Meng Po’s Husband Chasing Diary

Chapter 55: The Apparition of Mother Meng


Meng Eqi has a good ear, and she heard these words without falling into her ears.

The old woman sighed heavily: "I thought that when the youngest married to Li Yuanwai's family, although he was not very rich, he didn't have to worry about food and clothing. I didn't know that Li Yuanwai was not a person. Since the youngest married him, he would go home every time There were many wounds all over the body, and some of them didn't heal for days! Now even people are crazy, and their appearance is ruined. My poor daughter—"

The old woman stopped and cried again. She cried out of breath and was so sad that she almost fell on the woman who was supporting her. The team couldn't, so they had to stop in place to rest and adjust.

The woman followed her heart and lungs for her, while comforting: "Mother relax, the wizard is no longer, sister is just scared and lost her soul. If she can carry her body and call out over the mountains and fields, she will be able to come back, and people will also It won't be crazy anymore."

Another woman twisted the hot and humid veil and wiped the old woman's forehead: "I want that Li Yuanwai's heart is too dark, and he has tortured several wives to death. Listening to others, he seems to like to beat his wife. The eldest wife was beaten away, the second wife was forced to commit suicide by him, and all the third wives drowned by themselves. He specializes in cauterizing people with a hot iron, so who can stand it!? A strong person can't stand his daily torment."

The old woman finally caught her breath and said, "No wonder I was willing to give so many betrothal gifts that day, it turned out that I had to exchange the money for my daughter's life. If I had known this earlier, I would have refused to marry my daughter! "

The first woman said: "Otherwise, let's report to the officials! Cang Zai Shang, is there no king law!"

The old woman waved her hands again and again: "If you can't report it, you can't report it. Li Yuanwai is the cousin of the Liangjiabao Fort Lord, and Liang Baozhu is on good terms with the nobles in the capital. Even if this is reported, we are the ones who suffer."

Another woman echoed: "What's more, Li Yuanwai is rich and powerful. Even if the government really convicts him, it will only be a matter of a few boards. When he is released, he will still be at large. Sister can escape alive, It's already a blessing. It stands to reason that Li Yuanwai has done so many crimes, the master should have sent down the thunder and struck him to death!"

Meng Qiqi heard all these words in her ears, and she put on the flower-faced mask in a hurry. On the mask, the flowers on the other side are blooming like blood, and it seems that blood is dripping under the moonlight.

The desperate old woman and the two women were sighing when they heard a sudden sound in the night sky.

"Do you want Li Yuanwai's life?"

They were stunned for a moment, and looked after the prestige, and saw a woman dressed in red standing under the broken door of Mengpo Temple. The flowers on the other side of her mask were amazing, the blood-red clothes fluttered in the wind, and the night light and shadow looked like a charming Rakshasa.

The villagers carrying the mad woman were shocked, and when they loosened their hands, they saw that the mad woman was about to fall off the plank.

Meng Qiqi turned her head slightly towards that direction, and then firmly supported the plank in the air.

A woman first screamed in horror: "The gods have appeared!"

The villagers all knelt on the ground and banged their heads.

Meng Qiqi was very calm: "If you want Li Yuanwai's life, send the most valuable things on your body."

The old woman immediately took off a warm jade bracelet with gold threads from the mad woman's wrist, and walked tremblingly on her knees to the door: "This is the most valuable thing in our family."

Meng Qiqi took the bracelet from her hand and put it in her arms without hesitation: "Tomorrow afternoon, I will hang Li Yuanwai's head on the city gate of Cangzhou."

Putting those words down, Meng Eqi turned around and walked away.