Middle-aged Love Patch

Chapter 141


There are still 12 kilometers before the last scene "Wild Supermarket" in the first stage of the dark box competition.

"Player Nothing and Plasma Cream Cake started from the brain competition field and suddenly stopped their hurricane speed when they entered the junction of the desert and the wilderness, but they were still in the first place for the time being. 3 kilometers behind them, the sixth A Qiansheng Baihu player of the CTN team just used his abyss item "All Lines Pursuit" to attack the player Nothing. Now the player Nothing is dead." The male commentator was also startled by the red light that captured the soul just now, and whispered. After speaking, he sorted out his emotions a little before continuing to explain.

The female commentator's palms also began to sweat: "The field is really changing, Nothing and Cream Cake have been unlucky along the way, and even encountered a copy of the scourge, and once stepped on the line to enter the next round. I did not expect that in the brain competition. It was a pity that he was hit hard just after taking the lead. This also sounded the alarm for other players. The more you get to the end, the more you have to raise the spirit of twelve points, after all, this is a dark In the competition stage of the box, the masters gather and fight fiercely, no matter how much you lead, you can't be careless."

"Yes." There was obvious regret in the male commentator's tone, "If this group of players goes offline, the situation on the field may change dramatically..."

The CTN team Qiansheng Baihu and Phoenix No. 1 are a pair of male and female partners. I witnessed Shiyue's excellent answering questions in the brain competition just now, and also found that this pair has amazing potential to win the championship.

The player's Nothing output has always been among the best, and even in the first stage of the brain game, he was able to grab several questions. Her partner didn't know where the genius came from, and the show made everyone stunned.

The CTN team came to the parking lot as the 4th place. When they got into the car, the two were determined to use the biggest killer to eliminate the Nothing group.

"'Full Line Pursuit' can only be used once. It is our biggest trump card. After it is used up, we have nothing to use in the last scene." Before using it, Qiansheng Baihu asked Phoenix One, "Are you sure you want to use it? "

"Of course." Phoenix No. 1 said, "We are not here to fight for a good ranking, our goal is to be the champion! The champion! Nothing and that cream cake are so evil, even more evil than Axue and Kusano! Axue and Kusanoxiang can still fight, but this is different. It's totally useless against them! They must have a lot of strange tricks to do! Didn't you see that even Axue and the others were helpless? The cream cake stole the show, and they must have itching teeth!"

Phoenix One looked around and found that there were no live bees, and whispered to Qiansheng Baihu: "Drag the cream cake group down, and your output can go up, and you can also use the excuse to form an alliance with Asakusa wild elephant. , use them to grab a good ranking and then find a chance to kill them, the championship is ours."

Qiansheng Baihu said: "However, there have always been people on the Internet saying that the cream cake is Shi Yue, the boss of the dark room. If you kill her, it won't be good if she hates us later."

Phoenix No. 1 gave him a hard head: "You are stupid! What game is this? It's a game that the whole world is watching! Even the boss of the secret room can't have the face to cheat! Otherwise, the secret room will be cheating in the future! How else to operate? NCOUNT will become the laughing stock of the industry! As long as the surname Shi has a normal brain, he will not do such a thing!"

"That's right, only a fool will ruin his own job. And seeing that she was so calm when someone reported it, if she really had a ghost in her heart, she wouldn't say that. Then I will start a full-line pursuit and kill the boss of the dark room? "

Phoenix One was silent for a while and said, "Let's kill Nothing."

Qiansheng Baihu: "... cowardly."

[Chase across the board: Have you been disliked by someone for a long time? However, he ran too fast again, and it was too late to kill him. But when you have this abyss prop, you can finally relieve your anger. Whether your enemy owes you money or cuckolds you, or even an NPC who kicked your ass in a certain map, you can kill him now if you want. Note that if this item is not a one-hit hit, it will bite the player back. This prop can only be used once in each scene.]

"Chasing all the way" is a powerful assassination weapon, because of its long range and fast speed, the probability of success is very high.

Xu Youyuan was hit by a single blow without any precaution. If she died, Shi Yue, her partner, would also be eliminated along with her.

However, there seems to be a problem with the system prompt in the dark room. Nothing has died, and the actions of the cream cake should be fully locked, and then they will be eliminated, but why has there been no notification of their elimination so far

Phoenix No. 1 and Qiansheng Baihu drove to the car where Shi Yue and Xu Youyuan had stopped at the edge of the wilderness. They came to verify whether the prey was really dead.

From a long distance, you can see a big hole in the rear window of the car, which is the trace of the full line of pursuit.

When they were about to get out of the car to check, the two looked at each other and took out the two "hell dogs" as pets, just in case.

Hellhounds, their obsession with blood and flesh gives them staggering fighting power, both explosive and tracking abilities are outstanding.

