Middle-aged Love Patch

Chapter 167


"You said you, people come and go, what are you yelling about there?"

Yi Rushuang pulled Little Teddy into the fire escape, pressed her against the wall with her backhand, and questioned her.

Little Teddy looked her in the eye very calmly and said, "I like you, don't say you don't feel it. I think I have made it very obvious."

Of course Yi Rushuang noticed that she was not a fool.

Not to mention that Little Teddy used to find some things that didn't exist and ran over to talk to Yi Rushuang every working day, whether it was work or private life, he almost never stopped.

Yi Rushuang and Little Teddy joined the company at the same time. Everyone's feelings for the same period are always different, and the two not only entered the same department at the same time, but also entered the same department.

Apart from thinking that Little Teddy's voice was too loud and noisy, Yi Rushuang actually envied her for being full of energy every day.

After the game incident, Yi Rushuang had a few days off. In addition to colleagues who came to visit her, Little Teddy brought her meals according to three meals, helped her clean up and sent her to the hospital for review.

Little Teddy's attitude is too obvious, and it is clearly placed in front of Yi Rushuang, as long as anyone who is not blind can see it.

Facing Little Teddy's question, Yi Rushuang didn't answer and lowered his head.

"So you know, you know everything." Little Teddy said, "Everything I do is so obvious that it's so obvious that I just wrote 'Yi Rushuang, I like you' on my face. What do you think? Yes, tell me clearly. If you like it or don't like it, you can say it directly, who are you trying to kill?"

Almost in a pressing tone, Little Teddy just wanted Yi Rushuang to give her an answer.


Yi Rushuang still didn't move. Little Teddy was about to explode.

On weekdays, he was so quick to get promoted at work that was as fast as Comrade Yi Rushuang, who was flying on a plane, but he was so indecisive emotionally that he couldn't make a fart with a few slaps.

Little Teddy is also the kind of person who has a particularly urgent personality. When he asks a question, he must get the answer on the spot.

Yi Rushuang's personality completely grabbed Little Teddy's life. Little Teddy had to wonder if she had caused some catastrophic disaster in her previous life. God specially sent Yi Rushuang to punish her.

Quiet fire escape, silent as easy as double.

Little Teddy understood, Yi Rushuang had already given the answer.

Not everyone will answer in words, and sometimes silence is a thoughtful response.

"Okay... I see." Little Teddy lowered his head, his soft and fluffy curly hair looked so weak for the first time, full of frustration.

When Little Teddy was about to leave, Yi Rushuang took a deep breath, as if gathering courage.

Little Teddy stopped and looked back at her with the last bit of hope.

"I... had a very terrifying illusion not long ago." Yi Rushuang said, "I still feel uncomfortable when I think of that illusion, and I am so embarrassed that I want to find a hole to crawl in. Fortunately, that person doesn't know this. Otherwise, I may not have the face to stay in the company now."

Little Teddy was about to ask her when she suddenly thought of something. She looked out the door alertly and made sure that no one came to smoke before asking her, "Are you talking about the boss?"

Yi Rushuang: "So how did you know?"

"You also posted that post back then?" Little Teddy's eyes were bright, "Jijie Paradise."

At the mention of these four words, Yi Rushuang almost fainted in shame:

"You actually saw... I, I was really crazy at the time, I don't know why I misunderstood Shi Zong. This misunderstanding is really devastating, in fact, there are many coincidences when I think about it. In short, I have let go of Shi Zong. Now, I don't think I will have any relationship with her other than her subordinates. The whole world knows how much she likes and cares about Miss Xu. She doesn't see anyone else at all. I just want to thank Mr. Shi, she is my Bole. Mr. Huang said that if it wasn't for Mr. Shi himself, I would not have risen so fast. If you ask me if I still like her, I can tell you clearly No, I only have respect for her."

"Then why did you..."

"Because of this incident, I have seen myself completely." Yi Rushuang said, "I grew up in the countryside, and I have never seen anything in the world. I don't even look like a graduate from a famous school. I always imagine who would like me like this. It's such a shame."

"Oh, so it is." Little Teddy finally understood, "The misunderstanding that the boss likes you has left a huge shadow on you. Even if someone really makes a good impression on you later, you feel that you are self-indulgent."

