Memory Lost

Chapter 109: After the bloody battle (1)


The night was already deep.

Su Mian sat alone in the study, looking at the file in front of her.

This is what Han Chen got from the director today, that is, the most in-depth and detailed information they could get about the big case five years ago. Han Chen has already seen it, but she hasn't.

Taking a deep breath, she opened it, and the black title on the title page made her slightly startled.

"4.20 Summary of Serial Murder Cases - Ministry of Public Security 2009 No. 001 Case".

Although it is only marked as a "brief summary", there is also a thick stack.

Su Mian continued to scroll back.

"From January 2008 to January 2009, our city launched more than 10 homicide cases in succession. The murderers used various methods such as poisoning, explosion, and dismemberment to kill the victims. The victims involved wealthy businessmen, white-collar workers, and ordinary citizens. etc., properties worth over 100 million were plundered. The criminals’ criminal methods are rigorous and careful, and it is extremely difficult to detect. The city bureau initially suspected that there was an organized criminal gang that planned and carried out these cases. A special team was established to investigate the case together. "

The wording of the report was very concise and calm, but from these words alone, Su Mian could imagine how much shock the police had been caused by the sudden rise of the seven-member group. Lian T, a criminal who is savvy and good at murder, is only the least senior in the seven-member group.

"Members of the task force: Chen Weiliang, deputy director of the Municipal Branch, Ma Botao, captain of the Second Brigade of Municipal Criminal Investigation..."

After that, there are the names of some detectives. And Han Chen's name was also in it.

Su Mian looked at these two very familiar words, but her heart was slightly blocked. It was as if she had finally touched on the covered up past, and touched the wounds and pains of her and Han Chen when they were young.

"After months of hard investigation, the task force initially determined the composition of the criminal gang: it is estimated that the core members are 7-9 people, and the peripheral auxiliary personnel are 10-15 people. Because the gang holds heavy fire weapons, the task force plans to Around March 20, the gang members were arrested and captured in one sweep."

The text is flat and straightforward, and the work content of the task force is covered in one stroke.

However, after that, there are paragraphs of thrilling text:

"On April 20, there was an accidental shootout between the second armed police team and the criminal gang at the stronghold, resulting in the death of 5 armed police officers, serious injuries to more than 10 people, and the killing of 3 criminals.

On the evening of April 20, a series of explosions suddenly occurred at the ambush site of the task force. The explosion killed and injured more than 10 citizens. Chen Weiliang, the deputy director of the city branch, and three criminal policemen died on the spot; The headquarters of the criminal gang was destroyed and several criminals fled.

From April 21 to 24, there were multiple serial killings in various locations in the city. The criminal methods were similar to the previous cases. In a few days, more than 10 innocent citizens were tragically killed. Suspected remaining criminals, public provocation and revenge against the police.

From late April to mid-June, the police continued to arrest 2 criminals and killed 3 criminals in and around the city. After interrogation, they confessed to the crime from April 21 to 22, and a variety of crime tools and evidence were also found at the scene. And unanimously confessed that there are no other suspects at large.

In the following year, the police continued to search and trace, but no trace of other criminals was found, and no similar cases occurred. 4.20 The case was solved, and the case was closed and archived. "

Just as she was fascinated, someone suddenly hugged her from behind.

Han Chen, who had just taken a shower, had a touch of dampness on his cheeks. He looked down at the file with her and asked, "How does it look?"

Su Mian chewed on the words, her heartbeat was still fast, and replied, "How could the arrest operation be like this? Such a large casualty."

Han Chen replied, "It must be the police's arrest plan, but something went wrong." He took the file from her, watched silently for a moment, and then said, "I checked, and shortly after the April 20 case, the Municipal Bureau of Criminal Investigation The team captain, as well as another deputy director, resigned."

Su Mian was silent.

It was thought that the major case with more than 64 casualties may be a perverted hunting meeting in the capital of the seven-member group that committed all evils. I didn't expect the truth to be so tragic, there are crazy hunting, and there are bloody battles between the police and the bandits. What Xin Jia said before his death "both loses" is really not an exaggeration at all. In the end, how did the two sides fight their wits and courage, and finally were dragged into the vortex of blood

It is no wonder that the police want to seal the file as a secret.

After a while, she whispered, "I don't have my name in here from beginning to end."

Han Chen put down the dossier, turned her face and said, "I didn't see how brief the information they gave? Why did you write the name of the undercover agent? And now, who knows you're alive?"

Su Mian nodded and added, "If it's true as Xin Jia said, there are still 5 people alive. Then, even though they have been lurking in the past, they definitely haven't stopped killing people. That's their nature and can't be changed. It's just that. It’s more successful to hide. If we really catch one of them, the remaining four may stand up and fight back.”

Han Chen nodded slowly.

For a while, neither of them spoke. Su Mian's mind seemed to have that scene: Five serial killers finally walked out of the dark border. And she and Han Chen, as well as the entire Black Shield team, are about to face the old and new grievances and compete with them.

Will that be a new bloodbath

However, it is impossible not to fight. They cannot be allowed to escape the punishment of the law and continue to lurk in the crowd to kill.

"Can I make some portraits now?" Han Chen asked again.

Su Mian flipped through the information again, but the content behind was very detailed. It was the detailed information of all the victims of the year, including the victim's resume and photos, the murderer's method of committing the crime, on-site photos, and autopsy reports. And it has been classified according to the way of death: bombing, poisoning, digging hearts, sniping... Sniping is undoubtedly a feature of t, and the poisoning must be related to Xin Jia. The rest are naturally the masterpieces of several other perverted killers.

She nodded: "You can do some preliminary portraits."

"Okay. Tomorrow morning."

Su Mian thought about the decision he announced in the office today to set up a task force, and sighed a little, and asked, "Are you really going to try them all?"


Su Mian thought for a while, then said, "I don't dare to tell others, Zhou Xiaozhuan is definitely not."

Han Chen smiled and looked down at her: "Why?"

Su Mian leaned into his arms and replied, "How can he be a serial killer like that? The seven-member gang must also pick people."

Unexpectedly, Han Chen replied, "You are also very second, so why don't I also choose?"

Su Mian: "...Fuck you! I don't have him!"

Despite the seriousness of the case, the two still smiled at each other. After a while, Su Mian sighed again, "Although I haven't been in contact with the cold face and nagging for a long time, I hope they don't."

Han Chen didn't comment too much on these two confidants, and asked, "Where's Xu Sibai?"

Su Mian was startled, and when she looked up, she saw Han Chen's eyes.

Xu Sibai's face appeared in Su Mian's mind, and the eyes he stared at her.

She shook her head: "if I were to judge, he would definitely not be. He has been by my side for the past few years, and he has never been the same. All his body and mind are devoted to forensic work, and he really has no desires. Some things can be Pretend, some things can't be faked, such as a person's pure heart, firm will and pure pursuit."

She spoke decisively, her eyes were clear and gentle, Han Chen looked at her for a long time, smiled, lowered his head and kissed her heavily, biting her lips, causing her to suffer a little pain, but his mouth was gagged again. speechless.