Memory Lost

Chapter 70: Doubt at first sight (Part 1)


Autumn morning, the air is cold.

Jin Xi walks into the office building in the gray morning light. There was no one in the building at this time. When passing by the criminal police team, I saw a few criminal policemen leaning crookedly in their chairs to sleep, apparently following Han Chen busy all night.

Pushing open the door of the office of the Black Shield Group, you can see Naggar lying on the table, although the person is delicate, the snoring is loud. Xiao Zhuan was still sitting in front of the computer, his face reflecting the light of the screen, typing on the keyboard. Seeing her coming, he smiled: "It's still early, the boss said that when he goes to work, he will bring the suspect over and ask, so as not to startle the snake."

Jin Xi nodded, seeing that Han Chen and Leng Mian's seats were empty, she looked up at the hidden door inside.

"It's inside, just fell asleep." Xiao Zhuan whispered, "Both of them haven't slept for two nights. Are you going to accompany the boss? I'll take care of you!"

Jin Xi glanced at the motionless nagging, glared at Xiao Zhuan, and made a silent gesture. Only then did he walk to the door lightly, fearing to disturb them, so he looked in through the crack of the door.

At a glance, I saw Han Chen lying on the sofa facing the door, with one hand behind his head, his shoes still not taken off, he just lay there with his jacket draped over his body. The thin light from the window shone on his face, his handsome silhouette like a quiet painting.

The image of the dream just now popped up in Jin Xi's mind, so she stood by the door and remained silent for a long time.

At this moment, Han Chen suddenly frowned, his fingers resting on his temples.

Then he opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling.

Jin Xi looked at him curiously, but saw that he stretched out his hand and took out a medicine bottle from his trousers pocket, poured out two, threw it into his mouth, and swallowed it. Then his brows were still wrinkled, he let out a long breath and raised his hand to cover his eyes.

It seems to be patient, and it seems to be irritable.

Jin Xi opened the door and walked in.

He noticed it, put his hands down, and looked at her.

Jin Xi crouches down beside the sofa, looking into his eyes: "What medicine did you take just now?"

Han Chen didn't answer, took her hand, and said softly, "Come up."

Jin Xi didn't obey, and directly put her hand into his trouser pocket, he looked at her and didn't stop her.

Looking at the words on the medicine bottle, Jin Xi felt a little distressed: "How do you take painkillers? You have a headache?" She remembered the last time she was in Jiangcheng's office, she saw something wrong with him once, and thought he was sick.

"It's okay, it happens occasionally after amnesia."

He sat up, took her into his arms, held her hand, and looked down at her. Jin Xi rubbed his forehead against his chin, and the two of them didn't speak for a while.

"After that day, the headache has gotten better," he whispered suddenly.

"That day? What day?"

He picked up her hand and kissed her gently: "the day downstairs in the hospital."

Jin Xi's heart skipped a beat, and she didn't know if what he said was true or not, so she could only raise her head and kiss his face: "Don't stay up late, I heard that you can't stay up late with a headache."


She thought for a while, then took out her mobile phone and opened the shopping website: "I'll go buy you some gastrodia elata pig brains to stew together. In the future, a pair of pig brains will not be refused."

Han Chen laughed, grabbed her phone and threw it aside: "I don't eat that stuff."

Jin Xi still wants to fight, but he has already lowered his head and kissed her.

The light in the house is still very dim, and there are scattered birdsong outside the window. There was no sound in the kiss between the two, only the sound of intimacy and entanglement of breathing, and his fingers rubbing against her long hair, making a very soft sound.

"Stop kissing... They're just outside..." Jin Xi's almost humming voice sounded between the two's intertwined lips.

"It's okay..." he answered vaguely, "they won't come in."

"And cold noodles..."

"He won't wake up."

The cold face, who was already awake and wanted to go to the toilet very much, silently closed his eyes and lay on his small sofa without moving. He knew that he couldn't wake up, he was a man, and he had to save face for the boss.

Xiao Zhuan in the outhouse saw that Jin Xi hadn't come out, so he tiptoed over and closed the door. Then sit back in your seat and continue to work happily.

And the nagging lies on the table...

As a trace identification expert, his eyesight and ear have always been amazing. He found that he seemed to be hearing something he shouldn't have heard. I'm so excited, do you want to tell Zhou Xiaozhuan? Or cold noodles

No, he has to keep this secret for the gods and goddesses.

