Middle-aged Love Patch

Chapter 145


As an old player, Xu Youyuan of course knows that there will be a big difference between the image in the game and the real image, but Xiaoju's real appearance is too similar to Atou's appearance in the game.

Moreover, the name Pinpin, the strongest Alpha on Earth, and Shiyue often blow in Xu Youyuan's ear, saying that her college friend is a powerful hacker, which inevitably creates a stereotype for Xu Youyuan. , I think Alpha herself should be a nerdy girl with gloomy bangs and glasses, and a fresh and cute little loli with a stinky face.

Xu Youyuan was slightly taken aback, and quickly greeted Xiaoju again.

Xiaoju snorted and squinted at her: "I know what you're thinking. Xu Youyuan, don't judge people by their appearance, otherwise you will be unlucky one day."

It was Xu Youyuan who first admitted the wrong person and offended others. The other party was also Shi Yue's classmate and friend. After all, she was also a child. Of course, it was impossible to get to know her.

Xu Youyuan showed a gentle smile and said: "It's my fault, it's my fault, but it's also because A Tou's appearance in the dark room is too similar to yours that I confused me. Speaking of which, A Tou is according to your appearance. Are you pinching your face? You and Ato have a really good relationship."

Xiaoju didn't expect her to say such a thing. She had a hundred unhappy sentences waiting behind her, but suddenly mentioning A Tou made her face a little red, and after glaring at Xu Youyuan, she stopped talking.

It seems that this trick is quite effective. Xu Youyuan was happy with herself, and Shi Yue put it on her ear and said:

"Okay, Xu Youyuan, how long have you been with me, and you're going to tease others with the way I tease you?"

"What the hell, what do you mean by making fun of me?"

"To deal with the hard-mouthed and soft-hearted sullenness, immediately poke the shameful one."

"It turns out that you have been thinking about these messy things all day long in your mind."

"How can you call yourself a mess? You're my baby."

Okay, Xu Youyuan admitted that she was a little under the influence of Shi Yue, why is it that the good parts are absorbed slowly, and the cheap parts are contagious so quickly

"Are you talking about me?"

Xiao Tachibana was about to leave when a hand stretched out from the izakaya, wrapped her arms around her shoulders and carried her back.

The woman hugging Xiaoju was about the same height as Xu Youyuan, wearing a knee-length honey-colored cotton windbreaker, a short skirt and low-heeled shoes with bare legs, and her long hair neatly tied into a capable professional woman. Orange rubbed her face.

"Go away!" Xiaoju said angrily, "The thick layer of powder on your face rubbed me off!"

"Don't go, let me smell if I have sprayed my favorite perfume again today. Well, it smells so good, it's a good baby." The woman kissed Xiaoju first, wrapped her waist and made sure to put the After the fierce little beast was subdued, he turned around and said to Xu Youyuan, "I'm sorry, old Xu, this guy from my family is a bit strong in his mouth, but his face is actually quite thin."

Don't guess, this must be Ato's correct.

It's just that the images of A Tou and Xu Youyuan are quite different.

"What's your name, Lao Xu?" Shi Yue was upset, "It's called sister."

Ato: "You can call me if you call me."

"How can I be the same."

A Tou ignored her and said to Xu Youyuan secretly, "Brother Yue doesn't usually do this, he talks very little, and when we gather together, he's always distracted, and she doesn't have any opinion on what to do. She's here when you are here. Started to be poor and careful. I had long thought that someone could cure her, thank you for accepting her and eliminating harm for the people. "

Shi Yue pinched the back of her neck: "what did you say?"

A Tou: "Say that your dream for Sister Bird has finally come true. Hey, you haven't lifted the iron less recently, have you? Is your hand strength getting stronger again? Stop pinching it, your neck is broken."

When the four of them walked to the izakaya together, Xiaoju asked Atou if he had arrived early, and didn't say anything, causing her to wait at the door for a long time.

"I thought you went in. I just took the time to meet a client and I was late. I didn't expect you to be even later."

