Memory Lost

Chapter 15: his obsession


A woman's intuition is sometimes a strange thing.

For example, today, whether or not to eat breakfast and who to eat breakfast with are really trivial matters. But Bai Jin Xi thinks of Han Chen's back walking away alone, and feels a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Thinking about her, she is still too soft-hearted.

Sitting in the car returning to the police station, Zhou Xiao Zhuan glanced at Bai Jin Xi.

After a while, he looked at her again.

Bai Jin Xi is tying up a bag of xiaolongbao, and then putting it in a paper bag to keep warm, she asks without raising her head, "Why are you looking at me?"

Xiao Zhuan was a little sad: "Boss, do you like that Han Chen a little? You didn't go to breakfast with Forensic Doctor Xu just now."

Bai Jin Xi simply ignored him.

"But if you really like someone, I will definitely support you." Xiao Zhuan made up her mind, "I can only abandon Forensic Doctor Xu."

"Don't worry." Jin Xi put her hands behind her head, "I like no one who likes Han Chen."


Jin Xi looks ahead: "He's thinking too much."

Soon to the police station.

Pushing open the office door, Jin Xi saw Han Chen sitting by the window with a sandwich in his hand, looking at the whiteboard in the room. There is a lot of stuff written on the whiteboard.

Hearing the movement, he glanced at her, then took a bite of the sandwich and continued to stare at the whiteboard.

Jin Xi recognizes the sandwich, it was bought from Starbucks on the street.

What's so good about that.

She walked over and put the hot buns on the table: "Hey, eat this. Why are you walking so fast, I didn't know Xu Sibai suddenly asked me to eat." After a while, he said, "I'm sorry. "

Han Chen was still staring at the whiteboard, and slowly leaned back into the chair.

"It's okay. It's human nature to put more emphasis on sex than friends, don't believe what you say, and don't need to apologize."

Bai Jin Xi can't help laughing and crying: "He's not lust." Looking at his profile, he thought: If you want to talk about lust, you're lust.

Han Chen reached out and dialed the plastic bag and put down the sandwich.

"What stuffing?" He pinched one.

Bai Jin Xi felt a little happy in her heart, and sat down opposite him: "The cabbage meat, I bought it at a roadside stall, it's very delicious." She originally wanted to tell him that roadside stalls are the best delicacy. Who knew that he glanced at her and put the bun back again.

"I got it." He picked up the sandwich and continued to eat.

Bai Jin Xi can sense something—he thinks the roadside stalls are not clean.

this man! The stalls in the old neighborhood are not necessarily as clean as the big hotels! The boss likes to eat it.

It's really a son-in-law, and he's so picky when he's a criminal policeman. She has never seen any detective who eats Starbucks for breakfast!

She immediately brought the steamed buns back, and decided to go to the director's place to be courteous in a while.

At this time, Zhou Xiaozhuan knocked on the door and came in.

"Boss, Han Shen, do you want to analyze the case? Can I listen in?"

"Yes." Bai Jin Xi replied.

Zhou Xiaozhuan moved a chair and sat beside him. Han Chen stuffed the last sandwich into his mouth, rubbed the wrapping paper, raised his hand and threw it into the trash can in the distance: "Let's start."

Bai Jin Xi speaks first.

"What is certain is that the same person committed the crime in the first two cases, and another person in the third." She said, "In the first two cases, the perpetrator was calm, composed, and had a strong control over the scene. And he He was an angry rapist who destroyed the scene to express his emotions. But we look at the third case, according to the victim's statement, the perpetrator was very busy, and he didn't smash the scene - he didn't have that emotional need Vent, and even fled in the end. If it is replaced by the first criminal, it is absolutely impossible to retreat. "

Han Chen was silent. Xiao Zhuan interfaced: "Yes! And Chen Lijiang appeared on the action map of the two victims. This is an irreversible fact."

Bai Jin Xi nodded, "Yes. The main culprit must be Chen Lijiang. There is no doubt about that. What we lack is only evidence for him. Besides, when the results of the identification of the footprints come out, we will most likely be able to convict the second person."

Xiao Zhuan: "So they are accomplices?"

Bai Jin Xi replied, "Yes. Judging from the fact that the second person imitated Chen Lijiang's modus operandi, he must be someone close to him. And he committed the crime at this time, creating an alibi for Chen Lijiang."

