Memory Lost

Chapter 187: Prequel and Zi Shenmian (3)


The atmosphere suddenly became awkward, tense and weird.

"Does it still hurt?" he asked softly. The voice was like a gurgling water, dripping in her ears.

Su Mian felt like she was sitting on needles and needles. She quickly grabbed the water glass from his hand and took a sip: "I'm fine... I'll just drink some hot water."

When he raised his head to drink water, he remained the same, so close to her. And his eyes were always locked on her.

Su Mian drank most of the water and put it on the coffee table next to him, avoiding his gaze, and said, "I'll go upstairs to rest first..."

"Frightened?" he asked suddenly.

Su Mian's heart skipped a beat. She knew what he was asking.

He even asked directly if she was frightened by the fact that she was suddenly discovered.

Playing stupid and perfunctory has no meaning. She didn't know how to answer for a while.

And she doesn't know what she looks like in the center of S's eyes at this moment

Originally, he didn't want to pick it up so quickly.

Originally, I just wanted to erase her memory and start over after planning for tomorrow.

But he sat downstairs alone, thinking of her. She came suddenly. Like a first-acquaintance friend, ask him for a lighter, chat with him, smile beautifully, like flowers and dreams.

Looking back now, every time she appeared in his life, it was unexpected to him, disrupting his plans and mood. Make him unable to look away.

Make him want to get her.

At this moment, she was in his arms. His face was crimson, his lips were white. She was afraid, she was nervous, she was caught off guard, but those eyes were still black and moving. He had no doubt that her little head was spinning fast, trying to trick him into dealing with him.

There was a slight pain in S's chest.

Originally, he didn't want to scare her.

But now that love has been known to her.

He no longer allowed her to ignore the escape.

His pride could not allow it.

"Afraid?" he asked softly. "Don't be. I'll never hurt you."

Su Mian's fingertips suddenly trembled.

And his other hand has also been buckled on the sofa beside her, completely encircling her in his arms.

Then he bowed his head and kissed.

The lights were dim, and only vague outlines could be seen. The unfamiliar and warm breath is slowly approaching. and his dark, indistinct eyes. Seeing that their lips were about to touch each other. Su Mian used all her strength to push him away. However, his skills were far better than hers, he grabbed her hands and buckled them on the sofa. Cold lips pressed down irresistibly.

This is his strong and unresistable side, which finally revealed in front of her.

Su Mian only struggled once and then calmed down. How does she resist? Now in the enemy's camp, angering him might lead to greater violations she couldn't imagine. So she didn't move any more, but was pressed down on the sofa by him, her whole body still trembling slightly.

His lips, at first tasted, stopped. Gentle and gentle, he pecked lightly on her lips. He closed his eyes and went deeper. Silent, but more and more passionate, the kiss made her a little breathless. Her whole body was as stiff as wood, and he clasped her hands tightly, ending the short but fierce kiss.

He raised his eyes, and there was a little water vapor in his eyes, staring at her quietly.

"I love you," he said softly.

Su Mian pushed him away, but this time he didn't stop the coercion and let go of her. And she immediately ran upstairs without looking back at all. Until she rushed into the room and locked the door, she leaned against the door, but she felt like her whole body had fallen into an ice cellar.

After a while, she recovered and rushed into the bathroom. The heart is trembling, but the action is very fast, assembling, debugging, testing...

The simple radio equipment is finally completed. She hid in the quietest corner and sent a password message to her contact person—Professor Xu Muhua—

"Identity has been revealed, the original plan was a trap. Save me."

After doing all this, she sat on the floor in the bathroom, motionless.

She has successfully sent the information. Professor Xu said he would open the emergency communication channel 24 hours a day. As long as he receives the message, he can confirm her location and try to rescue her.

Next, what awaits her

Will she be saved

Professor Xu, and Han Chen, can they find her

What exciting day will it be tomorrow

She lowered her head and pulled the necklace from her collar. In order to avoid attracting attention, she kept the engagement ring that Han Chen gave her. When others see it, they only think it is a necklace.

She picked up the ring and looked at the words "h&sforeverlove" engraved on the inner ring. Then he brought it to his lips and kissed it lightly.

She thought that she was ready to give up her life. If S wants to take it by force, she won't let him get it. She will only be loyal to her love with Han Chen, to the shield in her heart.

Then she will die.

