Memory Lost

Chapter 184: The prequel suddenly east wind (4) (2)


Case, let you know what a real hooligan is. "

Looking at the text message, Su Mian, who was standing behind the bar in the cafe, even had red ears. You must know that although Han Chen has always been a bit of a rogue, he is very reserved and cold. Now it's so blatant, she guessed that it must be because of being separated for too long...

Just as I was in a hurry, I heard a somewhat familiar voice from across the bar: "A cup of latte, thank you."

She raised her head and saw the man with whom she had met once.

As usual, it is a suit of exquisite texture, and the collar of the shirt is white and flawless. Those deep eyes looked at her with a half-smile.

What's his name

At the mall that day...

Mu Fangcheng.

Su Mian is usually not a good person. The smile on her face faded, and she replied, "22 yuan, thank you." Mu Fangcheng handed over the banknotes. She noticed that his hands were well maintained, but there were thin calluses on the tiger's mouth and palms. The nails were neatly trimmed, because they were too delicate, giving her an uncomfortable feeling.

She gave him the change and turned to make coffee. He took it with a smile and said, "Remember me? Little girl."

Twenty-year-old Su Mian was arrogant. In her heart, her love with Han Chen was more pure and important, and no one could disturb and taint her. So the man's approach made her very disgusted, and replied lightly: "I don't remember, the next one!"

"I want another piece of cheesecake." Mu Fangcheng said, pointing to the seat by the window to signal to her, "Please bring it for me, thank you."

Su Mian didn't say a word.

She told Han Chen that she was serious about coming to the coffee shop to observe the various states of life. The coffee shop is located in the bustling area, and people come and go all day long. Here, you can carefully observe all kinds of people, which is good for her criminal psychology practice.

A few minutes later, she carried a piece of cake and walked towards the uninvited guest, while habitually observing and analyzing him.


The whole feeling this man gave her was just uncomfortable. But at that time, Su Mian had really only seen high-IQ serial killers in books, and had never really come into contact with them. So she just felt that there was something wrong with every detail of Mu Fangcheng's body, but it couldn't be linked with psychopathic exactly.

He turned on his laptop, bowed his head in contemplation, as if he was the only one in the whole world and was out of tune with everyone around him; he took a sip of his coffee, his movements were too slow, full of some... self-appreciation; he The phone rang, answering the phone. It was probably a work call, and she listened to him discussing programming code. He spoke so quickly that she felt that the person on the other end of the phone would not be able to talk, and this kind of babble was a little out of tune with his appearance. And his train of thought seemed to jump extremely, even if she was an IT layman, she could hear that he was constantly changing the subject.

Finally hung up the phone, he looked a little angry, and his slender brows were furrowed. After flipping through the book a few times, he took another sip of coffee, and his expression returned to calm.

Inexplicably, Su Mian suddenly felt a chill in her heart. But at the time, she didn't know it, it was some kind of intuition, the kind that is acute and overwhelming when a criminal psychologist encounters a psychopath.

"Your cake." She put down the tray, turned around and was about to leave, but heard his gentle smiling voice ringing behind her again: "Don't get me wrong, I have no ill intentions. I just saw you... "

Su Mian turned her head and looked at him quietly.

"Just seeing you, I think you must be a very interesting and good person." He finished the sentence slowly, his eyes were calm and sincere, "I just want to know you and make friends, that's all. If you let you I'm bored, and I'm sorry."

Su Mian crossed her arms around her waist, "Why do you think I'm a good and interesting person?"

Mu Fangcheng smiled.

"Your eyes," he said. "You have very clear eyes. I've been through so many people and things, so one look can tell you apart from the crowd."

Su Mian was stunned for a moment. No woman would resent such a compliment from a man, but an uncomfortable intuition prevailed. She nodded: "Thank you, but I already have a boyfriend, so I don't need to make friends. It will indeed trouble me, goodbye."

She refused to leave no room, and Mu Fangcheng didn't seem to be too frustrated. He smiled and continued to use his net and drink his coffee.

