Memory Lost

Chapter 31: T's plan (three)


noon the next day.

Day 5 of the T Killing Plan.

The phone of the Black Shield Team rang suddenly, and it was the head of the Dongcheng Branch.

"Han Chen!" The branch chief's voice was also full of dignified and anxious voice, "A new victim has appeared here. And two at a time!"

East of the city, a new commercial district. The top floor of a low-rise office building.

Two men, in suits and leather shoes, were lying on the ground opposite each other, their chests soaked with blood. They all opened their eyes, but they were dead. Outside the police cordon, there was a group of terrified staff.

The members of the Black Shield team are all on-site exploration. Wearing black gloves, Han Chen stood outside the window, looking at the tall buildings across from him, his face indifferent.

Jin Xi asked the company's HR manager, "So, they are the general manager and deputy general manager of this company?"

The personnel manager nodded palely.

Nag is taking a picture of the company nameplate hanging on the wall, Jin Xi looks up, there are two registered company names—

"Huaxia Shengbao Pawnshop".

"Saxo Credit Co.".

Nagging came over and whispered to her: "Usury company. There are many such companies in Dongcheng, and they are hidden in office buildings."

Xiao Zhuan flipped over the tablet in his hand and looked up: "In Changjiang Baihe BBS, there are no complaints about this company and these two people. They are not one of the candidates before, how did T choose them? ?"

The answer will soon be revealed.

Technicians found some data on the encrypted private computers of the two deceased. It turned out to be several posts published by netizens on BBS, accusing the company of lending usury and violently forcing debts, forcing many people to commit suicide. As well as the private investigator's investigation report on the poster, the poster's name, photo, address, and work unit are clearly written.

Nag immediately called the remaining top person in charge of the company - the financial manager. After repeated questioning by the police, he finally admitted that there were indeed people who posted posts last year to "hack" their company. The two bosses used some extraordinary means to make the person shut up, and "communicated" with the forum to delete those post and threaten forum leaders never to mention these things to anyone, especially the police.

This is why the police did not find these two "candidate targets" when they obtained data from the forum and its administrators. But if T has been following the forum very early, it is possible to see the post before it was deleted.

The whole truth was finally revealed to the public. Everyone in the Black Shield team looked at the two corpses on the ground, but no one made a sound.

Finally, Nagging whispered: "It's really self-inflicted, you can't live."

Finally let T succeed again.

Five days, five victims.

Everything seems to be still developing according to the destined trajectory.

Jin Xi raised her head and looked at Han Chen who was standing by the window with his back to everyone.

This morning flashed in his mind, when he was half asleep, hugging her. His frowning, slightly stubborn face; his dark, bottomless eyes.

In a moment of distraction, he turned around and just met her eyes. He took off his gloves and said at the same time, "Jin Xi, come here."

Bai Jin Xi walks to his side.

"Any ideas?" He tucked the gloves into his trouser pockets, revealing only the black edges. He put his hands back into his trouser pockets.

Jin Xi looked at the vast buildings outside the window with him, and replied, "If you only look at the choice of the victim, T still insists on the target he chose from the forum. It's just that now he kills five people. There can be no second fish. The remaining targets are all protected by us. Next, what does he want to do? What can he do?"

"I said that T has a plan." Han Chen said, "Looking back now, every step was planned by him." He smiled lightly: "After the two victims appeared, this case It began to be treated as a chain of cases. We went to track down the people who had a life relationship with the first two deceased people, but that night, they happened to be unable to contact them... "

I don't know when the nagging interjected: "...Boss, do you mean that the Zhou family went to the hospital that day, Zheng Chengda didn't take the train or the car, so they couldn't get in touch, all arranged by T?"

Jin Xi said solemnly, "It's possible. The person who got sick that night was Zhou Silin. If T hinted to them in advance that they should not contact anyone that night, it would be completely possible. Later they knew their enemies. I'm dead, of course I won't say it when I ask, lest I become suspicious. Let Xiao Zhuan go to them again for proof!"

Han Chen continued: "If this assumption is true, everything is easy to explain. Because the police couldn't contact these two people, T had time to kill the third person, Chen Chanliang. At this time, we also tracked down the three people. The relationship between the victims is also the forum. The case of Chen Guangli was the fuse. At this time, the forum just broke the news and let the public know all about these things. What does this mean? It means that both the media and the police will temporarily protect the , but because of the pressure of public opinion, he will not let go of the dozen or so selected by him."

"That is to say, although he only punished the first three people personally, all the people who were chosen by him will be punished in the future. These people will definitely confess and be lenient, because they would rather go to jail than stay outside and be punished. He sniped." Jin Xi said, "His goal has been achieved!"

"Yes. Then today, he will personally kill these two social scumbags and fish that slip through the net—" Nagaka snapped his fingers, "All at once!"

All three were silent for a while.

Nagging asked again: "Does this inference mean that T's plan has been completed? Will he stop and disappear?"

"Will not."

"Will not."

Bai Jin Xi and Han Chen spoke at the same time.

Han Chen glanced at her and said, "The bullet casings left at the scene last time. If it's just to punish these dozen people and be a knight, there's no need for him to put his life and death like this at all."

Jin Xi nodded: "Yes. And I said, the reason why a professional killer like T intervenes in punishing ordinary people must be because he suffered shock and trauma. How did he punish the crimes of the ten or so people in front of him? Threats of death, telling the world, confessing to the law. What should happen to the person who hurt him? We haven't seen it yet. So..." She paused: "I have a feeling, these are just prologues, The next few days will be the beginning of his real punishment and revenge. With these foreshadowings, the emotions of the people have been thoroughly aroused. Then the person he is about to punish will inevitably be hung high on the city's pillar of shame It will attract much attention. At the same time, it will definitely end with a more tragic ending!"