Memory Lost

Chapter 39: Suspected dawn


Sang Xin, I saw a comment yesterday saying that this author's writing is very good, but it's too long-winded every day...

Happy reading everyone, see you tomorrow, woo woo woo~

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the office of the Black Shield Group.

Zhou Xiaozhuan sat in front of the computer and was concentrating on searching for information related to this case. On behalf of the Black Shield Team, Leng Nian went to the director's office for a meeting. It is said that the bureau leaders are actively discussing whether to continue to wait or launch a storm immediately.

Nag, sitting across from Xiao Zhuan, is also busy working nervously.

Suddenly, Naggar slapped the table and stood up: "The information of the 8 people is complete!" He took out a stack of documents that had just been printed out, and Xiao Zhuan immediately got up and ran over to take it and read it carefully.

T launched the competition anonymously, but did not disclose the final list of contestants on the forum. So they spent a lot of effort: tracking IP, deciphering email passwords, asking other netizens and insiders... Only then did they determine the names and identities of the contestants.

Ke Fan, male, 27 years old, information network engineer. Single and unmarried, he has participated in real CS competitions several times and won awards.

You Chuan, male, 25 years old, is also an IT engineer and a colleague in the same unit as Ke Fan. Single and unmarried.

Li Mingyue, female, 26 years old, employee of a financial company. Senior CS lover.

Fang Xu, male, 28 years old, interior decoration designer (part-time), single and unmarried. Live in the same neighborhood as Ke Fan.

Yan Er, male, 27 years old, freelancer, single and unmarried. Lives in the same community with Ke Fan and You Chuan.

Sun Dian, male, 34 years old, provincial vocational tourism college, library external administrator (temporary worker), single and divorced, no children.

Zhang Muhan, male, 26 years old, unemployed, senior CS enthusiast.

Le Luoxia, female, 26 years old, accountant, has been in love with Zhang Muhan for two years.

From this information, it is not clear who is suspected.

Nag picked up a copy: "I'll go to the bureau leader."

"Okay." Xiao Zhuan took the document and went back to the computer to sit down. After thinking for a while, he suddenly put his hands together and bowed towards the air in front of him: "Bless the Bodhisattva! Amitabha! We must bless the eldest and Xiaobai safe and sound."

After praying, he felt a little more at ease. He picked up the list and looked at it again, then opened another stack of case materials on the table.

Before Han Chen and Jin Xi left, let him focus on searching for murders related to CS games in the past. Now, he has a total of three homicide files in his hands, all of which happened in the past five years.

The first murder was three years ago, on the eve of a CS game, when a staff member fell from a height because of a sudden malfunction of the equipment. He has confirmed by phone with the competition organizer and the police officer in charge at the time that there is only one staff member at the scene of the accident, so the suspicion of homicide can be ruled out;

In the second case, the year before last, a company organized employees to participate in outdoor CS activities. A male employee in his fifties died of a heart attack. Xiao Zhuan looked at the forensic identification report at that time and found nothing unusual. He also looked at the company's employee list, and there were no 8 people. So it can also be excluded.

Only the third left.

He opened the folder in front of him, and the first thing he saw was a photo of a young woman.

Even in a posthumous photo, it can be seen that this is a very fair and pretty girl. With long black hair, a melon-seeded face, big eyes, and wearing a camouflage uniform, she looked even more beautiful.

The girl's name is Gu Ran, 25 years old, a clerk in a private company, and a senior fan of real CS and outdoor sports. In October last year, she signed up to participate in the largest and most difficult CS field survival competition in the province. That competition attracted more than 100 enthusiasts from across the province to participate, and many wild mountains and ridges around Lan City became a temporary battlefield.

It was during this competition that Gu Ran left the team alone and fell into the rushing stream. Two days later, the body was found in the quagmire downstream.

In summer and autumn, the mountain area has a large amount of water saving and frequent mudslides. That mountain area has had several similar accidents in the past. So on the surface, Gu Ran's death was nothing different.

Xiao Zhuan thought for a while, then pulled out the forensic report in the file, took out his mobile phone, and called Xu Sibai who was far away in Jiangcheng.

"Hello, Forensic Doctor Xu, I'm Xiao Zhuan." Xiao Zhuan said very cleverly, "I have something to trouble you. I have a case file here. At that time, the forensic identification was an accidental death. Although the body has been cremated, I would like to invite you. Let's see if there is a possibility of homicide."

Forensic doctor Xu's voice was as clear and gentle as always: "Okay, Xiao Zhuan, send it to me. I will reply to you immediately after reading it."

Xiao Zhuan repeatedly thanked him.

