Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries

Chapter 57: commutation


The next morning, Gu Xizhou was woken up by the alarm on his mobile phone. The most important thing was that the quilt covering him had long since disappeared.

He bounced off the bed in an instant, and although he closed his eyes, he still fumbled to turn off the alarm on his mobile phone, went into the bathroom to wash up, and got ready to go to work.

Today is the last day of the weekend, because there is no such thing as a weekend holiday for the criminal police, and all work is done in shifts.

As soon as he walked out of the gate of the community, because it was a weekend, there were no cars on the road at this time in the morning. After waiting for a while, Gu Xizhou got a taxi, took the car to the vicinity of the police station, bought soy milk fritters, and walked slowly to the police station.

There are not many people walking on the road, most of them are lazy.

A woman in a professional women's suit walked in front of Gu Xizhou, about 50 years old. She was carrying a bag in her left hand and a mobile phone in her right hand. She was walking on the bicycle path of the street, looking down at her mobile phone as she walked.

From time to time, the woman's mobile phone played the strange music of 'Take me with the old driver'. The woman grinned and laughed happily while watching the video. Gu Xizhou walked on the street and stared at the woman twice.

Walking on this street, there were many people looking at their mobile phones while walking. Gu Xizhou didn't care. He put his hands in his trouser pockets. He was about to turn around and go back to the police station when he suddenly heard a roar from behind, and suddenly jumped out from behind him. A motorcycle, with a bang, galloped past him.

Before Gu Xizhou complained, he saw that the motorcycle slowed down. There were two people sitting on the motorcycle, one driving and the other sitting in the back, both wearing black stockings.

The man in the back row of the motorcycle stretched out his hand to grab the woman's handbag, grabbed it violently, and snatched the bag from the woman's hand.

All this happened too suddenly, the woman was dragged directly to the ground, and she had no time to react. Under the action of the external force, her body slanted, she fell directly to the ground, and released the bag in her hand.

She opened her mouth and seemed to realize that she was being robbed by a speeding car.

"Help! Robbery! Someone stole my bag!"

At this time, there were not many people on the street, so the people around heard the woman's call for help and looked at each other, and the people next to her trotted over to help her up.

"Are you OK?"

"I'm fine... I'm fine, my bag..." The woman's hands and feet were all rubbed off the ground when they were just pulled. "My bag... has money in it!"

The woman looked at the motorcycle 100 meters ahead, her body was still shaky, and she stood up with the help of everyone.

"What's the matter?" asked a young man riding a battery car to deliver the courier.

"Did you see that the motorcycle in front, the speeding car robbed, robbed this eldest sister!!"

The courier brother heard that he was riding a battery car and chased after him. Gu Xizhou saw that the woman had no major problem, and ran after him. When he ran there.

The motorcycle had been forced to stop, and two people wearing hoods got out of the car and were threatening the little brother.

"Don't mind your own business, be careful to kill you!" One of the robbers threatened with a knife from his trousers pocket.

The two started, and the knife slashed the courier brother's arm. At this time, Gu Xizhou chased after him and shouted—

"Stop! Police!"

When the two heard Gu Xizhou's words, they lifted up the motorcycle next to them, the wind was blowing under their feet, and there were a few smoke-dropped eyes on their gray short sleeves.

Even though the two were moving fast, Gu Xizhou had already caught up at this time and kicked the man on the motorcycle. Xiaodao, swaying towards Gu Xizhou, and shouted to his companion lying on the ground in a hurry: "Get up, damn it!"

But his companion didn't answer him, and the man was kicked to the ground by Gu Xizhou's kick and passed out.

"How long are you going to lie down?!" The gangster stared at Gu Xizhou and looked at the people behind him.

He charged at Gu Xizhou with a knife, Gu Xizhou avoided his knife and kicked the gangster directly in the stomach. The kick was firm, and the knife in the gangster's hand also fell to the ground. On the ground, clutching his stomach, his face was pale and pale, and he couldn't say a word.

At the same time, colleagues from the police station rushed over and saw Gu Xizhou, the two people lying on the ground, and the courier brother whose arm was slashed next to him.

"Gu team, you are here!"

Gu Xizhou nodded and said, "Call 120 over, he is injured."

The courier brother shook his head, "I'm fine, I'm slightly injured, these two didn't dare to make a real move."

Several policemen next to him took the little brother's hand to check for a moment, but nodded in agreement with his words.

The middle-aged woman who was robbed was helped over by the onlookers, and a policeman picked up the bag on the ground and handed it to the woman, saying, "See if there is anything missing."

"Thank you, thank you the police!" said the middle-aged woman, and walked to the courier brother again, grabbing his hand, "Thank you, little brother, you are injured, I will accompany you to the hospital, this The injury can't be like this..."

"I'm not seriously injured, I don't need to go to the hospital, I still have to go to work!" The little brother scratched his head and said.