"Then it's most likely a worker in the same dormitory as Chen Lijiang." Xiao Zhuan took out the photo of the three people and frowned, "Who is it?"

Bai Jin Xi and Han Chen's eyes fell on the photo at the same time.

"Zeng Fangping."

"Zeng Fangping."

Sounds sounded at the same time.

Then the two looked at each other.

Zhou Xiaozhuan was startled by their unanimous voice and asked, "Why?"

Bai Jin Xi glances at Han Chen and replies, "Not only because he has the closest relationship with Chen Lijiang, but the victim Manman's description of the criminal's behavior is also the most appropriate to Zeng Fangping. Also, Xiao Zhuan, you remember that I told you about the four aspects of the rapist. The second type is the compensatory rapist. In reality, he is shy and introverted and lacks a sense of accomplishment. Rape can give him a great sense of accomplishment and compensation. Look at Zeng Fangping, how fit the portrait of this type of rapist is! "

She sighed, and those beautiful eyes narrowed naturally.

Zhou Xiaozhuan interrupted: "Boss, didn't I tell you, don't talk like this, you look like a fox..."

"Shut up!" Bai Jin Xi hurriedly interrupted him, her face was a little hot, and she looked at Han Chen subconsciously. It was then that he looked away from her face.

Che, she's not like a fox or something.

Xiao Zhuan smiled "hehe" and remembered another question: "Han Shen, how did you come to the conclusion that it was Zeng Fangping? Ah, are you also good at criminal psychology? It's amazing."

Bai Jin Xi silently gave him some wax in her heart: Xiao Zhuan is well done. No one is better than you, no one is better than you!

Han Chen took out the cigarette, tilted his head and nodded one, flicked the match, and threw it into the trash can. Then he took a breath and looked up at Zhou Xiaozhuan: "What is Criminal Minds? I've never heard of it."

Zhou Xiaozhuan was stunned.

And Bai Jin Xi looks at Han Chen's profile, and has only one thought:

Really... asshole.

At this time, Han Chen took out the photo of the footprints from the table and threw them in front of them: "The step length is 26 cm and the stride length is 76. The site is relatively soft yellow-brown loam, and the footprint depth is 0.3. According to these items It is inferred that the suspect is about 178 cm tall and weighs 70-72 kg. Of the three, only Zeng Fangping is eligible."

Bai Jin Xi and Xiao Zhuan said "oh" at the same time.

The two looked at each other.

This is the skill of step tracking. The Guanhu Police Station did not understand this, but they all saw that the colleagues of the Municipal Bureau had used this skill. It was only after the detective collected the data on the spot at the time, he went back to the office and used a computer to do comprehensive calculations for several hours before he came to an accurate conclusion. Han Chen took two glances at the scene, and then figured it out in his mind

Xiao Zhuan stared at Han Chen with new admiration in his eyes. And Bai Jin Xi thought to herself, he used traditional criminal investigation methods, and she used criminal psychology, but she did not expect that they would end up in the same way in the end.

At this time, Han Chen also looked at her, his eyes were very quiet.

Now that the conclusions are unified, the remaining work is to reorganize the case and look for missing clues and evidence.

Jin Xi and Xiao Zhuan look at the whiteboard in the room at the same time.

Above is a very beautiful small letter, writing the basic information of each case-

"1. Ma Xiaofei's case 2. Ji Yaxin's case 3. Zhao Manman's case

When: Saturday, August 2, Wednesday, August 6, Wednesday, August 13

Address: No. 17, Mianyang Lane, No. 5, Daonan Lane, No. 10, Daoli Lane

Crime features:…”

Han Chen put a cigarette in one hand and put it on the armrest, while the other hand turned over the file on his leg.

Xiao Zhuan was the first to notice: "I thought of it! The nights of the three incidents were sunny, with no rain and no wind."

Han Chen and Bai Jin Xi did not speak. This is inevitable. Of course, criminals must choose good weather to commit crimes, otherwise it is inconvenient and easy to leave traces in the house.

Bai Jin Xi thought for a while and said, "The first incident happened on Saturday, the second on Wednesday, and the third on Wednesday." She looked up at the whiteboard, "Is there any connection?"

