Middle-aged Love Patch

Chapter 165


He never put down the gun in the man's hand in black uniform. He winked at his entourage and asked them to immediately take away Shi Yue and Xu Youyuan, who were still unable to move.

Yan Rong, who was standing at the very edge, looked at Canglu with flickering eyes.

Canglu found that there was an antler decoration on the wall not far from Yan Rong, which seemed to be used as a weapon.

What Yan Rong meant was that he wanted to take off the horns to make a surprise attack and let Canglu cover her.

Ancestor... Canglu's eyes are dark, isn't this in the game? Can you not be surprised...

The virtual characters in the game are blessed with various buffs, and they can be invincible.

But this is the real world, and there is only one life.

If you accidentally take a bullet, you are likely to lose your life.

Cang Lu secretly shook his head at her, motioning her not to take risks.

But if you don't take risks, do you want to watch these unidentified people take Sister Niao and Shi Yue away

When Cang Lu felt conflicted in his heart, he found that three women appeared on the monitor outside the door.

One of them, Cang Lu, had the impression that he was from Shiyue Company.

Yi Rushuang, Little Teddy, and Director Du, who came out halfway, stood outside the door. They didn't ring the doorbell or knock on the door. They seemed to already know what was going on in the house and leaned against the door cautiously.

Yi Ru double-pointed at the access control camera. Director Du took out a marker from his hand and skillfully painted the camera black. The surveillance screen in the house became pitch black, and nothing could be seen.

Just now downstairs, little Teddy was pushed to the ground by several security guards at the property. Yi Rushuang wanted to take the lead upstairs to occupy the elevator, blocking the property and the police downstairs.

The moment the door was about to close, the police forcefully ripped it open, and the phone was snatched away.

"That's my cell phone." Yi Rushuang cautiously kept a certain distance from the police. She felt that the policeman's temperament was a little different from the policeman she was familiar with, and she felt a little dangerous.

"Don't worry, I didn't say it wasn't yours." The policeman looked at Director Du behind him and said, "I received a call from someone saying that there may be dangerous elements on the 28th floor. Please avoid the lady temporarily so as not to endanger your personal safety."

This was originally said to Yi Rushuang, but when the police spoke, they looked at Director Du the whole time. Several property security guards were a little confused, and they didn't know what these people were doing.

The woman known as Chief Dou never spoke, nor did she take a step back because of the police's warning.

The policeman stared sideways at Director Dou, and the hand hidden in the blind spot of Director Dou's eyes was slowly reaching into his clothes.

Director Du couldn't see his movements, but he could see Yi Rushuang's eyes on the policeman's hands slowly sinking.

The conflict broke out in an instant.

At the same time as the policeman drew his gun, Chief Du took a big step forward like lightning, stuck the policeman's foot and locked him under the plate. At the same time, he pressed his left elbow against his neck, and his right hand supported his gun-carrying wrist. The last push, a gunshot rang out, and the lights on the top floor of the elevator exploded, sparking countless sparks.

"Let's go!" Director Du yelled at Yi Rushuang, who was stunned in the corner. The policeman turned over and pressed hard, switched positions with Director Du, and slammed her against the wall of the car.

The two were blushing in a stalemate. The property and security were all scared when they heard the gunshots. No one dared to step forward.

"Get out of the way!" Little Teddy saw that when the gang of security guards pressed her, all of them were terrible. When something happened, she immediately turned into a soft-footed shrimp. When she was angry, she took off her high heels and rushed up. Hit the policeman in the head.

The policeman was already fighting with Chief Du, and he was beaten several times on the back of the head, causing him to bark in pain, so he had to spare his strength to kick Little Teddy.

Yi Rushuang jumped up and hugged his legs and lifted them up. The policeman was unsteady. Chief Du took advantage of the situation and threw him into the elevator. uniform.

"Thank you very much." Director Du took the person out and put them behind the iron railings in the corner, and thanked Yi Rushuang and Little Teddy.

Little Teddy smiled and was about to go up to shake hands with her, but was pulled back by Yi Rushuang, still looking at her vigilantly.

"Don't get me wrong, that person is not a policeman." Chief Du said, shaking his aching wrist, "He is the killer of the J Party."

Yi Rushuang: "Party J?"

Little Teddy: "Fuck, killer?"

Yi Rushuang and Little Teddy looked at each other, a little scared.

Director Du looked at the dumbfounded property security guard: "What are you doing, contact the real police."