Yi Rushuang was silent again. Little Teddy put his hands on his hips and breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, it's good to know this is the case."

Yi Rushuang looked at Little Teddy with puzzled eyes.

Little Teddy: "Just know that you don't like me."

"?!" Yi Rushuang, "I didn't confess to you, okay?"

Little Teddy smiled and shook his head: "It doesn't matter, I'm completely confident now. As long as you don't have someone you like, I can chase you with confidence. I'll tell you again now, Yi Rushuang, I want to chase you. You, I want to date you and I want to marry you! If you don't like me tell me now, or if you want to enjoy being pursued, it's okay, you don't know me well enough, it's okay to take your time, I chase anyway deal.

"When you want to fall in love one day and want to find a reliable person to live with, I hope that is me."

Getting used to seeing Little Teddy's smiling face, the sudden seriousness made Yi Rushuang a little uncomfortable.

However, it's a bit charming...


After the end of the first season of the dark room, the dark room, which was already a hot topic, has once again escalated the discussion because of the id game incident.

Many players in the dark room have shared their feelings of experiencing the id game in the super talk, and they are so amazing, making those who have not been able to experience the id game by chance exclaimed that it was a pity.

In the very limited time outside of completing vocational training every day, Axue has been indulging in discussions on super topics in the dark.

Super talk is not enough for her to chat, and she can also send thousands of messages in a thousand-person super chat group.

Ah Lei once thought that he had some knowledge of professional players, especially after winning the second place in the dark box competition, and gradually realized the fun of the game.

But when she saw the scene of Axue discussing the game without eating or sleeping, she was once again confused.

She felt that she and A Xue's thick dimensional wall could not be smashed with a punch or two.

Ah Lei is still the owner of the "Auntie Club Next Door" and is still investing money in professional teams, but she still lacks feelings for the game.

So many people are discussing the dark side, discussing where SQUALL will go in the post-Liu Feng era, but she only pays attention to Shiyue's super talk, sign in on time every day to get points, and check the latest news of Shiyue.

In fact, as far as she understood, being obsessed with Shi Yue was already a habit and would not bear fruit.

She originally wanted to win the championship in the dark box competition, so that Shi Yue would admire her, but she didn't expect to win the championship in the end, and Axue's mind was disturbed.

She and Axue maintain a high heartbeat index in the game, which includes the experience and guidance of professional players, and of course the real relationship between the two of them, as well as the blessing of this love game in the dark room.

Originally, after the finals ended, Ah Lei experienced the id game, as if he had experienced a terrible nightmare. After waking up, he wanted to be comforted by Ah Xue.

But what is Ashley doing

Except for the practice, it is the water group, as if the competition is over, and the two of them are two strangers who have nothing to do with each other.

Ah tired of ten thousand question marks.

In China, she has no friends at all, and she can only talk to Fu Siyan about the backlog of her heart.

I didn't expect to contact Fu Siyan, and they replied after three days:

"Sister, stop sending me messages, or my girlfriend should be jealous."

Ah Lei: "??"

Yes, Fu Siyan is in love.

When her partner Huo Bingyue was eliminated together because of her insistence, Fu Sidan sincerely apologized for three days and three nights, but Huo Bingyue didn't accept it at all. There was only one requirement, that is, Fu Sidan must be realistic. date him.

what a hell...

Professional team members in the era of holographic games can complete all communication and training in the virtual world, so even in the same company, it is normal for teammates to never meet offline.

Fu Sidan didn't understand why Huo Bingyue insisted on dating her in real life.

Looking at the appearance of Huo Bingyue, the muscular man with the unshaven beard prefers to wear women's clothes with miniskirts, and he can't be called a woman's clothing boss. Fu Sidan deeply suspects that there is something wrong with Huo Bingyue's taste.

But she hurt others willfully, and Huo Bingyue didn't condemn her, she just made a date and didn't really want to date, so go ahead.

Before going there, both the Monster and the gentleman came to her, and after asking her to date, they must tell them what kind of weirdo Huo Bingyue's mother's womb was to satisfy their curiosity.

"You guys are so curious, come over and date him!" Fu Siyan roared angrily.

