Memory Lost

Chapter 181: The prequel suddenly east wind (2)


Of course, there have been disputes.

Or, it can't be called a dispute, but... a confrontation between the criminal psychology she loves and the traditional criminal investigation he loves.

It was three months after she went to the police station for an intern and worked with Professor Xu. One day, an extremely bad murder case occurred. Five young waitresses working in the same hotel were killed in their dormitory on a quiet winter night.

A dormitory is a set of three-bedrooms in an ordinary residential building. Su Mian followed the criminal police team to the scene to investigate, and the scene was horrific.

It was also her first independent portrait of criminal minds.

The captain of the criminal police said: "Everyone talks about their opinions. Xiao Su, if you are a criminal, talk about it..."

Before he finished speaking, the captain was actually just being polite, only to hear Su Mian answer with a crisp "Yes"!

So everyone looked up at her, including Han Chen, who was squatting in front of a corpse, frowning carefully.

Su Mian was stared at like this by a group of seniors, and she was not at all timid. Who was her idol then? It is not the experienced and prudent teacher Xu Muhua, but the legendary first person in criminal psychology - Professor Bo Jinyan. Simply admirable. So when she was nineteen at the time, whether she was thinking or speaking, it was inevitable that she would bring a thin tone - straight to the point, leaving no room. Although it is not poisonous, it is definitely majestic.

"Cough..." She cleared her throat, and the girl in a warm turtleneck and denim trousers opened her mouth like this—

"1. His age, between 20-35 years old, male. Medium stature, right-handed;

2. There were no obvious features at the scene, indicating that he suffered from mental illness. Because although the scene is chaotic, it does not show the characteristics of unorganized ability. The criminals still did a simple cleaning of the scene, but it was rather lame and unfamiliar. So this is the first time he committed a crime, and it was an unpremeditated crime;

3. He works in simple, low-paying jobs. Difficulty gaining respect and fulfillment in life, and lack of interpersonal communication. Considering the surrounding business and industrial environment, his occupation is likely to be a worker or a homeless person;

4. Focus on searching within five kilometers around, where he is likely to live;

5. He did not commit rape after murdering, but left after looting property. So sexually, he also shows repressed and special needs…”

After talking a lot, all the criminal policemen were stunned. Criminal Minds was a new thing after all, and Su Mian's academic tone was still very strong, and he almost immediately stunned everyone.

"Oh..." The police captain thought for a moment and nodded, "I think she's right. What do you think?"

Some people agree, some are stunned, and some still have doubts.

The captain looked at Han Chen again. Although he has only joined the police station for a year, this kid is already his treasure.

"Shen Er, what do you think?" the captain asked.

When solving the case, Han Chen has always been a restrained and calm person. He wouldn't be like Su Mian, who just made a guess and poured it out in a hurry, showing his trump card. Instead, after finding all the evidence, after all the chess players are sure about this game, when everyone is still in the fog, they will directly capture the suspect and let everyone be amazed—

Well, in Su Mian's words, he really liked to be handsome at the time. How cool and handsome how come.

So when the captain asked him at this moment, he thought that he probably wouldn't say much. Who knows, today, this kid was uncharacteristically and stood up. There seemed to be a loose smile on her pretty face, and she replied, "Well, I have come to a conclusion."

! ! ! !

Everyone looked at him, including the little criminal psychologist who was in the limelight just now—Su Mian.

At this time, seeing the unparalleled handsome young detective, he casually tidied up his jacket. He took out a cigarette, but seemed to remember that smoking was not allowed at the scene, so he put the slender Su Yan behind his ear, and then glanced at her vaguely.

At this sight, Su Mian's heart skipped a beat. Then he spoke:

"Footprints were left on the snow on the outside edge of the balcony. The suspect was between 170-175 in height and 60-70 kg in weight. Judging from the width of his steps, he was a young man. There were only coming footprints, no leaving shoe prints or Footprints. Indicates that the criminal entered from the balcony and left through the gate.

