Memory Lost

Chapter 47: Confidant Hongyan (2)


The ground was full of writhing people, but T had the gun behind his back, as if walking through a land of no one.

He walked back to the previous crossbar and sat down.

"Han Chen, please try them," he said.

Han Chen glanced at the peasants and said nothing.

However, T raised his head again and looked at Bai Jin Xi: "You sit too." After a while, he said, "Ke Fan, he has already been punished."

Jin Xi glanced at the corpse on the ground and suddenly understood. Why did T cut Ke Fan's back before and killed him in such a cruel way.

Because Ke Fan gave her a stick on her back, T saw it. This is an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

This made Jin Xi feel a little complicated. After a moment of silence, she sat down in front of another crossbar.

Han Chen said, "I'm fine with the trial, and hand them over to me after the trial. They will be punished by the law, not your lynching."

T's eyes looked straight ahead and was quiet for a few seconds.


Han Chen walked to Jin Xi's side and sat down as well.

The breaths of the two are so close again, Jin Xi's heart is settled. She looked at his profile, and he looked at her sideways. When their eyes met, they both saw the flames reflected in each other's eyes, and they also saw each other's dark and deep pupils.

Han Chen's gaze stopped on her for a while, then turned to look ahead.

"How many people did you kill in total?"

As he spoke, T raised his gun again and aimed it at the oldest man among the farmers. He saw the eye of the gun pointing in his direction from a distance, trembled all over, and stammered, "Kill... kill... 4."

Han Chen's eyes became even colder. Just as he was about to speak, he heard a "bang" gunshot. The man screamed and covered his right shoulder again.

Han Chen and Jin Xi turned their heads to look at T at the same time, but saw that he was holding a gun, his eyes were cold: "Give you another chance, how many?"

The peasant's voice was full of tears: "Seven, seven!"

Han Chen and Jin Xi didn't speak, and T put down his gun.

"Who are they?" Han Chen asked again.

"Six of them are young backpackers from the city, there is one more, there is another..." The farmer replied hesitantly, "It's my grandfather."

Han Chen and Jin Xi were both startled. And Xia Zi and the others behind him were so scared that they didn't dare to make a sound. They were afraid that T would punish himself after punishing the farmers.

"Of the 6 outdoor sportsmen, 4 were found and were judged to be accidental deaths. There are 2 others with too obvious physical injuries, and they were thrown into the valley by them. Your police did not find them." T said.

The peasant had a hellish expression: "How, how do you know?"

But T just smiled coldly and didn't answer.

Han Chen glanced at T and continued to ask, "Why kill them?"

The farmer replied: "The backpackers who are alone have a lot of good things on them; women, we will sleep together. If we don't kill them, we will report to the crime. My grandfather has never allowed us to do this. kill him."

The father he was talking about was naturally the old man lying on the ground with only half of his head left.

At this time, Fang Xu, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said, "They still make money from dead people. Gu Ran died and the body was thrown into the quagmire. They helped the family salvage the body and knocked tens of thousands of bamboo sticks."

T looked indifferent and did not speak. Jin Xi felt disgusted when she heard it, she looked at the innocent faces in front of her, are they still human? Once human nature is annihilated, there is really only an outrageous darkness left.

"It's not as good as a pig or a dog!" Han Chen scolded slowly, his words heavily.

"Beast!" Jin Xi also cursed.

None of the peasants spoke, and there didn't seem to be many changes in their expressions.

"How did you guys kill the victim?" Han Chen asked again.

"Let them go into the stream and die for a few hours," the farmer replied.

Jin Xi understands some forensic science, but she did not expect that the peasants in the mountains would use such a concealed method to kill people, so she asked, "How do you know that it is possible to kill people like this?"

Another farmer who looked at the younger replied: "I, I fell into a flash flood when I was a child, and I didn't drown, but the doctor said that I almost froze to death. He said that people stayed in colder water for a few hours. They will die. Those backpackers can swim, and they will not drown if they are thrown into the stream. So we do it like this, and the police can't find it."

The truth has almost been revealed to everyone. The death and secrets buried deep in the mountains for many years are finally nowhere to be seen.

Jin Xi can almost imagine the entire process of their crime. Imagine the victims being tortured and eventually thrown into cold water. And the murderers, on the shore, guarded her death every minute. Finally, the corpses washed away by the stream are covered with scars from the impact of rocks, and because of prolonged soaking, they form a swollen and ferocious giant view. The people responsible for the case are the grass-roots police and forensic doctors in the mountainous area. A single case will only be judged to be the death of the water temperature is too low. In this way, they successfully escaped the eyes of the eye, and continued to dormant in the mountains like wild beasts, usually living the hard life of ordinary farmers. Until the next victim is sent to the door, it is a new round of venting and a windfall.

"The trial is over." T stood up.

Han Chen and Jin Xi exchanged glances and also stood up.

"T, keep the promise." Han Chen took a step forward slowly, "Give them to me."

T's face was calm, and no expression could be seen. However, Jin Xi noticed that the bandage on his waist had been dyed bright red by the leached blood.

"Okay." He replied softly.

Suddenly, his movements were as fast as lightning, he grabbed the gun and shot at the farmers ahead! Han Chen and Jin Xi jumped at him at the same time!

"Bang bang bang bang bang—" After several shots were fired, Han Chen grabbed the barrel of his gun and Jin Xi grabbed his wrist, and shot into the sky. But what a manipulative character T is? Suddenly firing several more shots, Han Chen had to immediately release the hot barrel and sideways to avoid the range of the bullet. And T's body slanted and bumped into Jin Xi. Jin Xi was in pain, and instantly felt the blood surge in her chest and abdomen, and let go of his arm. Unwilling, she raised her fist and hit him! Who would have thought that T raised his gun and aimed at her at this moment!

Jin Xi looks at the muzzle of the gun, her heart suddenly chills.

T really didn't want to kill them both before. But now that they're preventing him from killing those farmers, there's a real chance he could shoot.

However, as soon as the thought slipped through his mind, a figure flashed over, completely blocking her face and blocking T's muzzle.

Han Chen.

Jin Xi looks at his back, her heart aches.

Han Chen, I don't need you to block bullets for me. You are reluctant, am I reluctant

T looked at Han Chen's actions and hesitated for a moment. However, if a master makes a move, a small difference can decide the outcome. This time, the distance between the two was even closer, almost a close fight. I saw Han Chen, like a black cheetah, leaned forward and rushed forward, not knowing what technique he used, he snatched the gun from T's hand by the wrong hand!

Han Chen changed hands, turned, and raised his gun! A series of actions are almost completed in the blink of an eye!

But T is as fast as he is, drawing, loading, aiming! Another short pistol was drawn from his waist.

The two silently aimed their guns at each other, and no one moved for a while.

Jin Xi stood beside them, not daring to move. Because at this time, whoever moves is on the verge of triggering.

There were so many people on the top of the mountain, but no one made a sound, all watching the two confrontation with guns. Only the flame, still burning, made a crackling sound.

"T, you can't shoot." Jin Xi said softly and slowly, "How many criminals has he caught and how many people has he saved? He is the one who truly protects fairness and justice. If you shoot him , What justice are you talking about? What punishment are you talking about? No matter how many criminals you kill, they won't be worth him alone."

Han Chen and T didn't speak. But Jin Xi knows that if T was impulsive just now, he would definitely calm down a lot when he heard these words.

Propeller sound.

The faint sound of the propeller suddenly came from the depths of the valley.

Han Chen, Jin Xi, and T were all startled. The others looked up.