Memory Lost

Chapter 66: The soul of reasoning


nine in the morning.

The conference room of the Interpol Brigade was full, and the backbone of the Interpol, including the Black Shield Team, all participated in the work meeting on the serial murder case of the "Nurse Uniform".

Qin Wenlong summed up the seriousness and importance of the case. Nag and Xu Sibai came to the stage to report the traces of the scene and the results of the autopsy. Several other experienced old detectives in the team also expressed their views.

Next, there is Bai Jinxi's criminal psychology portrait and Han Chen's overall work report.

Jin Xi flips through the stack of documents in her hand, and can't help but raise her head again to look at Han Chen who is not far from the row in front of her.

He listened intently, his long legs crossed and his hands on his knees. The black jacket makes the profile more angular.

The scene in the morning naturally pops up in Jin Xi's mind—

He was leaning on the cot, and she was lying in his arms. He said, "If I win, you can give me whatever I want."

Of course she understood, her heart was beating so fast, but she pretended to be stupid: "Oh, what do you want?"

As a result, he stared at her with those dark and beautiful eyes.

"I want you to dream with me."

Thinking of this, Jin Xi's face suddenly became hot again. Unexpectedly, Han Chen seemed to notice something, turned his head slightly, looked at her, and then moved away.

With just one glance, Jin Xi's heart skipped a beat.

So annoying. This cold and deep hooligan!

"Jin Xi, it's your turn." Nagging shouted.

Jin Xi stood up immediately, Xiao Zhuan next to her excitedly shook her arm: "Come on, Xiaobai!"

In the first row below the stage, in addition to the bureau leader, there were also a few people Jin Xi didn't know, and they were probably the leaders of the relevant agencies. Standing under the light, she cleared her throat and said:

"1. The suspect is between 30 and 40 years old, with outstanding appearance and temperament, he is engaged in middle and high-level management jobs in enterprises, and has a high income. In the eyes of women, he is a more attractive man.

Because the three victims found so far all have higher education, decent jobs, and good looks. The suspects can successfully abduct them, and their appearance and professional income will not be bad. Moreover, high-end alcohol and food were found in the stomachs of the victims. Even if they were forced to eat by the suspects, they also reflected the suspect's quality of life and preferences. Furthermore, this is by no means the first time he has committed a crime due to his demonstrated virtuosity and severe psychopathology. Therefore, his age must not be too young. Based on the above, it is speculated that his age is between 30-40 years old. "

Everyone in the audience listened intently and quietly, Jin Xi smiled slightly, and her beautiful eyes glanced for a week, and continued:

"Second, given that the three victims all work in the CBD, it can be inferred that the suspect also works in this area, or has a residence here, so that he can observe and find his target easily.

He is a typical 'organized' serial killer. That is to have a high IQ, able to perfectly plan and calmly implement the entire criminal process. The vast majority of organized killers, in the process of killing their victims, will use alcohol - this is related to their brain structure and emotional numbness, they need alcohol to wake up stimulation. The autopsy results of the victims also confirmed this. He'll have a lot of alcohol in his home, and he'll have a drinking habit, but it's probably well-disguised in the workplace.

3. The two important physical evidences at the scene are the nurse's uniform and the missing handbag. It is unclear why the suspect took the handbag from the victim as a souvenir. But it should be related to the obsession in his heart. Maybe he thinks the handbag is the most beautiful accessory on a woman, or maybe he hates women with fancy handbags. All possible.

The meaning contained in the nurse uniform is even more obvious. First of all, he made the victim put on a nurse's uniform and then killed him. This only represented hatred and ridicule, not love.

But here's the question: what does he hate and mock

It is not a real nurse, and it has nothing to do with the hospital, otherwise he will directly kill the nurse. Attracting young nurse girls may be easier than abducting these white-collar workers.

What he hates is still these women with outstanding careers. And his 'nurse complex' is likely to be related to childhood or adolescence experiences, or a past relationship. Given that he did not sexually assault the victim, I would prefer the former.