Han Chen raised his hand and took a breath: "Well."

Jin Xi flips through the file in her hand and shakes her head again, "Oh, their shift is three shifts, and they just take a rest these two days." It doesn't seem to be anything special.

After a while of silence in the house, Xiao Zhuan said, "That... There is one more point, but it may not be useful. Wednesday and Saturday happened to be the days when Chen Lijiang's ex-wife Xu Ying left home every time she was a tour guide. In the province, the weekly time is basically fixed.”

Jin Xi and Han Chen turned to look at him at the same time.

Jin Xi: "Continue talking."

Xiao Zhuan: "Uh... No, there is not much information about Xu Ying. She is not in Jiangcheng now. After the divorce, she moved to Hongyu County."

Jin Xi: "Go to her and talk to her in detail immediately to learn about Chen Lijiang's situation. If the date choice is really related to his ex-wife, it can only show that Chen Lijiang's obsession is really deep. The deeper a criminal's obsession, the psychological The more distorted; the more distorted, the more he will hope to achieve his own obsession in his behavior. Which day he chooses to commit the crime, where he will secretly hide his tools, and where he will leave traces, all may be related to this obsession It's related. Maybe we can find evidence of conviction. Xiao Zhuan, well done!"

While she was speaking, Han Chen kept looking at her. Xiao Zhuan nodded vigorously and immediately pushed the door out.

There were only two people left in the room, and peace was restored.

Jin Xi looks at him: "Continue?"

He nodded, put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray, and knocked out another.

Bai Jin Xi stretches out her hand, palm facing up.

"Finished?" He was referring to the half of the bag that she took with her last time.

"Um… "

He threw one into the palm of her hand, and after lighting it himself, he threw the matchbox to her. After Bai Jin Xi lit a cigarette, she played with a matchbox in her hand: "Give me this box, you have a lot anyway."


Bai Jin Xi put the matchbox in his trousers pocket. The cool and hard box is actually very textured to the touch.

The two smoked cigarettes together and continued to read the file.

It was already nine or ten o'clock in the morning, the sun was shining brightly, and the room was extremely quiet. Bai Jin Xi looked at it for a while, but still has no clue. In fact, these days, as long as she has time, she will not leave the file, and she has read it many times. Therefore, it is not so easy to find a breakthrough point at the moment.

He was holding the rest of the extinguished cigarette butts, thinking about it, when suddenly he heard Han Chen's voice: "Don't look at it."

Bai Jin Xi looks up at him.

"Read." He threw the file in front of her. "Let's get started."


Han Chen leaned back in the chair, stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, closed his eyes and said, "The reading speed of the eyes is too fast, and a lot of information has not been carefully processed by the brain before it has been read. Read it out word by word, slow down The first is to give the brain a reaction time; the second is to stimulate our hearing; the third is to record many things in the confession: sounds, smells, pictures, just reading the words with the eyes cannot form an intuitive feeling, and it is easier to stimulate the brain to read them. Lenovo, find clues."

Bai Jin Xi is delighted to hear this: "It makes sense, this is a good trick, where did you learn it?"

Han Chen smiled: "Someone used to..." His voice suddenly stopped.

There used to be people who didn't like to read the dossier, always asked him to read it, and said a lot of big truths - this sentence appeared in his mind so naturally.

But now, he has solved so many cases and read so many files in the middle of the night, but no one listens to the voice of the first detective in K province.

Seeing that he suddenly stopped talking, Bai Jin Xi didn't care too much, picked up the file, turned to the victim statement of the first case, and read it.

"Time: 10:00 am on August 3rd. Location: Interrogation Room of Guanhu Police Station. Speakers: Bai Jinxi, Qi Zize; Speaker: Ma Xiaofei..." Bai Jinxi's tone is well-recognized by the office, and every newspaper reading activity is always a slap in the face. When she came, she was also reading very attentively and in cadence. "Ma Xiaofei said: 'It was 11:30 in the evening. On my way back from get off work, I heard footsteps behind me, but I didn't pay much attention to it. When I got to the door of the house...'"

While reading, she suddenly felt a little strange, and when she looked up, she saw Han Chen leaning back in the chair with his hands on the armrests, looking at her quietly. His eyes were already beautiful and rich in color, but looking at her intently at the moment made her heart skip a beat.