"No wonder you're dressed like this."

"Huh? You don't like it?"

Tachibana put her hands in her pockets and looked away rather carelessly.

"Hey." A Tou sighed, took off his jacket, and only wore a tight shirt, his beautiful figure was looming, "This weather is too hot, it's only a few months, it's like summer."

"!" Xiaoju immediately grabbed her coat and wrapped it again like a zongzi.

Ato: "Don't you care?"

Xiaoju: "...Stop talking nonsense."

Shiyue reserved the venue today, and they were the only friends in the entire izakaya. After all, the big star Yan Rong was coming, so it was inconvenient to have outsiders.

Canglu called to say that there was a traffic jam, and they had to be a few minutes late.

"It's okay, come over slowly." Xu Youyuan told her on the phone, "If you want something to eat, I'll order it for you first."

"We're all good, eat with you. I want draft beer to drink, just give Yan Rong a glass of lemonade."

"Okay, let's order food first, and let the boss prepare it when you come."

"Okay, we're only 3 kilometers away, soon."

Canglu hung up the phone and found that the traffic flow was still motionless.

They've been here for more than fifteen minutes.

"Did something happen ahead?" Yan Rong opened the traffic information on the navigation map. If there was an accident ahead and blocked the road, there would be an accident alert.

"I'll go down and have a look." Cang Lu got out of the car and walked forward. On the road, he heard that there was indeed an accident ahead. A car actually hit the guardrail, and the whole car rolled over and the glass was broken. Fortunately, the cars behind stopped quickly, and only two of them had a slight rear-end collision. If all of them were driven manually, the scene must be very tragic.

"What's the matter with the car at the head, it still hits the guardrail these days?"

"I don't know if the driverless system is broken, it's scary."

"No... what about the police and first aid?"

"The police and emergency services can't get through this block for a while, but this is an A-level accident, and a helicopter is available."

Canglu took a closer look and saw that the cars in front were parked crookedly, and some of the fronts of the cars were slumped in, and the car owners were all around to watch the accident scene.

Canglu couldn't see the situation of the owner of the car in the accident. He heard that the owner was a woman, and the person was still inside. Before, a group of people helped her turn the car over and tried to pull her out, but she actually refused, lying inside with blood on her face, for some reason.

"My brain is not normal." A short and strong man with a lot of ashes on his body leaned against his car and said, "The car has turned over and he is still playing games and refuses to come out. I don't know which neurological hospital ran out of. of."

"Huh? Play games?"

"That's right, with the access crystal attached to the game, his face was dying, and he was still in the car. Just now, I and a few buddies tried to get her out and sent her to the hospital, but as soon as we put our hand in it, I've been caught, let's see." The man raised his arm angrily, and there were two terrible bloodstains on his arm, "Isn't this a brain disease? What I know is that the car overturned while playing a game, I don't know, I thought it was a zombie."

"Playing a game overturned? It's not like that." Someone in the crowd said, "Autopilot systems have long been popularized, and many people play games in the car. It wasn't 10 years ago. How could it be possible to overturn while playing games?"

"Maybe it's an old car with manual driving?"

"People are driving this year's new Daben, okay? There's no manual."

"Or is the system broken?"

"The system is broken and you still dare to play the game with manual driving? What is this operation?"

Everyone, you said every word, and at the end of the day, I felt that this was too mysterious, and my back was a little cold.

When Canglu returned to the car to talk to Yan Rong, the sound of a helicopter came from the sky.

Canglu opened the car window and looked in the direction of the helicopter. It was too far away to see clearly.

"Here." Yan Rong handed her a telescope, "I just brought it to see my former teammate's concert the day before yesterday."

"You have a good relationship with your former teammates."

"How could it be." Yan Rong smiled and said, "I'm just to see how much wrong her dance steps are, and whether her business ability is still so bad."

Canglu: "..."

