Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries

Chapter 95: Don't come near me, annoying/mortal


"But..." Hearing Ake's words, someone who couldn't understand opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

Si Yu on the side glanced at a few people lightly, his eyes were calm, obviously he didn't take the words of this group of people to heart at all.

Gu Xizhou: The lethal power of Mr. Si's eyes is so great? You just shut up like that

Seeing him so careless, the people around him obviously didn't take them seriously... A few virgin bitches suddenly look at me and you shut their mouths tacitly, standing aside as quiet as a chicken.

"Look." Si Yu handed the composition paper in his hand to Gu Xizhou, Gu Xizhou subconsciously took the composition paper in Si Yu's hand, and his eyes fell on the composition paper.

"my mom"

My mother is very hard. She wakes up at 5 o'clock every morning for work because her work place is far away from home.

My mother is very strict. She will supervise my studies every day when she comes back from work. In fact, I don't like studying, but for my mother, I will work hard!

My mom will make me breakfast in the morning and put me to bed at night, she is the best mom in the world!

Gu Xizhou glanced at the content of the composition paper, the composition of the elementary school students, the elementary school students' fonts as large as the composition grid, and he could see that there were countless revisions and revisions, and there were traces of erasers.

Gu Xizhou frowned slightly, the content seemed to be nothing special.

"What's written on it?" It's only natural for March to care about clues. After all, they can only leave the Death Amusement Park by solving the task as soon as possible.

"Look at it for yourself." Gu Xizhou handed the composition paper to Ma Qi, and the people around him rushed up. When they saw the content on the composition paper, they showed a thoughtful expression, and a moment later they showed a confused expression.

Several people whispered:

"This is the only content on this composition paper? It doesn't seem to make any sense!"

"Is this the class composition written by the kid? Is there any content that hasn't been revealed yet?"

"This thing may be a key item, right?!"

Si Yu pouted when he heard the words of several people.

In fact, since Gu Xizhou handed him the composition paper just now, he knew that this piece of paper was probably useless. Except for the composition content on it, he wanted to laugh when he saw a few people blushing over the safekeeping of the piece of paper. If it was really useful, Si Yu would never give them anything.

Gu Xizhou was about to laugh at a few idiots, when Si Yu took three steps and two steps, grabbed him and kept him away from the merry-go-round.

The other people suddenly became quiet, pointing behind Gu Xizhou with their fingers, and swallowing frantically at the same time.

"Gu Ran, you, behind you..."

"What's wrong?"

"Don't look back," Si Yu said in a low voice, "that dead ghost who doesn't have it is staring at you."

Gu Xizhou: "?"

Ignoring Si Yu's instructions, Gu Xizhou turned his head and saw a dead face behind him, and when he turned around, he came face-to-face with him, staring at Gu Xizhou with bloody eyes, "You lied to me... you Said I was going to die! You said I was going to die!"

Gu Xizhou frowned slightly and blocked the ghost's face with his hands. He thought about it carefully.

Damn, how could he forget, this ghost is the one who gave him his seat just now!

At that time, he casually pointed at a Trojan horse, and even patted his chest and assured the ghost: Don't worry, sit down in that position, and guarantee an early death and an early death!

Gu Xizhou: "..."

The unlucky ghost glared at Gu Xizhou viciously, with the attitude of biting and eating Gu Xizhou's bones.

Just when everyone thought that Gu Xizhou was going to be unlucky, they saw Gu Xizhou put his hands on the shoulders of the unlucky ghost, and said, "I and you are brothers, how could I lie to you?"

"Come, come, come with me, I promise to send you to death!"

The unlucky ghost looked at Gu Xizhou suspiciously. At first, it thought it was Gu Xizhou playing tricks, so it was very suspicious and hesitant. The blue-purple face was expressionless and looked at Gu Xizhou coldly.

Gu Xizhou pulled the unlucky ghost and said to the Trojan horse that was working, "borrow your office and I'll send it to death."

The work ghost who had been beaten by Gu Xizhou before quietly gave way, leaving enough space for one person and one ghost.

Everyone shivered when they saw Gu Xizhou and the unlucky ghost enter the staff's office together.

Ake said worriedly, "Gu Ran won't be in trouble, right?"

"Should... No, isn't there a ticket? It can't hurt us, right?" Ma Qi's eyelids twitched, he knew that Gu Xizhou was daring, and he had attacked the ghosts on campus before, but he didn't expect this person You are so courageous, how dare you close the door and talk to ghosts about life!