However, some are close, it is moisturizing and silent.

A month later, Mu Fangcheng would come to the coffee shop to sit down every three minutes. Sometimes I read books, sometimes I go online. Sometimes, I will cross eyes with her, watch her make coffee, and watch her shuttle in the cafe.

And Su Mian always kept a distance from him. To tell the truth, there were not no stalking suitors before, and they all died under her ruthless beheading. And Mu Fangcheng was not a nuisance to her, nor was she enthusiastic, but more like he had some interest and appreciation for her. That's all.

Until that evening, when Su Mian came home from get off work, she was stopped by two strange men.

"Su Mian, a fourth-year student of the Criminal Psychology Department of Public Security University." The other party clearly knew her identity, and then said, "We are the Falcon No. 1 task force of the Ministry of Public Security."

Su Mian was completely stunned.

They drove ordinary black commercial vehicles, but judging from their clothes, behavior, guns, and the documents they showed, they were indeed from the Ministry of Public Security.

Su Mian got into the car with them and drove for an unknown amount of time until they arrived at a very inconspicuous office building. There, she met her mentor, Professor Xu Muhua, and two other leaders of the task force.

Since Professor Xu joined the task force like Han Chen, Su Mian hadn't seen him for a while. Seeing them at this moment, she had many hunch and guesses in her heart, but in the end she just nodded calmly: "Teacher, what are you looking for me for... What is it?"

That night, Han Chen was not present. And most of the people in the task force did not know the secret love between the two of them.

"Su Mian, we are investigating several very serious serial murder cases." Recently, I happened to be in and out of the cafe where you work. You should recognize him. According to our observation, he seems to be after you?"

"You may be his next hunting target. And our goal is not just to catch him alone. We want to catch them all."

"You don't need to do much for the time being, you just need to have some contact with him. If there is a chance, make in-depth contact; but if there is any danger, we will ensure that you evacuate safely. Professor Xu said that you are his most proud disciple, professional As capable as any female police officer, we believe that you can successfully complete this task."

"According to our investigation, some of the modus operandi of this gang is similar to the case in which your father died in the line of duty. We do not rule out that the murderer is related."

"If necessary, we will handle your withdrawal from school. Your file at the Public Security University will be destroyed, and a new identity will be forged for you to avoid arousing their suspicion. This matter is extremely important, they are criminals who kill without blinking, you It must be kept absolutely confidential, from family members and friends.”

Sometimes in life, there are not many choices.

If you were born as a policeman, there is a sea of swords and fires ahead, but if you walk through, many people will not be injured again. Do you go or not

If these criminals, it may even be related to your father's revenge. And you always remember the tragic situation before your father's death, and you were determined to never mourn for him. So, are you going or not

"I'll go." Su Mian replied word by word. It was just at the moment when he signed the undercover assignment, Han Chen's face with a cigarette and a smile suddenly flashed across his mind.

She knew the danger was looming, and she knew she was about to dance with the most vicious criminals. She even guessed that Han Chen, as a grassroots executioner of the task force, probably didn't know that she became an undercover agent.

Now the two of them are in a case. He will know sooner or later.

It does not matter.

She thought, as long as she worked hard enough, as long as she was careful enough. Help him and his task force to solve this major case. A few months later, their promise will still be fulfilled. He will complete the task and return to her, and she will regain her identity, graduate smoothly, and then go to work in his unit. Then, there will be many, many and then they will realize it together.

But at this time, Su Mian didn't know, and neither did the task force.

Everything is happening according to s plan. After all, the organization seemed so tight, and Mu Fangcheng's interest in Su Mian seemed to be just a whim, giving the special team a chance to follow suit. The reason why all this is so believable is that no one would think that they would go to great lengths for an ordinary girl like Su Mian.

No one would have thought that all this was just for love.

Prequel with red face and white hair (4)

A few days later, Mu Fangcheng came again.

