Meng Po’s Husband Chasing Diary

Chapter 77: cheating situation


In the evening, Gao Xian invited Sheng Jiayan and others to have dinner in the front hall, but Sheng Jiayan and Meng Qiqi had special identities and their faces could not be exposed in front of others, so they turned it down. Lin Gaoshan's family happily went to the banquet, Meng Qiqi strolled around the yard, and ran out of Xiyuan while Sheng Jiayan and Xiang Dingchen were discussing.

The Gao Mansion was obviously very large. Meng Eqi followed the direction in which she saw the pregnant servant girl being dragged away from her memory. She passed through the hanging flower gate, and in front of her eyes was a vermillion and green willow with layers of shadows, and strange flowers could be seen everywhere in the garden. The strange grass, the evening wind blows, the insects chirping quietly.

Xu Shi's maids went to the front hall to serve Gao Xian's banquet. At this moment, no one passed by in the garden.

Meng Eqi quickly became dizzy. She originally wanted to see if the pregnant maid would be locked up, but she would have lost her way.

When approaching a rockery, Meng Qiqi suddenly heard a strange rustling sound.

She hurriedly hid behind the thick branches and leaves, trying her best to listen to the movement behind the rockery.

It was dark, and Meng Eqi seemed to hear the sound of her skirt being torn apart.

The deliberately suppressed gasping sound came into Meng Qiqi's ears intermittently: "No, don't..."

Meng Qiqi was speechless for a while.

Shouldn't she—

Run into someone cheating

Another male voice laughed: "No? I remember how you seduced me today."

Then came the more and more intense breathing, Meng Eqi couldn't see the details, but felt her face burning hot.

Meng Eqi didn't dare to move a step, for fear that he would step on a dead branch or fallen leaf as in the words and startle the two behind the rockery. Can only be motionless, forced to listen to this living erotic image.

After an unknown amount of time, Meng Eqi's feet felt numb, and a few green leaves fell from the top of her head. Finally, the woman behind the rockery made a comfortable voice, and then the two of them were silent for a while, followed by the sound of rustling clothes.

Meng Qiqi breathed a sigh of relief.

I can finally leave.

Who would have thought that the two of them were still chatting like no one else!

The man's pretentious voice made Meng Qiqi's skin goosebumps: "Ruan, as his name is, is really soft."

The woman smiled softly: "Young master will make fun of slaves."

After all, she became worried again: "If my sister knew that you and I were like this, I would definitely skin the slaves and servants. The servants betrayed my sister, and I have no face to live."

The man hurriedly reassured: "No hurry, I promise you, when I marry Gao Lan and enter the door, you will also be carried as a concubine. At that time, you will no longer have to be a slave or a maid, and Gao Lan will also call you sister."

The woman was naturally very happy, but she was still hesitant: "Is that really the case? Sister... will she agree?"

Thinking of her sister's different personalities, she shuddered.

The man hugged her tighter: "That's natural. When she marries me, will she be free?"

Only then did the woman feel relieved, and the two were tired for a while, and then they parted reluctantly and left one by one.

Meng Eqi came out from behind the tree and twisted her sore ankle. It happened that Sheng Jiayan was looking for her from the other end, and seeing Meng Qiqi under the moonlight, Sheng Jiayan frowned slightly: "Why is his face so red?"

"No, it's fine..." Meng Eqi couldn't admit that she just saw the live erotic pictures!

Sheng Jiayan's expression turned cold, remembering that he had just bumped into a man who was going out the front when he came over.