What the hell, he's so tangled that he can't hold back! Why let him find out about this!

nine in the morning.

The three suspects were brought back to the provincial office. But instead of coming to the Criminal Police Team, I went to the interrogation room of the Public Security Corps. The reason given to them was only a vague "assistance in the investigation", and did not directly mention the serial murder case.

To do this, first, after all, the biggest suspect has not yet been identified, so it is not appropriate to reveal too much to them; secondly, it is also a kind of temptation by the police.

The one who arrived at the police station at the same time as them was yesterday's Professor Xu Nanbai. The deputy director personally introduced him to the Black Shield team. Han Chen had never been too fond of these experts and professors, so he politely shook hands with him and went to do his own business. The cold face naturally agreed with him. Xiao Zhuan and Nagao were very enthusiastic, pouring tea and chatting, and the atmosphere was lively. Jin Xi carefully sorted out the case materials and sent them to him.

It's just that when Xu Nanbai said "little junior sister", everyone looked over, including Han Chen. Jin Xi said "Hey" generously, Xu Nanbai looked at everyone's eyes, but smiled: "There are not many of us who learn criminal psychology. There are very few who do well. This Junior Sister, I recognize it."

trial room.

Across the dark glass, everyone from the Black Shield Team and Professor Xu Nanbai looked at the suspect who was being questioned by the Security Corps.

The first person, named Jin Lanheng, is thirty-two years old, single and unmarried. He is the general manager of a private company and the only son and second-generation rich man of the company's chairman. He was handsome and tall. Wearing well-made suits, watches, leather shoes and briefcases are all world famous brands. But the slightly darker face, the hoarse voice, and the gleam in his eyes from time to time, always gave Jin Xi a sense of disobedience in his temperament.

Feels like a scumbag.

The information provided by Xiao Zhuan also confirms this:

"Jin Lanheng's father was in the building materials business and made his fortune more than ten years ago. His family environment was quite difficult when he was a child. Three months ago, he was detained by the traffic police for five days for serious illegal driving. However, he has been in the custody of the traffic police for two months. There have also been points deductions and fines for several violations, but the situation is not serious. In addition, he had an encounter with the second deceased - the camera caught him driving to the deceased's unit to pick her up from get off work. And he was driving a black Cayenne, which is in line with the The condition of the suspect owning an SUV."

"In addition..." Xiao Zhuan closed the folder, "He owns multiple properties, including two villas. However, the three suspects all have villas under their names."

Everyone quietly looked at Jin Lanheng, who looked vigilant in the interrogation room.

The police were questioning him: "Do you know Ye Xiangqing?" Ye Xiangqing was the name of the second deceased.

Jin Lanheng thought for a while and replied, "I don't remember."

The police threw the surveillance photos on the table: "On August 3, the camera downstairs in her unit captured your car picking her up from get off work. How can you say you don't know each other?"

Kim Ranhyung was surprised, he picked up the photo to look at it, thought about it again, and replied: "I seem to have a little impression. But there are quite a few people who have worked and friends with me, and it is impossible for me to remember them all. Police officers. Comrade, what happened to her?"

Inside the house, Xu Nanbai said softly, "He's lying."

Han Chen and the others did not make a sound. Jin Xi nodded.

Yes, his expression doesn't look very natural. Moreover, I made a special trip to her unit to pick it up more than a month ago. Besides, she is a very beautiful woman, how could she not be impressed

The police did not answer Jin Lanheng's question, but continued to ask: "Last Friday, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm on September 11, where were you? What are you doing?"

This time period was the time when the third deceased, Zhou Sijin, disappeared.

Kim Ranhyung replied, "I think about it... Last Friday... Oh, I went home after get off work that day."

"Staying at home all the time?"


"What are you doing at home alone on a big weekend? It's not like the style of a single boss." The police said softly or hard.

Jin Lanheng was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Comrade police, I usually manage a company, and it's very hard. On weekends, I just want to lie down, and occasionally go out to play ball and drink tea or something. I live a very healthy life. "

The police asked a few more questions, but Jin Lanheng probably realized that the situation was not simple, so he answered cautiously. From the evening of September 13 to 6 am on the 14th, that is, the time period when Zhou Sijin was killed and his body was thrown, he naturally said that he was sleeping at home, so he did not have an alibi.

After the questioning, the police came over to ask for instructions: "Team Han, what should I do with this person next?"

Han Chen was silent for a moment and replied, "Let him be alone, and then talk to the other two after asking."