It is still latte and cheese cubes, sitting by the window, as refined and elegant as every golden professional person. Knowing that Su Mian was annoying him, another waiter asked, "Then I'll deliver it?"

Standing behind the bar, Su Mian looked at the man who seemed safe and sound, and replied, "I'll go."

The tray arrived in front of him, as if he felt something, he raised his head, still looking at her with a smile instead of a smile: "Why today... I'm here in person."

Su Mian's tone was still cold, but she revealed a trace of curiosity: "I said... don't you get tired of eating and drinking the same thing every day?"

He took it with a smile and replied, "Some people don't like change."

"Oh, is it because of insecurity?" she asked.

Mu Fangcheng was stunned for a moment, then looked up at her again, but she inserted one hand into her trouser pocket and walked back to the bar in a hurry.

Mu Fangcheng laughed suddenly.

After work that day, Su Mian sent a text message to the comrade in the task force who was in charge of contacting her: "The fish has taken the bait."

After Mu Fangcheng left the cafe, he changed his route several times, and after making sure to get rid of the trailing policeman, he went to that place again.

This night, s sat in the dimly lit corner of the sofa, as if thinking about something, her body almost sinks in, her tie is on the back of the sofa, she is lazy and depressed, her long eyes are deep and hard to tell.

That's a man enough to fascinate any woman, any man. Mu Fangcheng thought so, then he walked over and said, "S, the fish is hooked."

The weather is getting colder day by day. It was almost New Year's Eve, and Su Mian didn't go to the cafe to work anymore.

Didn't go to school either.

Snowflakes are flying on weekend nights. Su Mian sat in the passenger seat of the black sedan, looking at the snowy scenery outside the window, a little dazed.

"What are you thinking?" asked Mu Fangcheng beside him.

Su Mian blinked and replied, "I miss my boyfriend. He's busy with work, and we haven't seen each other for many days." After all, there was a bit of loneliness between the words. Mu Fangcheng smiled, got out of the car, opened the door for her and said, "With such a free-spirited personality, it would seem cumbersome to have a man by your side. Be happy."

Su Mian chuckled and got out of the car, "Of course I'm happy, no one can stop me from living happily."

Mu Fangcheng walked downstairs with her to her house. Indeed, as he initially promised, he didn't do anything to her. The two get along more like like-minded friends. And Su Mian even had to admit that in many respects, this person's concepts and ideas were very unique and individual. If she hadn't learned the truth, she might really have been attracted to this friend.

And she was... equally silently trying to attract, close to him.

"How was the performance today?" he asked.

Su Mian smiled slightly and replied, "Very good. Ethereal street art, the soul of every painting seems to be taken away. Great and lowly art."

After these few words came out, she clearly saw the moving expression in Mu Fangcheng's eyes. He didn't even speak for a moment.

This was exactly the undercover principle that Su Mian formulated for herself. If you want to truly gain the trust of him, and even those behind him, you must really know them and get close to them. And the research on psychopathy was what she was good at and focused on before. These days, she has been trying to figure out their every thought and every preference. She almost lived like a psychopath.

So she was sure that she could impress him.

What she didn't know was why Mu Fangcheng was moved. It's because these paintings are not painted by so-called street artists.

is drawn by s.

And when the painting was finished, S said to them: "The soul of every painting has been plundered. Do you feel it?"

No wonder he loves her. Mu Fangcheng thought that maybe she would really have feelings for him, would pity him, cherish him, and adore him.

What a rare one for her.

"Hey, when will you show me your friends?" Su Mian asked casually.

Mu Fangcheng recovered from his thoughts, stared at her, and said with a smile: "Find a time to meet. They are also looking forward to it. But they are not ordinary people, do you really want to meet?"

Su Mian looked up at the swirling snow, and smiled suddenly, "The more unusual people are, the more they want to meet. Don't you understand?"

Mu Fangcheng did not send her upstairs.

