Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries

Chapter 49: Kill for life


Gu Xizhou and the others drove again to the community where the two elderly people lived, stood at the door and knocked politely, and the door finally opened after a while.

"Why?" The old man who opened the door asked frowning unhappily when he saw the four of them.

"We want to talk to you about your son..."

"Don't tell me, I don't want to hear it, and I don't know anything. Anyway, people have been missing for so many years, so I don't think I have this son."

The old man waved his hand and said impatiently.

"He has just died for a week." Gu Xizhou said.

The old man didn't seem to understand Gu Xizhou's words, and hurriedly said: "Wait for him to die, I..."

The old man's words were just halfway through, and he soon realized that Gu Xizhou's words were different from what he thought.

"Who did you say, who died?"

Gu Xizhou shook the report on his mobile phone and said, "Your son, a body was found in Phoenix Mountain in Ningqing City about a week ago. Yesterday we used the DNA from your cigarette butt to confirm that the deceased is father-son relationship with you."

"A week ago?" the old man asked rhetorically.

Gu Xizhou nodded, "Would you like us to go in and talk now?"

The gray-haired old man stared at Gu Xizhou for a long time without saying a word. After a while, he let go of the hand blocking the door. He seemed to have aged a lot in an instant. At this time, the grandma who opened the door for them yesterday reached out and grabbed Gu Xizhou's hand. The identification data, looked up.

"Dead... he..." The grandmother was shaking all over, unable to stand still in dizziness.

The old man next to him looked at his wife for a long time, and said, "He died, this beast! It's good to die!"

"You..." The old grandmother pointed her index finger at the old man's face, opened her mouth, but made no sound.

The old man asked Gu Xizhou to sit on the sofa in the living room, and then he said, "Since you are sure that my son is the one who died, then I will tell the truth.

"Seven years ago, that bastard drove Ah Qiang home to see our two old people. On the way, the bastard said that there was an urgent matter in the company, so he asked my Ah Qiang to drive and bring the things that the two old men brought to us. As a result, the car on the road suddenly caught fire and exploded, and my Ah Qiang died... just died..."

"A Qiang in your mouth is your second son Zhao Qiang?" Song Qian frowned and asked to confirm.

The old man nodded and said in a choked voice, "Yes, it was my youngest son who died seven years ago."

"Is it to deceive the insurance, so it's the younger son's?"

The old man shook his head: "At first, I didn't know it was the two of them who came back together. I thought it was the beast who died, and there was his certificate in the car. My eldest daughter-in-law Feng Tian also said that the clothes were from the beast, so I just I really thought he was dead, and then the younger son disappeared, my hair turned white, I cried, I was tired, and the white-haired people sent the black-haired people all my life, I felt uncomfortable...

"But then one day I went to Feng Tian and saw a man on the street who looked like my eldest son Zhao Guo, so I followed him and called him... I thought it was my hallucination, but the more I called him, the more he became run.

"At the time, I felt something was wrong, so I went to ask Feng Tian, who shook her head and said she didn't know, but that day I saw a few people go to her house to collect debts, and only then did I know that the beast was gambling outside and borrowing usury, and owed 800,000 yuan. Loan sharks. I saw Feng Tian being beaten by those people..."

Gu Xizhou said in a low voice, "What's next?"

"I originally said that I would sell the house and pay Feng Tian the loan shark. Feng Tian refused me. She said that Zhao Guo had bought a commercial insurance for herself before, and the compensation was about one million yuan. She paid the money back first, and gave us the rest.

"To be honest... Feng Tian is a pretty good girl, but she's unlucky to follow that beast!"

The old man burst into tears and spoke intermittently, "The compensation has come down, Feng Tian just paid the money back, called me and said to give the remaining 200,000 yuan to me and the old lady, saying that our two oldest sons died, the youngest son died. It's been a tough time since she disappeared, she was talking on the phone, and I suddenly heard her screaming and calling the beast's name.

"When the old lady and I arrived, we saw the beast at home... I asked him at the time, who was the dead man! Only then did he say that he went back with the second child that day.

"I didn't feel right at the time, so I asked him..."

They guessed something different from Gu Xizhou, but the difference was not too big. Seven years ago, Zhao Qiang, the second child of the Zhao family, was the one who really died. Since no one raised any questions at that time, and no DNA test was done, the deceased was directly identified as the eldest of the Zhao family, and the insurance company paid for it. .

"He just knelt on the ground, kowtowed to me and begged us, and begged us not to tell the police. He also kowtowed to Feng Tian until his head was bleeding. Feng Tian couldn't bear it. He just looked at us when he begged for mercy. two old people.