Director Du entered the elevator, pressed the 28th floor, Yi Rushuang and Little Teddy squeezed in together.

Director Du: "...Go out. Don't follow along to take risks."

"No." Yi Rushuang said, "The boss is in danger, we must confirm her safety!"

Director Du took out his mobile phone and sent a message out, his slender eyes glanced at Yi Rushuang: "It's rare to have such considerate employees today. You can come along, but anything happens in a while, even if you lose it. If I die, I will not take any responsibility."

Yi Rushuang said firmly: "Don't worry, we are responsible for our decisions."

Little Teddy stood in the corner, carefully observing Yi Rushuang's face.

Does Yi Rushuang still like bosses

The three of them reached the 28th floor. As soon as the elevator door opened, Yi Rushuang and Little Teddy were about to go out. The director noticed something and stopped them.

Director Du held the gun he had snatched from the killer earlier, and walked slowly against the wall.

The sharp-eyed Yi Rushuang discovered that the state of the access control of Yue's house had changed, and the display of the visitor system disappeared, indicating that someone had entered the house.

When they went downstairs, no one was there. Although they were delayed for a long time downstairs, they were all blocked at the door of the unit and in the elevator. If someone went upstairs, they would definitely know.

There is only one possibility, these people who broke into Shi Yue's house climbed up the stairs of the emergency passage.

28th floor…

What kind of spirit supports them

When Director Du was leaning against the wall and approaching the door of Shi Yue's house, Yi Rushuang and Little Teddy moved over from the other side.

Director Du gestured for them to leave immediately, while Little Teddy raised her high heels, and Yi Rushuang pointed to the camera.

Before the camera was blacked out, Canglu had already seen the situation outside.

Shi Yue and Xu Youyuan were carried, put black pockets on their heads and stuffed them into the box.

"Thank you ladies for your cooperation." The head of the black uniform smiled at them.

When he was about to open the door and leave, Cang Lu said:

"Wait a minute, can I ask a question?"

The gloved hand in the black uniform was on the doorknob, and after a pause, he said with a smile, "No."

Without further questioning, Cang Lu nodded clearly and said, "Okay."

Hei Uniform was feeling that something was wrong when suddenly the door was violently slammed open, Hei Uniform instinctively turned around and shot, Director Du and Yi Rushuang little Teddy both hid behind the door and did not hit anyone.

When Yi Rushuang and Little Teddy were still in a daze when they saw the extra bullet holes on the wall, Director Du had already rushed into the room and fought with the black uniform headed by them.

The other three dropped the box and quickly went to draw their guns.

Yan Rong, who had always been eager to show off his skills, finally found an opportunity to break off the antlers on the wall and stab the back of the black uniform in front of him.

The man had just put down the box, and all his attention was on the woman who suddenly broke in. Who would have thought that there would be someone sneaking up behind him!

Shi Yue has always liked sharp ornaments. The antlers were processed to make them sharp and hard. This stab almost pierced the back of the black uniform. He threw himself out with a scream of pain, knocking down the shooting companion right in front of him. The companion shot the shot flying, wiping the top of Director Du's head and flying out, hitting Xiaoju's computer!

Xiaoju just picked up the computer and wanted to take advantage of the chaos to check the current situation of Xu Youyuan and Shiyue. The computer was shot with sparks, and the screen went black on the spot.

"Damn it!" Xiaoju was furious and smashed the computer hard at them. The black uniform was about to get up, but his head was smashed, and he couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north and west in an instant.

Director Du fixed the leader of the black uniform to the ground with a cross, and the rest of the house became a mess.

Although the ladies rarely fight in reality, they are all cruel in the very realistic holographic game. In reality, they also add a bit of courage. Seeing that the gun is not frightened, they will go to the enemy if they catch anything. Say hello.

However, Shiyue's family is big, and there are many decorations. In addition, AI enthusiasts have a lot of sturdy metal objects. If you grab something and smash it on a person's head, it will be a hole.

Little Teddy, who has more energy, joined the battle, and the heels of his two shoes were broken and he couldn't stop.

Director Du thought that these players who can get good rankings in the dark compartment are not ordinary people, but he did not expect to be so cruel. She thought that she was too ill-considered to act alone this time. No matter whether the person who planned everything behind the scenes was her own brother or not, she should directly negotiate with her D party companions and attack together. Unexpectedly, these killers raised by her brother and players who play cards unreasonably meet in a narrow way. When they underestimate the enemy, it is really uncertain who will die.

This time is the closest she has come to success.