It can be seen clearly with binoculars. Several emergency and firefighters dragged the female car owner out, put it on a stretcher and buckled her seat belt.

The woman struggled hard, her eyes turned white, and she was still shouting something. The man before was right, the end of her brow was indeed attached to the game's access crystal.

The LOGO Canglu on the access crystal is very familiar.

The woman screamed as she was carried to the helicopter door to be dragged up, and looked confused, causing the onlookers to step back.

"What's the matter." Yan Rong saw that Canglu was a little tense, which made her worry too.

"It may be epilepsy." Cang Lu returned to the car, and the road ahead was quickly cleared.

"That's not what the expression on your face said."

"Let's meet with Sister Bird and the others first."

"Really, watching a game is going to give you a heart attack."

When the waiter brought the wine and skewers up, Jiang Yun tied up his long hair to give himself more leeway: "When Sister Niao and Xiaoyue rushed to the penultimate map, I almost took Sister Hui's hair. The hand was pinched and fractured."

Sister Hui sat beside her, set the dishes and tea on the table, and said with a smile, "Isn't it? It's time to be fully armed."

"Ah." Ah Gan shuddered at the sound of "Yun Yun".

"What are you doing?" Chen Shu, Ah Zhu's girlfriend, complained about her.

"It's not too mushy."

"Couples are not like this, thinking that everyone is like you." In the second half of the sentence, Chen Shu turned his head to the relatives and friends present, "A-Chan has no interest at all, he is like a boring piece of wood, and he thinks it's too cute. Bright."

Usually, in such a situation, everyone would laugh perfunctorily to resolve the embarrassment. Young couples, especially young couples who have been married for many years, not to mention the young couples who have not had sex for two years, can hate each other if they dislike each other. reluctant to be involved in their war.

Except for Yan Rong.

"Sister, you can take your wife to a date in the dark room." Yan Rong and Cang Lu just sat down and took two sips of water. After hearing their complaints, they quickly entered the party atmosphere, and even made plans to hold Cang Lu sweetly. Honey said, "Before my dear, I couldn't make up my mind whether or not to be with me, but it's really amazing. After going on a date in the dark room, our relationship has stabilized. The dark room is really a great one. Dating software. My darling and I have decided to go on a honeymoon after the finals. Really, you can find everything you want in the dark."

After the drama elite Yan Rong was blessed by Canglu, the drama elite buff went to a higher level, completely killing Sister Hui in seconds. Ah Rod got goosebumps, and Chen Shu smiled awkwardly:

"Old husband and wife, what else is there to date?"

When Yan Rong heard this, his face immediately froze: "Why can't old couples date? The more old couples are, the more they need to find passion! I know many players in the dark room who have been married for several years and have no feelings for each other. , to rekindle the passion after entering the game..."

Yan Rong was madly in the dark room, and Canglu took a swig of beer and told everyone about the strange things he encountered on the way.

"Playing a game overturned?" Shi Yue wondered, "Is it still a dark compartment? That person is still driving manually while playing a game? Is it so awesome?"

Canglu said: "This is the strangest point. That car has an automatic driving system, which may be broken. But it doesn't make sense why the person is playing games while driving."

Shiye: "Games are more important than life series?"

Cang Lu shook his head: "I'm not sure, and when the person was sent away, the state also gave people goosebumps. At that time, many people were filming, and it is possible that the logo of the access crystal in the dark room was also photographed. The final is over, Shi Yue, You Yuan, you still have to be careful."

When everyone was talking, Xu Youyuan didn't speak. Shi Yue felt that she seemed to have something to say, so she took her to stand outside for a while.

"Did you think of something?" Shi Yue asked her.

Xu Youyuan took out her mobile phone and typed in the keyword "overturned car in the dark", and she found the scene captured by the mobile phone. This disturbing news has become a real-time boiling point. The number of plays has exceeded 8 million.

The two watched the video with their heads next to each other. The video was not professional equipment but a Korean mobile phone. From a long distance, they pulled the close-up shot in an instant, and took a picture of the woman's face and the logo on the crystal connected to the game on the temple. Clearly.

