Middle-aged Love Patch

Chapter 147


It was Shi Yue's voice.

This exclamation that made Xu Youyuan's scalp tingle was Shi Yue's voice!

Xu Youyuan had never heard Shi Yue call her like that before, she immediately turned over from the bed, didn't even bother to put on her slippers, wrapped her pajamas and ran out immediately.

They live in a one-bedroom suite, and they need to pass a corner from the bedroom to the living room.

When she rushed out of the bedroom and hadn't seen Shi Yue's figure, Xu Youyuan heard Shi Yue repeating a sentence:

"This is a game! Wake up! This is a game! Wake up!"

Xu Youyuan's heart was pounding, and when she arrived in the living room, Shi Yue was sitting on the sofa with her back to her. From Xu Youyuan's point of view, she could only see half of her head exposed from the back of the sofa.

"This is a game! Wake up! This is a game! Wake up!"

Shi Yue leaned on the sofa with her eyes closed and trembled slightly, her consciousness seemed to be pulled by something, trying to wake up, but she couldn't break free. The phone was on the coffee table beside him, and the screen was on, and this reminder to wake up came from the phone.

Just like a scene in a horror game, in a dark room in reality with the curtains drawn, what you see in front of you is very scary.

"Shi Yue!" Xu Youyuan couldn't find her heartbeat, and immediately rushed to Shi Yue's side and called her.

The access crystal marked with the R logo is attached to the tail of Shiyue's eyebrows. Xu Youyuan is very familiar with it. It is the access crystal that reshapes the universe, but it is a little different.

Before she could think about it, Xu Youyuan supported Shi Yue's arm while shaking and calling out her name. Shi Yue's eyes were still half-open, her forehead was covered in sweat, her lips were trembling slightly, and chaos came from the depths of her throat. to unrecognizable sounds.

At this time, Shi Yue is very similar to the female car owner who had an accident that day!

Xu Youyuan raised her voice, and Shi Yue's emotions began to be affected, her brows were frowning more and more tightly, and she could see that she was struggling hard. Half of Xu Youyuan's shoulders were exposed.

But Shi Yue's will still did not return to reality.

No matter how messy the shirt is, Xu Youyuan shouted her name to Shi Yue's face, almost roaring continuously.

Shi Yue still didn't open her eyes, but the sound of the outside world obviously affected her. Every time Xu Youyuan shouted, her expression would change subtly.

Unable to continue like this, Xu Youyuan took a deep breath, grabbed the access crystal decisively, and pulled it away.

The moment she pulled off the access crystal, Shi Yue suddenly opened her eyes and bounced off the sofa shouting Xu Youyuan's name.

"I'm here, I'm here!" Xu Youyuan stepped forward and hugged Shi Yue, and Shi Yue instinctively raised her elbow to attack the visitor at the moment she was hugged.

Xu Youyuan found the danger but did not avoid it. If she avoided it, Shi Yue's elbow was likely to hit the wall.

Xu Youyuan didn't care about anything and took Shi Yue directly into her arms.

Shi Yue's attack stopped at the moment when she was about to hit Xu Youyuan.

The two could not stand, overlapped and fell onto the sofa.

"I'm here, Shi Yue." Xu Youyuan hugged Shi Yue's sweaty head, not daring to relax at all, "I'm here, take a good look, you've returned to reality."

Shi Yue's wide eyes and heavy breathing gradually calmed down under Xu Youyuan's embrace.

"This is a game! Wake up! This is a game! Wake up!"

After confirming the surrounding things, Shi Yue took the cell phone that was still calling, looked at it for a while, and closed it.

The living room full of restlessness and tension quickly quieted down, leaving only the sound of their breathing.

"It's alright." Shi Yue stroked the back of Xu Youyuan's head in turn, her rapid heartbeat slowly returning to normal, "I woke up."

Xu Youyuan propped up her upper body and stared at Shi Yue's face for a while, making sure that her current situation was indeed normal before she punched her in the chest:

"What the hell are you doing? Why didn't you tell me in advance? Half-life will be scared by you!"

"It's my fault, it's my fault, I'm too reckless and too confident. I'm lucky to have you here, otherwise I don't know what would have happened... You're so smart and reliable." Shi Yue apologized with first-rate speed With a sincere attitude, she also complimented Xu Youyuan by the way, making Xu Youyuan unable to start if she wanted to scold her and beat her again.

"Okay, don't be poor, you really scared me just now." Xu Youyuan got up from her and bent down to pick up the access crystal, her knee hurts, it is estimated that she accidentally twisted it just now.

"What's wrong? Injured?" Shi Yue was very sensitive to Xu Youyuan's expression.

"It's okay, don't take your knees." Xu Youyuan put the access crystal on the coffee table and asked Shiyue, "Tell me, what's going on."