What my brother does is a disgrace to the family.

She wanted to wipe away the stains of the Du family with her own hands.

This idea has been haunting her since she was in her twenties, and when her brother finally took the shot, she also ushered in the best chance.

Xu Youyuan and Shi Yue must not fall into her brother's hands.

The black uniform leader's face was flushed and he was almost suffocating. He held the gun in his hand but was pressed to the ground by Director Du's knee, unable to move.

Seeing that victory was in sight, suddenly hearing a scream, Director Du looked for a sound, and saw that Little Teddy was knocked to the ground, blood on the corners of his mouth, and several other people were also injured to varying degrees.

The most deadly thing is that there is a black uniform holding a gun and leaning back against the corner of the wall. The gun in his hand can kill anyone who acts rashly in the room.

"Come on, come again!" The black uniform panted, his face covered with scratches of blood, "I'm going to see who the hell is going to dare to move again!"

When Director Du hesitated for a moment, the black uniform leader seized the opportunity to break free, turning over and pressing her under him.

"As a woman, your strength is really great." The leader of the black uniform pressed his knees on her back, using his entire body weight to control her to have no chance of turning over again. She was locked to the point of losing her strength. With trembling hands, he picked up the gun and pointed it at Director Du, "However, you are still a woman."

The gun in the black-uniformed leader's hand has a muffler, so even if the shot is fired in a residential area, no one will hear it.

"There are more powerful ones, don't be too strange."

A voice suddenly appeared behind the leader of the black uniform, giving him no chance to turn around. Before he could see anything clearly, he fell out and fainted on the spot.

"Shiyue!" A Tou, who was so painful that he could barely stand up, was hit in the lower back, couldn't help cheering when he saw Shiyue appear.

It was Shi Yue who stunned the leader of the black uniform! The weapon that smashed people was the box she had just been in!

"Stop shouting, I still have a terrible headache." Shi Yue hurriedly stopped A Tou.

There was the last black uniform with a gun left. Seeing that the situation was very unfavorable, he slowly moved towards the door, trying to exit quietly.

"Let me stand still, don't move!" The black uniform was about to retreat to the door when he stepped on a ball. He turned his back on his back and hit the back of his head heavily on the ground. Venus.

When everything in the field of vision returned from the split state to the normal state, the gun in his hand had been turned around and aimed at the center of his eyebrows.

Xu Youyuan held a real gun for the first time, and the feel was not much different from that in the holographic game.

The black uniform smiled bravely and said, "Can you use a gun?"

Xu Youyuan pulled the safety catch away expressionlessly.

Black Uniform said nothing and raised his hands.

The police officers of the city police station next door, affiliated to the D party, arrived and took away all the black uniforms.

"Xu Youyuan, what kind of hatred do you have with my bath balls?" Shi Yue picked up the smashed bath balls into the bag little by little, her heart was bleeding, "and why are you so picky? If you don't lose the rest, just lose my favorite limited edition."

It was Shiyue's bathing ball that made the black uniform fall on her back into a concussion.

Xu Youyuan was exhausted in the black hole of the game. The rib injury seemed to be more painful because of the intense exercise just now. She couldn't say anything and could only sit on the sofa.

"It's great that you came back safely..." Cang Lu came up and hugged her, her eyes were red, it could be seen that she was very worried and cared about Xu Youyuan very much.

Xu Youyuan hugged her friends one by one.

The feeling of escaping death they never want to experience again.

Although the feeling in the game is also very real, the hug in reality has an indescribable thickness and warmth.

Shi Yue originally wanted to say that she had just escaped from the dead to be lively and liven up the atmosphere. As a result, she was alone thinking about the smashed bath ball, and everyone else was hugging and comforting each other, it seemed that she was a white-eyed wolf.

Shi Yue quickly pushed the others away and came over with the medicine box to check Xu Youyuan's wound.

After Xu Youyuan changed a large Band-Aid at will, she went to find Director Du.

Director Du moved his injured shoulder, came up to shake hands with Xu Youyuan and Shiyue, and wanted to find a quiet place to talk to them alone.

Shi Yue took her to the laboratory, and Director Du chose to focus on the experimental game that her brother Mr. Du and SQUALL boss Liu Feng had made, as well as all the secret collusion made by the J party headed by Mr. Du.

These things from Director Du's mouth are not much different from what Xu Youyuan Shiyue had guessed before.

Party J wants to control the election through the id game. Once Mr. Du is successfully elected, the id game system will steal players' privacy without any hindrance, and even become a terrorist tool for the J party to kill people invisibly.