"As a parent, seeing only such a son, I couldn't send him to the police station, and I also found it difficult to face the dead second child. I told him at the time that I would cut off the father-son relationship and I would never see him again.

"Now that he's dead, it's retribution!"

The old man wiped away his tears, and the two old men shed tears at the same time, and the atmosphere in the whole house suddenly became suppressed.

Gu Xizhou and others fell into contemplation. In this way, the deceased Zhao Guo was a black family, and his parents cut off relations with him. He killed his younger brother because he cheated on the security. He has never been in contact with his former friends. In the sweet villa.

"Did Feng Tian stay with the deceased all the time?" Gu Xizhou asked.

The old man nodded: "It should be, since that incident, the remaining 200,000 yuan has been left in Feng Tian's hands. That beast is not a good person, but he has a brain in doing business and invests with money. a lot of money...

"I also heard from a friend. She came here a few times, and we all took away the money she gave us."

Gu Xizhou looked at the old man, and after a brief thought, he asked, "Did Feng Tian and Zhao have children all these years?"

"Child?" After a brief period of surprise, the old man said with certainty, "No!"


The old man said directly without hesitation: "That beast has no asshole... He has necrospermia."

"That's it."

Fang Zhi next to him wrote down the key information. The two old people didn't know the living conditions of Feng Tian and Zhao Guo, and they didn't know the situation of the children at all. Gu Xizhou nodded slightly.

"We came to you, please don't disclose it to anyone for the time being, so as not to cause the murderer to be alerted." Song Qian told the two old men before leaving.

The two old men nodded again and again.

"Comrade police, you must find the murderer..." As soon as the old lady spoke anxiously, she was interrupted by the old man next to her.

"Hmph, whatever you are looking for is the right one!" Every time the old lady wanted to talk, the old man next to her gave her a vicious look, "You feel sorry for that beast, what about our A Qiang? When you say this, Have you ever thought about how Ah Qiang felt? How sad he would have been to hear it!"

The old lady heard the words, looked at the old man, couldn't speak for a long time, and walked into the room crying.

"Then let's go first."

The three of Gu Xizhou left and just sat in the car and fastened their seat belts. Song Gan next to him said, "You said... Could it be that the old man killed his relatives righteously? Huh?"

"… over thinking."

Song Qian: "Why do I think too much? Look at that old man, when he mentions the dead, he gets so angry that he looks like he wants to kill!"

"If he really has such a temper, he will have to wait seven years before killing someone?" Gu Xizhou said lightly, "Feng Tian is more likely to kill someone than others. As soon as we leave her, we will go to our parents. People need it the most. When I help, the first thing that comes to my mind is my parents.”

Saying that, Gu Xizhou and the others drove to Feng Tian's house again. After waiting for more than 40 minutes, Feng Tian came back from outside.

"Hello, Miss Feng, we meet again." Gu Xizhou whispered to Feng Tian who had just returned home.

Feng Tian glanced at Gu Xi angrily, a little impatient: "Comrade police, you came to me again today? I really don't know, I just lost the receipt! I don't know who picked it up, and I don't know who was on the deceased. Why do I have my parking ticket!"

"We have confirmed that the deceased is your ex-husband who died seven years ago." Gu Xizhou said quietly.

Feng Tian was stunned for a moment, her face turned pale, and suddenly, she shoved Gu Xizhou, turned around and ran! She turned around and bumped into Song Qian, who stumbled and fell in the middle of the road.

Feng Tian bumped into Fang Zhi and ran straight to her car!



Everything happened too fast, Feng Tian started the car and drove forward, with a fierce energy that was about to hit someone, Gu Xizhou saw that the other party's car was about to run over Song Qian.

Before the word "get off" could be blurted out, the car made a piercing sound of burning tires. Feng Tian stepped on the brakes and sat in the car, crying bitterly.

"Huh—" Gu Xizhou let out a long sigh, and Fang Zhi beside him was stunned, opened his mouth, but didn't make a sound.

Song Qian on the ground supported the front cover of the Mercedes-Benz car that was less than a punch away from him, his legs trembled slightly, stood up, looked at the woman who was sitting in the car crying, and said, "You, you come down first...",

Feng Tian sat in the car and wiped away tears. At this time, Gu Xizhou stepped forward, opened the car door, and directly dragged Feng Tian out of the car.

Because of this, Song Gan was still a little scared, so he had a bad temper during the interrogation, and he was furious.