After hanging up the phone, he followed the phone number on the case file and called the organizer of the competition at that time: "Hello, I'm the Provincial Public Security Department. We are investigating a case, and we need the one organized by you on October 9 last year. A list of all the players and staff of the CS game…”

In the mountains, next to the broken suspension bridge.

The sky here is much darker than in the city. The dark clouds seemed to be on top of people's heads, and the rain kept falling.

Jin Xi's left hand is tightly held by Han Chen, and the rain and mud stains are mixed between the clasped fingers, cold and astringent. Only his palm was steady and powerful, showing bursts of warmth.

Looking up, many faces around were filled with panic, doubt and strong hostility.

"It's them! It must be them!" It was Zhang Muhan who spoke this time, he and Xiazi hid the furthest, three or four meters away from them, but his expression was the most nervous and excited, "Han Chen said to me just now: He killed Yan Er!"

The expressions of the people around them changed again.

Seeing Yan Er's body and the destruction of the suspension bridge, Jin Xi's heart was already heavy. Hearing what he said at the moment, he was completely angry, turned his head and stared at him, sneering: "Zhang Muhan! Do you have any fucking brains..."

Before he could finish speaking, Han Chen pulled her back and pulled her behind him. Seeing his stern profile and dark eyes, Jin Xi endured and held his hand even tighter.

Everyone looked at Han Chen warily.

He looked up and looked around, and finally his eyes fell on Zhang Muhan.

"Zhang Muhan, do you have any fucking brains? I killed someone and reported it to you on purpose?" He said the same words in the same low and sloppy voice as before, inexplicably with a compelling aura. .

Zhang Muhan was stagnant, and didn't dare to speak any more. The others did not speak.

Jin Xi's heart lit up at first, but when he heard him scold Zhang Muhan, he couldn't help but laugh a little. The mood is not so dignified, and he looks at the people around him coldly.

"We didn't kill Yan Er." Han Chen looked at Ke Fan, "When we arrived just now, blood was still gushing out of his carotid artery, indicating that the time of death did not exceed half an hour. Jin Xi and I met Yan Er before. After separating, I walked to the red team location, and stayed there for a while. I heard Li Mingyue's voice and rushed over, and the total time has been close to an hour. "

Jin Xi glances at Zhang Muhan: "Yes, speaking of which, you are still our alibi witnesses."

Zhang Muhan and Xia Zi were stunned at the same time, and Ke Fan was also puzzled. You Chuan and Fang Xu never spoke. Li Mingyue kept staring at Han Chen and Jin Xi's faces, as if trying to see if they were lying.

"He's right, Yan Er could not have been killed by him." A slightly hoarse voice sounded, and it was Professor Sun.

Everyone looked at him.

Professor Sun's expression was always gloomy and flat: "They have been with us for the past half an hour."

Fang Xu suddenly said, "You believe him if he said it for half an hour?"

Professor Sun shook his head: "I'm a professor, and I still understand this common sense."

When he said this, everyone believed it a little more. You look at me, I look at you, put the dagger down.

"Then who killed Yan Er?" Xia Zi's voice trembled in confusion.

They looked at each other in dismay.

Bai Jin Xi suddenly interjects: "It's very simple. Yan Er was killed, the suspension bridge was cut off, we couldn't get out, and we couldn't communicate with the outside world. It's clear that someone wants revenge. You guys, and Yan Er, have you done anything? What's wrong?"

Everyone was stunned.

Han Chen glanced at her sideways, his eyes darkened, and then turned to look forward.

Fingers, gently squeezed the back of her hand.

He obviously didn't speak, but Jin Xi understood what he meant in a second—

This time, poke beautifully.

It's just that the sky is getting darker and darker, and everyone's expressions are already obscure. Now they are silent, and they can't see any clues.

It was still Ke Fan who spoke first: "How could such a thing happen? We are all ordinary people, how can there be any big enemies?"

Fang Xu said lukewarmly, "Yeah. Bai Jin Xi, are you trying to provoke our internal conflicts? What is your intention?"

Bai Jin Xi looks at each of their expressions carefully.

"Is that what happened to you last year?" A hoarse female voice interjected abruptly. It turned out to be Li Mingyue who had been silent for a long time.

Everyone turned to look at her.

Jin Xi's heart trembled—here!

I saw her face leaning against a tree with a gloomy face, and the hand holding the dagger fell to her side. With a complicated look, he looked at the few men present.

"Mingyue, shut up!" Ke Fan suddenly shouted, and Yinglang's eyebrows also showed a bit of gloom and gloom, "What nonsense?"

Ming Yue moved her lips, but was silent.

The other men, You Chuan, Fang Xu, and Professor Sun, were all expressionless. Zhang Muhan and Xia Zi didn't speak for a while.

