Meow! A Kitten Stumbles into a CEO Novel!

Chapter 48: Fishing BBQ


It seems that even though the heroine didn't interact with the male lead, she has already fought with the female mate, and she may have been suffocated, causing Bai Youlian to enter the state of confrontation first.

In her eyes, Murong Nuanqiu was mainly annoying, and she didn't wink, but she was strong on the outside, and she had no strength, and it was only Ouyang Chen's job to be wary.

But Murong Zi was very suspicious. Talking to her was full of pitfalls. It came from a woman's intuition. If she accidentally fell, she might have pushed her.

"Huh, it's cut and the soup is boiling. I'll go to the dish first." Lin Jiabao put the dish down, adjusted the seasoning, put the lid on, and waited for it to simmer.

There is not much work to be done, most of the ingredients are ready to eat, and the best meat has been marinated. All kinds of ingredients are readily available, just wait for the 'master' to cook it and start it. .

Lin Jiabao sat on the chair and licked his mouth, staring at Ouyang Feng and the others without moving, sniffing his nose, hoping that he could smell the aroma of barbecue.

In response to Lin Jiabao's expectations, Ouyang Chen brought the plate up. Sure enough, everyone was a carnivore. The plate was full of meat. Although the fish was being grilled in the back, the aroma had already made everyone's appetite.

Eating it while roasting is a great pleasure.

There will be a special person to clean up the barbecue spot. After eating, everyone rests for a while. There is no discussion about what to do in the afternoon.

"Go fishing." Ouyang Chen raised his finger and pointed to the river beside him.

"Is there any fish in the cold weather? Why don't you go back to the snow-covered area to continue skiing." Bai Youlian pushed down her glasses and denied this unreliable opinion.

"You don't understand this. The fish at this time are the fattest, right?"

Ouyang Feng raised his eyes and focused on Lin Jiabao's bulging belly. It took a long time before he asked, "Baby, do you want to go fishing or continue skiing?"

Of course it's fishing, meow!

The milk cat's eyes Pika Pika discharges Ouyang Feng, and Ouyang Feng, who has always known this little guy's obsession with fish, immediately understands the core.

Ouyang Feng said decisively: "Today's weather is good, just go fishing around here, and there is a fishing rod behind the carriage. For skiing, tomorrow is the opening period of Gaoling Mountain, so let's go there for the last two days."

Now that Ouyang Feng has spoken, of course everyone has no objection, but people who catch fish are different, and their hopes for the results are also different.

After opening the trunk, I found that there were only three fishing rods of different sizes in total. After Ouyang Feng shared one with Lin Jiabao, even the straight man Chen thought he was weird.

Fishing requires a lot of patience and skill, but everyone is playing blindly and doesn't care so much, it all depends on character. 1028, who was still sleepy at first, is now in good spirits. When Lin Jiabao and Ouyang Feng were still whispering, 1028 rolled his tail and shook hands. If a fish was hooked, 1028 would use his tail to rewind the line and lift the fishing rod up.

After a long time of rain, Ouyang Chen lost his patience and started playing the SW game console. Bai Youlian saw that Ouyang Chen's fishing line was moving, and she didn't remind her. Who told her that her fishing rod had not moved

Suddenly, Ouyang Feng's cell phone rang, who was making Lin Jiabao laugh. He rubbed Lin Jiabao's head, looked at the caller ID, didn't answer it, hung up, and continued to fish with Xiaobao.

Lin Jiabao tugged at Ouyang Feng's sleeve and asked, "Is it urgent?"

"No, let's play our own."

As soon as Ouyang Feng sat down and started to move again, Ben Lin Jiabao's attention was drawn back from the fishing rod, 1028 sighed, and felt that the cat was missing, and continued to roll his tail around the fishing rod to wait for the fish to catch the bait, but it might be the place If you don't choose the right one, the fish will not bite the bait.

After a while, someone called Ouyang Feng again, and Lin Jiabao, whose face was red-faced after being transferred (/) to play, quickly pushed the person out and asked him to answer the phone quickly.

Ouyang Feng made a gesture of surrender with both hands, but smiled helplessly. He saw the housekeeper calling from the villa and walked to the side to pick up.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

"Eldest young master, the two young ladies of Murong's family said that they met young masters on the mountain and wanted to stay for two nights, but the arc of the first young master did not get through, so they went to contact the madam."

"First arrange them in the guest room, away from the villa. No one is allowed to enter the villa until we go back."

"Okay, young master."

At this time, Lin Jiabao's fishing line moved slightly, and 1028 meowed. Lin Jiabao wanted to pull the fishing rod up, but was hit back by 1028 with his front paws. When the float sank a little, and the moment it went up and down, 1028 used his tail decisively. Lift the rod, line.

'Tsk, this one isn't big enough. '

Lin Jiabao, who was squatting on the side, hit Mommy with six sixes and took the fish off the hook. The lively fish did not escape from his hand and was put into the bucket. He rubbed Mommy's face and said admiringly. : "Mom, you are amazing."

'I think back then I was also a good fisherman and won the championship in the competition. '

"It's amazing!" Lin Jiabao thought 1028 was handsome, but he tilted his head and asked suspiciously, "Can the system still fish?"

'Of course, not only fishing, but also fishing for dragons or beautiful girls. When we finish our mission and have enough points, I'll take you to fish for mermaids. '

These words increased Lin Jiabao's motivation to do the task, but after a while he lost his head again and muttered: "I feel so slow, I have to forget about the task."

Is it super fast? The emotional line is basically messed up, and the main line and time line are also disrupted throughout the whole process. The speed of the accumulation of points can be said to be like riding a rocket. , it is only a matter of time before the task is completed.

1028 patted Lin Jiabao on the forehead, but didn't tell him, this guy in the province relaxes himself, and the waves fly.

Ouyang Feng also answered the phone, and seeing that there were fish in the bucket, he praised Lin Jiabao as a good fisherman, saying that Lin Jiabao kept giving Miao's eyes eyes.

The sky gradually darkened, and in the end everyone caught four fish, one of which was quite large and was also caught at 1028. The other two were brought up by Ouyang Feng, and the other was Bai Youlian, and Ouyang Chen, who was only interested in playing games, I didn't lift the fish up several times after unhooking, so I wasted the bait in vain.

Bring the fish back to the villa, and everyone will have a full fish feast at night. Along the way, you complained that I didn’t catch it. I complained that you didn’t catch enough fish to get caught between your teeth. The happy atmosphere of the crowd gradually subsided.

Except for Lin Jiabao, everyone else has the same idea—the ghosts linger.

The Murong sisters stood in front of the car and looked at them as if they were waiting for them to come back.

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