And she walked up the dark stairs and looked back to confirm that his car had driven away. Only then did he take off his disguise and sighed, only to feel exhausted and sleepy.

She acted casually in front of him, and God knows every word has to be carefully weighed. I can't tell anyone about this yet. She didn't text Han Chen either, for fear that his distraction would affect his actions.

But he will know sooner or later.

How many days has she not seen him

I was thinking softly, when I suddenly saw a tall black figure at the door of my house. Su Mian was taken aback and took a step back when she heard the man speak, "Xiao Mian."

Han Chen!

The voice-activated light came on, and his outline was suddenly bright and clear. Su Mian looked at his short black hair, his tall and straight body, and the scarf around his neck.

And he looked at her, his eyes as dark as the winter night sky outside the building.

"Why are you here..." Su Mian rushed over and hugged him tightly. And he looked down at her and held her tightly in his arms.

"Han Chen... Han Chen..." Only then did she realize that she really missed him so much, the one who left her to focus on work and catching bad guys. She was crying, crying and laughing in his arms.

Han Chen hugged her slender waist tightly, clasped the long hair behind her head with his big hands, and lowered his head. There was still a coolness to his lips, and the faint smell of tobacco she was familiar with, and he began to kiss her passionately.

After kissing for a while, Su Mian took out the key and said vaguely, "My mother is going to study for the students at night..." Before he finished speaking, Han Chen had already taken the key, opened the door familiarly, and pushed her in. The two fell on the sofa.

"You don't think I have?" she asked softly, asking nonsense.

"What do you think?" Han Chen almost pressed her whole body under him, clasped his fingers tightly, kissed her neck several times, and raised his head to look at her.

Su Mian felt that his eyes were wrong, and his heart sank.

"I was out on a search mission the other day," he said. "I just saw the undercover list today."

Su Mian: "I won't tell you because I'm afraid you'll be worried. What if you're distracted and in danger..."

"Why don't you tell me about such a big thing?" He interrupted her. He was really angry, and his eyebrows became more and more cold.

The two didn't speak for a while.

His attitude was tough, and Su Mian felt a little uncomfortable. But he saw her scarf hanging around his neck and clasping her fingers tightly, but it was also cold, and he didn't know how long he had been waiting outside just now. Her heart softened all of a sudden, and she said aggrievedly, "Don't worry, I'm measured, and I won't suffer. Look at these days, the professors all say that I'm doing a good job."

"No." Han Chen said firmly, "Those people kill is as easy as pinching ants." After a while, he said, "You haven't seen their crime scene. I have already told the task force, are you? My girlfriend is the person I want to marry! I don't agree with you continuing to go undercover. As long as you apply, the undercover plan will be terminated, and you will apply right away tomorrow."

Su Mian bit her lower lip. Han Chen's expression was also bad.

"I won't mention it." She said, "I must continue to do it. Han Chen, do you know that this organization is likely to be related to my father's death. And the task force said that there is no other better opportunity. You are very Clearly, we can't miss this opportunity!"

"I'll avenge your father's revenge! I'll find out for you." He interrupted her again, "I'm a policeman, but you're not! Su Mian, how could I let you stay with such a group of people? "

Su Mian's heart throbbed.

He raised his head and stared at him.

"Han Chen, I can't give up."

Han Chen also looked at her and said nothing.

After a while, he let go of her and got up, the look on her face made her heart hurt. He opened the door and walked out without looking back.

Su Mian slumped on the sofa, and after a while, she reached out and hugged her knees and buried her head.

"Han bastard..."—Lao Mo: Thank you for your encouragement, all! At least let me know that I'm not so lonely~ There are still two or three chapters in the prequel, and it will end soon~ I love you all

Prequel with red face and white hair (5)

The first time Su Mian attended their party was on a snowy winter night.

It was extremely cold that day, she got into Mu Fangcheng's car and was blindfolded by a black cloth.

Wiretap trackers are not allowed, as this group of criminals has a high level of anti-detection. Sure enough, after the car drove out for an unknown time, two cars were changed in the middle, and finally stopped somewhere. Going around in circles, he must have escaped the pursuit of the police.

