Middle-aged Love Patch

Chapter 155


In 2036, mankind still has not solved the problem of poverty.

There are still many people on the planet who are hungry, and countless people die of hunger and malnutrition every day. The number of deaths is 2.5 times the number of people who die in war, second only to cancer.

With so many people on the brink of starvation, even virtual food cannot be wasted.

Xu Youyuan ate a big meal, her eyes were straight, her hand holding the spoon was shaking, and the mountain-like staple food in front of her was still standing still, and it was clear that it had not diminished much.

Xu Youyuan was constantly doing psychological construction for herself, and Shi Yue was lying on the side and reciting various poverty data and hunger stories to her, over and over again hoeing the day and noon. As soon as Xu Youyuan grabbed her hand, she looked at her viciously, her heartbeat index dropped from 10 points to 79 points.

"You, be quiet." Xu Youyuan warned her.

Shi Yue didn't dare to say any more, for fear that Xu Youyuan's heartbeat index would drop further if she continued to talk about it. Drop another 10 points and they have to be eliminated.

Shi Yue pulled her fingers horizontally in front of her mouth, signaling herself to be obedient and not say a word.

Xu Youyuan slowed down and glanced at A Xue and the others.

A Xue and the others have passed the freezing time. When they were told to eat all the food brought by their partner, their expressions were completely different from those of Xu Youyuan.

It was a thirsty, unrequited excitement.

I've been hungry for so long, I finally have something to eat!

A Xue held the grassy elephant with tears streaming down her face: "I'll help you eat your portion!"

The glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice glutinous rice gluttonous drooling at the plate of food in the house security, the house security holds the chopsticks in one hand and the spoon in the other hand, for fear of eating slowly, he can't help drooling before the timer starts.

The female commentator said: "It seems that the situation on the field has undergone a subtle change once again. The players of Nothing and Plasma Cream Cake, who had been in the leading position, fell into a hard fight! In the previous scene, they used the materials in their hands. The advantage has eliminated several groups of players in the Professional Players League. I didn't expect that the advantage at the beginning would become the disadvantage now. The final scene of the dark room is changing rapidly, and it should not be taken lightly. "

The male commentator: "Yes, let's see how Nothing and the others will resolve the crisis... oh! oh oh!"

The male commentator couldn't help but scream with excitement, and the audience all boiled.

Everyone's attention was on Xu Youyuan, who couldn't eat, and A Xue, who couldn't wait to eat, and the safety in the house. Very few people found Yan Rong, who was eating without saying a word and bowing his head!

Yan Rong poured all the food into the hot pot in one go, and ate it hard, without stopping for a moment, his arms almost disappeared.

Everyone: "?!"

Cang Lu was not surprised at all.

As a female star, Yan Rong has the self-consciousness of being a public figure, both outside and inside the game.

At any time, eating less is her life creed.

Yan Rong's life with precise control of calories for a long time made Yan Rong basically not interested in food. When Xu Youyuan and the others tempted the enemy in the wilderness, she naturally didn't have to rush to the front line of tempting the enemy, so she didn't eat much.

But at a critical moment, when Xu Youyuan couldn't eat, Yan Rong was finally able to find herself.

Find the self who has eaten countless buffets in his hometown.

Yan Rong's eating speed is getting faster and faster, and there is almost no time to stop.

Her speed took the race to another climax, with all the live bees flying around her, taking close-ups of her from every angle, and the world watching her with bated breath.

Shi Ye, who was in front of the TV, couldn't help but unpack another pack of extra-large potato chips, and followed Yan Rong to eat a sense of rhythm.

"Ouch!" The security inside the house vomited frantically while holding the table, and all the food he had just eaten was vomited out.

Because his avatar has not eaten for a long time, his stomach is strongly stimulated by sudden overeating, and a rejection reaction occurs, and he vomits as much as he eats.

[System Tip: All players must eat all the food their partners brought back to pass the level. If vomiting, have a second meal.]

"What the hell?!" The security inside the house looked sallow and shouted, pointing at the vomit, "You mean to eat these back?"

When A Xue heard his words, her stomach was surging, and she hurriedly covered her mouth.

[System prompt: The system reminds players again, please do not talk to the system, let alone argue, thank you.]

Home security has just experienced a major blow to his career, and now there is a life crisis in front of him.

Is this so special that no one can live

"Quite all." Nuomi glutinous rice cake encouraged him, "I believe in you."

Home security: "..." Is there any other way to go!

Egg fried rice, eat!

Thick-cut beef, nibble!

