Middle-aged Love Patch

Chapter 148


Shi Yue is young and strong, and her mental quality is also good. After experiencing such a terrible thing, she quickly returned to normal with a little activity.

I looked at the time, it was 9am and my stomach was growling with hunger.

He asked the hotel restaurant to bring four dishes and one soup, and he even explained that he wanted the largest bowl of rice.

After the meal arrived, Shi Yue picked up the bowl and ate it quickly. After a big wave, she calmed down a little and asked Xu Youyuan why she didn't eat it.

After only one sip of the drink, Xu Youyuan, who felt sick to her stomach, really admired Shi Yue's good appetite, shook her head and said:

"I don't want to eat it. You said that you have the biggest appetite among all the girls I've ever seen. Even if your metabolism is fast, you can't be so thin by eating this way. Where did all the food go?"

Shi Yue: "Long, bold, and long hair."

Shi Yue continued to eat, Xu Youyuan held the access crystal in her hand, and recalled what Shi Yue described about the whole experimental game, her heart was still occupied by a clear sense of panic.

"You said." Shi Yue was a little deprived of oxygen and was a little empty, "Liu Fatty's purpose is to let players unknowingly get more real information when they enter the game, why should the game be closed? Get up? Who dares to play a game that can’t be quit? There will definitely be trouble after it is put into the market, right? SQUALL will be smashed immediately, isn’t it?”

Xu Youyuan said: "This is just an experimental game, or an experimental module. In the end, it will be quietly implanted into the reshaping universe, or even other games. Now the main direction of the experiment should be to tamper with the memory to deceive the brain and bypass the brain. Subconscious defense, unknowingly acquiring and selling players’ information to gain huge profits.”

Shi Yue: "Although selling information is very profitable, it is only the tip of the iceberg."

"Yes, as long as it can deceive the player's brain, mining private information is only a prelude, and inducing players' behavior in the real world is the real purpose. The base of players who reshape the universe is very large and spreads all over the world. Once players behave in the real world, Induced or even manipulated…”

The two looked at each other and said nothing.

"Maybe we are still too optimistic." Xu Youyuan thought for a while, and found that her thoughts were still too shallow and too simple.

She held the access crystal tightly: "Perhaps, this experimental game with no exit is the version Liu Feng finally wants."

Shi Yue: "What do you say?"

"Profits are pursued by businessman Liu Feng, and inducing players' behavior in the real world may be pursued by a political party behind Liu Feng who supports him, but judging from the characteristics of holographic games, perhaps what they ultimately want is to hold human beings. An inflection point of civilization."

"The turning point of human civilization..."

Xu Youyuan's words made Shi Yue's back start to get cold.

The new inflection point of human civilization has long been hinted.

The first electronic computer was born in 1946, marking a new era of human civilization.

This is an unprecedented era, an era unimaginable by previous human beings.

With the full popularity of high-speed Internet and the birth and rapid popularity of holographic games, more and more people are addicted to the virtual online world, where they can live, fall in love, and make money... As long as the mother's body is still alive, they can Always survive in the game.

The network world is the true belonging of human beings, and human beings will eventually devote themselves to the embrace of the digital world, which is determined by the characteristics and general needs of human beings. - A statement like this appeared just 10 years ago and has been enshrined in the Bible by countless people.

Well-known sociologists and opinion leaders disagree on many aspects of the huge proposition of human destiny, and even quarreled. Only one thing is unanimous, and that is that human beings will eventually put aside the fragile mother's womb. , everything is digitized and completely entered into the digital world.

Technology is developing much faster than ordinary people imagine. The "digital world" has been described by many people in science fiction decades ago, but everyone always feels that it is still in the future and out of reach.

But for those who know cutting-edge technology well, it is not far away.

Some people predict that in the future two hundred years from now, human civilization will become a digital civilization. This is still a conservative estimate, and it may be realized within this century if it is fast.

Some people directly pointed out that holographic games are an important symbol of the imminent arrival of digital civilization.

The wheel of history never stops because of the panic of any group. Just like the age of voyages and the age of outer space, whoever is at the forefront of the digital age can gain an advantage.

That's what Liu Feng and the party behind him fought against. They want more than just "advantage". They want absolute control.

In the final analysis, Liu Feng and the parties behind the scenes are nothing more than opportunists who take human lives.

Xu Youyuan has a deeper understanding of what Xiaoke once said:

"The world may really be about to change dramatically. I don't know if it's my luck or my sorrow to live in this era."

Xu Youyuan recalled some past events.

When the reshaping of the universe was generally not optimistic, it was definitely just a money-losing project, and it was Liu Feng himself who finally persuaded all shareholders to forcibly support the development.