Ye Shu frowned and said, "You'll know when you look at it."

"Who is going?" a man asked at this time, "You dare to go?"

Ye Shu glanced at the pale man, didn't speak, and walked directly to the office door.

"Wait," Si Yu stopped Ye Shu, "you stay here, I'll go."

As soon as Si Yu walked to the door, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open. Gu Xizhou walked out. Everyone looked at him and asked in surprise, "You? Are you okay?"

Gu Xizhou stood on the spot and tilted his head slightly, "What can I do? Doesn't it just want to die? It's better to help it die."

After saying that, Gu Xizhou grabbed the wrist of Di Siyu who was planning to find out, gave him a look, and shook his head, "You don't want to see what it looks like now, let's go to the next project first."

Si Yu was silent for a while when he saw the feet blocked by Gu Xizhou and a pool of blood, and finally nodded.

Everyone left, and the unlucky ghost who fell to the ground looked at the ceiling of the staff's office speechlessly, suspecting that the ghost was born, it was beaten!

When the unlucky ghost suspected that the ghost was born, it heard a faint sigh, and one of its eyes fell to the ground and saw the owner of the voice - the working ghost of the amusement park.

The working ghost in blue clothes sighed, "Oh, why can't you think about it?"

The unlucky ghost felt that he was being sympathized with, and just wanted to say thank you, then he heard the work ghost say - "Fortunately, I wasn't beaten by a ghost, it's finally balanced."

Unlucky ghost: …

It was beaten up in this office just now, and the man asked while beating:

"Are you dead?"

"Hey, brother, are you dying? Squeak!"

"How do you feel about this fist?"

It humiliated and said three words under the beating: "I am dead."

Then the man said proudly: "I told you that I promise to die, right! I am a person who keeps my word!"

The unlucky ghost has a dirty word to say: fuck your mother's word.

Ten minutes later, everyone passed through the crowd and finally arrived at the bumper car. At this time, the little boy had long since disappeared. Obviously, the boy was queuing for other projects.

Lu An and his muscular partner lined up at the back of the line. It was not surprising to see Gu Xizhou and the others. The changes that had happened behind the tickets were a reminder.

Previously, the number behind the carousel changed to 33/33, and the number of the bumper car also changed to 0/25, which means that there are still 25 people who survived.

"Has there been any change after you both sat on the Trojan horse?" Luan asked in a low voice.

Ake glanced at Lu An with a complicated expression. In the end, she didn't care like the others, and told Lu An about the composition paper they got and the content on the paper.

"Show me the composition paper." Lu An reached out and said to the girl who was holding the composition paper.

Ake said solemnly: "Show things to Brother Lu, we must cooperate, and we can only leave if we cooperate."

After Luan and his companions read the content, they told everyone what they saw now.

"We wanted to continue looking for the kid after we rode the merry-go-round, but before we found him... We found out that there was an item behind the ticket, and then we hurried to the bumper car item, and saw those ghosts bumping around."

"Oh, when they collided, their... um... hands, feet, and heads would sometimes fall on the field, and they would drive back to pick them up. You said that the Trojan can eat people. I guess this bumper car will touch our limbs, and the rest We haven't found out for the time being, we're almost here in line, so hurry up and line up."

Ake thanked Lu An and was entrusted by others as a representative. She had the cheek to ask Gu Xizhou four people who had VIP tickets for help. Ma Qi didn't want to embarrass the little girl. When they came, only this girl was kind. Tell them the news, and no one else bothers to listen to them.

Lu An looked confused: "What VIP tickets?"

After everyone talked about Gu Xizhou and the others having VIP tickets, Lu An and his companions suddenly realized.

"Forget it, Gu Ran, it's better to take them to the queue. After all, we can get the clues quickly, otherwise we have to spend time with them when they wait in line."

Ma Qi opened his mouth to make a round, Gu Xizhou thought about it, Ma Qi was right, everyone had to pass through the amusement park facilities to get clues. , it's quicker to jump in.

If there are some idiots here who don't go to the project, maybe they will die together.

Gu Xizhou snorted, Ma Qi saw that he was relieved, he sighed with relief, and said, "Then I will get the ticket to find it!"

"No, wait, pay attention to observe the rules, wait until you find out the rules before going to them to jump in the queue, don't worry." Si Yu touched his chin with one hand, his eyes closed slightly, and he looked into the bumper car field, where white circles were drawn on the field. , countless bumper cars collide with each other.