Xu Youyuan's eyes were bloodshot, and her mouth was full of food. After peeling off the staple food, there were actually four boiled eggs inside...

Xu Youyuan looked at Shi Yue, Shi Yue said, "Cough, this can stabilize the structure and hold more food."

"You're trying to choke me."

When Xu Youyuan ate so much that her whole body was about to explode, and when she felt that she couldn't take a bite, she saw that Yan Rong was still eating conscientiously like a perpetual motion machine, without any complaints. She ate as much as Canglu brought her, without blinking.

this is Love.

What Yan Rong eats is not food, but love.

Xu Youyuan asked herself, how could she waste Shiyue's love

Xu Youyuan took a deep breath and let herself go. Whether it was psychological or stomach, she told herself that it was all virtual, and all the feeling of fullness was just a program. She herself didn't actually eat much.

As long as she calms down, overcomes the virtual pain, and has no distractions, she will definitely be able to eat it all!

"Mom, you're killing me." Shi Ye drank a can of Coke after eating a whole pack of potato chips. Feeling that his underwear was a little tight, he stood up and walked.

"Wait a minute." Afu grabbed her, "Sister Bird seems to be fighting back!"

Xu Youyuan has really achieved a state of "empty" and "no self", exactly like Yan Rong, her eyes are like Monster DL's Pinocchio doll, and she has no emotions.

At this moment, they are neither Xu Youyuan nor Yan Rong, they are just emotionless eating machines!

A Xue's body also showed a rejection reaction. She guarded the bottom line and did not spit it out, but she was choked and coughed violently.

And Yan Rong had already finished it first, and Xu Youyuan only had the last bowl of noodles left!

"You go first!" Shi Yue pushed Canglu and Yan Rong to let them go to the "drinking" scene on the upper floor first!

There are only 4 scenes in total, and every second counts!

Canglu pulled Yan Rong away, Yan Rong covered his mouth, and a feeling of crazy wanting to vomit came up.

Hamsters and live bees immediately surrounded her, and as long as she vomited, everything would have to be restarted.

Yan Rong raised a magic wand to stun the hamster, and the live broadcast bee was also shattered. The picture turned black. When the two of them were photographed again, Yan Rong was already walking like a fly.

Male commentator: "Is this... Magical Girl contestant considered a foul?"

The female commentator: "It is said that the dating mall is a fighting paradise. After entering the mall, you can attack people who are not pleasing to the eye in any area, so the magical girl player does not seem to be a foul."

Hamster in a coma: "… "

Cang Lu and Yan Rong jumped to the first place. Originally, Xu Youyuan felt that she was almost finished, but after eliminating all the food on the upper layer, she found that there was still a bowl hidden at the bottom, and the bowl was full of oily noodles.

Xu Youyuan, who was almost unconscious, looked at Shi Yue faintly.

Shi Yue: "Cough, didn't I want to stabilize the food pyramid and get more food? Don't worry, baby, this bowl of noodles is delicious! When I took it, I smelled its fragrance, which was very attractive. You can try it in the mood to taste delicious food!”

Xu Youyuan: "I taste it, can I not taste it?"

The last bowl of noodles, can not fall short here!

Xu Youyuan continued to let go, waving her sore arms, eating in darkness.

Because Shi Yue took a lot of food and had a 5kg bonus, Xu Youyuan finally ate a total of 15kg of food.

This is impossible in reality, Xu Youyuan will definitely die on the spot, but everything is possible in the holographic game.

She's finished, really finished.

When Xu Youyuan ate the last noodle, she stood up and the audience burst into thunderous applause.

The audience sighed while wiping tears: "The game planning of the finals must not survive."

At the same time, Axue also finished eating, and Kusano Xiang supported her and tried to help her stand up. Axue rested her hands on the table, as if her soul was swallowed by her along with the food.

A Xue: "Give me, hiccup, give me ten seconds, rest, hiccup."

Xu Youyuan didn't want to delay at all, she pulled Shi Yue and ran away.

"Be careful, don't vomit!" Shi Yue was worried that Xu Youyuan's pursuit of speed would give up. Xu Youyuan stood up and moved for a while, but found that the digestion was very fast, which was a bit unexpected.

"I don't know why, but I don't find it particularly uncomfortable."

As Xu Youyuan was talking, Kaikai, who had no sense of existence for a long time, suddenly started to spray shit balls. The two immediately became alert and looked around. No one wanted to sneak up on them, and even the security in the house had been disgusted to death by them, so they voluntarily gave up the game. The only opponents left were Axue and Kusano Elephant.