Xu Youyuan once thought that Liu Feng was her Bole, and it was because of Liu Feng's support that the reshaping of the universe had the opportunity to shine in the future.

When Reshaping Cosmos made it to the top 1 revenue list for the first time, Liu Feng personally sent Xu Youyuan home, and asked her in the car on the way home:

"Do you know why I supported you in the first place? I fought several fights with shareholders in order to reshape the universe."

Xu Youyuan knows that his so-called "fight" means a war of words. Money is everything in the capital world. No one is willing to take risks with their own money, unless they have a discerning eye and see the shining point of a certain piece of rough jade, and it is possible to make money. will act.

Xu Youyuan said so.

Liu Feng laughed, his eyes narrowed into slits when he smiled, and no one could see his eyes clearly.

Liu Feng said: "Although I used to think that holographic games would not enter the mature stage before 2050, and I didn't think you had this qualification, but then I found out that I was wrong. Although I don't talk much, I don't like to be in the limelight. , but you are the one who makes the change come early."

"It will change you, SQUALL, the entire game industry, and even the world." Liu Feng said, "You Yuan, you are the one who created this turning point, and your name will be remembered by history, and countless people in future generations. I will be grateful to you for creating holographic games and giving them more meaning to their lives. I firmly believe that you are a person who can change the world, so when I find this out, even if the world is against it, I will be on your side. You Remember, come to me first if you have any difficulties, you know?"

Liu Feng does value Xu Youyuan very much. Even though she is so young, she has failed many times before rising to the top of the revenue list, but Liu Feng still allows her to freely control the entire project.

Xu Youyuan once really thanked herself and Liu Feng from the bottom of her heart, so in the discussion of related work, Xu Youyuan always put her heart to heart.

Just as the universe was reshaped and game derivatives swept the country, and even became popular overseas, Liu Feng asked Xu Youyuan a question.

"What do you think is the most attractive feature of holographic games, and why are so many people willing to play holographic games?"

"Reality." Xu Youyuan said, "What I have been pursuing is its authenticity."

"Then have you ever thought about how to make the game have the most authentic feeling?"

Xu Youyuan quickly replied: "Let the players in the game feel that they are in the real world."

Liu Feng chuckled: "It's easy to say, but difficult to achieve."

Xu Youyuan touched her chin and said, "I have some ideas and plans. I have written a draft and can improve it within a week."

"Okay, then I'll be waiting for you."

The plan given by Xu Youyuan and academic papers have a match. Starting from the characteristics and neurons of the holographic game, he analyzes how to make the holographic game achieve the game scene so that players can trust the game and be fully immersed in the game.

Looking back now, Liu Feng's experiment seems to have borrowed a lot from this scheme.

Thinking of this, Xu Youyuan felt disgusting and guilty.

In order to improve the plan, she looked up countless materials from morning to night. This is the hard work she has accumulated since high school. The purpose is only to improve the holographic game, and it is for the game itself! Unexpectedly, Liu Feng actually used it to deceive players, deceive players' privacy, and even kill people.

Xu Youyuan was so angry that she couldn't eat anything.

When Shi Yue was finally full, she ate four dishes and one soup all by herself, stood up and moved her muscles and bones a little, pinched her face, and moved her sore jaw.

The conversation just now made Shi Yue also a little terrified, but she quickly adjusted her mind, and she should eat and eat.

"You are too exaggerated." Xu Youyuan looked at the dinner plate that was swept away in front of her, and couldn't help worrying, "Don't overeating, it's not good for your stomach."

"I almost died in the game, and I can survive without eating more? If it gets cold, I won't have a chance to eat it."

Xu Youyuan gave a heavy "tsk": "Can you not say these unlucky words? You have to live, and give me a good life. Even if you fight my old life, you can't be in trouble."

"What's the matter, Xu Youyuan, while you are emphasizing not to say anything unlucky, you are living and dying there." Shi Yue rushed up like a little leopard and held her both hands, "Let's all be well. Alive, damn it is Liu Feng."


After three days of heated discussions, the news of the car overturning in the game of the dark box player gradually lost its popularity. After the police report came out, a small wave of crusade against SQUALL was launched, and then this matter quickly faded out of people's field of vision.

Two days later, a player went crazy in the game life hall and almost smashed the boss's counter.

Fortunately, many professional holographic game players in the game life hall soon joined forces to subdue him.

Since the advent of the somatosensory chip, professional holographic game players have paid more and more attention to the training of physical fitness, and gradually moved closer to professional athletes. All of them are strong men, and the three of them pressed the crazy player to death.