"I have a question, I wonder if the two of you can help me answer it." Director Du asked them, "Party J has always acted ruthlessly and cautiously, why would they invade the dark box system in such a high-profile way? It's just to test their game control. The level of people's hearts? Or is there another reason?"

Starting from the vehicle incident, Xu Youyuan told Director Du all about her past and Liu Feng's past, as well as her desire to return to the reshaping universe to find evidence to clear her name.

"It turns out that Liu Feng is afraid of you and the impact NCOUNT may have on him." Director Du said, "I believe you still have a lot of things to do, so I won't bother. This is my business card, There are still many things that need your assistance in the future. If you need any help, you can always come to me."

When Director Du was about to leave, Xu Youyuan asked her if she was going to find Liu Feng.

"Indeed..." Director Du said, "We may have made a small mistake and left out Liu Feng. He is very important, and we have to go back to him now."

"Can we go find him with you?" Xu Youyuan said.


Xu Youyuan said seriously: "Director Du should know that the virtual game scene cannot be used as criminal evidence at this stage, but I have a way to extract it as valid evidence, and this matter is also related to whether I can successfully send Mr. Du to the office. Jail. No one can do it except me and Shi Yue."

Director Du looked at Xu Youyuan for a long time and nodded.

When they were about to leave, Ah Lei called Shi Yue and asked her what happened in the dark room and why so many players had hallucinations.

The important matters on the dark side have not been resolved yet. Shiyue called Chris, and Xiaoju gave the player list and family phone numbers, and asked him to take the staff to quickly contact the family members. Make sure that every online player returns. In reality, all subsequent effects will be resolved by herself.

Chris took the order, Ah Lei wanted to come to Shiyue, but Shiyue had no choice but to agree.

When Shi Yue and Xu Youyuan came back with Liu Feng, who had entered the id game, Ah Lei and A Xue happened to arrive.

"It turns out that you are really Xu Youyuan..." A Xue was completely at a loss when she saw her idol.

Xu Youyuan: "There are some problems in the dark room, but this is not the plan of the dark room itself, it is the reason why it was invaded by malicious programs. Axue, can you help us explain to the majority of players first, so that they can be calm. We still have urgent matters to deal with, and when we are done, it is our responsibility to never evade."

Axue patted her chest and promised that everything was covered by her, and she would send a message to the large group of 3,000 players for everyone to spread the word.

Ah Lei looked at her excitedly and rolled his eyes: "Can you make any progress?"

"And then, here I am."

After listening to Xu Youyuan's words, Liu Feng sighed deeply: "Xiao Xu, you want to use the limited appearance of the champion of the dark box to go to Caps to exchange for the best account of the reshaping universe, and go to the reshaping universe to find the old man in the universe. Update the package to clear your name, right?"

"It's not just about clearing my name." Xu Youyuan said, "There is a lot of evidence in the update package to prove that you planned the vehicle incident. This alone is enough to make you spend the rest of your life in prison."

Liu Feng smiled and said: "Xiao Xu, after so many things, how come you are still so simple. I know you are very familiar with the principle of the transmission bridge, and the update package can't be taken out of the reshaping universe. If you can enter When it comes to remaking the universe, yes, you can find it. But do you think I will leave the door of reshaping the universe open for you to enter? As long as I don't contact the technical team within the agreed time, they will automatically All servers in the reshaping universe will be closed, yes, this game will be closed forever. Even if you change to the top account, you will no longer be able to enter. Xiao Xu, don’t you think I have no defense at all?”

Rib pain returned to pain, but Xu Youyuan did not lose her momentum.

When she smiled slightly, Liu Feng realized that the situation was wrong.

Xu Youyuan said: "I asked you to come over to Director Du, of course there are more uses... You have your team and technical team, and we also have the strongest hackers."

Liu Feng's eyes naturally fell on Xiaoju.

Xiaoju is petite, sitting cross-legged on a chair with ease, projecting the computer in his hand into the air, and the projection is a scene where the universe is completely still.

"Through my game, I found the virtual mapping network you set up. Of course, it took me a lot of time, but when I found it, I got a huge surprise." Xiaoju said, "You hacked other people's games yourself. , I am naturally afraid of reshaping the universe and being hacked, so I put its transmission bridge into the virtual mapping network together. I didn't expect it to be dug up together. As long as the transmission bridge can be cracked, even if your server is shut down, I can enter it. Reshape the universe. And this is a completely static universe, which will save Shiyue and the others."