"Is it useful for you to cry all the time? Why did you kill him?"

Feng Tian sat in the interrogation room weeping, but did not speak, but only cried.

"I'm going, Lao Song is so angry today?" a local policeman asked in a low voice.

"Could it be big? I was almost pushed over by this woman's car! If it wasn't for Ning Qing's Gu team and the others, what we saw today would be dead old Song."

"No..." Fang Zhi was silent, pointing to Feng Tian who was being interrogated inside, "She stepped on the brakes."

In the interrogation room, Gu Xizhou sat next to him, beckoned to Song Qian, and said, "Let her cry for a while, you also have a rest, calm down, don't be angry."

Gu Xizhou handed Feng Tian a packet of paper, and sat beside him slowly waiting for Feng Tian to cry, waiting for her to calm down.

After crying for about 20 minutes, Feng Tian's emotions slowly calmed down. Just when she was about to speak, Song Qian's cell phone rang suddenly. He just answered the phone and listened to a sentence, and then put down the phone, his expression was not very good. He whispered to Gu Xizhou, "Come out with me."

"Okay." Gu Xizhou glanced at Feng Tian, and after leaving the interrogation room with Song Gan and closed the door, he asked strangely, "What's wrong?"

"Feng Tian's father just turned himself in at the police station, saying that he killed Zhao Guo..."

Gu Xizhou raised his eyebrows: "What's the reason?"

"I don't want Zhao Guo to continue to be a blood-sucking worm on my daughter," Song Gan frowned, "Feng Tian invested in these shops, and Zhao Guo has a bad personality and temper because he can only hide in Tibet. Well, there have been cases of beating Feng Tian in the last seven years."

"Feng Tian's father said that it was because of this that he killed Zhao Guo." Song Qian continued, "I didn't turn myself in early, I didn't turn myself in late, but now I've turned myself in, I must have found that my daughter's phone couldn't get through, and I'm scared."

When Gu Xizhou heard the words, he only felt a little troublesome. If Feng Tian's father insisted that he killed himself, it would have an impact on the conviction.

"Trial Feng Tian first and see what she says."

The two went in together. At this time, Feng Tian calmed down. When he saw Song Qian, he said apologetically, "I'm sorry officer, I almost bumped into you today."

Song Qian waved his hand, "I won't mention it, let's talk about you first, why did you kill Zhao Guo?"

Feng Tian looked at him and said softly, "I didn't kill him. Since you know that it was my husband who died... You should also know that it wasn't him but his younger brother who died seven years ago, right?"

"Well," Gu Xizhou nodded.

"Seven years ago, he killed his younger brother to defraud insurance. After I got the money, I paid off the loan shark he owed before, and there was 200,000 yuan left, which was originally intended to be given to his parents, but he appeared again for the money. in front of me.

"At that time, he knelt at my feet and kept kowtowing to me. I couldn't bear it... So instead of exposing him, I helped him hide it. I know that I committed the crime of covering up, and I admit it." Feng Tian spoke weakly.

"Then how did he die?" Gu Xizhou asked.

"... He has been living with me for the past seven years. He just watches TV at home every day, and plays games when he is bored. He does not contact his parents, but my parents keep urging me to remarry. I just told my parents that it was not Zhao Guo who died, but Zhao Qiang.

"But Zhao Guo told my parents that it was an accident, and the money was needed at the time... My parents expressed their understanding. Later, maybe because he was hiding, he became very bad-tempered and sometimes beat me.

"I was sent to the hospital several times. My father was very angry. He beat me once not long ago. Because of his anger, my father returned home and saw him playing games again. He killed him in anger." Feng Tian slowly said.

When Gu Xizhou and Song Qian heard that it was her father who killed her, they glanced at each other, and at the same time thought of the day they found Feng Tian, Feng Tian went to find her parents!

It is possible that what Feng Tian said is true, but it is also possible that this was the result of the discussion between Feng Tian and his parents that day.

"What about your child?" Gu Xizhou asked.

Mentioning the child, Feng Tian's body trembled obviously, "Child? What child?"

"My husband has necrospermia, and he and I have no children."

"Yes, the plush toy I took that day has marks left by saliva on it." Gu Xizhou said in a low voice, the meaning was already obvious.

Feng Tian shook her head resolutely and said, "I really don't have a child, and I want one all these years."

After finding that they could no longer find any useful information from Feng Tian, about an hour later, they met Feng Tian's father, Feng Sheng.