After the police came, they made mediation, and the player was willing to compensate the boss for his losses. After all, the boss is in business, and peace is the most important thing. If he accepts the compensation, it will be nothing.

But media workers with a keen sense of smell came to the news, scrambled to report the incident, and spread it on the Internet.

Witnesses said that the mad player seemed to be delirious when he planned to smash the store, and he was still sticking to the access crystal, and it was suspected that he was still in the game.

This matter was immediately linked with the previous incident of the player in the dark box overturning the car, and it was on the hot search again.

Soon, the crazy player himself accepted an exclusive interview, appeared in front of the camera in the image of mosaic and voice change, took out the game access crystal, and the lens gave a close-up to reshape the access crystal of the universe.

The player talked about how he was trapped in the reshaping universe and couldn't get out, resulting in hallucinations. It was very real and terrifying, and people were panicked for a while.

Some people accused this player of being an actor and a thug invited by NCOUNT, just to throw dirty water on SQUALL.

Just when the public opinion on SQUALL was slightly restored to neutrality, a big V account with millions of fans posted a surveillance video, which was the surveillance video of the dark box players before they rolled over.

In the surveillance screen, it can be clearly seen that someone changed the access crystal of the female car owner from the reshaping universe to a dark compartment, and got out of the car, leaving the female car owner to fend for herself.

This incident caused an uproar, and the social news that had gradually lost its popularity suddenly became a boiling point, and several hot searches were on the list at the same time.

The party who got off the car after the package adjustment does not need to be smashed by netizens. The big V has provided his complete file. This person is the leader of the SQUALL operation group, Liao.

The fact that SQUALL put the blame on the dark side regardless of human life is already in sight.

With the real hammer in hand, the Yueyuan CP fans who were already full of fire immediately captured the homepages of the major platforms of SQUALL and the reshaping universe, greeted all the eighteenth generations of Liu Feng's ancestors, and even picked up Liu Feng cheated on Xiaosan and had a black history with his sister-in-law.

It was time for Yan Rong to stand up and repost the video of a big V, condemning SQUALL's crimes. Yan Rong's huge traffic quickly detonated this incident. Half of Yan Rong's fans were die-hard fans. Wherever the idols pointed to them, they immediately formed a battle line with Yueyuan CP fans, and the pressure of public opinion almost washed SQUALL in blood.

This is far from over.

Following the bloodbath of the homepages of SQUALL's major platforms, active users and revenue fell to the lowest point in history, the old players who have reshaped the universe have stood up, but everyone is not here to complain about SQUALL, on the contrary, everyone is here. Downfall.

Ten thousand people petitioned SQUALL to reshape the universe back to Xu Youyuan. When Xu Youyuan was still in SQUALL, she reshaped the universe and made continuous breakthroughs in healthy development. It was the love of countless players, Bai Yueguang. After she left, the reshaping of the universe became more and more deceiving. Not to mention, the new gameplay and new maps were simply rubbish. Reshaping the universe without Xu Youyuan can no longer be called reshaping the universe. Please Liu Feng not destroy the classics for profit.

The wave of petitions by 10,000 people has triggered the nostalgia of countless players. Everyone shared the amazingness of the reshaping of the universe when they first met, shared the various scenes and gameplay of the first generation, and remembered many friends who are no longer seen in the rivers and lakes.

As a result, Xu Youyuan and the vehicle incident that made her leave SQUALL and even nearly ended up in jail in the past were once again heated up.

Someone carefully sorted out the time clues of the original vehicle incident, and once again emphasized that Xu Youyuan's mother was seriously ill when the vehicle incident happened. She hired a dummy and was in her hometown. If you want to make money and run away, why go back to your hometown? You should have gone abroad early, and you will come back as soon as you shout, waiting to be caught by the police

What evidence is there to prove that Xu Youyuan planned the whole thing? It's true that she's the producer of Reinventing the Universe, but there are other planning and technical teams throughout the project, as well as a lot of people who have access to key modules. In the past, people who could create a vehicle incident with the same level of accident were too many to count. Why did you catch Xu Youyuan and make her press her head to admit that she was the mastermind of the vehicle incident? Wasn't it because she was in mourning in her hometown? Taking advantage of the family's death to take the blame, Liu Fat is really not a thing.

This post was forwarded more than 20,000 and liked 100,000, but it was bombed the next day and disappeared without a trace.

It must be that the black hand behind the SQUALL was stabbed in the sore spot to blow up the account, and its bad method is exactly the same as that of slandering Xu Youyuan at the beginning.

Therefore, the voice of insulting Liu Feng was even louder.

On the afternoon of the second day after the Internet public opinion was detonated by the incident, the police intervened in the investigation.

