Memory Lost

Chapter 77: Born to be a monster


At four in the morning, the interrogation of Situ Yi officially began.

As for Han Chen's choice of this time point, Jin Xi believes that it is very shameless and reasonable, and it conforms to the consistent style of an excellent criminal police officer. This is the moment when people are extremely sleepy because they have been left to hang out all night.

However, Situ Yi was still impressive.

In the brightly lit room, Han Chen and Bai Jin Xi sat down in front of him. And he smiled slightly, although his expression was a little tired, but his eyes were very clear.

"Hello." He even greeted them first.

As soon as Jin Xi raised her head, she met his eyes.

Jun black, smiling, brows and eyes are full of Zhan Zhan tenderness. In addition, her face is really beautiful, being watched by such a man, even Jin Xi's heart skipped a beat.

Really... enchanting ah.

Han Chen's interrogation began.


"Situ Yi." He replied, "The surname is Situ, and the single name is Huo Yubai, Yi."

Han Chen asked some basic information as usual, and he answered all of them one by one, without showing the slightest impatience.

"Ye Xiangqing and Zhou Sijin were killed on the 7th of last month and the 11th of this month respectively. You have them both in your phone address book. What is your relationship with them?"

Situ Yi was slightly startled. This expression looks quite natural, with a frown slightly, and there is a momentary absence in the pupils. It makes people feel that he is gentle as a spring breeze.

"Just ordinary friends." He replied, "I don't know why they were killed? Has the murderer been caught?"

Han Chen ignored his words, smiled, leaned back in the chair, and tapped lightly with his fingers on the table.

"We suspect that you killed them."

Jin Xi never thought that Han Chen's interrogation style would take such a twist, and immediately went straight to the topic.

But this method is actually effective, because Situ Yi's expression becomes very interesting.

His expression was calm. After a moment of silence, he even laughed.

That smile is still handsome and moving, but Jin Xi clearly sees a smug look in his eyes very quickly. It was as if the secret he had been hiding for a long time was finally discovered. But not only was he not nervous, but because of their reactions, he was enjoying it.

Such a sly, even a bit mischievous smile was completely different from the gentle and mature personality he had shown before. However, Jin Xi is very clear in her heart that such a subtle expression is an emotional reaction that a psychopath can't hide.

He replied: "I know you are so suspicious, otherwise you wouldn't take me back to the police station for questioning overnight. But I really can't understand, why do you associate this matter with me? There are indeed women who have had a dewy relationship with me. Some, but they don't have a deep relationship. I don't even remember what the two of them looked like. I'm very disappointed with the police's behavior today, because you suspected an innocent person. How is the lady with me tonight? You didn't Bring her back? It must have scare her. In short, I have nothing to do with these two murders, the clearer is clear, you can investigate as you like, I have nothing to do with this matter anyway. "

Han Chen glanced at Jin Xi, Jin Xi understood, smiled lightly, and said, "Mr. Situ, if you didn't kill them. What kind of murderer do you think killed them?"

Situ Yi looked at her and smiled slowly.

"I don't know. But I think there are several reasons for killing: vendetta, love, economic disputes. I suggest that you can investigate from these angles. Maybe you will find their common creditor."

Jin Xi's smile deepens: "You missed one more thing. In this world, some people just take pleasure in torturing others and plundering their lives. Maybe they were killed by such people. What do you think?"

Situ Yi clasped his hands lightly on the table, and his eyes looked at Jin Xi even more with a smile, appearing to be full of affection.

"Yeah, I'm not sure." He replied, "Although different people pursue different values in life. But I think life is for cherishing, not for killing. Especially women. I can't understand that It's really a pity why people want to kill them."

In the interrogation room compartment, Nag and the others watched the whole process with Xu Bo. At this time, Nagging sighed: "It's really crazy, they actually chatted so peacefully with a pervert."

Xiao Zhuan also nodded.

Xu Bo smiled and said, "Junior sister won't calm him down any time soon."

Nag and others are startled.

As if to confirm his words, Jin Xi stared into Situ Yi's eyes and changed her words: "It's more than a pity. Repeatedly abusing their bodies, tortured for a long time. Such a murderer must be extremely chaotic inside. He hates women, but They feel inferior to the relationship between men and women, so they become so perverted. Those women must have hated him very much before they died, thinking that he is inferior to a beast, don't you think?"

These words were a bit sharp, but Situ Yi was quiet for a while, and instead of being provoked, he still laughed.

"I usually read a lot of books, and I have also read books on psychology. In fact, this issue needs to be looked at in two ways. Everyone's emotions are complicated in themselves. Love and hate are not so clearly distinguished. Especially Woman. When we look at the pervert killer, we think he is dirty. But for him, maybe he doesn't have dirty thoughts, he just has a certain desire in his heart. He does it without realizing that he is Wrong. Maybe with normal social ethics, we should criticize him. But in his world, what is wrong with him?"

As soon as these words came out, Nagging and others were all in an uproar.

"Damn it!" Nagging murmured, "I finally know, this person's thoughts are too perverted, right? It's arrogant to say it like that."

Xiao Zhuan also said, "Professor Xu is worthy of being an expert. You can predict in advance what interrogation strategy Jin Xi plans to use!"

Xu Bo smiled, but his eyes were fixed on Situ Yi, and he was silent.

