Meng Po’s Husband Chasing Diary

Chapter 37: Impermanent death


Yang Xuanlie nodded, without too much entanglement and questioning. He knew that this trip would not be too smooth, so he was fully prepared long before he came. Po Meng is suspected of commanding the people under her command to steal Yue Lao's personal belongings, and according to the rules, they are to hand over to Emperor Zhenwu for interrogation. But taking into account the protection of the King of Hell, the court's intention was to let Erlang Shen not confront him.

So Yang Xuanlie said: "Your Majesty, I am on vacation, I wonder if I can stay in the underworld for a few days."

Sheng Jiayan took a careful look at him, and this glance almost made Erlang Shen feel a little guilty, but fortunately, as a god of war, he has experienced big scenes. Therefore, in the face of the pressure from the King of Hell, he did not change his face steadily, and let Sheng Jiayan look at it.

Sheng Jiayan finally agreed to Erlangshen's request. Erlangshen was relieved when he saw that the matter was halfway through, and wanted to pick up the cakes on the table to taste.

Before the hamster had finished eating, half of the sweet-scented osmanthus cake was picked up by Erlang Shen and put into his mouth.

"I heard that the dim sum chefs of the Huangquan Restaurant in the Underworld are very skilled, and today I tasted it as expected." Yang Xuanlie said.

Hei Wuchang looked at him blankly, while Bai Wuchang held back a smile. Sheng Jiayan is also calm: "Eat more if you like."

In Meng Eqi's mansion, Erlang God had just been sent away, and everyone had no time to worry about what Erlang God was doing at this time, because they were very worried that the current way of eating 'Meng Eqi' would cause problems for themselves.

'Meng Eqi' sat on the bed with his legs crossed, holding the sunflower seeds in both hands and knocking around, his teeth seemed to be fast. It's not enough to eat enough, and you have to hide all the food in your cheeks.

Naihe's cheeks have long been unable to fit, and the drums are incredible.

Yeyoushen brought a bowl of water: "Drink some water, don't choke my sister!"

'Meng Eqi' held the rim of the bowl with both hands, and finally licked the water with his tongue.

General Xuehe couldn't stand it any longer, and stunned 'Meng Eqi' with one palm. Meng Jiang hurried forward and took out all the melon seeds in his mouth.

Duke Chenghuang frowned into the word 'Chuan': "You can't go on like this, how many kilograms of melon seeds have you eaten this morning! He has to die too."

The boy of good and evil responded: "Yeah! I've never heard that a rat needs to grind his teeth!"

Riyoushen answered: "I've never heard of mice hiding food in their cheeks!"

General Xuehe looked at everyone and wondered: "What kind of creature is that, it has to grind its teeth and hide things in its cheeks?"

Everyone looked at each other and shouted in unison, "Hamster!?"

Sheng Jiayan arranged for Erlang God to live in his mansion. Although it was far away from his dormitory, Sheng Jiayan obviously felt that the hamster was somewhat afraid of Erlang God.

Bai Wuchang brought a plate of snacks to feed the hamsters as usual today. His Majesty the King of Hell went out to do business and told him to take good care of the hamsters.

He poked the hamster in the ear, getting an angry glance from the latter.

"Hamster, are you afraid of the dog that Erlang God brought?" Bai Wuchang asked.

The hamster ignored him and buried himself in the pastry.

Bai Wuchang thought it was a default, and felt that he had found a bosom friend: "I'm afraid I don't want it! You Erlang God come to play and play, what kind of roaring dog? already."

The hamster seemed to despise Bai Wuchang, and simply pointed his butt at him.

Bai Wuchang twisted his butt chubby and suddenly became interested: "Let me see if you are a boy or a girl."

Well, he's about to lift the hamster's tail.