Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 100: 100 Never look in the mirror!


When Yang Yi arrived, I couldn't hold back An Ning anymore.

Severe panting and heavy footsteps came from the stairs. When I turned my head, I saw Yang Yi bent over, with his hands on his knees, panting continuously, and a lot of pimples were oozing from his face. beads of sweat.

It seems that he ran all the way up.

I shouted: "You are finally here." An Ning, who was restrained by me, wanted to slam the door into Room 402.

When she saw Yang Yi coming, she didn't care what happened, and hurriedly said to me: "Key, open the door quickly, Xiaohua!"

"what happened?"

Yang Yi wiped the sweat from his forehead, and asked me suspiciously, when I called him, I didn't have time to talk to him in detail, I just told him that the situation was urgent, and asked him to hurry to the fourth floor of Building Nine, Xinquan Garden , very details are not said.

"I don't have time to go into details. We are going in to save two people, so we must remember one thing! Don't look into the mirror! You can't look at one side!"

I said in a serious tone, Yang Yi was at a loss, and obviously didn't know what happened here, but seeing my cautious look, he didn't seem to be joking, so he nodded solemnly.

"Tell me the matter afterward, it's important to save people, I listen to you,"

I couldn't hold back An Ning anymore, and I didn't have the strength to hold back An Ning who was in a frenzied state. I gave her the key in my pocket and said, "Come here."

I could notice that her hands were trembling, and the key couldn't be aligned with the keyhole. The more nervous and anxious she was, the key just wouldn't go in.

I sighed, held her hand holding the key, and stared at her: "Don't be nervous, remember what I said to you yesterday?"

With my help, the door opened.

"Think in the right direction."

But as soon as I finished speaking, I stopped abruptly.

The familiar nausea struck again, just like the last time in the chemical laboratory building. This seemingly brand-new door is like a seal.

I opened it, and all the breath in the room gushed out at once, and the sour feeling hit my throat instantly. I immediately covered my mouth, propped one hand on the wall, and bent over to spit out a large puddle of stomach acid.

An Ning wanted to rush in, but she noticed my appearance and stopped in her tracks.


I waved my hand towards her, took out a tissue from my bag and wiped the corners of my mouth, even Yang Yi was shocked, I explained again and again: "It's okay, maybe I hurt my stomach."

Only An Ning knows that the explanations I gave are all false.

The inside of the opened door was dark, and the only few windows inside were covered by thick scarlet curtains. It was so tightly covered that it could be said that the inside was like a night, and it was almost impossible to see any light coming in.

I don't know where the wind came from and blew my hair away. This dark wind was mixed with something else, and the nausea in my chest became heavier.

I thought that even if there was a ghost possessing the mirror, it would not be so powerful. But I was wrong.

Not only did An Yu and his wife never come back here, but I didn't have the courage to walk in just by standing at the door.

Because I know what this disgusting feeling means.

The guys here are scary!

No! It can be said to be very scary!

Xu Jian's dead soul has existed in the chemical laboratory building for ten years, and established its own enchantment there. The resentment accumulated in ten years can make me feel as sick as I am now.

At this moment, what is waiting for us inside this door

I dare not go in, I dare not bet, the old woman said that it was the mirrors left by her ancestors, and how many years old these mirrors are until now.

An Ning also seems to be frightened by this dark room. Even though it is broad daylight, I always feel that this room seems to be isolated from the outside world. As long as we step into this door, we will enter another world.

Maybe... it will be swallowed by the darkness in an instant!

"Cousin! Cousin-in-law!"

She yelled inside, her voice trembling slightly, but she was actually afraid in her heart.

If she yelled and someone inside responded, she might be relieved.

But the reality is that the room is quiet and there is no echo.

An Ning started to get scared. I saw tears overflowing from her dry eyes again, and they slid down the corners of her eyes onto her clothes. She bit her lips tightly with her white teeth, refusing to make a sound.

Yang Yi frowned, took out a disk-like object from his bag, and held a yellow talisman in his right hand.

"I will go in first, and you will follow behind me."

He knew someone was inside, but he didn't respond, probably passed out. If we are to rescue, we must take this step.

"Rong Hua, you stay outside."

He suddenly thought of something and added a sentence.

"Why!?" I exclaimed, in fact, the feeling of nausea is still like waves, coming in waves, each time more violent, but I have been holding back.

I couldn't stand outside and watch them go in.

What if... what if they, like An Yu and Situ Jing, can't come back...