The dean of education started to lecture, and everyone got all the money. Shi Yue knew that this time, she would definitely not be able to escape a lecture, so she simply gave up resistance and told Xu Youyuan the truth.

"I asked for this access crystal from Xiaoke's mother. Xiaoke's relic has always been kept by her mother."

"Last night you sneaked back while I was sleeping and asked her mother to come? You told me not to play dangerous experimental games, but you went by yourself?"

"Cough, someone must know about this experimental game. It's either you or me. I don't want you to take risks."

"Then you took the risk alone? What do you think I am?"

"I think you are my dearest and most precious person, so I only want to learn about experimental games for you."

Xu Youyuan's eyes widened: "So I shouldn't blame you, should I reward you well?"

"No, no, that's not what I mean. What I mean is that although it's really my fault not to tell you to act without permission, but it's also because I love you. This heart is still good!"

Originally, Xu Youyuan just wanted to say a few more words to her to remind her not to act recklessly next time. Shi Yue finally got out of the experimental game, but she didn't get it straight, and she didn't want to nag too much.

Unexpectedly, no matter how much fright this little bastard has experienced, the effort on his lips will not diminish. Xu Youyuan said one sentence and she replied three sentences, even the punctuation marks were justified.

Xu Youyuan put her hands on her hips: "So, Shi Yue, the tossing last night was all to make me sleep better. I'm dead, so you can take the opportunity to sneak back to find Xiaoke's mother, right? I'm so tired that I can't wake up in the middle of the night, and I can't find out that you ventured into the experimental game by yourself without consulting me, is that so?"

"No, of course not!" Shi Yue couldn't help jumping up to defend herself, "How could you think of me like that, of course I did that with you voluntarily, without any other purpose at all, You can't blame me for this! I only remembered this later when I couldn't sleep. Xu Youyuan, sister Youyuan, I won't dare, I really won't dare again. I'm still in shock and uncomfortable. Now, don't scold me."

Shi Yueyi's coquettish act was like throwing an atomic bomb into Xu Youyuan's heart, making her completely unbearable.

Seeing Shiyue's face getting redder and more, her forehead started to sweat again, Xu Youyuan had no temper.

"Okay, okay... Sit down, don't get excited." Xu Youyuan persuaded her to say, "So Xiaoke's account can still be used? Can you really enter the experimental game?"

When it comes to the game, Shi Yue's expression, who was still alive just now, immediately became serious. Xu Youyuan poured a cup of hot water for her and slowed down.

Xu Youyuan: "Do you know how scary you looked just now? I'm really afraid that you won't be able to wake up."

Shi Yue: "I also had this concern before entering the game, so I recorded a voice and set the time for two hours, and the phone was also set to the charging state. When the time is up, it will automatically play in an infinite loop until someone turns it off. I made up my mind that no matter what kind of experience it is to enter the game, I will definitely come out in an hour. If the voice doesn't wake me up, it should wake you up if it keeps playing."

"I didn't expect that it wasn't the voice that woke me up in the end, but your own shouting."

Shi Yue looked solemn: "As expected, I shouted out a voice, but there is no way, no one can control it."

Xu Youyuan sat beside her, held her hand, and found that her hand was still stiff and cold, she couldn't help but folded her palms and kneaded gently to help her ease.

Shi Yue is a little afraid of ghosts, but in the game themes other than horror scenes, even the most exciting adventure themes have never seen her afraid.

She had never seen Shi Yue like this.

It can make the daring Shiyue scared, and the horror of the experimental game is beyond Xu Youyuan's imagination.

"Xiao Ke's experimental account should have been stolen. She has real-name authentication when logging in to the game. It's not her own information, but it has been cracked."

"It should be Xiaoke who cracked it herself." Xu Youyuan said, "She is an engineer herself and has participated in experiments, so it shouldn't be difficult to crack the account."

Shi Yue said: "Liu Feng is not at all afraid that someone will crack the experimental game, because the experimental game cannot be recorded or externally projected, and if someone cracks it, there is no way to share the picture that only appears in his mind and publish it as evidence to the public. After I have been in the game, I can be more sure of how confident Liu Feng is. This experimental game is like a drug. No one will have the ability to completely destroy it after taking it. It may even be possible to enter it only once. I can no longer integrate into the real world, because I will always have doubts about the real world. I can’t imagine if you hadn’t forcibly pulled out the access crystal, I would have been able to survive the experimental game by my own power.”

"Why." Xu Youyuan said, "How terrifying is it?"

"The horror of it doesn't lie in the horror of the scene, and it doesn't even cause any direct damage to neurons. The scary thing about it is that once you enter the experimental game, you can't tell whether the world you're in is the real world or the game world. ."

Shi Yue entered the experimental game with a very cautious and skeptical attitude.

When you first enter the game, you need to verify your identity. After the authentication is cracked, it is a normal remake of the universe landing screen, and even the place where there should be advertisements is not omitted.