"It seems that something is really wrong." Han Chen looked around slowly, and finally his eyes stopped on Li Mingyue, "If you don't tell the story, how can we determine who the murderer is? How can we prevent the murderer from killing again?"

Before Ming Yue could speak, Ke Fan's voice sounded again: "There is nothing at all. Ming Yue, don't take the big things seriously! Think about it carefully, how is it possible?" He looked at Han Chen : "Since it has been proved that the two of you are not murderers, there is no possibility of a murderer among us. There is only one possibility—" He paused, and his tone suddenly increased: "There is a perverted killer hiding on this mountain, staring at us. It's gone!"

Zhang Muhan and Xia Zi breathed lightly at the same time, and the expressions of the others were also moved. Only Han Chen and Jin Xi remained the same. Jin Xi turns her head and looks at Ming Yue with an inquiring look, just as she is about to open her mouth to ask more questions, Ming Yue's expression has changed a bit, and her eyes have become quiet: "Dake is right, I'm too afraid of thinking. It's over." She looked at Jin Xi and Han Chen: "It's nothing. It's just a small matter, so it shouldn't kill anyone. Da Ke, what should we do now?"

Jin Xi looks at her deeply, but her eyes are firm, it seems that she has made up her mind not to say anything.

Jin Xi turns her head to look at Han Chen. His face was indifferent, as if he had expected this ridiculous situation.

Da Ke looked up at the sky: "It's getting dark, let's find a place to rest first. Then we will find a way to contact the outside world and call the police."

Everyone had been running for a day, they were exhausted, and they were nervous and had no objection. So they turned around and walked into the forest. Han Chen and Jin Xi walked at the end, and Han Chen suddenly said, "From now on, no one should be left alone. The seven people must stay together until the police."

He looked at the crowd in front of him, and there was a hint of a cold smile in his voice: "As long as we stay together... that killer, there is no way to start."

Jin Xi didn't expect that he would provoke T directly in person, her heart skipped a beat. But faintly, he was also refreshed.

Yes, although one person died. But as long as the rest can be united, T is among them, stared at by so many eyes, and can't actually do anything. At eight o'clock tomorrow morning, he will surrender as promised, and the police will also launch a storm and rescue at that time.

So this contest, they won. Others can also be rescued.

After hearing Han Chen's words, everyone was silent for a while.

"Okay." "Okay." "I agree." A sparse voice sounded.

Ke Fan turned his head and glanced at Han Chen, without speaking, he continued to walk at the front, leading everyone.

The group walked for about half an hour and finally found a relatively flat and dense forest. At this time, the rain also stopped, and Ke Fan suggested: "Stop and eat something."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

We sat apart in twos and threes. Han Chen and Jin Xi sat down beside a big rock. Putting down the bag on the back is all light. Han Chen reached out to touch the cigarette, took it out and saw that the cigarette case was soaked through. The only three cigarettes left were also shrouded in dampness. He leaned against the rock, flicked his fingers, two, three, and ejected the three remaining cigarettes.

Jin Xi picked up the water bottle and took a sip, saying, "Look, you won't let me share it with you in the morning. It's true that people who eat alone won't be complacent for long."

Han Chen put one hand behind his head, stretched out his tall figure, glanced at her, took the kettle and took a sip.

"What kind of cigarettes do women smoke?" in an understated tone.

Jin Xi was slightly startled, and said "cut", too lazy to tell him.

"Why isn't this bag waterproof?" Xia Zi's surprised voice sounded not far away.

"Yeah. The biscuits and sleeping bag are all wet, so why isn't the watch waterproof?" Zhang Muhan also said angrily, "All of them can't be used! How can I sleep at night?"

Hearing what they said, the others also opened their bags and shook things out. As it turned out, the inside of the bag was completely soaked. Fang Xu took out a compass, which was actually filled with water.

Generally, the equipment provided for this kind of competition must be waterproof. The bag they got also had a waterproof logo on it. Who knew it was fake

Han Chen and Jin Xi looked at each other, and he immediately sat up straight. Jin Xi screamed badly in her heart, she shook the bag to take a look, and found the two flare guns in the pile of things.

The barrel was soaked with water and could not be used.

Jin Xi turned around, turned her back to the crowd, shook the gun again in frustration, controlled the water, and reluctantly wanted to try again. Han Chen looked at her two dark frowns and subconsciously pouted mouth, and suddenly smiled, reached out and grabbed the gun from her hand, and threw it back, and fell into the grass.

Jin Xi looks at him disapprovingly: "Why did you lose it?"

He lowered his head, approached her ear, and said lightly, "I'm staring at You Chuan, you're staring at Fang Xu. If anyone has any changes, join hands to arrest them."