Then someone searched her body. After a thorough inspection and scan, I felt that Mu Fangcheng was holding her arm: "Okay, you are very 'clean', and you didn't disappoint me. I vouched for you. Let's go."

Look, what a real thing. Although it is clear that many people in this house know that she is undercover.

Su Mian followed him step by step, feeling like he walked from the dark passage to a brightly lit place.

What she didn't know was how many cigarettes Han Chen stayed in the task force tonight when she was alone in danger. He felt that he was about to be driven mad by this woman.

Music, lights, cigarettes, wine... There seems to be a lot of people around.

Then Mu Fangcheng took her and sat down on the sofa.

"Can you take off the blindfold?" She asked a little impatiently and a little curiously.

Mu Fangcheng was silent for a moment, then raised his head without answering. Crossing the crowd, he looked at the man sitting behind the bar.

It's not just him, the dozen or so people present, a, t, k, r, l... all quieted down at almost the same time and looked at s.

s, here comes your woman.

She understands his paintings. She really understood him and their group.

She is unique.

s is wearing a black casual suit and a thin turtleneck today. His hand tapped the wine glass, originally staring at the wine. Then he looked up and looked at her.

Under the light, she was wearing a dark blue sweater, her long hair falling over her shoulders. On her bright and crystal clear face like moonlight, black blindfolds covered her eyes.

She was blindfolded and brought to him.

So soft, yet so stubborn. Just like the stubborn, transparent and sensitive girl in my memory.

s picked up the absinthe and took a sip. Then he handed the remaining half a glass of wine to a.

a understood, took the wine and handed it to Mu Fangcheng.

Mu Fangcheng took it and put it into Su Mian's hands.

Su Mian didn't hesitate and drank it all.

The blindfold was taken off.

This is a house somewhere that has been transformed into a bar. Several people are sitting in front of her, but they are all wearing masks.

clown mask.

"Hi, are you Su Mian?" A tall, young-sounding man, or should be called a boy, walked up to her, "You seem to be older than me."

Su Mian looked at him, "Who are you?"

The boy's eyes behind the mask are slender and bright. He smiled, seemingly happily: "You can call me Xiao Ai. I've wanted to know you for a long time."

Su Mian also smiled, raised her head inadvertently, but caught a glimpse of the thin and quiet back of the man sitting behind the bar. He also wears a mask, but he can see the lines of his neck and side face, which are unusually white and clean.

For some reason, Su Mian felt that he was different from everyone else.

When Su Mian came home that night, it was already early morning.

It really shouldn't be called "home". She moved out of the house and rented a house by herself. One is to facilitate undercover work, and the other is to avoid danger to the mother. On the mother's side, he just made an excuse to say that something happened on the professor's side. The task force also arranged for someone to protect her mother 24 hours a day.

Su Mian drove a red minicooper into the alley. Mu Fangcheng asked her to use this car, so she used it. Of course, what she didn't know was that the car was chosen by s.

On winter nights, the alley is like a dry well, cold and deep. Su Mian felt a little irritable for some reason, parked the car randomly by the wall, wrapped her down jacket tightly, stepped on high boots, and pushed the door to get out of the car.

After walking for a while, she paused. Then continue to move forward.

There is someone behind. Watch her in the dark.

Ever since she went undercover, when she returned home late for several days, she could feel the presence of that person. She thought, it should be the stalker arranged by the killer organization.

Stupid ~ force. She cursed in her heart.

After scolding, I felt a little sad. This is Han Chen's swear words occasionally, and she also learned it at some point.

The snow on the ground was thick and covered with ice. Su Mian walked absent-mindedly, without paying attention, the soles of her feet slipped, and she screamed "Ah", almost not falling. He grabbed the tree trunk next to him, but his palm was stabbed by the thorns on the trunk.