"I think so, you go directly to the police station with us, and the police station can deal with minor injuries," one of the old police officers said to the two of them amiably.

The little brother hesitated for a moment and nodded: "Okay..."

The old policeman raised his eyebrows and said to the others: "Take the person back to record the confession, rob and hurt others, and investigate these two people. They even robbed near our police station. Shall we lose face? Give me a good trial!"


The two robbers curled up on the ground, refusing to get up, screaming that their stomachs hurt.

"It hurts... it really hurts, comrade police, you let me lie down for a while..."

Gu Xizhou rolled his eyes at the two of them. He had the power to control and wouldn't be kicked to death by him. He said, "Get up, what are you pretending to be?"

"I really didn't pretend," the robber who had just held the knife burst into tears, "It really hurts, I feel like I'm going to die! You are too cruel!"

Gu Xizhou: "..."

"Do you still have a point? Blame the police for being ruthless?" Fang Zhi, who was also at work today, glared at him, "Then you didn't think about getting caught before the robbery? Hmph."

The people around also scolded the robber and took them to the police station.

At this time, in the interrogation room, Gu Xizhou was sitting next to Hache while Fang Zhi looked at the robber who was crying while covering his stomach.

"Have you cried enough? It's a big deal to be beaten for a robbery. You dare to rob, and you're afraid of being beaten?"

The man with the sharp-eared monkey gills cried, and the more he cried, the more sad he shouted: "Is this a beating? My internal organs are about to be kicked to pieces! I, I need to see a doctor to check, whether I am going to die! I want to I'll pay you back!"

Fang Zhi: "..."

"Shut up and explain it properly," Gu Xizhou said, "Don't talk to me about the robbery! First, explain the robbery. If you really get kicked out by me, I admit, now let's talk about your robbery first. "

Gu Xizhou said: "I tell you, I don't know whether to say that you are lucky or too bad. The eldest sister who was robbed has 50,000 yuan in cash in her bag."

"The three-year sentence for robbery starts. For each additional 1,500 yuan in robbery, the sentence will be increased by six months. You can calculate how long you will be in prison."

The man's expression froze when he heard Gu Xizhou's words, obviously stunned.

"Comrade police, this is my first time, really... First robbery! Why is she going out with so much money when she has nothing to do?"

"Don't cry to me, it's useless, you have to cry to the court." Gu Xizhou raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you still burying too much money in other people's wallets?"

"If the robbery is successful and you two are not caught, you must be crazy, right?"

The man completely lost his temper, and he lost the arrogance of pointing a knife at people before. He was pitiful, "But I watched TV... Didn't it say that the sentence could be reduced?"

Fang Zhi heard the words and corrected: "The commutation of the sentence requires you to provide clues and help us solve the case before the sentence can be commuted."

"Don't talk about those who have or not, explain today's matter first," Gu Xizhou said, "Who do you want to report, we will talk about it after the confession is recorded."

The man was a little afraid of Gu Xizhou, so he quickly explained: "Last night, my wife and I quarreled, and when I went out, I met Lai Li from the same community... Even my accomplice, Lai Li was also scolded by his mother-in-law.

"We didn't have the skills, we didn't work, the two of them drank some wine, and as soon as they got angry, they went to buy stockings, and drove Lai Li's broken motorcycle to think about robbery.

"Comrade police, please believe me, it's my first time!"

Gu Xizhou glanced at him, and the other party insisted: "You continue the trial, I will go back to the office first."

"The other trial is over?" Gu Xizhou asked with raised eyebrows after going out.

"Gu team is good, the trial has been completed, he has explained everything, and is clamoring to report a commutation of the sentence, and said a lot of robbery." One of the detectives reported, "It's all useless."

Gu Xizhou nodded and walked into the office to rest.

After lunch, the two were still closed, and Gu Xizhou was about to go to sleep when there was a knock on the door.

"Gu team, one of the two people arrested today just said that he wanted to report someone for murder."

Gu Xizhou, who was sitting in the chair, raised his brows.

No, this can be linked to murder

Gu Xizhou nodded: "Okay, I'll come right away."

Seeing Gu Xizhou, Fang Zhi introduced: "These two people know that the amount of robbery is huge, and their sentence is very long, so they keep talking about trivial things and report them, and we ignore him."

"Just now he suddenly said that he knew that someone had killed someone and wanted to see you..."

At this time, Gu Xizhou was very suspicious of the authenticity of the man's words, but he still walked into the interrogation room.

When the man saw Gu Xizhou, he immediately shouted: "Officer, you are here! I want to report, report someone for murder!"

"Come on, whoever kills, don't talk nonsense to reduce the sentence," Gu Xizhou said in a low voice, "We will all go to investigate!"

Hearing the words, the man shrank his neck and said quickly, "...Actually, I don't know if that person killed anyone, but Zhou Yiguang did say it after he was drunk... He has killed people, and Lai Li also knows that when he was drinking that day, he also exist!

