Meng Po’s Husband Chasing Diary

Chapter 22: Wrongly dead female ghost


Meng Eqi did not dare to speak, and scolded Yue Lao hundreds of times in his heart. The effect of this sweet and sweet pill is too strong? One to one violent look, Meng Eqi swore that if he hadn't had a bit of reason, he would have thrown his hands on Sheng Jiayan.

Sheng Jiayan looked at her without saying anything, and his eyes swept to the door, where General Blood River, Boys of Good and Evil, Father Earth, Duke Chenghuang, Meng Jiang, and Day and Night Wandering God were poking their brains to observe the movement inside. Seeing Yan Wang's eyes swept over, everyone retracted their necks, all in a cold sweat.

Sheng Jiayan's eyes paused for a while, and then moved to Meng Qiqi: "What's the trouble?"

Meng Qiqi had already adjusted her mentality and took a deep breath: "Has your majesty heard of Yue Lao's love and sweetness pill?"

Sheng Jiayan nodded lightly: "Not only have I heard it, but someone around me has used it."

Meng Qiqi hurriedly asked cautiously, "Who?!"

It wouldn't be that Hades already knew that she tricked him into taking this damn pill...

Sheng Jiayan casually pointed to the place where he was standing just now. The twin tree was swaying with blood-red leaves, with distinct leaves and roots, and a thick trunk. The two trunks have been twisted together for years, and the leaves are so abundant that they tend to obscure the sun.

Meng Qiqi blinked suspiciously, can trees also take medicine

Sheng Jiayan answered patiently for the first time: "This tree used to be a pair of ghosts who were inseparable in love. Because they didn't want to be reincarnated, they asked for a medicine pill from the old man, and they turned into twins with strong love. Trees, forever entangled."

"..." The love in the biography is mutated?

She was a little afraid that the medicinal properties of this Passionate Sweetness Pill would be so violent...

When she thought that she might become a tree in the future, and would be entangled with Sheng Jiayan forever, Meng Qiqi shuddered all over her body, and almost threw herself on her knees and did everything, but fortunately she forced herself to hold back. Trembling, but silently admitting: "Your Majesty, do you remember the two pills that **** showed you?"

Sheng Jiayan nodded, his eyes were a little far-reaching, and Meng Qiqi's heart jumped when he saw it.

"Actually that's..."

"Your Majesty! It's not good, something happened to the judge." Bai Wuchang ran in from the outside, bringing a burst of smoke and dust into the air, showing that the speed was extremely fast.

Sheng Jiayan frowned without a trace, and Bai Wuchang's mind came out like a sieve: "Today, Niu Tau Ma Mian detained a soul. Even more hatred. I don’t know if I brought a few immortal bones with me, but it suddenly became more powerful and ran away after injuring a few underworld officials. Just after being chased back by Hei Wuchang, the female ghost scratched the judge and was pressing on the Waiting for interrogation in the Hall of Merit."

"She is in a special situation, and her resentment is too great. I am afraid that there will be more cause and effect after her reincarnation. I also ask Your Majesty to go and decide."

Usually, there is no need for Sheng Jiayan to personally interrogate the soul. I heard that in the entire underworld, there are countless underworld officials sitting in the halls to perform their duties and arrange the ghosts to go. Unless you encounter a very difficult ghost, resentful ghost, or the reincarnation of a Buddha or a god, or a special destiny such as a son, Sheng Jiayan will personally receive it.

In the Hall of Merit, there are scriptures engraved by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in those days. No matter how powerful the soul is in the hall, it cannot exert any strength, and can only wait for the trial obediently. As soon as she heard that the female ghost was taken there, Meng Eqi knew that she was probably a not-so-simple soul.

However, she hadn't finished talking yet, and was eager to ask Sheng Jiayan for advice, so she hurriedly put on her skirt and followed.