Middle-aged Love Patch

Chapter 138


The players who were the first to arrive at the desert arena could indeed sit down and rest, and their stamina and health bars could recover a little, but the sun was still hanging above their heads. Except for Axue and Caoyexiang, all the other players were dizzy and dizzy.

Even if there is no physical confrontation, the brain will be boiled just sitting here.

Other people's skulls are about to drift from the sun, and Xu Youyuan's head is covered with a thick rabbit fur hat, which is so hot that she is in a trance. However, it was also because Kaikai helped her block the scorching sun, the heat was hot, but she could endure it.

While waiting for the players behind to enter, Xu Youyuan also praised Shi Yue about her rabbit fur hat.

Kai Kai's breathing became more and more urgent, and Kai Kai, whose nose was as red as a strawberry, jumped off her head.

Suddenly, Xu Youyuan, who felt that the sun was so powerful, couldn't believe it: "?!"

Kai Kai stood on the table, brushed his ears with his short hands, rubbed his face again, and lay down.

"What's the matter with you?" Xu Youyuan poked it, "Aren't you relying on my head and not leaving? Didn't you want to buy rabbit grass for you before you would come down? A handful of rabbit grass sells for 100,000 gold coins, and you can return it after eating it. There is only a half chance of coming down, why did you run away by yourself now? You should talk about it!"

Kaikai watched Xu Youyuan keep poking at the thick layer of fleshy fingers on its neck, narrowed her eyes, and took a bite.

Xu Youyuan felt pain, and immediately retracted her hand.

It hurts so much! Xu Youyuan and Kai Kai looked at each other, her mood was difficult to calm down for a long time, and she complained to Shi Yue:

"It bit me!"

When Shi Yue was about to faint from laughter, Xu Youyuan said:

"You're laughing so genuinely too..."

"Okay, okay, I won't laugh anymore." Shi Yue pinched the back of Kai Kai's neck, arrogant Kai Kai immediately woke up again.

Shi Yue picked it up and held it with all her feet up in the sky. At first, it wanted to push Shiyue away, but Shiyue fought with it. No matter how much he pushed Shiyue, he would not let go. Soon, Shiyue realized the difference in strength between the two sides and could only succumb to Shiyue's strength. arms.

Shi Yue looked at it and said, "It's said that rabbit leg meat has no fat at all, it's refreshing and chewy, I haven't eaten it yet. Xu Youyuan, can you send some cooking utensils in your takeaway kit? I'll give it to you. How about you make a pot of braised rabbit legs?"

Kaikai didn't know if he understood her words, his eyes didn't move.

"Look at how long the hair on this belly and small paws is, trim it first. Xu Youyuan, buy me a pair of scissors."

Xu Youyuan patted the scissors on her hand, and Shi Yue really started to trim her hair.

"Look at this soft rabbit fur, it feels so good." Shi Yue continued to frighten away while trimming her fur, "Is there a desert arena and a polar fight? Xu Youyuan, do you think we should prepare in advance? Something to keep out the cold? I like a rabbit fur scarf."

The cold light of the scissors swept across Kai Kai's neck, and Kai Kai's hands suddenly trembled after being grabbed by fate, shaking in the air for a long time, and two balls of shit came out.

Xu Youyuan said: "Okay, just stand up a little, don't really scare it out. We have to clean the shit ball that falls on the ground."

After pruning and educating him, he returned to the top of Xu Youyuan's head again. The whole rabbit was more energetic. Xu Youyuan touched its belly and did not see it bite again.

"Okay, you." Xu Youyuan sighed, "How do you know everything? The little overlord has been treated obediently by you."

"That's not it." Shi Yue said proudly, "It's all the rich experience accumulated in the long-term war with you. What's so difficult about dealing with a rabbit? Evil birds can be treated obediently."

Evil bird? !

When Xu Youyuan was about to attack, she found that the live broadcast bee buzzed in front of them, as if introducing the players and wanting to give them a close-up.

Just in time!

The voice of the commentator came from the live bee. The commentator congratulated them on entering the top 50. I hope they can introduce themselves and talk about the hardships along the way.