And his positioning is very clear, it is "the woman in the nurse's uniform" who wants to get revenge, not the "nurse". Explain that when this experience happened, he had enough discernment. So he should have been a teenager at that time, not a toddler.

What would make a teenager hate 'the wonderful professional woman in the nurse's uniform' so deeply? "

Jin Xi paused, looked around, her voice was clear and steady: "Either, he witnessed his mother's debauchery; or he suffered a more direct injury - he was put on a nurse's uniform and sexually assaulted. "

"Pfft..." The gray-haired bureau leader in the front row spit out a sip of tea. Many criminal police officers in the back row also showed embarrassed or funny expressions.

Jin Xi, however, is very calm, just talking about things. She also felt that the latter was more likely, because the murderer abused too much and showed too much hatred.

Looking up, she saw Han Chen staring at her.

On the other hand, Nag, still expressionless, but focused; Xu Sibai's eyes were gentle and his expression calm; Nag and Xiao Zhuan showed admiration at the same time.

Jin Xi smiled lightly and continued with the rest of the conclusion:

"Judging from the cruelty, calmness, patience and extreme cognition he showed at the scene, he has a high degree of psychopathology, so he will have some typical characteristics of high IQ psychopaths:

Be careful when searching for a suspect: he's very verbal, and his language is provocative and infectious. This will make ordinary people find him attractive. But after getting along for a long time, if you talk deeply for a long time, you will find that his expression lacks coherence, the logic is confusing in many small points, and the topic is easy to jump. Because people such as psychopaths lack a 'central organizer' in their minds, they are inherently unable to guarantee that what they say and think will be focused in one direction. This is a flaw common to psychopaths.

The second characteristic is impulsive irritability and more emotional. Those who knew him would think he was moody. In addition to impulsiveness, he is prone to commit crimes.

His emotions are also very shallow. Inability to perceive emotions, so can ignore other people's lives. But he may be able to cite the scriptures and boast about emotions.

Because of the shallowness and lack of words and emotions, as well as the morbid mental state, he has a strong thirst for stimulation. So, depending on his career and income criteria, he would prefer exciting activities like bungee jumping, skydiving, racing, etc. over more moderate activities like golf and musicals.

Finally, and the most important question, how do we narrow down and filter him out of the crowd. In addition to the above conditions, there is the most critical point. "

Jin Xi picks up the mineral water, takes a sip, ponders, and then speaks: "The skillful modus operandi, the stable crime process, and the clear marking behavior all show that this is not the first time he has committed a crime, and for some reason, the previous corpse, It was not discovered by the police. Why did you suddenly dump the body in public this time? To attract the attention of the police?"

The detectives under the stage were talking in low voices.

At this time, someone raised his voice and asked, "Could it be that he wanted to provoke the police? Just like the previous T?"

Jin Xi nodded and answered quickly, "Then why did you start provocation at this time?"

The man couldn't answer.

Xiao Zhuan has been with Jin Xi for a long time, and he knows some of the ways of criminal psychology, so he blushed slightly and raised his hand to answer, "He must have suffered some kind of sudden stimulus. For example, the death of a relative, being abandoned by a lover, or seriously ill, right?"

The other detectives also nodded.

That's what it's all about in American dramas.

However, Jin Xi shook her head and said in a clear voice, "No!"

Xiao Zhuan stayed for a while, and everyone was silent.

Jin Xi's eyes are looking straight ahead, but "his" possible sullen expressions appear in her mind.

She said: "Even though the behavioral triggers and mechanisms of psychopaths are the same, psychopaths with different personalities will still respond differently to the same stimuli, just like us ordinary people. The emotional characteristics of this criminal are very distinct. : Sharp, extreme, sensitive, delicate, highly targeted, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Moreover, he has been avoiding the police for so long, which shows that he does not care about the police at all. Being seriously ill will only make his crimes more intensive, cruel, and more perfect. That is his own world, and it has nothing to do with the police.