"Why?" Bai Jin Xi said, "What is this look? Where did I read it wrong?"

Han Chen didn't answer, he reached for a cigarette and nodded.

Bai Jin Xi continued reading: "...when I arrived at the door of the house, I suddenly saw a dark figure standing at the entrance of the stairs. I was startled and was about to..."

"Scared." He said suddenly.

Bai Jin Xi looked at him inexplicably: "What's the matter?" He looked down at the file: "It was 'a big shock'."

Han Chen raised his hand and took a breath, looking at her through the smoke: "It's 'scare', not 'ne'. Who taught primary school Chinese?"

Bai Jin Xi understands. Southerners, it is only natural that L and N are not divided. Colleagues in the north have mocked her accent before.

She said nonchalantly, "It doesn't matter. It's enough if you can understand it." However, she subconsciously paid attention to her pronunciation and continued to read: "As soon as he was about to call someone, he covered my mouth. It was very powerful. Hei, I couldn't see anything. He pressed the door and covered my mouth. I felt dizzy. He grabbed the key to open the door and pushed me in. He sealed my mouth with tape and moved very quickly. …”

"Heng hurry. What is heng hurry?" he asked suddenly.

Jin Xi rolled his eyes at him and continued: "The movement... was (hen) fast, and then tied my hands and feet with the kind of straps that can be closed. I couldn't move at all, I had to be dragged to the bed by him, and then... "

"That kind of, can't move at all, can only..." He repeated in a low voice, his voice was light, and picked out the words she read wrong one by one.

Bai Jin Xi's whole body froze, she squeezed the file tightly, raised her head and stared at him, "Is it yours or I?"

are you crazy! Stinky Beijing bastard!

Han Chen glanced at her and smiled with a cigarette.

Bai Jin Xi also wanted to laugh a little, "hum", took up the file and vowed to eliminate all distractions, and continued to read attentively: "... He opened the window, and he couldn't see anything outside, only the sound of the bell..."

"Bell." Han Chen suddenly interrupted her.

Bai Jin Xi can't bear it anymore. That's right! She is also indistinguishable between en and eng.

She looked at him with her hands on her hips: "Han Chen, you..." She suddenly stopped.

Because he saw Han Chen's expression.

Then her mind went fast.



Many clues, pictures, and sounds flashed through her mind like lightning bolts - the first victim narrated that when "he" entered "she" from behind, she raised her head in despair, saw the moon outside the window, heard The faint sound of the bell; the second victim said he saw him go and open the window, and the bell came in, and then he also dimmed the lights, turned on the TV, and put on a quiet sound; the third case occurred That night, Bai Jinxi and Han Chen were walking outside the archives, relatively speechless, when they heard the long bell.

And when he first saw Han Chen at the crime scene, he stood by the window, lit with a cigarette, and said, "The third question, when the criminal raped, why did he open the bedroom window, stupid?"

"He", is it to listen to the bell outside the window late at night!

The two looked at each other, Bai Jin Xi said quickly, "In this urban area, you can only hear the bells on the Tuofeng Mountain and Bao'an Temple on the outskirts of the city. And the bells there are only tolled during the festivals, or someone gives money and wants to pray for blessings. , I only rang at the designated time. It is said that those three nights were not festivals, and it was only possible that someone designated the temple to ring the bell. This bell must have a special meaning to Chen Lijiang, and it is probably related to his ex-wife Xu Ying. I will check it right away. !"

Bai Jin Xi immediately rushed to Bao'an Temple with a few detectives.

The results of the investigation were not what she and Han Chen expected. The abbot of the temple told them frankly that the three bells were all designated by Chen Lijiang, and Chen Lijiang was also their lay disciple, who often went to the temple to lead him to practice. The police immediately searched one of Chen Lijiang's residences in the temple, and the results were shocking and cheering: they found a lot of tape, ties, a black mask, and a black suit. And there are still some women's hair and fingerprints left on these things.

In addition, there is something disgusting - several used condoms, the liquid inside has dried up, and also hidden in a jar by Chen Lijiang. It was actually placed in a place like the Buddhist Holy Land.

In the evening, after listening to Bai Jinxi's telephone report, the director and the bureau chief were shocked and immediately issued an order to the criminal police team: "Arrest this person!"