He died before Han Chen and could no longer accompany him. All the promises came to nothing.

She reached out to wipe away the tears, then got up, washed her face, and walked out of the bathroom.

It's just that Su Mian didn't think at this time, what if she was ready to die? What if what S wants to plunder is her memory and identity

What if one day when she wakes up, she has forgotten who Han Chen is

How else can she stay true to her faith and love

That night, the villa was in charge of monitoring Su Mian's a, and didn't notice anything unusual about her. As for whether s was found, it is no longer known.

Until dawn, a received a call from k.

k, Xu Nanbai. The son of Professor Xu Muhua.

In the thin morning mist, Xu Nanbai's voice also sounded a little depressed and dejected: "a, you didn't think about the little junior sister. She tipped off the old man at four in the morning." The identity has been revealed, the original plan was Trap. Save me.' If this information is known to the task force, our plan will fall short."

He said "if known by the task force".

A understood in an instant, looked up at the second floor of the villa, Su Mian's room was still tightly closed.

"How is your father now?" a asked.

Xu Nanbai replied indifferently, "He was in a car accident on his way to the police station last night. It's not a serious problem, he just fell into a coma temporarily."

A was stunned for a moment, then said with a sneer, "You really can do it." In all fairness, A didn't like Xu Nanbai either. Always felt that he was the same as them, but not the same.

Xu Nanbai on the other end of the phone didn't answer.

He was standing outside the emergency room of the hospital, looking at his father's pale and haggard face through the glass. In his mind, the scene from last night appeared.

In my father's car, in the study, and in every corner of the house, cameras were installed by this unworthy son. Of course, most of them are in the form of gifts, such as a small potted plant and a pair of ink paintings. Although the old man has never been good to him, these gifts are placed in the most conspicuous position in his home.

So, when he saw from the surveillance camera that his father had received information from Su Mian and hurried out the door...

He has no other choice.

Thinking of this, Xu Nanbai felt a pain in his chest like a slow crush. He hung up on a.

And A hung up the phone, his face became a little stunned.

Although he had known it for a long time, he knew that she was just acting to them. But in the process, he clearly felt her understanding and sincerity towards them.

And now, is it finally going to be pierced

At this moment, s came out of his study. a was refreshed and said in a low voice, "s, Su Mian she..."

s looked at him calmly: "I see."

a will stop talking.

Then he looked at S, went upstairs in person, walked up the stairs step by step, and walked towards Su Mian's room.

For some reason, a suddenly felt a little sad in his heart. For her, or for him

The door was locked, and the bodyguard behind S took out the key and opened it. aStanding downstairs, I heard Su Mian's unusually calm and cold voice from inside, "Don't even think about it, I'd rather die."

S's face was very cold, he didn't say anything and walked in.

The door closed behind him.

After a few minutes, he hugged the unconscious Su Mian and walked out.

"Let's go," he said. "Do what you have to do."

After a long time, a often thinks of this day. He thought, did s plan to accompany her to amnesia from the beginning, or did he make this decision later? What did the two of them say in that room that day? So that after that day, there is no s in the world

Or, s, who grew up in a pool of blood since childhood, is actually tired of all this? Therefore, he wanted to leave when his criminal career was at its peak. And Su Mian, was he the beginning of his redemption

Han Chen stood in front of the police command car with a cold face.

The task force leader and several bureau leaders looked at him with embarrassment.

"Xiao Han," the task force leader said, "We know your relationship with Su Mian, and know that you care about her very much. That's why I didn't agree with you to stay on the task force before. Concerns are messed up. But you are so persistent, so We also agreed."

"Right now, there is no other evidence to prove that Su Mian who appeared yesterday is fake. It's too incredible, isn't it? You don't have any evidence, you just rely on 'intuition'. Xiao Han, aren't you the most particular about evidence? I'm too worried about Su Mian, are you out of proportion?"

"Now that all the action plans have been deployed, it is impossible for us to change the overall plan just because of one of your feelings. Moreover, if Su Mian's side is actually going well and changing the plan now, one will miss the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to bring them together. The second is to rush to 'rescue' Su Mian, which may lead to her identity being revealed, and it will bring her danger."

"If you're still worried, I suggest you don't participate in today's arrest. Stay behind. Young man, relax. Didn't you receive information from Su Mian early yesterday morning that everything went well? Criminal gangs will never Discover her identity in such a short time. Trust her."