"Uncle didn't mention us on a date, he likes you." Monster said.

"That's right," said the gentleman. "It's you who are looking at you. Go, I wish you come back alive."

Fu Siyan: "..."

Fu Sidan went to the appointment without any self-defense weapons, but she deliberately found a very lively Internet celebrity restaurant. If something terrible really happened, she would call for help immediately.

Fu Sidan was at the place on time. She and Huo Bingyue had set a position. When they arrived, she saw a beautiful woman sitting in the set position.

She went to the waiter and said that she had reserved the seat. She hoped that the waiter could go over and tell the beautiful woman if she could change the seat.

The waiter told her a little embarrassedly that the lady said that this position was reserved by her.

Fu Sidan's body trembled, what does it mean

Could it be…

She looked at the beautiful and sexy woman sitting in the corner, not knowing when she floated to the other side and sat down.

"You are... Huo Bingyue?"

"Why, it's not like?" The other party said, and his voice was actually very nice.

Fu Siyan couldn't believe his eyes.

The man in front of him has big wavy blond hair, fair, tender and healthy skin, and his blush is particularly confident. He looks about 25 years old, wearing a long dress of death Barbie powder, which is not abrupt at all.

No matter where she goes, this girl will be the focus of the crowd, and her exaggerated dress is indeed a bit of Huo Bingyue's style in the game, but... Who would have thought that a strong man who only likes physical output in the game is actually a The beauty of Yan Zhengtiaoshun.

"It's just because it looks like this in reality that I want to create a more contrasting image in the game." Huo Bingyue laughed, "Scared you?"

Fu Siyan's eyes were about to straighten, and he nodded reluctantly, and then immediately shook his head again.

Huo Bingyue looked at her and smiled, and brushed her hair: "But you are really no different from what I imagined."

In this way, the two immediately fought hotly in reality.

Fu Sidan and Huo Bingyue took a photo directly and sent it to the team group.

Monster and Gentleman are totally shocked - what the hell is wrong with the wizard!

Gentlemen, in particular, shed tears on the sheets when dreaming at midnight, and don't know when they will be able to get off the sheets.

After thinking about it, I still sent a dating application to Monster: "Seeing that everyone else is in pairs, let's get over it together. How about meeting when you have time?"

Monster said, "I'm really only 14 years old, and I'm about to enter the third year of junior high. I play games to earn some pocket money. Just let me go?"

Gentleman: "… "


The little long vacation is coming, and it's going to leave tomorrow. Tonight, Shiyue's luggage has not been packed at all.

"You have to get up early tomorrow morning. Go and pack your luggage." Xu Youyuan knocked on the door of the studio, stuck her head in and asked her.

"Um... right away."

Ten seconds after Xu Youyuan spoke, Shi Yue, who was sitting in front of the computer, answered her very slowly.

Come on, it seems that the X system is really annoying, so don't bother her.

Shi Yue was indeed stuck in a few key points of the X system, and she read a lot of books and professional papers, but still didn't have a clear clue.

If the X system was not much different from the previous system, it would not have been born at all.

Shi Yue rubbed her sore eyes and glanced at the time at random. It was already 2:15 in the morning.

Did Xu Youyuan come in just now to let her pack up

Turn off the computer and transfer the simulation program of the X system to the mobile phone. This time, I went back with Xu Youyuan and the others to relax, and I didn't want to be able to sort out any important clues, just let it go.

Since she was a child, she has conquered countless complex projects, and some roads have never been walked by anyone, so Shi Yue is very patient, no matter how muddy she has to leave her own footprints.

When she walked out of the studio, she found that the lights outside were still on, Shi Yue walked carefully to the bedroom, and gently pushed the door open a crack to look inside.

"The work is done?" Xu Youyuan sat on the carpet in front of the bed with her back to her. There was a closed box standing beside the door and an open suitcase beside her hand. She folded Shi Yue's clothes flat. He put the ground into the box, "It's also very hot on the Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown. I brought you three sets of cool clothes and skirts, which are the ones you usually like to wear. Come and see if you can? The box is closed."

"Okay, okay, what do you bring and what do I wear." Shi Yue immediately came to help Xu Youyuan pinching her shoulders diligently, "It's hard work for my wife, are your shoulders sore?"