After logging in to the account, I landed on a planet that has already been established. All the gameplay is the same as Reshaping the universe, except that this planet is named "Earth", and everything on "Earth" is exactly the same as the Earth in reality.

Shi Yue didn't know whether this "earth" was built by Xiao Ke or the experimental game. When she first landed on the earth, she could still tell that she was in the game, even if she landed in a place called "Earth". "Nanjiang Park", right in front of her is the community where she lives.

Shi Yue knew that her brain was already connected to the game system when she entered the game. The system recalled the scene of the community from her memory. This is the road she passes through every day, and it is a place she is very familiar with.

"Early, hour." The neighborhood neighbors who passed by walked over with a stroller and greeted her with a smile.

This woman's surname is Min. When Shiyue rides a shared bicycle to work for a while, she happens to meet her every morning when she goes out. Her husband's parking space is next to her own, and sometimes Shi Yue also meets her husband.

Even the neighbor's information is read.

Shi Yue didn't respond to the other party's greeting, but looked at the baby in the stroller.

She had never seen the baby in the eye, and didn't know what the baby looked like. If the system was reading her memory to create indistinguishable game scenes to confuse people, she would like to see the baby she never noticed. What kind of face will be made up.

There was a little girl sitting in the stroller with big eyes and a round face. Shi Yue had never seen this face before, but she felt familiar.

Miss Min walked past her, and Shi Yue understood that the baby's facial features were composed of Miss Min and her husband's face. Even if Shi Yue hadn't paid attention to the child's appearance, she could still see it when she first saw it. Synthesize an unobtrusive, very natural face.

Shi Yue's house is right in front of her, but she didn't go up to let the community access control system read her pupils, and she didn't press any access codes. She was very vigilant that she didn't enter the community, but walked around, curious about what would happen again. What's up.

But Shi Yue was not able to do so.

She saw that the road ahead became twisted, all the pedestrians were floating in the air, the system issued a warning that her identity was illegal, and the warning looped infinitely, forcing her to quit the game.

Shi Yue was a little frustrated after being forced to "quit" the game. She was just a little interested in the game when she was forced to quit.

Shi Yue took off the crystal and stood up from the hotel sofa. Her temples were a little sore, she wondered if it was a side effect of the experimental game.

She walked to the hotel's bedroom while rubbing her temples, opened the door to see Xu Youyuan, but found that the bed was empty, and Xu Youyuan was gone.

"Xu Youyuan." Shi Yue called to the bathroom twice, but no one answered. When she opened the door of the bathroom, there was no one inside.

"Xu Youyuan!"

Raising her voice, she shouted again in the empty room, and only her own echo answered her.

She called Xu Youyuan immediately, and Xu Youyuan's mobile phone was also unanswered. The ringing or vibration of the mobile phone was not heard in any corner of the hotel, indicating that Xu Youyuan left with the mobile phone.

Shi Yue left the hotel to find someone, took the vacuum train home, and found that Xu Youyuan was not at home either.

When I went downstairs again, I met her sister Shiye downstairs.

"What are you doing? Are you so hot?" Shi Ye asked her.

"Have you seen Xu Youyuan?"

"My own daughter-in-law is not optimistic. She wants someone from me. Where can I find you?"

Shi Yue's heart was in a mess, and she didn't want to fight with her sister, so she was about to leave.

"Wait a minute." Shi Ye grabbed her, "what are you doing, who messed with you? Just kidding with you and showing a straight face. Didn't Sister Bird go to her dad's place? Her dad said there was something wrong with the computer. , she went to see."

Shi Yue stared at her sister's face, and suddenly a huge sense of distrust emerged from her heart, and asked, "How did you know?"

"How do I know... Of course Sister Bird told me." Shi Ye came up and touched her forehead, "Are you confused by a fever?"

Shi Yue immediately avoided her hand: "don't touch me!"

Shi Ye froze in place, didn't speak, looked at Shi Yue like a monster.

She was deceived.

She knew she had been deceived.

It was impossible for Xu Youyuan to leave without saying anything, leaving her in a hurry without telling her anything.

This may be something Shi Yue is worried about, but it is definitely not something Xu Youyuan would do.

This is not the real world, but an experimental game!

Shi Yue raised her hand and touched her temple, trying to find the access crystal.

When she really touched the two rounded objects with metallic texture out of thin air, she didn't think much about it at all, and just plucked them off.

The scene in front of her changed in a second, and she found herself back in Nanjiang Park, and in front of her was the Nanjiang ONE Residence Community.

In his sweaty palm he held the access crystal for the experimental game.

The wind was blowing, and the sweaty back felt cold. Shi Yue was panting, full of alertness to everyone who passed by, and slowly walked towards her house.

"Morning, hour." Miss Min passed by her again and greeted her.