Feng Sheng is 1.85 meters tall and has a sturdy physique. With his stature, he can indeed kill Zhao Guo directly if he kills someone by surprise. Compared with Feng Tian, Feng Sheng's mental state is very good, and his speech is very organized.

"You said it was you who killed, please explain the details of the killing." Gu Xizhou said in a low voice.

"He beat my daughter. I rushed to his house because I was angry and had an argument with him. Because I was so angry, I hit him with an axe on the head. corpse, put him in a garbage bag, take him to the car, drive to Phoenix Mountain and bury him."

"What car are you driving?" Gu Xizhou asked.

Feng Sheng thought for a moment and said, "My daughter's car."

"Why don't you drive your own car?"

"No reason." Feng Sheng said in a low voice with no expression on his face.

"Where's the murder weapon? Where is the murder weapon?"

Feng Sheng glanced at Gu Xizhou and said, "I lost it."

"Where did you lose it?"

The man shook his head, "Forgot."

Gu Xizhou and the others came out, and several people frowned into Sichuan characters. Song Gan raised his eyebrows and said, "This is too contradictory. Father kills for his daughter, but throws the body in his daughter's car. This is illogical!"

"Why is it illogical?" asked a policeman next to him who Gu Xizhou didn't know.

"Because a person wants to protect the other party, he will definitely avoid contacting the other party after killing someone. He drove to Feng Tian's house, so why didn't he drive his own car when the body was thrown?" Fang Zhi explained, The little policeman who was a little confused at the time just woke up with an 'oh' sound.

Gu Xizhou suddenly slapped his forehead, turned around and walked into the interrogation room, resting his hands on the table, and asked Feng Sheng, "I have another question."

Feng Sheng: "?"

"What about your grandson?"

"He..." Feng Sheng opened his mouth and seemed to realize something, he said angrily: "Where do I have grandchildren? That beast can't be born!"

As he spoke, he began to curse the deceased constantly, obviously he was still brooding about this matter.

After a while, Feng Sheng suddenly looked at Gu Xizhou and asked, "When can I see my daughter, I have already pleaded guilty, and I want to see her."

"Don't worry, we can meet naturally when this case comes to an end," Gu Xizhou said.

Gu Xizhou left the interrogation room again, looked at a few people, and said, "Feng Tian does have a child, why don't they admit it?"

"Where is that child now?"

This is very likely related to this case! Now that Feng Tian's father and daughter are in agreement, Feng Sheng takes all the responsibility on him, obviously hoping that his daughter will be acquitted!

"Go to Feng Tian's villa to see if there are any clues." Gu Xizhou said.

They left the police station, ate a bowl of noodles, and went straight to Feng Tian's house, bypassing the closed yellow warning line, and there were still some bloodstains left in the room.

Entering the villa again, Gu Xizhou entered the room full of toys, and at this moment Fang Zhi called him: "Brother Gu, look at this!"

Following the direction of Fang's finger, Gu Xizhou saw a uniquely shaped rattle, the kind that children play with, with rows of tiny teeth marks on it.

"There is a child!" Song Qian glanced at it and frowned.

With the rattle and other things, Gu Xizhou and the others returned to the police station again. At this time, Feng Tian was eating and was stunned when he saw the rattle that Gu Xizhou had thrown on the table, looked up at him, and asked, "What?"

"What is this? Where is your child?" Gu Xizhou asked.

"As I said, I have no children," Feng Tian thought for a while.

"The toys in your house have some signs of being used."

"This toy is an old toy."

"You are so rich to buy old toys?"

Feng Tian gave him a cold look and asked, "Can't you?"

"Nothing wrong, but you really want your father to blame you? Your father does this out of love for you, how about you? Do you really want to be so selfish

"Have you ever thought about what your father will be like in prison? Have you thought about it when he is old?"

Feng Tian ignored him and continued to eat.

Gu Xizhou and Song Qian returned without success, Song Qian shook his head, "Damn, this woman is a bit powerful, because she thinks her father is too old to be in prison for a few years! She insists that her father take the blame! Although the deceased deserved it, But that's not the way to go!"

"You keep asking her about that child, do you think the two are related?" Song Gan asked.

"Zhao Guo can't have children, so the child is definitely not his," Gu Xizhou said softly, "By the way, check Feng Tian to see if she has a record of having children, and then visit her employees."

Early the next morning, Gu Xizhou received a text message from Song Qian that Feng Tian had never given birth to a child. Her employees could prove that Feng Tian would visit the store every Friday, so they were very sure that Feng Tian was not pregnant.