The man recalled: "Monday Guang was Lai Li's and I's neighbor, and we opened a tea shop in the community. Lai Li and I were idle and liked to gamble, so we often went to his place...

"That day, as usual, there were about two tables of people playing mahjong, including me and Lai Li. After playing mahjong, we simply ate at Zhou Guang's place. We drank too much while eating... Men like to brag. , and said that he had done something awesome before.

"Zhou Yiguang was drunk that day. He said that he had killed people. We must not believe it. As a result, Zhou Guang smiled and pointed to the concrete block where the sun umbrellas were placed in the yard and said..."

Gu Xizhou glanced at him and said in a low voice, "What did you say?"

"He said that his head was in the concrete block! We were all startled at the time, because his eyes... were very scary." The man said.

"Although he said it was a joke afterwards, but every time I saw the concrete block, I was afraid and felt like it was infiltrating."

Gu Xizhou asked again: "So you can't be sure whether he is joking or real?"

"This... I don't know," the man said with a guilty conscience, "maybe not, maybe it is! Anyway, I looked at him very frightened at the time. I didn't finish my meal that day, so I left with an excuse."

Gu Xizhou nodded and asked Lai Li who was arrested at the same time. Lai Li also recalled that there was indeed such a thing, which was similar to the man's confession. The two seemed to have grabbed the last straw and bit their neighbor Zhou Guang. Murder, hoping for a reduced sentence.

"What about this?" one of the detectives asked hesitantly.

"Since someone has reported it, let's check it out. It's no trouble to open a cement block and take a look."

"Then check it out."

After a few discussions, Gu Xizhou and Fang Zhi took the other two criminal police officers and one of the robbers, Wei Zhong, the robber who had just been kicked and cried by Gu Xizhou, and drove to Wei Zhong's place. Under the guidance, he rushed to the community where he lived.

Wei Zhong got out of the police car at the gate of the community, and the woman standing chatting at the gate was stunned, pointing at Wei Zhong.

"It's this third Wei again, I don't know what happened! The police are here!"

"This person doesn't go to work, and is supported by his wife every day. Wouldn't it be murder?"

"Murder? How dare he have the guts? He wouldn't dare to lend him two hundred guts..."

After getting out of the car, Wei Zhong glared viciously at the aunts at the door, and cursed, "Damn long-tongued women."

"Second Wei, isn't what we said true?"

"It's an honor to rely on your wife."

A few aunts didn't give in much, they were quick to talk, muttering and scolding again, and some people came over to inquire about the news and asked Wei Zhong what happened.

"Let's get down to business first, show the way, and don't write ink," Gu Xizhou raised his eyebrows after listening to him and several aunts scolding him, saying some vulgar words, "Do you still want to reduce the sentence?"

"Think! Comrade police, it's inside..." The man pointed to the community. Fang Zhi and another policeman stood aside, guarding the man as he entered the community.

Walking into the community, less than 50 meters ahead is the tea shop Wei Zhong said. The tea shop was renovated on the first floor, and the illegal construction took up the greening in the community, but this old community, because all the old neighbors did not People reported that there were three tables of mahjong in the tea shop in the afternoon, and when they saw the police coming, they were all stunned.

"It's this concrete pier," Wei Zhong said, pointing to the concrete pier with the umbrella on it.

The owner of the tea shop seemed to have heard the news and came out of the room, stood on the stairs, and asked, "Hey, what are you doing?"

"Yo, what's wrong with Wei Zhong?" The tea shop owner was wearing a brown short-sleeved shirt and some whitish jeans, holding a cigarette in his hand.

Gu Xizhou ignored the boss, but looked at Wei Zhong and said, "Are you sure it's this cement block?"

"Sure!" Wei Zhong nodded.

"Boss, he testified that there are human heads hidden in the cement mound, and the police must check it out of obligation." Gu Xizhou said.

The tea shop owner looked at Wei Zhong cheerfully, "Oh, he said that I was drunk that day, right? I was just joking, but I didn't expect him to take it seriously! Comrade police, don't believe him, just Just kidding, I've been using this cement block for four or five years! How could someone's head be in it!"

Gu Xizhou heard the words and said, "Of course I believe you, but if he reported it, we must verify it. You can rest assured that we will pay you the money for this cement block."

"Break this cement block."

As soon as Gu Xizhou finished speaking, the owner of the tea shop rushed up and stopped him: "Really not, don't believe Wei Zhong, this scoundrel, I..."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Gu Xizhou: "Open it and see it, and then do it."

"Really not, don't believe him!" the tea shop owner said anxiously.

"The more you stop it, the more I'll watch it." Gu Xizhou looked at the tea shop owner coldly, and noticed that the man's forehead was covered in cold sweat, and his heart sank.

Puff puff.

Pieces of cement splattered, and a moment later—

"Yes! There are heads! There are real heads!" Wei Zhong smiled happily, "Comrade police, it is true! It is true! Can I get a commutation of my sentence?!"