Memory Lost

Chapter 50: Maybe it's you


The east gradually revealed fish belly white.

Propellers were circling overhead, and many people were busy running on the tarmac. Zhou Xiaozhuan jumped off a helicopter and saw Xu Sibai, who had not met for a long time, standing not far away.

Xiao Zhuan ran over immediately.

"Forensic Doctor Xu!"

Xu Sibai was wearing a khaki coat, and his silhouette became more and more handsome and fair in the morning light.

"What about her?" His eyes were still fixed on the ups and downs of the helicopters.

"It's on the helicopter." Xiao Zhuan replied, "It should be there soon. It's just... The person was injured and unconscious." After speaking, he secretly looked at Xu Sibai's face. But found no expression.

Another helicopter descended slowly.

The door opened with a bang, and the two SWAT officers jumped out first.

Xu Sibai and Xiao Zhuan were stunned when they saw the scene on the plane.

Bai Jin Xi is lying on a stretcher, her eyes are closed, she has apparently passed out, but there are still clear tears on her face. Han Chen was lying on her stretcher, with his head beside her face, his eyes closed, and he remained motionless.

"The man is also in a coma!" someone shouted.

"Stretcher stretcher!"

Immediately, someone helped Han Chen up from Bai Jin Xi and put him on another stretcher. Xiao Zhuan immediately ran towards them, but forensic doctor Xu beside him was faster than him, grabbed Bai Jin Xi's stretcher in three or two steps, and followed closely. Xiao Zhuan looked at him like this, sighed inwardly, and followed.

outside the emergency room.

Bai Jin Xi and Han Chen were pushed in one after the other, while a group of police officers were stopped outside the door.

Xiao Zhuan sat down with Nag and Leng Nian and waited. After a while, Nagging bumped into Xiao Zhuan's arm and whispered, "The forensic doctor really loves us Xiaobai."

Xiao Zhuan looked up and saw that Xu Sibai was still standing alone at the door of the emergency room, staring intently inside through the glass.

At this moment, there was a rapid and crisp sound of high-heeled shoes in the corridor, and everyone turned their heads to look.

Xin Jia.

She was wearing a wide sweater, a long lake blue dress, her long hair draped over her shoulders, and her temperament became more and more gentle and beautiful. His eyes were very anxious, and he stood still in front of the nagging: "How is Han Chen?"

Nagging coughed lightly, stood up and replied, "The boss has been sent to the emergency room, and we don't know the specifics."

Xin Jia bit her lower lip tightly, but there was no trace of blood in her bite.

At this time, a doctor came out and walked out across the crowd. Xin Jia immediately grabbed him: "Doctor! How is Han Chen?"

The doctor was also elderly, with a rather dignified look on his face, and he replied angrily: "How is it? Is it the male injured person? Excessive blood loss, severe physical exhaustion, inflammation, high fever! Iron-beaten people can't stand such a toss. Fortunately, there is no danger to life, but people suffer!"

Xin Jia's tears suddenly fell.

"Doctor, what about Bai Jin Xi?" Xu Sibai took a step forward.

Xin Jia glanced at him and said nothing.

The old doctor turned his head to see Xu Sibai and replied, "The female victim is in better condition. Although she vomited blood, her main internal organs were not injured. The internal bleeding has been stopped with medication, and she will be fine if she takes good care of her for a few weeks."

into the night.

Han Chen and Bai Jin Xi were pushed into their respective wards, but they didn't wake up yet.

Since the two of them are sure that there is no danger, everyone in the Black Shield team will immediately rush back to the provincial office to continue the follow-up of the T case.

Before leaving the hospital, Xiao Zhuan was still a little worried and wanted to go to the ward of the two to take a look. As a result, when he walked outside Bai Jin Xi's door, he saw Xu Si Bai sitting by the bed, holding Bai Jin Xi's hand, looking at her, keeping this posture motionless. On the other hand, Jin Xi slept soundly with a peaceful face.

Xiao Zhuan quietly withdrew.

When he arrived at the door of Han Chen's ward, he saw the beautiful Xin Jia, leaning on the sofa beside the bed, curled up in a ball, already asleep. On the hospital bed not far away, Han Chen also fell into a deep sleep.

In Xiao Zhuan's mind, the scene he saw on the mountain suddenly popped up—

Bai Jin Xi turned her back to Han Chen and walked forward with tears in her eyes. And Han Chen looked at her with those eyes.

Seeing what he saw just now, Xiao Zhuan felt a little uncomfortable for some reason, sighed again, turned around and went downstairs.

Han Chen had been dreaming all the time, and his mind was confused, and many vague thoughts flashed through his mind.

He dreamed again of the vague and uncapable woman. She looked up at him and smiled, and he heard his own voice and said, "You will get married when you graduate. In my life, you will not marry."

He also dreamed of Bai Jinxi, the real her. In the dream, he hugged her and kissed her repeatedly just as he was in the helicopter just now. There was a warm fragrance in her hair, and her lips, like a mysterious source of honey, deeply attracted him, only making him want more and more of her.

He always knew that he liked this woman.

But I have always been very clear about the principles that I should abide by—

That is, no matter how much you like her, Han Chen, you can't be with her.

Then along the way, I like it more and more, and I feel more and more depressed. For the first time in years, he couldn't control himself more and more.

When I got to the plane today, I heard her crying in a daze about the grievances in her heart, and listening to her saying that she would give up her feelings for him, a kind of unprecedented grief and deep pity, and instantly lost her heart and broke her reason. It felt like it was surging from the depths of his bloodline and bones, and he couldn't control it at all, and he didn't want to control it.

As soon as he lowered his head, he kissed her.

