Meow! A Kitten Stumbles into a CEO Novel!

Chapter 45: Back to update


1028 sighed, it's not stupid, no matter how confused it is, it can't pretend to be confused at this time.

Lin Jiabao slowly raised his head, looking completely at a loss, he called 1028: "Miaomo..."

'Enough noise? Go to bed early when you are noisy enough. '

"But I..."

1028 broke free from Lin Jiabao's embrace and jumped on the bed with all his strength. He happened to be looking at Lin Jiabao. This is also the way he chose to talk to Lin Jiabao.

'Baby, why did you choose to do the task? '

"Why did you ask me this all of a sudden?" Lin Jiabao was a little confused.

"you answer me first."

What did I choose to do the mission for

I want to be with Mama.

I like this very warm world.

And there are people in this world who don't want them to be hurt.

'Are you going to be with Ouyang Feng because you have completed the task? '

Lin Jiabao was stunned for a moment, completely unimpressed that Miao Mama would ask him that, or was completely unaware that being with Ouyang Feng was equivalent to helping complete the task.

"I want to be with you all, I didn't think so much."

1028's tail flicked, not surprised that Lin Jiabao didn't think about anything. He looked like he was simply trapped by emotions. He buried his body and supported his head with his claws. Dao: 'You should think carefully about what you really want to do, what you want to do in the future, who you want to be with, and how your life is going. '

'You can know nothing, but you need to really do what you want and go with the flow long enough to learn to think for yourself. '

"I... .."

A lot of things weighed on the young man's mind, and Mommy didn't choose to continue to advise Lin Jiabao, but let him think about it himself, but sometimes, the follow-up of its ideas is the same as Ouyang Feng. Lin Jiabao is really too young, but it is also because he is too young. When he was small, everyone around him wanted to shield him from the wind and rain, and there were not many opportunities for him to grow up.

Suddenly, this thought flashed in Lin Jiabao's mind: "I want to be with brother Ouyang Feng, but not now."

No matter the task or the stability of the world, some things are your own responsibility.

But he will definitely tell that very gentle person about his feelings, and he will tell everything one by one after completing the task.

The night is also quiet, the mountains are not as bright as the city lights, so the starry sky is faint.

One has no dreams, one cannot sleep.

When he woke up, Lin Jiabao slept uncomfortably, shaking his head, as if this would make his head clearer. Since the 1028 was still in standby mode, Lin Jiabao kept his steps light so as not to wake the mother cat.

In the bathroom, Lin Jiabao squeezed the toothpaste on and was about to brush his teeth, but in the mirror on the side, he saw these two dark circles. Because the skin was too white, the dark circles were not big, but they were very conspicuous. He rubbed his eyes, wondering if it was his own illusion, the more he rubbed it, the more obvious it became.

I feel like I can't see anyone QAQ

What should I do? Lin Jiabao, who has evolved from a white cat to a panda, is shocked and stunned. No matter how worried a single-celled creature is, it will never affect his sleep. But this time, he didn't sleep well. It was embarrassing.

Because he doesn't deal with dark circles.

I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and when I saw the person in the mirror still looked like a panda, I wanted to slip into bed again to make up for a good night's sleep.

However, I have to leave early today to see the famous scenic spot in the mountains - the carving among the branches. If I don't go out, it is estimated that someone will call him in a while. Lin Jiabao saw Miao's mother sleeping comfortably, and really didn't want to wake her up because of such a trivial matter. After hesitating for a few moments, she fell on the bed and stared at the ceiling in a daze.

dong dong dong —

Lin Jiabao reflex blush, wait, why blush

He stood up, looked at the discovery of the door and asked, "Who?"

"It's me, Xiaobao, are you up yet?"

The person calling him from outside the door turned out to be Bai Youlian. Lin Jiabao felt a little disappointed for some reason. He shook his head quickly, cleared his mind, and hurriedly said, "Get up, wait for me to open the door for you."

Bai Youlian, who was outside the door, waited for a while, and saw that the door was opened slightly, Lin Jiabao hid behind the door, only to hear the person behind the door ask weakly, "Lianlian, are there any other people around you? ?"

After hearing this, Bai Youlian looked around and said, "No, what's wrong?"

Lin Jiabao breathed a sigh of relief, opened the door, and invited people in first.

Bai Youlian didn't know why Lin Jiabao did this, but when she saw the dark circles on Xiaobao's face, she couldn't help but "poof".

"Hold your laughter." Lin Jiabao covered his eyes with both hands, and asked very sadly, "What should I do?"

"Wait and let me laugh for a while." Bai Youlian didn't laugh loudly, but after a while she restrained her smile and said, "Actually, I still want to take a picture."

It is rare for someone to be so cute with dark circles under their eyes, like a fat man.

Lin Jiabao covered his eyes like this, his body exuding the smell of blue and thin mushrooms.