The criminal killed five people in a row, the soles of his shoes were stained with blood, and his footprints were also left in the pool of blood at the scene. However, there were no footprints at the gate or corridor, indicating that he had taken off his shoes when he fled. If a person walks out of the community without wearing shoes in winter, it will inevitably attract the attention of security guards. But there were no eyewitness reports at the scene. So there is reason to believe that criminals are likely to live in this community. To go further..." He looked at her intentionally or unintentionally, and said lightly: "The neighbor opposite the door, the young man we asked about just now, his height and weight are just as described, and if it were him, it would be more reasonable to climb over the window. . "

Everyone was stunned for a moment, all laughed, and a little excited, and nodded. The captain patted Han Chen's shoulder: "Nice job! I also felt that the person opposite the door was suspicious, and was a little too nervous. Xiao Liu and Xiao Zhang, immediately watch the suspect closely, the three of you, enter the house with me to search! "

Everyone was busy, and Han Chen also followed behind the captain and walked towards the opposite door. Su Mian was originally here to make soy sauce. Even though she made a beautiful soy sauce just now, who knew that when Han Chen made a move, everyone would forget about her, and no one would ask her about her criminal mentality just now—after all , the suspects are almost locked!

Su Mian stood on the spot without any task, but she was a little stunned and a little shocked. She knew that her reasoning was all right. Both the teachers and students of their Criminal Minds Department practiced this way at ordinary times. When assisting in the case, they all appeared so gorgeously and chatteringly—even her idol, Bo Jinyan. But no one told her that once a fledgling criminal psychologist encountered a genius in traditional criminal investigation and was fully counterattacked by the other party, what should he do

She dawdled back and forth, but Han Chen somehow landed at the end of the line and glanced at her sideways.

"What?" There was still a faint smile in his voice, "Did you find that your criminal mind is not so effective?"

His voice was not too loud or too small, and the first few criminal policemen laughed when they heard it, and turned to look at the two of them.

"Humph." Su Mian responded softly.

But Han Chen's original intention was to flirt with her, and the rare reasoning show was also intentional. Seeing that she is not like other policewomen at this moment, her eyes are full of envy and admiration, and she is somewhat dissatisfied. So he put one hand in his trouser pocket, raised the other hand, gestured to dig out his ear, and said lightly: "After talking so much, my ears are almost calloused. When I look back, I wrote the on-site report, and I still have to. Write your whole pile in. You will write it yourself, and I can't remember it."

This is really a childish provocation of Mr. Han's red~naked~naked. Since he has never been in a relationship, even though he is very smart, this means of provocation is at the level of a high school boy. But Su Mian had never been in a relationship, and like him, he was a very calm guy on the surface, but he was sullen and jerky on the inside. Originally, Han Chen's action made her a little confused about the criminal psychology that had always existed like a belief. So do others. But it was him, and his sloppy and disgusting tone at the moment made her even more hurt.

Su Mian is also a bit petty, not to mention in the police academy, she has always been a goddess-like existence, how could she have been bullied so many years ago. She snorted softly again, and her face turned a little red.

"Write it or not, it's up to you!" She dropped those words, stepped on her high heels, and left angrily.

Leaving Han Chen standing there, he was a little startled. And the few people next to him also booed.

"Han Chen! You annoyed Xiao Mian! Who told you to be so poisonous to beauties?"

"Hurry up and apologize! I'm going to go back and graduate, what if I don't come to our team? The whole team will come to cut you!"

"Hurry up and chase people back!"

Han Chen leaned towards the door, lit a cigarette, and said nonchalantly, "Why should I apologize? I'm not wrong."

This attitude attracted a lot of scolding from the surroundings, Han Chen didn't care, smoking a cigarette, looking at the direction she left, remembering how angry she looked just now, but only felt that her chest was soft and itchy, and there was still a little bit of it. Unknown sweet twist.

He didn't want to make her angry. He thought, he can't let her go like this.

The site survey and cross-examination came to an end soon. The suspect was caught, and all the money was taken. Go back to the police station and sort it out. The criminal police captain counted the manpower again, but found that Han Chen was also missing except for Su Mian, the non-staff who left the scene early.

"Where's Han Chen?" the captain asked.

"Oh, he said that there is something temporarily, so he will go first."

"This kid always goes his own way! Why did something happen all of a sudden? Be sure to criticize him at the meeting tomorrow!"