Shi Yuete happily faced the live broadcast bee, thanked the live broadcast bee for saving her dog's life, introduced her partner without saying anything about herself, and praised Xu Youyuan in various ways, so that Xu Youyuan was already hanging on her waist and wanted to be ruthless He was too embarrassed to continue pinching his hands.

"... Right?" Shi Yue suddenly turned around and asked Xu Youyuan with a smile.

Xu Youyuan didn't pay attention here at all. She didn't know what she asked, and she couldn't look confused when facing the live broadcast bee. She could only embarrassedly agree with Shi Yue's words with the same smile.

"So it is." The commentator in the live broadcast bee said, "I can't see that the Nothing player with strong output is actually a wife slave and strict wife control. The contrast is very big. I didn't expect it."

Xu Youyuan was stunned, what did she hear

Wife slave? Strict wife control

Xu Youyuan looked at Shi Yue, hoping that Shi Yue could give her an explanation.

You can't talk nonsense while she's in a daze! This is a live broadcast all over the world! More than 200 million people have already watched the live broadcast, Shiyue choreographed her in front of 200 million people

A crisp laughter came from the live bee: "So the two of you are a real couple?"

"Yeah." Shi Yue said cheerfully, "and she's already engaged."

"I'm engaged? Congratulations! Don't forget to inform everyone when the two get married! I wish you two satisfactory results in the competition!"

"Thank you." Just like the bride who generously entertained the guests at the wedding, Shi Yue put her arms around Xu Youyuan's waist and sweetly sent the live broadcast bee away.

As soon as the live broadcast bee left, Xu Youyuan, who followed her stiffly laughing all the way, immediately killed her.

"Ouch, this sun is poisonous. This head is dizzy." Shi Yue immediately held her forehead, her whole body shaky.

"Are you really dizzy or afraid that I will beat you?"


Unexpectedly, Shi Yue was quite frank, and Xu Youyuan couldn't beat her if she wanted to really beat her.

"You're just talking nonsense here on purpose."

"Yes, I am."

"Dare next time, right?"

"What's the matter, aren't you a wife slave? Don't you love me again?"

"It's alright, alright, the stamina value is almost at the red line and I'm still poor here. Hurry up and sit down and rest for a while. We have reached 21 teams, and the game will start soon."

Xu Youyuan wanted to find something to cover the scorching sun, and almost emptied her takeaway toolbox, only to find a small umbrella, which had a slightly weaker shading ability, and it was better than nothing.

When holding up the umbrella, the live broadcast bees who were interviewed one by one in reverse order of the real-time ranking arrived at the table number 2 and were interviewing Axue and Kusano Xiang.

Shi Yue and Xu Youyuan's attention was immediately drawn to them.

Not only Xu Youyuan and Shi Yue, but everyone present was watching them.

Axue and Kusano Xiang have been No. 1 since the beginning of the qualifiers, stealing the limelight. Anyone who has watched their live broadcast knows how powerful A Xue is. She looks very cute in a high school girl's uniform, but she can use a chainsaw to block the gods and Buddhas, and the contrast is strong. In the last round, they accidentally fell to the second place, but everyone believes that the first place is just luck, and the king will eventually return to the throne.

The live bee caught A Xue and tried desperately to ask her questions, but A Xue was very reticent and even a little dumb, and couldn't get a few words out of her mouth for a long time.

"Actually, our grades are also quite good." Xu Youyuan greeted Canglu and Yan Rong sitting behind the table numbered "1", and whispered to Shi Yue, "The top 3 are too conspicuous and too hateful. "

"I'm not afraid of hatred." Shi Yue shook her wrist and said, "My baby grew up eating cute, I'm different, I just grew up eating hatred."

Xu Youyuan didn't react for a while, and after pondering to understand that when she was talking love and harsh words at the same time, she couldn't help but "puchi":

"It's the trajectory of a talented girl's growth."

While the two were talking, they suddenly felt the hot gaze of the scene shift from Asakusa Yexiang to them.

"What happened?" This time, it was Shi Yue's turn to fail to figure out the situation.