Others also observed together, talking at length:

"Is it based on male and female? Suppose the weight of a man is 2 and the weight of a woman is 1. Look at that one man and a woman whose weight is 3 and was hit by a car with a weight of 4 by two male ghosts!"

"It seems so!"

Hearing this, people who originally bought tickets for a boy-girl group had a lot of thought in their hearts.

Gu Xizhou frowned, turned to look at Lu An, and asked, "Did you see the same situation before?"

Lu An shook his head slightly, "No, I remember clearly before that a man and a woman knocked over the car of two male ghosts! I don't think it's a matter of men and women."

Several people couldn't argue, Gu Xizhou kept waiting for Si Yu to speak, Si Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, "Lu An is right, the rules should not be a matter of men and women."

"What is that?" The tall man who had just snatched Ye Shu's seat asked anxiously.

Si Yu ignored him and continued to observe the situation on the field.

"Cut, pretend to be mysterious." The tall man forced a whisper, and then talked with another companion, but he couldn't hear what he was saying.

Gu Xizhou looked at Si Yu, "What should I do now?"

"Get a ticket and jump in the queue, I thought about it."

With Si Yu's words, Gu Xizhou smiled at him, "Okay, Mr. Si! I'll go right now!"

Ma Qi, who had wanted to go, froze for a moment, shrugged, and resigned.

Gu Xizhou trotted all the way, and the ghost worker who grabbed the bumper car said something, and then entered the office with the ghost. Within two minutes, the ghost followed Gu Xizhou out.

It's just... its clothes... seem to be a little disheveled.

If this is someone else, it is estimated that they will think that something indescribable happened to them.

The ghost was a little silent, opened the door, and the big man just sat directly in a car, and a man sat beside him at the same time.

"Eh? Zou Jue and I are in the same group!" A girl asked with a slight frown.

The person called Zou Jue looked away in guilt, apparently unwilling to form a team with this girl...

Si Yu glanced at the two with a funny look, and then said to the others, "Don't panic, it's not the weight."

The two looked at Si Yu at the same time and seemed to be waiting for an answer, but Si Yu didn't tell them. Instead, he pulled the others and whispered a few words to them. The two men couldn't hear the sound at all.

The girl who was abandoned by Zou Jue teamed up with Mei Xiao.

"What the hell did you say? You tell me?!"

The girl who had just been abandoned rolled her eyes at him and scolded, "Fool, fuck me!"

After the girl finished speaking, she silently drove the bumper car into the venue.

The color of each car is different. Gu Xizhou sat in the co-pilot, sitting at ease, while there was Si Yu driving, he lay very peacefully and didn't need to use his brain.

Si Yu looked at his comfortable face and asked, "You don't want to know how to judge?"

"The color of the car is different... Forget it... Don't think about it, anyway, after you figure it out, I'll just follow!"

After Gu Xizhou finished speaking, Si Yu looked at him and shook his head helplessly, " have to learn to judge for yourself. If I'm not here this time, you will be miserable!"

"But you're here, it means I'm lucky! I can meet you in this way!"

Si Yu paused slightly when he heard the words, and then said, "You are indeed lucky."

But Si Yu still explained: "It's actually very simple, there are no rules for ghost driving, but you can determine how not to collide with other people according to the color of the car. For example, if our car is red, then blue and white The path traveled by the two-color bumper cars is the death path for us."

"After each lap, the death path is cleared."

"You have experienced the world before, so you shouldn't find it difficult." Si Yu said lightly.

Gu Xizhou: "..."

Gu Xizhou felt that his brain couldn't keep up!

He knows the path of death! The world has met before!

"You just watched it for a while... Are you sure? This rule is more complicated than the last one!"

But Si Yu was looking at this place for ten minutes to find out the rules of the death path. This is unscientific!

Si Yu glanced at him and said, "If I didn't have the foreshadowing of the previous mission world, I couldn't have thought of it so quickly, but it's okay, I can write down every lap they go through, it will take more time at most, so it doesn't count. too difficult."

Gu Xizhou: "..." I'm sorry, he took back what he said before, the difference between him and Si Yu is not the judgment and action after thinking!

At this moment, Gu Xizhou looked at Si Yu, he felt that Si Yu had a special temperament in his whole body - don't come near me, annoying/mortal.

Gu Xizhou, who can only violent hard steel ghosts: I feel that the whole person's IQ has been crushed, so uncomfortable and dry.