At this moment, Jin Xi smiled, a very cold and contemptuous smile:

"You're wrong, he's not what you said at all. He's totally aware of his fault and what he's doing, and isn't as innocent as you said. I can almost imagine what he should be like everyday In life, he carefully concealed his desires, how arrogant he was when killing people, how timid and timid he was at ordinary times; he kept looking for prey in the crowd, but he could only rely on one face, Money and wealth attract women, but he knows that he will never be able to get a woman's true love. Because once a woman has been in contact with him for a long time, she will find out why he is so twisted? How can he be moody like a lunatic? It turns out that he is not at all like He looks so bright on the outside, but his heart is full of dirty and filthy desires! So he is always abandoned by women who have deep relationships, right? No amount of money is useless! Maybe women will be tortured before they die. Begging for mercy. But you actually see it very clearly, right? Their eyes, in addition to fear, are also full of hatred and disgust. The way they look at you is like looking at a monster, right!"

Inside and outside the interrogation room, there was silence at the same time.

All eyes were on Situ Yi.

And he sits still, the corners of his mouth even smiling. But that handsome face finally turned red and white. He snorted softly, moved his lips, but said nothing. Everyone could see the anger that could not be concealed in his eyes. And the hands he put on the table, clenched and clenched so hard, the knuckles began to turn white.

In the end, there was no smile on his face. His expression was quiet, but there was a sense of gloom.

"You're the monster!" he yelled at Jin Xi, "Say these inexplicable words, women like crazy! I didn't kill them! Arrest me if you have evidence, and get out of there if you don't!"

After coming out of the interrogation room, Jin Xi did not immediately go back to the office with Han Chen, but stood alone in the corridor, looking at the morning sky.

She felt that psychopaths, especially psychopaths, were really strange creatures.

Just like Situ Yi.

On the surface, he is a perfect gentleman: elegant, gentle, mature, and admired by everyone around him.

But when this mask was pierced, what was revealed was the real him: childish, cunning, impulsive, and hideous.

like a child.

Perhaps it is not difficult to distinguish all psychopaths, no matter how high their IQ is. Because these traits, like fate, are inscribed in their personality traits, and they cannot be erased or resisted.

So in the past, has she ever had a more intense battle with a psychopath

Only now, even though she has lost all her memories, she still feels the same way.

When he walked back to the office, he saw Han Chen alone, leaning against the desk on the phone.

Jin Xi sat down in her seat, feeling a little tired after all, lying on the table, staring at him with open eyes.

"Okay, I see." Noticing her gaze, Han Chen quickly hung up the phone, walked over, and looked down at her.

"What conclusion?" he asked.

Jin Xi replied: "Extremely psychopathic. It fits all typical characteristics: open-minded but logically confused; likes to play pranks; even able to discuss criminal psychology with us, but has no intention of repentance; impulsive and irritable emotions are difficult to control... and He was calm and excited when talking about the two victims. If he wasn't a psycho killer, I'd cut off his head and sit with you as a stool."

The last sentence was completely the bold words of the male detectives. She said it as a matter of course, but Han Chen glanced at her, took out his hand from his trouser pocket, and pinched the back of her neck as punishment.

"How did you speak?"

Jin Xi glances at him lazily: "It's too broad."

Han Chen pulled up a chair, sat down beside her, put an arm around her shoulders, and asked in a low voice, "Sleepy?"

"It's okay." Jin Xi put her face in her arms and looked sideways at him, "Can Situ Yi's house be searched?"

"Still waiting for a search warrant."

Jin Xi nodded and moved towards him again. The two were very close. She blinked and said, "Searching his home will definitely yield something. After all, today's interrogation is so valuable. He was convicted, does it count as a win for me?"

Han Chen also looked at her and tapped her fingers on her shoulder.

"Is that so?" he said casually, "I just received a call from Leng Nian, and I have collected two new pieces of evidence; one is that the surveillance camera of a store that sells that kind of nurse uniforms, in June this year. , Situ Yi once went to buy a set of nurse clothes. Second, the clues of the decoration company have been found. Situ Yi's villa in the suburb of Baiyun Mountain has done very strict sound insulation decoration, and the person in charge of the decoration company is very impressed. "

Jin Xi was stunned for a moment, and the surprise instantly passed her mind.

"So what else does he have to say!"

Han Chen's eyes also showed a smile: "These two are only circumstantial evidence, and he cannot be convicted. It can only be said that the chances of him being the murderer have greatly increased."

Jin Xi smiled and tapped his chest: "That's great."

"Well... that's great." Han Chen grabbed her hand and repeated her words. Those dark eyes looked at her so solemnly: "You tried the person, and I found the evidence. In the end, if the person is arrested, will you win or I will win?"

His voice was low and soft, with the seductive undertones customary these days. Jin Xi was slightly embarrassed, and wanted to pull her hand back, but she heard him coax in a low voice, "Or, we both won together?"

After a brief chat, Han Chen returned to his seat with a calm expression, but Jin Xi's cheeks were flushed with a smile, her brows and eyes were full of water.

Soon nagging and others came back.

Nagging reported another important piece of information: "People related to Situ Yi: his colleagues in the company, his girlfriend whom he had officially dated and admitted to, the boy he beat last time, and the clubhouse he was familiar with. My friends, please come back. In addition, Professor Xu's polygraph is almost ready, and he said that it can start in the afternoon. "

Including Jin Xi, everyone was very excited. Because the questioning of the people around Situ Yi can further verify his characteristics, and it is very likely to find more and more direct evidence to convict him. And polygraph detection is also a new thing for them. Xu Bai's polygraph is also very famous in China, and it is said that the accuracy rate is very high. They are also looking forward to seeing the results.

Han Chen nodded: "Talk to them first."