Liu Feng's expression was stiff. He wanted to laugh, but he really couldn't.

Xiaoju continued: "Of course, it's not that easy to crack your virtual mapping network. If it wasn't an unexpected gain, I might not be able to complete it in a lifetime."

Liu Feng: "What unexpected gain?"

"Remember the female ghost game program that Hammer cast in Shiyue neurons?" Xiaoju said, "This program is transmitted at high speed from the virtual mapping network, because it is a very temporary program, and it is not from Hammer himself. So I forgot to encrypt it. I found a breakthrough through this female ghost program. Moreover, I also cracked the self-destruction program of my game. A lot of evidence is preserved in this game, which can prove that it illegally invades other people's neurons ."

Shi Yue continued Xiaoju's words and said: "And let you walk around in the self game, the self game automatically reads all your private memories, we save it and hand it over to the police directly. Believe in the virtual game The decree that scenes cannot be used as evidence will change since you are the turning point."

Liu Feng, who has always been calm and calm, was silent, he was calculating the possibility of a comeback.

Xiaoju finally breathed a sigh of relief after finishing the call.

The boulder that had been pressing in my heart finally fell down with the arrest of Hammer and the success of the reverse sniper game.

"You know what?" A Tou rubbed his aching waist and put it on Xiaoju's shoulder, saying sincerely, "You are indeed the strongest Alpha on earth."

Liu Feng didn't struggle. From any perspective, he was already doomed to lose this game.

But losing this game does not mean that he has lost the whole game.

"The plan that was foolproof turned upside down in the gutter, okay, I'm unlucky. However, Xiao Xu, I especially want to know what you really think. Whether it's Party J or Party D, will the digital age make a difference? Change? Human civilization will always turn a corner, and it was doomed from the day when the Internet was popularized. Others are stupid, but you should be more awake than anyone else. Even if Mr. Du does not come to power and someone else does, the only way forward in history is this one. , why do you deceive yourself." Liu Feng's eyes were calm and confident,

"Many years from now you'll want to come and tell me what a difference it makes to this country and to the world if the J party comes to power or the D party comes to power."

Xu Youyuan looked directly into his eyes, and spit out all the words that had been in her heart for a long time:

"Weapons can kill people, but in the hands of different people, the results are naturally different.

"Even if our civilization eventually enters the digital age, we still have to hold on to the right to choose. The real world or the world of games, I can like both or neither, or one of them. We have the freedom to choose The right to yearn for life, this is what a normal world should look like."


The universe is static, all battleships, transports, all planetary storms and nebulae, even light.

Xu Youyuan had never seen such a reshaping of the universe.

Although the dungeon will not be loaded, they don't have to worry about attacks from various monsters, but there are still many dangers in such a huge Black Sea area. I don't know how long it will take to complete the search.

"It's okay." Shi Yue held Xu Youyuan's hand and said, "I will find the answer with you."

Xu Youyuan felt a lot more at ease with sometimes Yue's company. She re-wrote an additional program for Xiaoju to help her transfer it in. This program can help her quickly divide the Black Sea area and automatically explore the areas where the installation package may exist.

They entered the 15th-level full-level Explorer, and when they dived into the depths of the Black Sea, Xu Youyuan thought of a trivial matter from before. She criticized Shiyue wherever she went, and poisoned her wherever she went, even in the reshaping universe. make trouble.

"What?" Shi Yue wondered, "I've never done such a thing."

Seeing Shiyue's denial seriously, Xu Youyuan swayed a little: "Aren't you the 'hee hee hee'?"

"What hee hee hee, can such a cheap name be me?"

"It's really not you?" Xu Youyuan was completely puzzled, "Who is that?"

Xu Youyuan looked at the abyss of the Black Sea and pondered, if that person was not Shi Yue, the person who knew her newly registered trumpet must be someone who was very concerned about her whereabouts.

Is there anything else I missed, didn't notice

Xu Youyuan is really a person who can be serious quickly, Shi Yue sticks up and kisses her serious face.

Xu Youyuan: "?"

"Aren't you disappointed when you know it's not me?" Shi Yue raised her eyebrows, "Seeing that you are so lost, I'll be a good person and tell you. It's Wo, Wo himself!"

Xu Youyuan lowered her eyelids, blocking her heart in one breath, wishing she could just press the button to eject her out of the cabin.

After all, it's a relationship that's 11 years apart, and the girl's childishness, I'm afraid it won't change for a while.