"What's going on?" Shi Yue poked her open stomach, opened her mouth and burped, and then spit out a ball of shit all over the ground. She moved her position and lay down again, but she still felt Painfully blocked.

"It seems that Kaikai is helping you share the pain of fullness." Shi Yue said, "The longer it follows you, the more connected it is with you."

Xu Youyuan rubbed its butt for a while, and made a "huhu" sound, threatening Xu Youyuan.

"My temper is still so stinky." Xu Youyuan was indeed relieved a lot, although she was still very bloated and uncomfortable, at least she didn't want to vomit anymore.

Xu Youyuan and Shiyue followed Canglu and Yan Rong's footsteps and ran up. A Xue didn't care to rest, she twisted her cloak into the sky, and the thunder and lightning stopped Xu Youyuan's progress.

Kusano Elephant also sent out the "police team" in the city security suite. The sirens blared loudly. Five or six police cars surrounded them, and the horns were placed on the roof:

"You are surrounded, you are surrounded! Don't do any more fearless resistance, put down your weapons and surrender now!"

Their freezer van was unable to drive in the dating mall and was parked at the door on the first floor. At this time, they were bare-handed and had no cover, and were surrounded by police with guns.

Xu Youyuan and Shi Yue were back to back, and there was no opening in the game. They chose to communicate in reality.

"I bought super glue. I counted to three. The first time the glue was delivered, you and I poured it out in a bucket, and then immediately fell down. If you can dodge the bullet, fill the water gun immediately."

Shi Yue was hot all over and said excitedly, "Okay!"

The moment the super glue was poured out, the gunshots rang wildly. The super glue glued most of the police to the ground, but one or two were still missed.

It takes time for Xu Youyuan and Shi Yue to pour super glue, but the other party has already aimed at them.

In the nick of time, the whole body swelled up uncomfortably, and she shook her head to the sky. This time, Xu Youyuan felt the crisis, and immediately turned her butt around and aimed at the police.

At the same time as the police fired, a massive amount of shit balls were sprayed at them, and the police were completely blinded by what was attacking them, and they were instantly submerged.

Xu Youyuan was thrown out by the strong recoil, but fortunately Shi Yue supported her, otherwise her neck would have been broken on the spot.

The floor of half of the mall was covered with open shit balls, and the scene was terrifying.

Kai Kai finally let out a long sigh of relief, was very happy, and lay back on Xu Youyuan's head with peace of mind.

"Gu... Gu Gu Gu..." Xu Youyuan touched her stomach and looked at Shi Yue in disbelief, "I'm hungry."

I bought a long steel pipe from the takeaway toolbox and inserted it on the ground to attract thunderstorms, while Xu Youyuan and Shi Yue quickly ran upstairs.

A Xue endured the discomfort and followed with Kusano Elephant. The three groups of people arrived on the second floor of the dating mall, "drinking".

When Xu Youyuan and Shi Yue reached the second floor, Canglu and Yan Rong were no longer in sight.

The second floor has a fork, which is divided into two roads: "drinks" and "wine".

Just looking at the names of these two roads made my stomach feel bloated.

But without much time to think about it, Axue and Kusano were about to catch up.

A quick glance at the level description shows that the mechanics of "drinks" are very complex, not only do you have to mix the drinks yourself, but only after reaching the standard can another teammate start drinking them. The "wine" side is much simpler, just drink it, drink enough 2 pounds and 2 taels, and let it go immediately.

Shi Yue drinks a lot of drinks on weekdays, and drinking a can of Coke in one go is a piece of cake for her. Beverage preparation is also a kitchen affair, and Shi Yue still has a certain degree of confidence.

"Go." Shi Yue took Xu Youyuan to the "drinks" side.

Xu Youyuan stayed where she was.

Shi Yue saw that she was looking at the "wine" side: "Do you want to enter the wine side?"

"The process of drinking is too complicated. As long as there is a mistake in one link, it is likely to be overturned. But the wine is different. Just drink the wine here."

When Xu Youyuan was talking, A Xue and Kusano Elephant came. After looking at each other for a while, they quickly decided to go the "drinks" road.

"But wine..."

"Don't worry." Xu Youyuan said, "I will choose it because it is wine."

Seeing that Xu Youyuan chose the road of "wine", Xu Yishu in front of the TV felt that someone had punched him in his heart, and it was sore and painful.

"What's the matter, Lao Xu?" Shi's father found that his expression suddenly became stiff and couldn't help asking him.

Xu Yishu didn't speak, but Shi Ye understood.

Shi Ye said: "Sister Bird, she... has a history of alcoholism."