"Hey..." She gasped, but at this moment, when she heard the footsteps of the man at the alley, she seemed a little concerned.

Su Mian suddenly reacted and turned around abruptly to see that tall, familiar figure under the street lamp.

He looked at her and she looked at him.

We haven't seen each other for a few days, why does it seem to be centuries apart

She still remembers the way he slammed the door out that day. Seeing his stern and silent look at this moment, she suddenly couldn't complain. Suddenly I realized one thing in my mind - so these days, as long as he returns late, he secretly follows her, watching her... to protect her

His eyes were so dark that he just stared at her.

Su Mian bit her lower lip, turned around and went upstairs. Then he heard his quick footsteps following him. Su Mian really wanted to slam the door in front of him, but how could she do it? Where are you still willing

He just kept the door open and sat down on the sofa with his back to the direction of the door.

He used to laugh at her "make" sometimes. She is doing it, what's wrong? She just couldn't bear it, couldn't let it go, but she just wanted him to coax her, to admit her mistake, and to spoil her.

If such a thing happens again in the future, he is not allowed to leave her and leave alone.

After a moment of silence, she heard him push the door in. Then, with a "crack," he closed the door.

The sofa sank, the familiar breath approached, and he sat down beside her.

Su Mian was still making up her mind just now, waiting for him to speak first. Unexpectedly, as soon as he approached, she couldn't help it, and she didn't want to do it, she blurted out: "These days, what I do every day and who I see are written in the report in detail. The task force can see Here, I know you can see too..."

That is a piece of my heart, my firm heart, I have written down every detail, I just want you not to worry about it, can you see

Before he could finish speaking, his mouth was blocked by him. He hugged her waist, bowed his head and kissed her. The warm, cold lips, handsome eyebrows, and familiar aura only made Su Mian fascinated. She knew she didn't need to say more, she understood his thoughts. Her, he also understands and understands.

A small rental house, in the dim light. For a while, it seemed as if there were only the two of them left in the world. Criminals, justice, morality, fear, worry... as if they have nothing to do with them, only each other's eye movements, breathing and limbs entangle.

"Han Chen..." She gently stroked the short hair beside his ear, "Don't leave me again, don't leave me alone."

"Well." He kissed her neck, her chest, and clasped her weak fingers, "I'm sorry, never again."

There were shallow tears in Su Mian's eyes, but she was so happy that she wanted to laugh. And Han Chen pressed her down on the sofa and stared at her figure as soft as rushes. Her clothes were half torn, hooking his neck, and her eyes were full of sparkling smiles. Han Chen's heart suddenly flashed a lot of emotions. He remembered that he was worried about her these days. It was a strong and profound feeling that he had never had in his twenty-three years of life. He also remembered that he had just stood at the entrance of the alley and watched her get out of the car in a beautiful figure. Her face was indifferent and her eyes were sullen. He knew she was showing her psychopathic qualities intentionally or not these days to gain their trust. But looking at her like this made his chest feel anxious...

He lowered his body, his eyes so dark that it made her heart palpitate. Then he started kissing her more passionately.

"Alright, alright..." Su Mian didn't notice his deep emotion, she tried to push him with a smile, "I don't kiss anymore, isn't it okay?"

This push, but can't push. Instead, his wrist tightened, and he was clasped again, unable to move.

Su Mian blinked and panicked, "What do you want?"

However, Han Chen directly picked her up and went into the back room.

She was thrown on the bed. Her poor warm yellow single bed.

"Han Chen, you..." She was about to sit up with her hands on the bed, but Han Chen had already bullied her, stretched out his hand and pushed her down again. Those annoying things were long ago thrown out of the sky by Su Mian, but now watching Han Chen take off his jacket, throw it aside, and approach her, he feels nervous, excited, and a little embarrassed.

Under the dim light, snow was falling outside the window. He put his hands on her sides and slowly approached. Dark eyes, like dark fire.

"Give it to me, okay?" he asked softly.