"Virtue, not sour."

"Are the legs sore?" Shi Yue went to rub her legs again.

Xu Youyuan pinched Shiyue's chin and raised her face, as if Lafayette taught a little palace maid: "I'm not sour or angry. I understand that you are doing scientific research and ignore me, but you're not going out to the wild, Seeing how frightened you are, can you have any prospects?"

Shi Yue replied very seriously and seriously: "I have no future, I will never be worthwhile in front of my wife, and I don't need to be worthwhile. Baby, are your feet cold? I'll pick up the water for you to wash your feet."

Xu Youyuan pushed her head: "I can't even get hot in the summer, I'll get heat stroke by soaking my feet."

"Yes." Shi Yue reflected, "I didn't pay attention to the right place."

"Okay, don't be poor, have you taken a shower? I'm so sleepy after 2 o'clock. I have to take a bus tomorrow morning, so I'll take a shower."

"Do you want to wash with me, baby?"

"I washed it."

"I've washed it and washed it again. I'm so bored taking a bath alone."

"How much more fun would it be to take a shower?"

In order to help Xu Youyuan solve this doubt, Shi Yue immediately stood up and undressed, took off one piece and threw one on Xu Youyuan's head.

Xu Youyuan ripped off the clothes covering her face: "What kind of unreasonable occasion am I in? You don't look like a good woman."

"Who wants to be a good woman?" Shi Yue poked Xu Youyuan's heart with her toes, "Just say if you want to have a bath with your wife."

Who did you learn this from...

Xu Youyuan couldn't stand her, and planned to follow Shi Yue in the bathroom to teach her a lesson.

Exhausted after taking a bath, Xu Youyuan bent her knees and lay on the bed, Shi Yue hugged her from behind, touched her head with one hand, and put the other hand around her waist, kneeling against her. Entering the crook of her legs, the body temperature came out from the thin and cool pajamas, the air conditioner sent bursts of coolness, and the inlay in summer was so perfect.

Shi Yue was so comfortable, hugging Xu Youyuan and shouting "wife".

When she was about to fall asleep, she faintly heard Xu Youyuan's voice: "I'm not married yet, but my wife shouts diligently."

I don't know if Xu Youyuan really said that or if Shi Yue had an illusion before she fell asleep. When Shi Yue and Xu Youyuan sat in the vacuum train the next day, she suddenly remembered this.

So is Xu Youyuan complaining that she hasn't proposed marriage seriously yet

"Hey?" When Shi Ye came, he saw Shi Yue at a glance, "Why are you here too?"

Shi Yue held the phone and looked up at her when she heard Shi Ye's voice: "Why can't I come?"

Shi Ye looked at Xu Youyuan with sympathy, and Xu Youyuan sent the edited information to Shi Ye.

"I advise you not to talk nonsense. You must not mention Xiao Tong's matter. You also know that your sister is the director of the vinegar factory. If our vinegar tank is knocked over, you can come and drink it for me yourself. "

After Shi Ye, who was sitting in the front row, read Xu Youyuan's threatening text message, he quickly replied:

"My mouth is airtight, but that doesn't mean other people's mouths can be trusted. When you go home with a jar of vinegar on your back, be prepared to be kicked over by someone."

Xu Youyuan quickly replied: "You didn't let me come back!"

Shi Ye: "I asked you to accompany me back, but I didn't ask you to bring Xiaoyue back together!"

Xu Youyuan replied again: "How could I come back alone? It's not practical at all!"

Shi Ye: "Why isn't it practical! I've come back by myself!"

Xu Youyuan: "Can it be the same? How long have you and Afu been married?"

Shi Ye looked at this line of words for a while and didn't know which way to go back, but Xu Youyuan's words really hit her sore spot.

Without returning to Xu Youyuan, she sent Afu a frantically punching head emoji.

Afu, who was so busy with the little long vacation that the back of his head was kicked out: "?"

Xu Youyuan and Shi Ye were secretly pinching each other. Shi Yue held her mobile phone and sent several pictures of diamond rings to Xiaoju and Atou's group, asking them which one looked good.

The two said in unison: "The expensive one."