Xu Youyuan actually listened: "Just now, the bee asked the wild elephant on the live broadcast and thought who was their biggest opponent, and then the grass and wild elephant turned to look at us... No, it was looking at you."

Kusano Elephant was indeed staring at Shi Yue.

From the moment they entered the arena, the grassy elephant never took his eyes off Shi Yue.

"Do you know her?" Xu Youyuan asked.

"Didn't you say that your waistcoat might have fallen off?" Shi Yue calmly faced the gazes of Cao Yexiang and everyone, without any intention of dodging, "The love story between the two of us is widely circulated, and the identity of Nothing is exposed, then everyone Even if I think about it with my knees, I know who Nothing's partner is. There are countless people who regard NCOUNT as a strong enemy, and there are also many people who hate me, but I can't remember them."

Xu Youyuan remembered that when she first entered the dark compartment, the wizard DL had troubled her on the Titanic. Did the wizard DL recognize her then? At that time, Xu Youyuan did pinch her appearance that was more similar to her real appearance, perhaps because she recognized her from her appearance...

But the people from the DL team and the people from the next-door aunt's team are also in a competitive relationship. Will they communicate in private

Or do they actually belong together

"My goal is only one, and that is the championship." Kusano didn't seem to be shouting to the live broadcast bee, she only spoke to Shiyue the whole time, "Everyone who hinders me from winning the championship is my enemy!"

There was laughter from the live bee: "I didn't expect that A Xue was not very talkative, but his partner Kusano Xiang was full of fighting spirit. Then I wish the two of them a good ranking..."

The live bee finally flew to Canglu and Yan Rong for an interview. When Yan Rong came, he didn't let him go. She praised and confessed her partner Shanshan to the live bee.

The crowd is here, and the game is finally about to begin.

"This level is for answering questions." Shi Yue said, "There are 12 brain competition-related scenes in the competition stage. Looking at this scene, you will know that we are encountering an answering competition. The answering competition includes astronomy, geography, human history, language arts, There are more than 5 million questions in 16 major categories such as mathematical physics and memory."

"5 million... You won't memorize all the questions and answers for these 5 million."

Shi Yue said: "It's too stupid to memorize it all, but it's almost the same."

As the two were talking, a red light suddenly exploded on the screen. The 25th group of players had entered the arena, and the players on the physical competition side had also reached the 25th group, and the rest were eliminated.

The winged hamster ate the last mealworm, hiccupped, and flew lumberingly with a microphone:

"Congratulations to everyone who entered the wonderful desert arena brain competition! Warm applause for our players with both strength and luck!"

The cheers of the tsunami from the audience shook Xu Youyuan's eardrums.

"What we are about to enter is an answering competition, and the rules here are very simple," said the hamster, "You have all seen the answering device in front of you. A total of 16 categories of questions will appear randomly in random order. Who are the 25 groups of contestants present? Whoever presses the responder first will answer. The competition is divided into three stages. In the first stage, 10 points are added for correct answers, 20 points are deducted for wrong answers; in the second stage, 20 points are added for correct answers, and 40 points are deducted for wrong answers; In the third stage, adding 30 points and deducting 60 points, is it more exciting to the end? The team with the first score to reach 1000 points wins, and the team will be eliminated immediately if the score is less than 100 points.

"The top 10 teams will go directly to the last scene, where 10 to 15 will compete again with the 10 to 15 in the physical competition for the last five places.

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense, it's time to compete for hand speed and brain power!"

The countdown started on the big screen, and Shi Yue said in Xu Youyuan's ear:

"You come and answer the first 20 questions, you don't need to be fast, just be steady."

"Um... what about you?"

"I'll watch first."

Knowing that Shiyue must have her own methods, Xu Youyuan has her own concerns: "To tell you the truth, I am a serious subject, and more than 90% of my knowledge reserves are related to science and engineering. If I encounter literature and history, it will be miserable. "

"It's fine." Shi Yue said, "As long as you pass 20 questions, we can guarantee that we will not be eliminated within 20 questions."

"Okay." Xu Youyuan said, "I will try my best."