"Hmph." After watching this video and the label that was very specific to the dark room, Shi Yue sneered, "I borrowed an accident to come to the dark room, maybe even a special guest performance. This kind of contradictory point is too fake. There are people who believe in fake things.”

It is rare for Xu Youyuan not to agree with her words.

Things may not be so simple.

Xu Youyuan dug out "Xiao Ke"'s phone number from her phone and dialed it, but no one answered after waiting for a long time. Xu Youyuan hung up again, and after half of the ring, someone finally said "hello".

"Xiao Ke?"

The other side paused and said, "I'm Xiao Ke's mother."

Xu Youyuan had a very bad feeling in her heart: "Auntie, what about Xiao Ke?"

After an unbearable silence, the opposite said, "She passed away two months ago."

"What? Passed away?" Xu Youyuan gave a "bang" in her head, her throat tightened, and she said almost instinctively, "I'm sorry, please mourn..."

The opposite side was about to hang up the phone, and Xu Youyuan hurriedly stopped her: "Auntie, I'm a former colleague of Xiaoke, can I ask her why she died? I just met her before she returned to her hometown a year ago. …”

"Because of a car accident."

"A car accident?"

"Yes, on the twenty-ninth day of the year, she suddenly hit an oncoming truck on her way from get off work..." Xiaoke's mother seemed to have not recovered from the pain of losing her daughter, and when she mentioned the incident, her voice carried Uncontrollable trembling, "I don't know why this happened. Her car is obviously a driverless system, so this kind of thing won't happen at all..."

Xu Youyuan asked mysteriously, "When Xiao Ke had an accident, was he playing a game?"

"You, how do you know?"

Xu Youyuan's heart beat faster: "Auntie, are you at home today? Is it convenient for me to visit you later?"

After making an appointment with Xiaoke's mother on the phone, Xu Youyuan immediately bought a ticket for the vacuum train and had no time to meet again. Now her whole heart has flown away, and she needs to figure out something.

"I'll go with you." Shi Yue was worried and took the bag and came out together.

"it is good."

The two said goodbye to their friends, saying that they had important things to do, and they would invite everyone to dinner when they came back.

"If you are in a hurry, hurry up. Please come back if you don't want to eat dinner." Shi Ye said, "Both of you should pay attention to safety."

Shi Yue: "Don't worry."

The two left the izakaya and went to the vacuum station. On the way, Xu Youyuan told Shi Yue what Xiao Ke had said when she came to her a few years ago about the dangerous experiment of Liu Feng and SQUALL using holographic game access neurons to steal user information. And speculation that there may be government parties behind it.

"So you think the death of Xiao Ke and the accident of the female car owner may have something to do with this experiment?" Shi Yue asked.


"But the access crystal attached to the female car owner when the accident happened was a dark compartment."

Xu Youyuan looked into Shi Yue's eyes: "This is what worries me the most."

More than an hour later, Xu Youyuan and Shi Yue came to a small town in the southwest, 1,400 kilometers away.

Driverless taxis have also been popularized here. According to the address given to her by Xiaoke's mother, the two quickly arrived at an old community built around 2010.

When I came to the door of the house, I found that the door was actually closed.

The two looked at each other in shock.

Could it be…

"You are here." Xiaoke's mother came to open the door, "I have been waiting for you."

Xu Youyuan and Shi Yue breathed a sigh of relief. There were no bad guys and no murders. They watched too many movies...

After entering the house, Xiaoke's mother helped them pour water. Xu Youyuan showed the video of today's female driver overturning the car to Xiaoke's mother. Xiaoke's mother said:

"I saw this video on TV later, and it was very similar to Xiaoke's accident. Xiaoke was also attached to the game's access crystal at that time."

"Which game is it?"

"It's about reshaping the universe."

"Then was there anything unusual about her before the accident?"