His appearance was unbelievably sexy, Su Mian's face was on fire, but his body seemed to have gone numb automatically. She really couldn't admit that after so long, she would still be called by him.

"You bastard..." she scolded, almost squeamishly.

Han Chen clasped her hands again, there was a shallow smile in his eyes, obviously very happy. There was even a hint of crimson on the fair-skinned handsome face.

"Today is a complete bastard for you to see," he said.

Winter nights are long, and the snow seems to never stop.

The heating was on in the room, so even if she was not wearing anything, Su Mian could only feel the heat and was dripping with sweat.

When the two limbs are completely entangled, they are close to each other. Only then did she feel what true intimacy was. Although Han Chen was a bit jerky many times, his absolute goal was firm and he was bound to achieve it. The two groped slowly and enthusiastically, and it felt as if their bodies had really melted together.

She was really in a bit of pain when she entered. Then habitually began to cheat: "It hurts to death, it hurts to death, I won't come." Han Chen is such a rude person, although he pets her, he will never condone. He coaxed and kissed in a low voice, but he didn't want to quit. After a while, he suddenly reacted: "You were not afraid of the pain when you hit my punch during fighting practice, but now you are screaming that it hurts?"

Su Mian groaned inwardly, she heard him start to be a hooligan, and said indifferently, "My fists can stand it, this... can't stand it?"

So rascal!

Su Mian glared at him, he seemed to be smiling, but he continued to squeeze in little by little. Han Chen is a master of fighting, and at this moment, for the first time in his life, he feels a sense of relief that is similar to opening up the two veins of Ren and Du.

Seeing him startled, Su Mian asked, "...What's wrong?"

Han Chen gave a "uh" and replied, "Comfortable."

Su Mian grabbed a pillow and threw it at him.

In the second half of the night, in Su Mian's memory, it was exciting, sweet and intense. In the end her fingers almost dug into his strong arms, and his sweat dripped down her cheeks. She didn't know what other people's first nights would be like, anyway, her back was sore, as if she had fought him hard.

No, there are fights. It was clearly repaired by him unilaterally and completely, okay

Finally, when the sky was about to get dark, the two fell asleep. He was entangled with her even in his sleep, lying on her back with his fingers clasped together.

When Su Mian woke up, she saw the sunlight outside the window at a glance. It must have been bright, but it was covered by thick curtains, revealing some light, and the room looked hazy.

There was nothing around her. Han Chen had already woken up. He sat beside the bed and put on his shirt and trousers. Because of the dim light, she couldn't see his face clearly. She only felt his burning eyes fall on her face, and she didn't know how long she had been sitting like this.

Su Mian sat up wrapped in the quilt in a daze, the pain on her body reminded her of her indulgence and madness last night.

"You're leaving?" she asked softly.

He replied, "No."

Su Mian was slightly startled. He lowered his head, reached out of his shirt pocket, and took out a small black velvet box. Su Mian stared at him for a split second, and then saw the corner of his mouth twitching as if to smile.

He got up, knelt down on one knee beside the bed, opened the small box, and brought the ring to her.

"Marry me, Su Mian."

He knelt by the bed, held her hand, and looked at her. And she was wrapped in a quilt, sitting a little blankly, looking at him.

A narrow room on a winter morning. No showy scenes, no fancy arrangements. Quiet, the most ordinary morning in my life. The room was warm and dimly lit.

That's how he proposed to her.

"You'll get married when you graduate." He said in a low and clear voice, "In my life, you won't marry."

Su Mian put her arms around his neck and threw herself into his arms: "I want to marry you! I want to marry you too!"

Get married when you graduate. In my life, you won't marry me.

I am in love with a girl. She is as warm as the sun, she is as brave as a fighter.

My love seems simple and ordinary, but I only say it once in my life.

This has gone to thousands of mountains and rivers, over the years.

Only speak to you alone.

This is going to be hot and cold in winter and summer, and drifting away.

Half of my life is lost, like a stick in my throat, just for the fulfillment that I promised you.