The game officially started, and all players raised the spirit of 12 points.

On the big screen it shows:

[Title 1: Humanities and History]

Xu Youyuan's eyes darkened, afraid of what to do.

[The poem 'My family's Nandutou, I'm used to the savage boat' comes from... ]

Before the questions were displayed, someone suddenly pressed the responder.

After table 2, Axue's partner Kusano Xiang pressed the responder.

Continue to display on the big screen:

[The poem 'My family's Nandutou, used to savage boats' comes from... A: B: C: D: ]

The questions are not displayed completely, and even the answers are blank, but Kusano Elephant, who has already pressed the answer, must answer this question.

Everyone in the audience looked at Cao Yexiang, who hesitated for a moment and said, "This poem is from the poem 'Send Zhang Xiang's Fang Mausoleum' by Meng Haoran, a poet in the Tang Dynasty."

Someone whispered: "This person is quick enough to respond, and the first question he comes up with is so bold, no wonder he can become A Xue's partner."

Xu Youyuan found that Shi Yue smiled secretly.

The hamster was also giggling, a big red cross appeared on the big screen, and the 90 points on the screen in front of table 2 became 70 points, and the audience was amazed.

After the points are deducted, the whole question is displayed in full:

['My family's Nandutou, I'm used to the savage boat' This poem comes from Meng Haoran's 'Sending Zhang Xiang's house mausoleum', what is the year of Meng Haoran's birth

A: The second year of Jinglong B: The first year of Yongchang C: The second year of Jingyun D: The first year of congenital

Correct answer, B: the first year of Yongchang]

After all the questions and questions were displayed, there was another burst of amazement. Players are reminding their partners that they still have to wait for all the questions to be displayed before rushing to answer them.

"It's okay." Axue said to Kuo Yexiang, "If you want to grab it, grab it. Let's share more, don't be afraid."

Kuo Yexiang responded with his mouth, and was a little scared in his heart, so he began to seek stability from the next question.

Her reaction is indeed very fast, her knowledge is very comprehensive, and she can even solve high-level math problems on the spot.

But as long as it is related to science and engineering, the grass field elephant still loses to Xu Youyuan. Xu Youyuan lost because she was too weak in literature and history. She only got 40 points out of 20 questions in the first stage, with a total score of 50 points, ranking 7th. But as long as she gets all the answers right.

A Xue didn't answer the question all the way, and all rely on the grass wild elephant. He answered a total of 5 questions right and 1 question wrong, and ranked second with a total score of 120 points.

Mr. E and Super Panda from the Blue Whale Club suddenly emerged. They answered 9 questions correctly and jumped to the first position.

Yan Rong and Canglu have a basic score of 100 points, and they grabbed 1 question, with a total score of 110 points, ranking third.

From the second stage, the score will rise faster, and the gap between the teams will be wider.

The hamster said: "Everyone must have discovered that from this scene, the basic score has appeared. The higher the basic score, the better the advantage. Yes, as long as you leave this scene first, you may reach the next scene ahead of time, and get more Basic points. So, the second stage of the quiz competition is about to start, are you ready?"

"All right!"

When the big screen started to flicker again, Shi Yue, who had been silent all the time, suddenly took a breath.

She stepped forward and squeezed Xu Youyuan's shoulder and said, "It's hard work, leave it to me next."

Xu Youyuan gave way to the side, Shi Yue stood behind the responder, full of confidence, staring at the big screen.

What did she find? Xu Youyuan is looking forward to the unexpected and wonderful performance of Shi Yue, who plays cards out of common sense.

[The second stage, the first question.

German physicist Karl Gauss is the 2033 Nobel Laureate in Physics. Excuse me, he…]

The questions were only displayed halfway through, and everyone held their breaths to read the questions in the second half, when suddenly there was a "bang" and someone grabbed it.

"Fuck? Who grabbed it so early!"

"I don't even know what to ask since the topic started, are you courting death?"

Xu Youyuan was startled and found that the screen in front of her desk was glowing.

Shi Yue's hand was on the answering device, and she was the one who grabbed the question.