"Drinking?" Jiang Yun and Ah Gan were both taken aback, "Really? Never heard of it."

"It's true." Xu Yishu said, "She was indeed drinking heavily during the most stressful years in her career, and even nearly lost her life because of the drunkenness. Her mother has been controlling her drinking and accompanied her for a long time. After a lot of psychological counseling and treatment, she slowly quit. Young Yuan didn't quite understand why she was so strongly dependent on alcohol. After talking with the doctor, the doctor asked her family history and whether any of her relatives had alcoholism. The precedent of this, she learned that it turned out that this thing is also hereditary... "

Xu Yishu didn't say anything further, all of Xu Youyuan's friends knew that Xu Yishu had been injured due to alcoholism not long ago.

At the beginning, Xu Youyuan spent a lot of time and energy, experienced extreme pain, and finally gave up drinking, and vowed never to drink again.

This is a challenge to genes, a challenge to destiny.

Xu Youyuan is not shy about this matter, but many of her friends don't know much about it. Every time everyone is drinking at a party, Xu Youyuan will sit silently aside, and Shi Ye will help her out when someone persuades her to drink.

Xu Youyuan finally wiped the wine from her life, but now, she actually chose "wine" again.


The NCOUNT headquarters in the CRUSH building, all employees of the operation of the first and second groups and the development team stayed at their posts tonight to ensure the smooth end of the finals.

Mr. Huang asked Yi Rushuang to temporarily serve as the deputy director of the operation group to supervise the entire process of the finals.

Yi Rushuang drank three cups of American coffee today. She started work in the morning and went to work at night. More than half of the race was over, and she hardly moved away from her workstation.

Mr. Huang answered the phone and came back with an ugly face in a hurry, and said to Yi Rushuang:

"My wife seems to have appendicitis. She's going to the hospital now and may need an operation right now. I have to go and see. You can watch here first. I've already called Mr. Shi and Lao He. Lao He is out of town and is on his way here. Mr. Shi didn't answer the phone, and he may be back in a while."

Yi Rushuang said calmly: "Go ahead, sister-in-law's surgery is urgent. I will keep an eye on it, and I will contact you on the phone if anything happens."

"Okay." Mr. Huang saw that she was not panic at all, it seemed that anything that happened could be resolved rationally, and he felt a little more at ease. The development director Lao He still has half an hour to fill the seat, and half of the finals are over. According to the current situation, there will not be too many problems.

When Mr. Huang went out, he happened to meet a little Teddy who came in with two big piles of supper.

"Hey, Mr. Huang, are you leaving now?"

Mr. Huang said again about his wife's operation, and Little Teddy comforted him that the appendicitis surgery would be fine.

Mr. Huang nodded. When he went downstairs and got into the car, he thought of the phrase "it'll be fine" that Little Teddy said, as if he was emphasizing something...

He looked at the night sky with tall buildings in front of him, and even the moonlight was quietly obscured.

"Here." Little Teddy put the supper in front of Yi Rushuang, "Super luxurious meat meal set, specially ordered for you."

Yi Rushuang smiled: "Thank you."

"Take a break, look at your eyes, the dark circles are so heavy. Don't end the finals smoothly and you will fall ill."

Yi Rushuang pinched the bridge of his nose: "How come, it's just that I haven't slept all night, I can't die."

Little Teddy was shocked: "No wonder you were promoted so quickly and worked so hard. Let me tell you, your health is important, I didn't see you eating tonight. Eat your food first, and you can work if you have physical strength, right?"

"Okay, thank you." Yi Rushuang picked up the lunch box and couldn't take his eyes off the computer screen while eating.

Little Teddy couldn't take it anymore, and when she was about to complain about her, she suddenly found that her whole face seemed to be frozen.

"What, what's wrong?" Little Teddy asked.

There are three computer screens in front of Yi Rushuang, she is staring at one of them, there is a string of codes, which is messed up.

Yi Rushuang doesn't know much about the code, but he can see the problem.

She immediately notified the development department, and when the deputy director of the development side was about to check it, she found that the system had been hacked.

"what happened!"

"Access is locked!"

"We are here too!"

"Boss, boss!" The developer in charge of the database ran over with a pale face. "The player information in our database is being copied to an unknown network! I can no longer control the system!"

"What?" The deputy director grabbed him, "How many copies were made?"

"30%!" He glanced back, "36%!"

Everyone present was stunned in place, the deputy supervisor was stunned for a few seconds, and immediately called Lao He.

Yi Rushuang turned around and ran, rushing out the door immediately.

"Where are you going!" Little Teddy hurriedly followed.