherish every minute and every second now, he even felt that sleep was wasting In his time, he used to be uncomfortable getting up, but now as long as the alarm clock rings, he can get out of bed.

Looking at it, I will think of the incredible things he has experienced, and my heart is very depressed.

Seeing him in a daze, Gu Xizhou patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Si Yu said that the newcomer world won't be too difficult and the rewards won't be much, so let's accumulate experience first."

"Thank you Brother Gu!" Fang Zhi stood up straight, dispelling the frustration just now.

He is not alone, and Brother Gu and Brother Si are taking him with him. Compared with other newcomers, he is much better than others.

Taking advantage of the time in the car, Gu Xizhou carefully took a look at the information obtained by the local police station after the investigation, which family bought the abducted woman, and at this time, Gu Xizhou felt that what the person said just now was right. Population ethos is simply shocking.

Among them, there are women in a village who have been bought and sold many times after giving birth to children.

After seeing this, the atmosphere in the car was depressed, and no one said a word. Gu Xizhou flipped through the documents and said to the criminal and civilian police officers who came with him from the Jinluo Police Station: "Wait a minute to get someone and put them in the car, and I'll get off. , pay attention to your own safety, don't let them get entangled."

"Gu Team, are you alone?"

"Don't worry, it's better for me to be alone than to bring you guys. At that time, both of them will be beaten into pandas." Gu Xizhou smiled, as if he was joking, saying that a few companions would not work.

"Gu Team, let me accompany you." One of the tall police officers said anxiously.

Gu Xizhou refused directly: "Don't worry, you and Xiao Fang will be responsible for escorting her into the car when I snatch someone out."

As he said that, a family appeared in front of the car. The house was made of earthen tiles and covered with cracks, as if it would collapse with a slight push, and the roads in the entire village were muddy.

backward, poor.

It was the first time for Gu Xizhou and the others to see such a village.

As soon as their car team drove in, the villagers in the field put down their hoes and looked up. To the surprise of the people in the car, those villagers quickly gathered with their hoes.

"Damn it, when the hell saw our car, these men, old and young, assembled themselves?"

"It seems that what the local police said just now is true, and the family members of the abducted women have also found them here," Gu Xizhou pondered for a moment, "I'll get off the bus first, and you can act according to the circumstances."

There was also a local policeman who got out of the car with Gu Xizhou. Gu Xizhou walked up to the gathered villagers and said, "We are the police, this time we are here to bring the abducted women home, please don't interfere with me. Work."

A few shirtless men on the opposite side said something cursing, they were very angry, and they talked a lot.

Gu Xizhou: "..."

"What are they talking about?" Gu Xizhou turned to look at the local policeman next to him and asked, he didn't understand a word after listening for a long time.

The local policeman said: "They said... don't even think about it, they bought people, they belonged to them."

"No one wants to take their women away, you... you stinky cops, my day..."

Gu Xizhou waved his hand, "You don't need to say dirty words together."

The local policeman snorted: "They are just saying, let's go back, those women were bought by them, they are their people, they should stay in the village...

Gu Xizhou held his temper: "It's not about the money you spent. People can't be bought and sold. It's a rule of the state. If you buy people, you're already breaking the law. Now we can hold you accountable at any time. You'll be imprisoned!"

The whole village knew about the situation in the village. Many women saw the car coming in the wind, and they ran and shouted—

"Help! Help!"

"The police help me, I was kidnapped!"

One after another, there were nine young women in this village alone! As for those older women with numb eyes, I wonder how many of them were also abducted

Those women didn't run towards them like young women.

When the women ran out, they were suddenly caught by the villagers and held down their bodies.

The men stood in row after row, standing in front of them, while the people behind each grabbed the bought women and did not want them to approach the vehicle.

A few people murmured something again, and Gu Xizhou looked at the local police subconsciously.

The local police translated: "They said... don't tell them any reason, they don't listen, pay for the money and deliver the goods, and... just tell us to get out of the way."

Gu Xizhou waved his hand: "Okay, that means they don't want to reason, right?"