Gu Xizhou took the key and said to Fang Zhi next to him, "Would you like to go see your sister? I'll go alone today."

"She's at school, it's not good for me to go, the work is important, and I'm going to Feng Tian's house today?" Fang Zhi said.


Gu Xizhou and Fang Zhi drove all the way to Feng Tian's villa again, this time they visited the surrounding neighbors.

"Hello," Fang Zhi greeted politely, "we are..."

The woman in red pajamas waved her hand and said with a chuckle, "I know, the police, I heard from my nanny yesterday that the house next door is dead."

"But are all your police officers so handsome now?" The beautiful woman smiled and looked at Gu Xizhou meaningfully.

Gu Xizhou: "..."

Before Fang Zhi asked, the woman made a booing gesture and said, "I know what you want to ask. My nanny already answered you yesterday. The woman next door really didn't do anything special."

Gu Xizhou was silent for a moment, then said, "Have you seen Feng Tian's injury?"

The woman waved her hand: "No, she has always been well-dressed and is very beautiful, but not as beautiful as me."

Gu Xizhou: "..."

Fang Zhi: "..."

Seeing that Gu Xizhou and Fang Zhi were speechless for a long time, the woman burst out laughing.

After laughing, she pointed to the bonsai in Feng Tian's yard and said, "I won't make fun of you. The only thing I think is strange are the bonsai she bought recently."

Gu Xizhou raised his eyebrows: "?"

The woman glanced at Gu Xizhou, and then said, "I had a friend who took a look at her yard when he came to my house last time. He said that the potted flowers were not right."

"What's wrong?" Gu Xizhou asked.

The woman said in a low voice, "I don't know about that. He just said vaguely that it's not good to put Feng Shui like that."

"Thank you." After Gu Xizhou thanked the woman, he asked Song Qian to bring someone over.

Open all the flower pots with a small shovel, and within ten minutes, Fang Zhi's shovel dug a hard object.

"Brother Gu! It's a human head!" Fang Zhi was chilled, and at the same time he found a box with ashes in the other two bonsai, and a bloody axe!

"Go, go back."

Before Gu Xizhou left, he saw the woman in red next door.

"You don't seem to be afraid at all?" Song Qian asked in surprise when he saw the beautiful hostess next door.

The woman said indifferently, "What is there to be afraid of? It's a dead person, not a living person or a ghost. What am I afraid of him doing?"

Gu Xizhou looked at the woman slightly, and thought to himself, "I am afraid of the living and also afraid of ghosts. Maybe this woman, like them, is also struggling in the mission world.

A few people drove all the way back to the police station again, Gu Xizhou walked into the interrogation room, and said straight to Feng Tian: "Feng Tian, the murder weapon is in your flower pot. After the test, we will know if there is any of your DNA on it. I urge you to confess now that since the other party has a criminal record of murder and defrauding security, the sentence may be lighter."

Feng Tian looked at the photo, held it back for a long time, and suddenly laughed at herself: "I didn't expect you to find it in the flowerpot."

After laughing, she opened her mouth and said, "I lied before, he didn't hit me, he didn't dare."

Feng Tian sarcastically said: "I did have a child before, it wasn't mine, I picked it up...

"Zhao Guo has necrotizing sperm. He and I have never had children. About three months ago, I was drinking coffee on the roadside after visiting the store and heard the cry of a baby. A child was lost. That child is very cute. He grabbed my hand and wouldn't let go. I didn't know what to think at the time, so I took him home.

"I told Zhao Guo that I wanted to adopt this child. Zhao Guo objected to it at the time. During the quarrel, I said he... Said he was not a man. This child can also have a sustenance in the future.

"He didn't object in the end. I thought he agreed. That kid likes to cry, and Zhao Guo hated him. Later, when I came home from get off work one day, I didn't hear the kid cry. When I went to see it, the kid's body was cold!"

Feng Tian whimpered and cried: "I questioned Zhao Guo, Zhao Guo he, he said... He saw that child was annoying and wanted to strangle him, so he tried to play, but he accidentally strangled him, he said still laughing!

At that time I thought that if I hadn't picked up the child, the child would not have died. I thought of his younger brother Zhao Qiang again... His younger brother is really nice, and I have been feeling guilty all these years! With that in mind, I plan to kill him. "

Gu Xizhou glanced at her and said: "He has killed people, you can expose him completely, you don't need yourself..."

Feng Tian interrupted Gu Xizhou indifferently, "What's wrong with murder? It's said that murder pays for life. How many of them really pay for life? Are there still few people who have a reprieve? I want him to die!"