Meng Po’s Husband Chasing Diary

Chapter 24: Similar faces


Everyone was in trouble in the end, staring with wide-eyed frowns.

In the end, it was the land father who made a firm decision: "Why don't we find a chance to let all the underworld officials come and walk in front of Qi, and let Gui Langzhong keep taking the pulse, and whoever sees a person whose heartbeat is shaking violently, that is the one people!"

When he said this, everyone applauded violently.

In the Hall of Merit, there was silence at the moment, not only Meng Qiqi was dumbfounded, but Sheng Jiayan also stopped, and there was a crack in his flat expression.

Standing in front of them was a woman in white clothes standing with her back turned. Her beautiful long hair was like a black waterfall, and it looked like fine satin under the glittering golden inscription. Her back was straight, Meng Qiqi and the others couldn't see the female ghost's face from this angle, but they were all stunned without exception.

Because of this back figure, it really looks like Meng Eqi himself.

Especially when this female ghost heard the movement and turned around, her wonderful facial features were five points similar to Meng Qiqi! But there were no carmine birthmarks in the corners of her eyes, and her whole expression was cold and cold. She is not as flamboyant and glamorous as Meng Qiqi.

"Master Hades." The female ghost spoke first, and a lingering voice came from her vermilion lips.

Meng Qiqi was a little unhappy for some reason.

Sheng Jiayan has returned to his usual icy normality. He stepped forward and sat on the main hall. He was about to interrogate him, but suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Meng Qiqi who was still standing there, his voice was slightly deep: "Amen, come here."

Meng Eqi woke up from a dream and ran to stand behind Sheng Jiayan.

The female ghost also looked at her a few more times, and the two were indeed somewhat similar. But the demeanor is completely different.

Hei Wuchang looked at Bai Wuchang, who came in behind, and asked with his eyes, "Didn't you tell Your Majesty that this female ghost is similar to Madam Meng?"

Bai Wuchang put on an embarrassed look: It's not good for Madam Meng to follow.

Bai Wuchang glanced at the female ghost again, and still sighed inwardly, it looks like this is not talking. If it weren't for the similarities, the judge thought that Meng Eqi hesitated for a while, and he would definitely not have been scratched on the shoulder by the female ghost.

"Your name is Yun Ge?" Sheng Jiayan opened the heavy accounts and read the details of Yun Ge's life.

"Yes. I was originally an orphan, with only my first name and no surname. The surname Yun belongs to my husband's family." Yun Ge was very calm, not at all like those ghosts before, who exuded endless violence. gas.

Sheng Jiayan saw the last line that recorded her life: "Wuyin year, guihai month, yiyou day, yinshi-" He paused and looked at Yun Ge with a deep look: "Death by suicide."

"I didn't commit suicide!" Yun Ge shouted abruptly: "They persecuted me. If I don't obey, they will kill my son!"

Sheng Jiayan didn't say anything, motioning her to continue.

Yun Ge took a deep breath and began to say slowly: "I was a beggar at the time, but I was sold by Ya Niang to the prime minister's family as a slave. Later, the prime minister's family came to a distant cousin, a young master, but he was actually a poor man. Relatives. I came to seek refuge because my parents died. The prime minister loves his reputation and is afraid that he will show a mean and ruthless image, so he took in this young master. I was assigned to serve this person, and this person will become my future husband. ."

"Afterwards, he expressed his intentions to me. We watched the flowers and listened to the rain together, admired the snow and commented on the plums. He was indeed a good man at that time. But later... "