The yellow sand of the desert blew from the rear, and soon covered the still body of the car, which was like a pile of scrap metal and the remains of dead monsters.

Phoenix No. 1 carefully came to the side of the car, carrying the Cerberus, which was so excited that it could break free at any time.

There was blood all over the driver's seat, no one was there.

Through the dead silent carriage, Phoenix No. 1's gaze met Chisei Shiroto who was on the opposite side.

According to the game rules of the dark box, the eliminated players will not leave dead bodies in the game. From this empty car, it can be determined that there is a problem with the game system.

"Okay, take it easy." Phoenix One smiled, "We can move on."

She smiled happily, but saw Qiansheng Shirato's pale face looking behind her.

"?" When Phoenix One wanted to look back, she found that a huge shadow was already pressing on top of her head.


The voice of the beast's hunger is close at hand.

This voice, this sense of oppression, could it be...

Phoenix One slowly twisted its stiff neck and saw the Tyrannosaurus Rex staring at him behind him.

"Ah, ah?!" Phoenix One was dumbfounded, why did this behemoth appear here? Is it, a copy

The Tyrannosaurus Rex roared frantically at Phoenix One's face, and Phoenix One was roared to the ground. The hellhound that had been extremely vicious just now turned into a bereaved dog in front of the former land overlord, and quickly fled with its tail between its tails.

There are two groups of players in the exploration team, the A Boer team, the soy milk and fritters team... Six groups of people surrounded Ato and the injured Alpha.

"This girl is so cute." Someone whispered while looking at the back of A Tou with double ponytails, "I couldn't bear to kill her like this."

"Aren't you kneeling enough on the washboard? Pretend others to be cute in front of the old lady?" The partner was furious.

"Cough, I said that on purpose. Isn't this a firm determination to kill them? I'm afraid you will be soft-hearted."

"Che, what do you think I don't know yet?"

Someone from the other team said: "After killing them, you can make as much noise as you want! Don't give them any time to live! They still have abyss props in their hands that are useless!"

"Yes! Kill it first!"

The 12 people were clamoring to solve them, but Ato didn't seem to hear anything, and focused on pulling the stake out of Alpha's shoulder.

"Although you are strong, you are also flesh and blood." A Tou touched Alpha's face and said, "Tell me if it hurts, you can't make yourself suffer because of the game."

"It's not about the game or not." Alpha looked at the wolves and leopards that surrounded them and said, "Now it's a matter of dignity. Don't worry about me, the appearance of the female warrior Buddha should be able to hold up, you can pull it out. "

A Tou didn't act immediately, and looked at Alpha with obvious reluctance: "I can't do it."

"Okay..." Alpha said, "With your words, I'm not afraid of anything."

Atou broke out in cold sweat, but Alpha was so cute that it made her heart itch. When her mind was unsteady, Alpha couldn't stand it and shouted:

"hurry up!"

Atou was startled and subconsciously obeyed her words.

The moment the blood-stained stake was pulled out, the murderous aura engulfed them instantly, and 12 players attacked at the same time!

These 12 players themselves have superior strength to survive to this day. At the same time, they attacked two injured people. What they need to care about is not the prey, but whether they can pass the "bullying" in their hearts. As long as this is over, not one of the 12 people doesn't feel that the victory is in their hands.

The two daggers spun at high speed above the crouching A Tou head, forming an incomparably sharp defensive circle. The first 3 players who were slaughtered had their throats slashed, and the blood spurted wildly. They were quickly pulled back by their partner for treatment.

This is Ato's weapon. "Go," Ato said, "you've always been so brave and powerful, I don't want to stop you."

Alpha took the red tassel spear into the air, and there seemed to be something circling in the pupil of her left eye. The thing turned into a scarlet fire dragon and flew out from her left eye, roaring and spraying huge flames.

With the fire, the sneak attackers were in disarray. Although some players deployed their shields to block the fireworks of the fire dragon, the shields were quickly burned into a red iron under the high temperature, which could not be held at all.

The fire attack came too suddenly, and Alpha, who was seriously injured with only a little blood and skin left, started to kill in the crowd.

"The female war Buddha's appearance is buffed, and the closer you get to the edge of death, the more powerful your combat power will be. You idiots made a mistake." Ato took back the dagger, and quietly turned it into a sneak attack through the special ability of the chameleon appearance. One of the players, mixed into the chaos, sees one kills the other.


Phoenix One was knocked to the ground by the roar of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and two warm blood flowed out of the ear canal.

"Be careful!" Qiansheng Baihu saw the Tyrannosaurus rex's huge mouth and bit the Phoenix No. 1. He wanted to go around the car to save her, and just took a step, the door of the back seat of the car slammed open and slapped him in the face. When he was straight, Qiansheng Shiroto screamed and fell on his back.