Shi Yue pushed her away directly.

Miss Min screamed and fell to the ground, and the stroller fell too.

"What are you doing!" Miss Min quickly picked up the crying baby and glared at Shi Yue.

Soon the elderly people walking and exercising in the park gathered around.

"What's the matter, little girl, why are you pushing people, don't you see any children? If there are any contradictions, you can talk about it. If you fall, don't you have to compensate?"

"That's right, why are you so irritable when you're young now?"

Miss Min hugged the child tightly and said, "I greeted her kindly, but she didn't know what kind of wind pushed me down! This person has a brain problem..."

Shi Yue looked at the people around her. Some of the faces she was familiar with were passers-by who often appeared in the park, while some people didn't really remember them, they were NPCs synthesized by the system.

Shi Yue suddenly thought, since the universe is reshaping, can you exit the game through the control panel? Even if you can't exit, you can modify the game parameters.

As long as it is a game, there must be a control panel, and you can completely judge whether you are in the game through this item.

Shiyue immediately looked for the button called by the panel in the upper right corner of the field of vision.

But no. Shiyue looked everywhere, but there were no buttons.

Her strange behavior made Miss Min and Uncle and Aunt take a step back.

"Is there really something wrong with your brain?"

"It's scary, let's go quickly, in case you have a knife on your body."

The onlookers dispersed in a hurry, Shi Yue's cell phone rang, it was Xu Youyuan's phone.

"Where have you been?" Xu Youyuan's voice on the phone sounded anxious.

"I am in Nanjiang Park."

"Nanjiang Park? You went back?" Xu Youyuan said incredulously, "Why didn't you tell me when you went back, I woke up this morning and found that you were not there, and you didn't answer the phone call, which made me anxious. What's the matter, you..."

Before Xu Youyuan could complain, Shi Yue cut off the call.

Open your palm and look at the access crystal carefully. It has a very real texture under the sun. You can feel its texture and temperature when your fingers are attached to it.

A brand new scene began to appear in Shiyue's memory - she went to Xiaoke's mother and asked if there was a game access crystal in Xiaoke's relics. Her mother said that the access crystal was not in her hands and was borrowed by a friend of Xiaoke's. When she's gone, Shi Yue can give her the address if she needs it.

Shi Yue took the address and didn't go back to the hotel, but took the car directly to the place where the address was written.

Is this memory true or false

Which memory is the real scene and which memory is tampered with.

It was at this moment that the timeline of her memory was completely chaotic.

She began to hesitate, what is the transition point between reality and the game, and in what scene did she enter the game.

When Shi Yue said this, Xu Youyuan remembered that Xiao Ke had said to her that this experiment was to deceive the player's brain, trap the player in the game, and constantly read the player's brain information, even unknowingly. Extract the most private information of players.

At that time, Xu Youyuan thought about how to deceive the player's brain, but she didn't expect it to be memory tampering.

Once memory is tampered with, even the most determined person will begin to doubt himself.

Shi Yue said: "Yes, I thought I quit and even took off the game access crystal, but I am actually still in the game. This experimental game has no exit at all, and even the sound from the real world cannot wake the player up. , Xiao Ke must have gotten out of the game with the help of external force."

Xu Youyuan didn't want to scare her, but there is a very important question that must be asked:

"So how did you make sure you're out of the game this time?"

I thought Shi Yue would be nervous again because of her problem, but Shi Yue didn't.

"Because of you." Shi Yue said, "I felt trapped in the game for much longer than an hour in the real world. It felt like a month had passed. I have never been able to find the game. I used to be very anxious about exiting, but fortunately, I firmly believed that I was still trapped in the game, so I was not completely defeated."

"Did you find something?"

"Yes." Shi Yue stared at Xu Youyuan and said, "In the past two days, my memory was messed up, and I couldn't tell the truth from the fake at all, but two days later I discovered something. I found that I saw it no matter what. Without you, whether it's a phone call or a video, what I see is not the real you. No matter how hard I try, you and I will always miss it because of some coincidence. I guess the system is smarter than I imagined, it can Naturally, falsification of memory has been searched in my brain over and over again, and I know which scenes I meet and which people can confuse me, but some people are absolutely impossible to appear. For example, you, you are my lover, my most The person who knows you best, once the virtual you appears, I will definitely catch you, so the system temporarily blocks you. When I saw you, I knew I was really back."

Xu Youyuan felt nervous in her heart: "So Xiaoke's game addiction is understandable. She has always been unsure whether she is in the real world or in the game, which is why she is addicted. Usually, she has to enter the game to find the answer. Because she is afraid that she will never come back. Fortunately, this game is still in the experimental stage, and it is not particularly perfect, so you have discovered the flaw. Otherwise... even if you can forcefully awaken the player, I am afraid that the player's spirit will be defeated long ago."