When Liu Feng came out of the police station, the assistant and the driver had already parked the car at the door and waited for a long time.

Liu Feng had a round belly, wiped his sweaty face, unbuttoned the shirt in his suit, and sighed:

"Today, it's getting hot too fast. It's getting hotter every year. I really want to eat ice cream."

The assistant opened the car door, and when he got in the car, he said, "Mr. Liu, you really can't eat any more."

Liu Feng smiled at her: "Okay, if you don't eat it, you won't eat it, it's up to you."

When Liu Feng was about to get into the car, through the window of the police station, he saw the chief looking at him with a teacup in his hand.

Liu Feng smiled and waved to the director, signaling him not to worry.

The director's slashed face had an air of indifference, like a wax man in a horror wax museum.

After Liu Feng waved to him, he closed the window.

Liu Feng was about to get into the car when suddenly a plastic bag full of filth fell from the sky and hit him on the head. The plastic bag burst, not only filling his entire head with dirt, but even his assistant was sprayed all over his face.

The assistant was dumbfounded, and the driver pointed to a shadow on the roof of the police station and said, "It was that person who lost it! To dare to do something at the police station is too bold!"

Liu Feng said "hey": "Forget it, it's all a group of children, just wanting to be an idol. It's just to help me cool down, it's alright, don't be angry about small things."

"But, Mr. Liu..."

"Give me a piece of paper and I'll wipe it. I'll buy a gift for my wife in a while. That's great. Xiao Fei, buy a gift for me. I don't want to smoke others."

The assistant's eyes are still a little straight: "Yes..."

Liu Feng calmly sat back in the car. The man on the roof was sweating profusely. He ran out two streets. After receiving a text message, he ran to the back door stone steps of a residential area according to the text message. I got a thick envelope below and ran away happily.

On the 18th floor of the residential area, A Tou left in front of the telescope, put his fingers into the thick hair on his forehead, and pushed back the hair that was in the way.

"This Liu Feng's psychological quality is very good." A Tou said to Xiaoju behind him, "I don't get angry like this? It doesn't seem to be easy to deal with."

After Ato finished speaking, no one paid her any attention.

When she looked back, Xiaoju was typing on the keyboard with her back to her, her big eyes unblinking, and her whole body was like an excited cat.

"I caught you."

Enter this line of words and send.

There was almost no expression on his face, but Xiaoju was so excited that he couldn't sit still.

She found, finally found the man.

The most soulful figure in the hacker team hidden behind Liu Feng, she caught this person.


The other party replied with a smile.

Xiaoju's heart trembled, and he had a bad premonition.

That smiley face became two, four, eight…

The smiling faces were quickly copied and occupied the entire computer screen, and there was no meaning to stop, more and more, densely packed.

Xiaoju leaned back, lifted the chair and smashed the computer directly.

In the fire, Ato, who was drinking, took a step back.

"Why, it scares people to death."

Xiaoju, who was counter-killed and even teased, looked back at Atou with a dark face:

"It's okay to be sarcastic, and still drink my orange juice?"

"Huh? I see that you haven't been drinking all the time. I thought you didn't like it. I wanted to help you solve it."

"give me back!"

A Tou lifted the orange juice high, and Xiaoju couldn't reach it under the height difference, so he jumped twice in anger, but still couldn't reach it. Atou laughed and said:

"What orange juice to drink, are you a kindergartener? Drink a bar with me."

The anger of being counter-killed was still blocked in her heart, and Xiaoju stepped on A Tou's feet, not only stepping on it, but also rolling in a circle and grinding it.

Atou wailed in pain, Xiaoju took his coat, pulled his long hair out of the coat and said:

"Our location has been discovered, and maybe someone will follow you right away. I advise you to leave quickly."

Xiaoju pushed open the door and left, and Atou took off the binoculars and bag and immediately followed behind her.

"Can your location still be discovered?"

"What's so strange, there are so many great gods in the hacker world."

"Is there a better hacker than you in the world? I just want to see."

"No compliments, orange juice should be compensated."

"I didn't even drink a few sips, I'll give it back to you."

Xiaoju glared at her: "You have already drunk, and you still have the face back to me?"

"It's not over yet, don't waste it."


"What's the vomit, I've already accepted the kiss, and I still care about this."

Xiaoju's back stiffened, and Ato was quite proud, feeling that he had the upper hand again, but he didn't expect the pain in his feet in the next second, so he couldn't help crying out.

"Why are you working so hard!" A Tou stood against the wall with his feet covered, tears in his eyes - it really hurts.

"It's right to use force." Xiaoju hummed and strode away.