The local policeman nodded in pain.

Gu Xizhou: "Okay, I don't want to reason with them for a long time."

The local policeman was stunned when he heard the words, and subconsciously looked at Gu Xizhou. The handsome man in front of him suddenly stepped forward, as if he wanted to forcibly rob someone. Those villagers were all carrying hoes, and they were also stunned by the policeman who suddenly came in. However, he quickly reacted, holding the guy in his hand to block Gu Xizhou.


After being slapped on the head by Gu Xizhou, a tall villager who had just been coaxed suddenly turned white and was knocked unconscious on the ground.

"This man is so powerful..."

"Hurry up and stop him!"

The local policeman stared at this scene dumbfounded. The handsome criminal police captain who came with him directly knocked down dozens of young and strong men, slapped them unconscious, or beat them with a fist. Can't get up on the ground.

He saw the man lightly brush off the ashes from his body, walked over and pulled out the women who were being held down.

One of the women was holding a child in her hand. She looked at Gu Xizhou and then at the child. She wanted to go with Gu Xizhou, but what about the child? what to do

The woman kept crying and crying.

Gu Xizhou sighed: "Give you three seconds, make a choice, if you want to take the child, take it with you."

The woman looked up at him, "Is it really possible?"

Gu Xi nodded, "I said yes."

Hearing Gu Xizhou's words, she rushed to the side of the motorcade with her child in her arms and was taken to the car by Fang Zhi. She hurriedly shouted, "Go, go! They are going to rob my child!"

After Gu Xizhou made sure that the nine abducted girls were all in the car, he glanced at the men on the ground who were trying to get up, he got in the car, closed the door, and said, "Drive."

The policeman driving the car was a little lost: "Okay, okay, Gu team..."

After the car started, everyone in the car swallowed.

"Gu Team, you are too fierce! Damn it! You overturned all of the twenty or so with hoes and scythes in their hands?!"

"When did you practice secretly!"

The local police looked at the nine girls in the car, as well as the newborn child. They were a little confused. Not only did they rob the girl, but they also robbed the child! You must know that those people work hard for their children!

No... they were all beaten to the ground and lying on the ground.

Detective, it really is different!

"Brother Gu, if you beat them like this, if they sue us..."

Gu Xizhou glanced at Fang Zhi lightly, thought of Gu Zhizhi at home, and hummed: "They committed crimes themselves, and they sued us? I beat them alone, and they sued me if they wanted to, I don't want to do it anyway. Policemen."

Fang Zhi: "..." I don't believe it!

The same team detective: "..." The captain is really a good person, woohoo, when will we have the consciousness of the captain!

Gu Xizhou: "..." Believe me!

Their convoy quickly returned to the county and waited a long time for the other teams.

Gu Xizhou saw Song Gan at first sight. His nose was blue and his face was swollen. He walked with a limp. Every team that came back was miserable. Obviously they had a fight, but fortunately they brought everyone with them. came back.

Song Qian saw Gu Xizhou and Gu Xizhou's team who were not injured at all, and was confused, "Your people were not rescued?"

Gu Xizhou glanced at him and said softly, "I'm rescued, they're all sitting inside!"

Song Qian didn't quite believe what he said. He glanced sideways inside and saw nine young women inside, one of whom was holding a baby.


He swallowed. He just remembered that there was a girl who was reluctant to have children. Those villagers almost smashed their cars. The children didn't give them to them. !

When people who went to other villages saw Gu Xizhou and his team, everyone showed a bewildered expression: Why didn't you get beaten

The author has something to say:

I wrote this plot because of the resentment of the year. I read such news a long time ago. The police really went to the village to rob people, but they couldn't take people away, and they would be beaten. There was a girl who kept crying and robbed the child with the family But I heard the police say something: if you take him with you, don't think about leaving, they will definitely not agree. After saying this, the girl let go.

For so many years, I have always remembered that I felt very uncomfortable at the time, so I wrote this plot, hoping that such a thing would not happen.

Everyone must have this awareness and pay attention to their own safety. When encountering such a situation, call the police as soon as possible.