But now, he has almost disclosed the body, that is, publicly provoked the police. This only shows one thing - the stimulation he suffered came from the police.

That is, 2-3 months ago, he had been humiliated or provoked by the police. Or he was punished by the police for major traffic violations or other faults; or he was once questioned and investigated as a suspect in a certain case, which made him angry.

Therefore, I suggest immediately checking the file records and work logs of various police stations across the city, looking for suspects who meet all the above criteria. "

After Jin Xi finished speaking, the audience burst into warm applause. The old detectives were still relatively calm, but some young detectives showed great excitement and enthusiasm, and they all bowed their heads to discuss in twos and threes. There was a constant buzz in the venue.

Qin Wenlong, who was sitting in the front row, saw this scene, but his mood was a little complicated. On the one hand, he is very happy for Bai Jin Xi to make such a report, on the other hand...

Actually, he recruited Bai Jin Xi to come to the Black Shield Team because he really saw her talent in criminal psychology. However, the positioning is to supplement and assist Han Chen and Leng Mian's "traditional criminal investigation". In the hearts of Qin Wenlong and many old criminal policemen, they still believe that traditional criminal investigation is the orthodoxy of the criminal investigation team.

But who knows that Bai Jin Xi, since joining the Black Shield team, has encountered a major case, but instead, her performance has gotten better and better. Especially when I encountered this perverted serial murder case today, it was like a chicken blood, and I analyzed so much. Well now, the eyes of those little detectives who have never seen anything in the world seem to be lit up.

no! He absolutely cannot let them be led astray by Bai Jin Xi! I'm afraid that young people are thinking about portraits and taking shortcuts, ignoring the basic skills of criminal investigation!

Thinking of this, he immediately turned his head and winked at Han Chen in the back row. The meaning is also obvious: quickly grab the limelight for me!

However, Han Chen didn't notice him at all. Don't look at this kid who is sitting quietly like a mountain, but his eyes are the same as those of other young men, all following Bai Jin Xi as Pingting walks down from the front of the stage.

Qin Wenlong: "..."

What the hell!

Bai Jin Xi herself felt that she did a good job today and was a little excited. As soon as she sat down, Xiao Zhuan grabbed her arm and smiled "hehehe". And Nagga looked at her and nodded with a pretence: "Sister Bai, that's not bad! My brother is impressed by you."

Jin Xi couldn't help laughing, and when she looked up, she saw many criminal police officers in front of them turned their heads and looked at her. On the other hand, Han Chen sat up straight with a calm profile.

After he said the "bet" this morning, Jin Xi didn't answer at all, she just said she was going to work and ran away.

He is a computing emperor, and his ability to catch details and logical loopholes is too great. Jin Xi can't think of what his trump card is.

At this time, the phone vibrated, and a text message entered.

Jin Xi picks it up and takes a look, then smiles.

The sender Xu Sibai: "You speak very well."

She raised her eyes and looked at the back of Xu Sibai in the first few rows. With a thought, his eyes slid to Han Chen again, and he lowered his head to send him a text message, the content was very simple, it was a "smiley" expression with a blushing face, and it looked like he was asking for praise.

As Jin Xi picks up the water bottle and drinks it as a cover, she secretly observes Han Chen's expression. Then I saw him lower his head, looked at his phone, and the corners of his lips twitched.

The reply came quickly:

"Don't be coquettish, unless you want me to come over and kiss you now."

"Cough..." Jin Xi choked on a sip of water in her throat.

At this time, Qin Wenlong walked up to the stage again and said a few words briefly, to the effect that he affirmed the value of Bai Jinxi's portrait and could be used as an important reference factor in solving the case. Then, let Han Chen come to power and give a work report.

Han Chen stuffed the phone back into his trouser pocket and stood up. And everyone, including Jin Xi, also set their sights on him.