"Okay, I'll cook you a hot egg and you can apply it." The corners of Bai Youlian's mouth still didn't flatten. No wonder she was hiding. If she was seen by that idiot Ouyang Chen, she would probably be laughed at for a day.

Hearing that Bai Youlian had a solution, Lin Jiabao was relieved, and his brain circuit had gone to the other side. For example, late-night confession actually affects the sleep of both parties, or horror movies should not be watched at night, and horror movies will promote confession

After everyone was almost up, Lin Jiabao was still looking in the mirror to treat dark circles with eggs.

Roll around, press back and forth.

The pair of eyes in the mirror only left a faint cyan color, which was much better than before.

Everyone was waiting for him. Lin Jiabao gently picked up the mother who was still waiting, and then hurried back to the lobby. He kept all the breakfast sandwiches for him. The caviar on it was still delicious. Put it on the breakfast, but when I see the person coming, my blood rushes up, I can't help blushing, and it looks like a steam cat.

"Didn't you sleep well?" Ouyang Feng noticed Lin Jiabao's light blue at a glance, but felt a little regretful and distressed.

When Lin Jiabao heard Ouyang Feng's voice, he froze and choked on himself. He wanted to shake his head and drink water, and finally caught his breath.

Well, yesterday I was thinking about having a good communication with others when the task is completed, but this response is really disappointing.

1028 didn't open his eyes, he flicked his tail, as if he slept soundly.

"When everything is ready, let's go on the road, while there are few people now."

It's still early, there are not many people, and the road to the top of the mountain to see the carvings among the branches is not blocked. When you arrive at a service station, cars are not allowed to go up. Tourists can choose the hiking trail on the side, or take a viewing car to go up, young people. If you have good physical strength, you will naturally choose the road of adventure and challenge. The mountaineering equipment is well prepared, but some tourists or the elderly who do not want to climb the mountain prefer to sit up the mountain.

After they waved goodbye to Ouyang Chen and agreed to meet on the platform, only Lin Jiabao and Ouyang Feng were left facing each other, staring blankly.

A little flustered.

Why is the person who confesses calmer than the one who confesses meow


Hey, Lin Jiabao felt like he heard it wrong, did someone apologize

"Maybe I told you this too early yesterday, thinking about it, I was too selfish."

It was really Ouyang Feng who was talking to him, Lin Jiabao bit his lower lip and buried his head, he squeezed his own flesh, then as if to show his seriousness, he confronted Ouyang Feng and said, "No, no, actually I am. There are a lot of things I want to tell my brother, but I can't right now."

Ouyang Feng was suffocated, the best result was that he was in love with each other. Of course, he had been delusional, but what Lin Jiabao wanted to say to him was obviously related to this matter.

He laughed suddenly, the other party did not escape, it was already the best ending.

"It's okay, there are some things, we can talk about it when you are an adult, and the state is also excellent now."

Understanding each other and being tolerant of each other gradually loosened Lin Jiabao's tight heart, and his originally red face gradually turned pink. A sense of peace of mind never diminished.

"The summit is over there, but it's a no-man's land, except for the scientific research team, which is basically blocked."

"Wow there is a lake! It's so clear, I don't know if there are any fish."

The verdant greenery is separated from the clear white snow. The clouds and mists in the early morning are heavy with humidity, and the mountains and mountains slowly fall down, adding a bit of magnificence to the mountains. From a high place, the eyes can be seen all the way, dizzying, Lin Jiabao sees He was jumping back and forth excitedly, and Ouyang Feng was afraid that Lin Jiabao would fall, so he took good care of him.

It takes two trips to see the carvings among the branches, and then goes around to the top of the mountain, so it takes a lot of time.

When Lin Jiabao and Ouyang Feng arrived at the platform, there were not many people, so there were still chairs. It was very comfortable to sit and wait for Ouyang Chen and them while watching the scenery from the glass wall.

However, the mountain is still high, and it is estimated that it will take a long time to climb up. But it didn't take long for the scene to calm down after seeing the two of them come out of the viewing car.

"The road was blocked when we climbed halfway," Ouyang Chen explained.

"Haha." Bai Youlian smiled without saying a word.

I feel that the heroine is taking a black breath. Hey, Chen Chen, are you really not lying

However, seeing Ouyang Chen looks weird, but he doesn't want to say it directly, and Lin Jiabao doesn't want to ask carefully, but Ouyang Feng is here, because there won't be any big trouble, so Ouyang Chen and Bai Youlian are also quite calm.

Sure enough, Ouyang Feng didn't care too much about how the two of them got up, so he let them go out of the platform and said, "Go first, it won't be interesting when there are too many servants."

The author has something to say:

I finally got the offer yesterday, but the school’s profiling results were not recorded, which led to my disqualification. I went to appeal for a long time. These days, I thought I could be free, but the entry time and the medical examination time collided again. These days I was communicating with the hospital again, and I fell to the ground. Now it should be considered that the busyness has come to an end, with tears in my eyes.