"It's strange that she has to go back to her hometown to save her." When it came to this matter, Xiaoke's mother was in a very complicated mood, and the hand holding the water cup was trembling slightly.

"Her father died early. From childhood to adulthood, she always said that she would work hard to make money and wanted me to live a good life. She was a very enterprising child. It was not that she persuaded her to come back to marry and have children before, but every time she was told by her. I refused. Later, I didn't talk about her, but she came back by herself, and when she came back, her hair was much whiter than mine. I asked her if something happened, and she only said that something went wrong at work and came back. Don't leave, stay at home to take the civil service exam. Civil servants are not so popular long ago, and they are gradually replaced by robots. There are only a few positions left. The salary is not high and basically there is no way to communicate with people. It is not like she will like it. I'm very worried about her, but the child doesn't want to say more and I don't know how to ask. Since there is a problem at work, she will be safe after leaving the vortex of struggle and returning home. It all settles down, but... it's not like that."

Xiaoke's mother recalled the terrible things, her voice gradually became hoarse, and her eyes froze.

A few years ago, Xiaoke returned to her hometown after meeting with Xu Youyuan. She found a job in an outsourcing technology company and started working first, preparing for the civil service exam while working.

It was very calm at first, except that Xiaoke sometimes walked around the living room without sleep, and her mother hardly felt any difference in her.

The civil service exam failed for the first time. Although civil servants are no longer in demand, locals who want to find a stable job are still willing to take the exam. Xiao Ke's condition was not very good, so she failed to pass. At the same time, the outsourcing company failed a project, and the boss lost a lot of money. The company could no longer support it, so it transferred her to work in a more rural place, and was forcing her to resign in disguise. She received no compensation. If you can get it, you have to go to labor arbitration.

During that time, she was even more stressed, so she started playing games to relieve her stress.

"It's just an excuse to say that the pressure is relieved because of the pressure. It's just an excuse to let her not eat, drink, or sleep, and spend all her time immersing herself in the game."

The words of Xiaoke's mother made Xu Youyuan feel strange: "She is a game practitioner herself, and it is normal to love games. But she doesn't eat, drink, sleep, and only play games. This..."

"There's no doubt, she really is. After the work thing went wrong, she was immersed in remaking the universe for a whole week, and it didn't matter what I said or asked. If I hadn't directly started to pull her access crystal , she might really starve to death. I don't know what happened, I wanted to take her to the hospital, but she refused. She even started to be very wary of me and wanted to move out."

Xu Youyuan asked, "Has she ever attacked you?"

Xiaoke's mother was not surprised by Xu Youyuan's question. She nodded slowly and said, "Yes, she once wanted to cut my hand with a fruit knife, and what she said scares me even more."

"what did she say?"

"she says… "

When the blade came over, Xiaoke's mother quickly withdrew her hand out of instinct, and escaped the catastrophe, all the cold hairs on the back of her hand stood up.

"Xiao Ke..." She looked at her daughter in horror, completely unable to understand what happened to her.

Xiaoke's trembling hands were holding the fruit knife tightly, still trying to find a chance to stab him.

"Is it fake, is there any blood..." She kept repeating these words in her mouth.

Is it fake, is there any blood

Xu Youyuan's Shi Yue looked at each other and found the same answer in each other's determined eyes.

"After the conflict, I was a little scared of her, and worried about her, so I went to the hospital to chat with a psychologist for the morning. When I left the hospital, I received a call from the police. She had an accident." Mother Ke looked at them both, "Do you know anything?"

"We have some guesses, but we're not quite sure yet." Xu Youyuan said, "Auntie, did Xiaoke leave anything behind?"

Xiaoke's mother shook her head, stood up after a moment of silence, and went to the study to take out a laptop: "This is the laptop she used before she died. I wanted to open it, but I can't get in if I have a password. You guys Can you unlock it?"

Shi Yue took the computer and said, "Let's take it back and try it out. If it's successful, I'll contact you again, okay?"

"Okay, sorry to trouble you."