Metropolitan System

Chapter 98: Prestige skyrocketed


Here, Jiang Bai asked Xiaotian to arrange everything and prepare to move in. Before he could move in, Jiang Bai received a call: "Hello, hello, is this Mr. Jiang Bai?"

"Who are you?"

Jiang Bai was stunned for a moment. He knew quite a few people now, but there were not many people who would actually call him and call him that. Moreover, it was an unfamiliar number. Jiang Bai was very surprised.

"I am the editor of Xunjie Culture Publishing House. Do you remember me? I have chatted with you online before. Your "Zhu Xian" was published by our company."

The person who spoke was a female voice. Her voice was a little hoarse and not particularly pleasant, but it gave people a mature and steady feeling.

"Swift culture?"

Jiang Bai was stunned for a moment, then reacted.

The other party contacted me more than a month ago, and it was Er Pang who helped find him.

Because the book "Zhu Xian" was particularly popular, Jiang Bai received a very high royalty rate of 11% in the industry, so Jiang Bai signed directly.

Now he actually doesn't have too high requirements for price. For Jiang Bai, who can be said to be making money every day, money is just an external possession. All he really cares about is prestige. The prestige points transmitted through the network have increased very little. He I hope to increase my prestige through this publication, so I agreed.

"Is there a problem?"

The contract has been signed, what does the other party want from me? Wouldn’t it be over if it were published directly

"It's like this. Starting tomorrow, your book will be available in major bookstores across the country. We hope you can spare some time to hold a signing party to increase the sales of this book.

You know, one of your books has become popular all over the Internet, and many book fans are looking forward to meeting you. However, whether it is in the book review section or elsewhere, you have never appeared in public, which aroused the curiosity of many people.

I think if you are willing to participate in this autograph session, it will definitely increase the popularity and make the sales of "Zhu Xian" even hotter. "

The other side made their demands.

Isn't this why you found Jiang Bai

"Signing session? I'm not free!"

Just kidding, running around the country all day long, sitting there signing and signing, and taking photos and so on. For ordinary people, it is naturally a glorious thing, but for Jiang Bai, it looks like a monkey. Yes, he has no interest at all.

And he doesn't particularly want to appear in the spotlight and have people watch, otherwise he would have followed the advance promotion of "A Better Tomorrow" that started last week.

Of course, there is another most important reason... that is Jiang Bai's handwriting is really not good.

There is no way, Jiang Bai's photographic memory is true, Tonggu Bojin is also true now, not to mention his skills, there are really not many people in China who can challenge Jiang Bai.

But... the problem is, Jiang Bai was really not very good at studying in the past, and he has never focused on practicing calligraphy these days, and his handwriting is still... terrible.

"However, this is a good opportunity to increase sales. You must know that other authors can..."

This person here was also preparing to persuade Jiang Bai, but unfortunately Jiang Bai firmly refused. In the end, the other party had no choice but to compromise.

"Okay, I will report the data to you at any time."

The editor of Swift Culture over there sighed in the end. Her goal was obviously not achieved.

Regardless of the communication between the two of them, whether Jiang Bai agreed to this autograph session, but in the early morning of the next day, there were long queues at the door of major bookstores across the country...

This has aroused the curiosity of many people. You must know that such a scene has not appeared for many years. Since the rise of online media in the past two years, the sales of physical books have been greatly reduced. It has been a long time since we have seen such a hot scene.

Some people were curious and couldn't help but ask what was going on. These young people who are not usually the main group of people who buy physical books would line up one after another. What were they doing

"I said, young man, what are you doing?"

A middle-aged man with many years of experience as a book lover couldn't help but ask.

He originally came here to buy books. Compared with emerging media, he prefers paper books. Today, a martial arts novel he likes happened to be on the market, so he rushed to buy it, but saw so many people queuing up, and they were all young people. , his curiosity grew and he couldn't help but ask.

"Uncle, "Zhu Xian" is on the market. We are all here to buy "Zhu Xian". You are behind the times."

A girl cleverly answered on behalf of the boy being asked, which attracted a burst of agreement.

"Zhu Xian? What's that for? Such a weird name? A fantasy novel?"

The middle-aged people over there were obviously a little confused. The name Zhu Xian was too strange.

"What kind of monster? Uncle, what era do you live in? You are an immortal warrior... Do you understand the immortal warrior... the kind that wields a sword and flies a sword?"

Someone here immediately expressed dissatisfaction and said to the middle-aged man.

"Sword flying fairy? Xianxia?"

This made the middle-aged man a little curious, and then he entered the bookstore. Among the people queuing up to buy, he couldn't help but buy a copy. Then he couldn't help himself after taking a look at it. He was lost in thought. After reading it for half an hour, he couldn't help himself. I bought several copies without hesitation. I keep one for myself and recommend the rest to my friends.

Such a good book should be shared by those book lovers.

Scenes like this are happening all over the country, and Zhu Xian's sales are booming. Although Swift Press has made preparations, printing a full 1.5 million copies in advance and distributing 800,000 copies, it was sold out on the first day. Messages from bookstores all over the place to rush for supplies kept coming in like snowflakes, so Swift Publishing House was unable to respond in time and had to print more copies overnight.

Zhu Xian sold 1.2 million copies on the first day, setting a first-day sales record for many years.

Moreover, it continued to win the championship with sales of 800,000 copies on the second day, which aroused the attention of countless media. For a time, the name "Zhu Xian" became popular all over the country.

In the first week, 3.2 million copies were sold, surpassing the first-month sales record set by a famous author eight years ago.

In one week, it broke the highest first-month sales of others, which shows Zhuxian's popularity.

Jiang Bai's name also appeared in front of all the people for the first time, but unfortunately no media could get Jiang Bai's photo. Jiang Bai had already told the publishing house and website that his ID card could not be leaked. There is no way to obtain it from other channels.

Therefore, although the name Jiang Bai is very loud, no one knows what he is like.

Some people in Tiandu feel that the name Jiang Bai is familiar, but no one connects Jiang Bai, who writes books, with Jiang Ye, the man who calls the wind and rain.

This also makes Jiang Bai famous, but not visible to others.

Of course, these are not the most important things. The most important thing is that because of the hot sales of "Zhu Xian", Jiang Bai gained a lot of prestige points.

The sales of physical books cannot be compared with the Internet. Naturally, the level of prestige points obtained is also different. Only with 10,000 clicks on the Internet can Jiang Bai gain a little prestige. However, with the sales of physical books, Jiang Bai's prestige increased to one percent.

In other words, for every copy sold, Jiang Bai can gain 0.01 prestige.

In the first week, Jiang Bai madly grabbed more than 32,000 prestige points.

The speed is crazy and the results are shocking.