No no no, what am I thinking! They will definitely come back, and four of them will come back together!

Yang Yi looked at my persistent and firm expression, finally sighed, and compromised: "I hope Lord Hades won't kill me."

After speaking, he walked in first. There was a pointer on the disc in his hand, which had been stopping somewhere. The moment he entered the door, the pointer seemed to be out of order, and it was spinning rapidly.

Before Yang Yi stepped in with his other foot, he froze in place.

Beads of sweat on his forehead, not just from the heat but also from the tension, slid down the side of his face, then down his neck, and finally into his T-shirt.

I saw his Adam's apple roll, obviously startled by the disk's reaction.

"How come... I have never encountered such a situation before."

He stared blankly at the pointer on the disc, suddenly he seemed to be possessed, and his other hand wanted to stop the rotation of the pointer, but he couldn't do it no matter what.

I saw an expression called panic appearing on his face, and I couldn't help worrying: "Yang Yi, what's wrong with you?"

He raised his head stupidly and looked at us, the volunteering and bravery just now disappeared in an instant.

"Inside, what is it?"

He pointed at Yuanpan and swallowed again: "This is a family heirloom of the Le family. When our family was just kicked out of the family, the owner secretly gave it to us."

"It is said that it is very accurate to find the place where the ghost is."

"But, look, it's malfunctioning... As far as I know, this has never happened since I was sensible!"

An Ning took courage, touched the wall next to the entrance, and felt a bump, which was a switch.


The bright incandescent light came on, and in an instant, I felt something called "sense of security" return to my heart. I even heard Yang Yi and An Ning's sudden breathing, followed by another long exhalation , apparently, they feel the same way I do.

It should be a very modern house, but there are tables and chairs full of ancient atmosphere inside. You can tell that there are some ages at a glance. There are scratches on the table, and the legs of several chairs are broken. The strips are tied up, barely for others to make.

There are several scrolls hanging on the wall, but they are not unfolded, but tied together, and I am afraid they are only hung there temporarily.

However, my heart was lifted when I saw the heavy scarlet curtains by the windows.

This color is really too inconsistent. I don’t know why, what color is not good, but I chose this color like blood. It is not a European-style house, and the style is more European-style.

If you ask me, bright red is better than scarlet!

I couldn't help shivering, and when I looked down and noticed the floor, my eyes narrowed.

The marble floor is not like other homes, it is not the same tone, but black and white.

In this nondescript house, I somehow got goosebumps and couldn't stop.

Enduring the feeling of vomiting again, I walked a few steps inside.

This is a completely enclosed space, so what happened to the gust of wind blowing out of it just now? An Ning suppressed the fear in her heart, ran directly towards those rooms, and shouted while searching: "Cousin! Cousin-in-law!"

Seeing her excited look, Yang Yi almost peed in fright, and ran towards her holding the yellow talisman.

"Don't walk around! Be careful!"

I looked around, and the doors of every room were closed, no... I still noticed one of them, the seemingly thick wooden door was half-closed, revealing a trace of its interior.

It was dark, another very dark room.

I frowned, moved my steps in fear, and walked in that direction.

It's here, yes, absolutely! Anyu and Situ Jing are definitely in it!

Because I feel this sick nausea is coming like crazy, and the red light is constantly flashing on the bracelet.

"Baby, I'm sorry."

I touched the red jade bracelet and apologized, "Persist a little longer, baby."

I know that I probably won't be able to hold on, but no matter what, I can't stand by and watch, especially Yang Yi, who was called by me. I can't let him take risks and feel safe and blessed outside the house.

Stretching my hand toward the half-open door, I even had an idea.

There will be a ghostly hand stretching out from this narrow darkness and grabbing my wrist!

The more I thought about it, the more nervous I became, and I couldn't help breathing heavily. In the end, I just closed my eyes tightly and pushed the door open!


The door was pushed open vigorously by me, An Ning and Yang Yi seemed to have heard the voice here, turned around and walked towards me.

It was pitch black inside the door, and I had no idea what was going on inside.

So, turn on the lights.

My breathing was short of breath, profuse sweat began to seep from my brow, my brain was buzzing, and I tried to reach for the light switch on the wall inside, but couldn't.

At this moment, I felt my worry, my cowardice, I didn't even dare to turn a switch!

An Ning was so eager to save people, it was like a shot in the arm, she reached out and turned on the light inside for me!

Immediately, she stood there like a rock, with a terrified expression on her face, and her delicate facial features twisted!