Memory Lost

Chapter 185: Prequel and Zi Shenmian (1)


"Saturday, April 18, weather: overcast.

My plan has been going well. They believed that I had killed someone. This is thanks to Han Chen and their arrangement :).

I haven't seen him for another seven days. Thought, but full of hope.

I think it won't be long before we can reunite. Just thinking about it makes me happy, I can't help it.

The day after tomorrow, on April 20, they planned to carry out a series of major cases. I have fully gained their trust, and I can participate in Mu Fangcheng and see everyone's true colors. That was to kill them all.

And that person.

That appearance is not, but always makes me feel different from other men.

Who is he

He always makes me feel dangerous, maybe I have to watch out for him. "

After writing the diary, Su Mian stuffed the diary into the dark compartment of the bedside table. It's not that the task force asked her to write a journal, but she wrote it to herself. To commemorate this undercover time, she thought.

Of course, there was another reason why he couldn't treat others or Han Chen.

If something happens to her, at least there is something to remember.

The appointed time has come. She changed into light trousers and went downstairs. Mu Fangcheng's car was waiting for her.

There were two other men in black in the car.

A car, Mu Fangcheng handed over a blindfold. She was slightly startled: "Didn't you go directly to the target location?"

According to the plan, today, as one of the team, she will go to a certain location to lurk and wait for an opportunity to commit a crime. Of course, "committing a crime" is false, and murder is false. The police have been deployed in advance to fully cooperate with her.

Mu Fangcheng smiled: "No hurry. The plan has changed, we have to go to a place to gather first."


five hours later.

The time was too long, Su Mian's eyes were dark, but the palms were soaked with sweat.

The car finally stopped. Mu Fangcheng pulled off her blindfold: "Here, my sister." He usually called her Su Mian, but at this moment, he seemed to have changed his name inadvertently, but it felt strange to call her Su Mian.

Get out of the car. The weather was still gloomy, and heavy clouds floated over the mountains. In front of you is an open green space and a villa.

She has no idea where she is.

Two young boys were leaning against the railing at the entrance of the villa, watching them. Mu Fangcheng greeted them: "A, T!"

This time, Su Mian completely cleared up their true identity. The two were about the same age as her, maybe one or two years old. A is better-looking, fair-skinned and handsome, with a cynical expression. Looking at her eyes, is full of interest.

"Sister!" he called to her, "Come here! I've been waiting for you for a long time, let's eat."

He used to call her that in the previous few contacts.

Beside him, the stern black-clothed T also nodded to her.

Su Mian laughed suddenly, her expression was a little lazy and a little arrogant, and she walked up to them: "Come on, I finally got to see the real face today. Che, I've never seen you pinch men."

T smiled lightly, but A showed an extremely bright smile and white teeth.

"Sister." A whispered in her ear when accompanying her into the room, "We really like you. You know us, and we want to be with you."

No one else showed up that day.

After eating, Su Mian played with them for a while, and then went back to arrange a room for her. Closing the door, his whole body seemed to fall apart, but he didn't dare to show too much clues, because he was afraid that there would be a monitor in the room.

She looked up and looked out the window at the sunset. The sun has not been seen all day, and now it appears. Blood-red clouds rendered the sky and mountains behind the villa.

The ominous premonition, like this cloud, smudges and expands in her heart.

Has it been discovered

No, not possible. Looking back on her undercover days, she never made any mistakes. And if they find out her identity and eyes, there will always be signs...

A certain terrifying thought suddenly appeared in her heart.

Do you know what the scariest thing is

The most terrifying thing is that they already knew her identity. But in such a long time together, she did not leak the slightest hint, and acted with her in this scene.

Until today, it suddenly broke out.

Without warning, she changed her crime plan and brought her to this unknown place. Now it was too late for her to notify the task force and Han Chen.

This is also in line with their usual crime style!

If so...

Su Mian felt a chill in her heart. That means that the task force's arrest plan will fail, and even stepping into their trap will suffer heavy losses.

And she was afraid that she would never go back.

Night falls.

Han Chen stood in a certain room of a building, opened the corner of the curtain, and picked up the binoculars.

"She's here." A police officer beside her said.

Han Chen's expression became more focused and serious. Through the telescope, he saw a slender woman wearing a peaked cap entering the crime scene.

According to the plan, she would shoot and "kill" two men at the scene.

The long black hair was tied tightly behind her head, and she was wearing a coat and trousers that Han Chen was familiar with. Occasionally raised his head, a familiar and pretty outline could be vaguely seen.

Everyone held their breath, watching her every move. When Han Chen came to her, he felt his heart warm. He remembered that she whispered in his arms a few days ago: "Han Chen, in a few days, will we be liberated?"

"Yeah." He replied at the time, "I will apply for leave when the time comes to accompany you."

She smiled: "To accompany me, to accompany you... Han Chen smelly rascal!"

Han Chen, Han Chen.

His name came out of her mouth, soft and crisp, as if it always had a bit of lingering meaning.

She "knocked down" two targeted men;

She drew the gun, bolted.

She "shoots".

During the whole process, she had her back to the window, so everyone in the task force could only move to her. And after this "commitment", she must be able to gain the deep trust of those people. And opened the prelude to the big case on April 20, and assisted the police in killing them all.

Everyone has to keep their eyes fixed, the main responsibility is to monitor the criminal police, and constantly report "smooth, smooth, and the goal is the same..."

Han was stunned, suddenly startled.

It was a very strange feeling, no feeling at all.

He looked into the binoculars, the woman he knew so well that he could no longer be familiar, suddenly felt strange.

But... The surveillance footage just downstairs, and the profile of the face through the telescope, is indeed her.

At this time, "she" had ended the crime and cleaned up the scene.

Then quickly fled from the scene.

When everything was over, the captain of the criminal police next to him put down his binoculars and smiled, "Everything is going well, we can close the team." When he turned his head, he saw Han Chen looking dazed.

"Shen Er, what's the matter?" the captain asked.

Han Chen didn't answer, turned around to the surveillance screen, called up a series of clips before, staring at "her".

She dresses, she behaves, she looks. She even put her hands in her trouser pockets and acted handsomely.

There was still no difference, but he felt something was wrong.

Han Chen has been working continuously for many days. After the police car was closed, he kept thinking.

The car was driving in the dark, and after a while, he took a nap in a daze.

I don't know when, when the vehicle shook, he suddenly opened his eyes, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

He knew what was wrong with "her".


Her words and deeds, her little details, made him feel stiff. imitation blunt.

But maybe only he could feel it.

Han Chen looked at the dark sky outside the car window, only to feel the chills silently attacking his heart.

If that woman wasn't Su Mian, who was it

If at this moment according to the plan of the criminal organization, the "criminal" person is not her. It's a woman who looks very similar to her...

Where is she now

"All the leaders of the Malianxian task force!" He almost growled, "The situation has changed!"

She is behind bars. Controlled by those madmen. Where will she be

He wants a horse to save her, he must save her!