Even, I just want to never let go.

He has always followed rational thinking in solving cases.

But in some things, he has always been firmly loyal to his intuition.

For example, when he woke up four years ago, everyone denied the existence of "her" in unison, but he firmly believed that she must exist. Just because in his heart, the lingering and deep feeling for her trumped all evidence.


He Han Chen was never half-hearted. But now, why have the same strong feelings and affection for another woman? Even made him unable to control himself, so eager to get her

Confusion, sweetness, guilt, longing... so many strong emotions mingled in his mind, throwing his brain into chaos again.

And many fragmented pictures and sounds in the memory also flashed in the dream one after another—

He sits in the archives of Guanhu Police Station, flipping through Bai Jinxi's documents. 24 years old, a native of Jiangcheng, graduated from Shahu Police Academy. He thought to himself, this woman, looks nothing out of the ordinary.

He embraced her, rode a motorcycle, and walked through the alleys of Jiangcheng. Feeling her hair brushing lightly on his face, feeling the soft and warm body in his arms, he did not want to let go;

In the cafeteria of the police station, there was a lot of noise, he stood far away, and saw Xin Jia looking at Bai Jin Xi with a complicated expression;

And he and Bai Jinxi were standing in the office of the Black Shield Team, and heard T's declaration: "I have appointed Han Chen and Bai Jinxi to participate in this competition."

"Where it starts, it ends. It was my first crime five years ago, sorry."

"Bai Jin Xi... Jin Xi..." He murmured her name, trying to open his eyes, but fell into a deep sleep again.

He was not alone in the ward.

Without the lights on, the faint light in the corridor penetrated through the glass, and the room was as dark as twilight.

Xin Jia leaned on the sofa, opened her eyes, and stared blankly at Han Chen on the bed.

Watching his handsome brows furrowed in the dream, listening to him murmur another woman's name repeatedly.

Looking at him like this for a long time, Xin Jia's tears fell again.

She got up and walked over to his bed and squatted down.

Then gently pick up one of his hands, clasping them tightly.

"Han Chen..." she whispered, "you'll never get her, Han Chen."

She wiped her tears with her hands and said slowly, "Why don't you understand? Once or twice, the result will not make a difference."

Late at night, the office of the Black Shield Group.

Qin Wenlong took several senior criminal police officers, and he was working with Nagaku and others to sort out the T case finally.

Nagging asked: "If T's ultimate purpose is to avenge Gu Ran and punish the group of serial killers hidden in the mountains at the same time. What was the purpose of the five people he killed before?"

A criminal policeman said: "It's all about punishing wicked people, killing the little fish first, and then killing the big fish."

Qin Wenlong said, "I don't think it's just that. Turn on your computer and see, because of the previous cases, how much attention is being paid to the T case by the Internet and the media? We haven't announced the case yet, but sooner or later it will be announced. Yes. We can imagine that the influence of this case must have shocked the whole country.”

Xiao Zhuan nodded thoughtfully: "As Xiao Bai said before, if T just wanted to kill these people, it would be easy. But his purpose is to make them panic, to put them on a rack of shame. So he not only planned and punished these people step by step, but also pushed the public's emotions to a climax step by step. If he simply stabbed the case of Wu Linshan, he would probably not attract much attention. "

Nagaka flipped through the confession book in his hand and said, "Le Luoxia, Fang Xu and others mentioned that T said something: 'If a person's heart is blinded by dirty things, how can we restore it to a clean state? ?'"

The rest are silent.

So, is that what T is for

Uncover the filthiest people in the world.

"There is one more question." The cold face, who had always been silent, suddenly spoke up.

Everyone looked at him.

"T finally mentioned: 'He was one of the serial killers five years ago'. And apologized to Han Chen. Five years ago, what was the big case?"

Everyone, look at me, and I look at you. In the end, all eyes fell on Qin Wenlong, the biggest leader at the scene.

Qin Wenlong shook his head: "Five years ago, Han Chen was still in Beijing. What case did he handle, how would I know?"

"When he wakes up tomorrow, I'll find out by asking." Naggar said.

The crowd nodded.

Xiao Zhuan suddenly said, "That's not right. If T appointed a candidate to participate, it would be an apology for the case five years ago. Then why did Xiaobai participate? Xiaobai was still at the police academy five years ago, so it was impossible for him to talk to Han Chen. in the same case."

Everyone was lost in thought.

yeah why

the next morning.

Han Chen opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was an unfamiliar nurse. She was taking his temperature and said with a smile, "Comrade police officer, the fever has subsided, and the inflammation has subsided. How are you feeling? Your head should not be sinking, it's more comfortable, right?"

Han Chen didn't speak.

When he turned his eyes, he saw the nagging and cold face, standing by the bed, and seeing him open his eyes, he smiled.

And there was no one else in the room.

She is not here.

But looking at their expressions, she should be the same as him, and it's fine.

There was a silent throbbing in my heart. He retracted his gaze and continued to look at the ceiling.

Nagging gave Leng Mian a wink, and whispered, "Boss won't be confused, right? Why do you keep dazed?"

The cold face answered firmly: "Impossible!"

Han Chen then looked at them again.

"I'm thinking about something," he said lightly.

"Oh..." Nagging was relieved.

Suddenly, he saw him sitting up with his hands on the bed, as if he was planning to get out of bed. The nurse was stunned for a while, and hurriedly stopped him: "You can't get out of bed yet!" Nag and Leng Nian also hurried around, and Nag said, "What are you doing, boss? Lie down, what's the matter? You ordered?"

Han Chen pulled the needle in his hand and threw it aside: "Take me to see Bai Jin Xi."