Qiansheng Baihu was stunned by this shot. He saw two people lifted the rag under the back seat and came out. When it was on his neck, he realized that it was two kitchen knives.

Nothing and Plasma Cream Cake with Flowers!

"Aren't you already..." Before Qiansheng Baihu could finish his words, the kitchen knife slashed his neck and blood spattered three feet, but he was not killed on the spot. The Phoenix No. 1 also wanted to fight hard against the Tyrannosaurus Rex, but was bitten by the Tyrannosaurus Rex and picked up. The Tyrannosaurus rex's strong mouth clenched, and Phoenix No. 1 was bitten in two on the spot.

Xu Youyuan was a little disgusted by this scene, but Shi Yue didn't change her face, and watched the scene of the attacker being killed, and it was even a little pleasing to the eye.

"You... No, die, die..." Qiansheng Baihu, who gradually turned gray and transparent, clutched his neck and looked at Shi Yue and Xu Youyuan with great curiosity.

His partner was killed, he had been eliminated, and was about to be teleported out of the competition scene. Before leaving, he found that Xu Youyuan, who had died, was actually alive again.

how is this possible!

"Cheat... cheat..." Qiansheng Baihu pointed at the two of them, extremely angry.

Even the commentary felt strange: "Player Nothing really died just now, but now she is resurrected. The props she brought are takeaway toolboxes. Could it be that this toolbox still sells the elixir of revival?"

"What's the matter?"

Seeing the scene of Xu Youyuan being killed, Shi Ye, who had already finished crying for half a drawer, turned into laughter when she saw Sister Bird and Shi Yue counter-killing the attacker, and shook Afu's clothes vigorously:

"Mom what happened!"

Afu's face was expressionless: "Do I call your mother, don't pull it, and pull it again."

"Why are they alive again?!"

"I don't know, but this time the counter-attack is both powerful and resentful!"

Xu Yishu's heart stopped beating, and he was relieved to see his daughter alive again.

This game is really scary, and it's no different from a real person taking an adventure in it.

Xu Youyuan was indeed dead when she was hit by the full line of pursuit. The full line of pursuit was too fast and fierce, and there was no chance to dodge.

Shi Yue was very sad when she saw Xu Youyuan being killed, she held her hand and wanted to go offline with her.

But after waiting for a long time, she still sat there.

No graying or transparent, nothing changed.

Just when Shi Yue was confused, a mass of things rolled down from the top of Xu Youyuan's head. Shi Yue quickly caught it with her eyes and hands.

It's the rabbit opening.

Kaikai felt cold all over his body, and Heidou's always arrogant eyes narrowed into a slit. The whole rabbit was short of breath, which was quite painful, but it soon disappeared completely.

When Kai Kai died, Xu Youyuan slowly opened her eyes, but her health bar had not recovered in time.

Shi Yue was unable to realize what was going on for a while, and Xu Youyuan was also puzzled:

"I'm not dead?"

They looked at Kaikai at the same time, and Xu Youyuan suddenly remembered: "Remember? Kaikai's description has an article saying that in addition to the ability to predict crises, it also comes with random surprises. This surprise has never been realized. Well, can you die for me once?"

"It seems so... This surprise is too big!" Shi Yue burst into laughter. Neither of them thought that the unfortunate rabbit who always had a bad temper and always bit the owner's surprise was not an ordinary surprise. , completely overjoyed.

Xu Youyuan held Kaikai in her arms and touched its soft rabbit fur. She was moved and distressed, and she blamed herself for not treating it well before and always intimidating it.

Shi Yue comforted Xu Youyuan and said, "Kai Kai is a qualified pet and will protect you to the end."

Xu Youyuan nodded with tears in her eyes, and just as she felt relieved, a sharp pain came from her fingers.

Kaikai bit her again.

Xu Youyuan: "?"

Kai Kai leaped up on her head and lay down steadily.

[System Tip: After dying once, the pet rabbit Kaikai no longer has any warning function, and will follow the owner in pure appearance until the owner leaves the scene.]

Shi Yue: "I cried for nothing."

Xu Youyuan's tears were still hanging in her eyes, she was angry, she raised her hands and scratched it away.

Opened the front paws and scratched the hind legs, and the two fought hard.

Shi Yue: "Xu Youyuan, sometimes you really look younger than me. The car is destroyed and can't be driven. You have to think of a way to stop fighting with the stupid rabbit."

Xu Youyuan grabbed one of the open ears and temporarily gained the upper hand. She looked at the positioning system and saw two players approaching her.

Those two were Qiansheng Baihu and Phoenix No. 1 who attacked.

"It's okay." Xu Youyuan said, "Let's hide in the back seat for a while, and someone will bring the car right away."