Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 120: 120 What can be saved? !


I saw that the uncle driver's expression was not right, and I wanted to say something, but the uncle driver spoke in a strange tone.

"That's the old city, and now no one lives there except for some aborigines with handicapped legs and feet."

"The house is dilapidated. It can be said to be a slum area. It's also quite chaotic. Little girl, I think you look like a poor family. What are you doing there?"

I frowned, Yu Gong actually lives there, I glanced at the address in my hand.

Although I am a native of the area, I have never heard of that place. Perhaps due to family conditions and living conditions, no one around has been in touch with the old city, so I have not paid attention to it.

I heard the dissuasion from the uncle's words. Maybe the old city is really not as safe as this place. I think it's best not to go there unless my girl's family is not a particularly important thing.

"Uncle, I live there with an old man, and I'm going to visit his family instead of him."

The old friend here naturally does not mean friends.

The uncle driver didn't seem to have thought of the meaning of "dead person". Hearing what I said, he looked at the rearview mirror again, and then sighed, as if he had compromised.

"Pay attention to safety."

I glanced at the ghost and felt a little moved in my heart. In fact, there are still many good strangers in life.

Too many things have happened around me recently, like a sudden storm in the sea, swift and violent, engulfing me head-on. Before I could react, the feeling of suffocation had already deprived me of all my senses.

The matter of An Yu and Situ Jing has not been settled yet. Anze and the others are going to 402 tonight. It is still a mystery whether they will succeed.

Now the curse at Yu Gong's house has become a shackle in my heart again.

The pervert put me in his arms, with his arms around my shoulders.

The car was driving on some remote roads, the ground was no longer asphalt roads, but the kind of gravel roads in the country fields, the roads were narrow and could only allow one car to pass by one way.

The uncle driver did not put me directly at the intersection because of bad roads and drove away. He still sent me to the entrance of the old city.

The old town consisting of old houses can really be called a "slum area". The skins of many houses seem to have been scraped off by something, exposing dark red bricks.

The windows seem to be in the style of the last century. Several houses are tilted, and even the roofs are broken. The triangular roofs made of bricks have collapsed, which makes people frightened.

It seems that if the wind is stronger, the entire roof will be lifted!

Before leaving, the driver uncle kindly told me to go back early, because this place is relatively remote and most people don’t come here by taxi. Once it gets late, it’s hard to get a taxi here.

Even if you use car-hailing software, people may not come here to pick up the order.

Uncle's intentions made me feel very warm, and slightly dispelled the things that happened around me in recent days.

The pervert and I walked side by side towards the old city, and sure enough, as the driver said, the sanitation problem here is not as good as in the flourishing city, and many children in dirty clothes are squatting in twos and threes in the corner, playing together Playing stones.

Before passing a very low hut, I saw an open door, and a stench came out of it, which directly stimulated my sense of smell and made my stomach churn, and the sour liquid churns directly from the stomach, Almost squirted out of my mouth. I clutched my chest, the pervert remained calm, I don't know if he couldn't smell the smell, or he was full of concentration, anyway, I couldn't hold on.

I laughed dryly, and said with a little nausea: "The reaction is more severe than when I was in a place with heavy yin."

The pervert supported me and quickly walked away from the little black house.

When I saw the food-like things contained in those chemical tin buckets, I somewhat guessed something in my heart.

That little black room that smelled so disgusting as to die was probably a black workshop.

Also, it is impossible for black workshops to open in the downtown area. In order to deceive people, this kind of old city has naturally become the best place for them to make illegal profits.

I covered my mouth and waited for a long time. The pervert supported my shoulders and kept paying attention to my state.

"If you feel uncomfortable, why don't you spit it out?"

I waved my hand, suppressed the nausea, and gave him a stiff smile.

"It's fine, as long as you don't smell it."

I used to have a strong resistance to irritating smells, so I wouldn't throw up when I smell them.

Possibly, pregnancy still accounts for a large possibility, which makes me somewhat unable to bear these unpleasant smells.

I took my mobile phone, which recorded Yu Gong's address.

When I found the destination against the green house number, I was shocked by the dilapidated house in front of me.

The wooden door was crumbling, as if it could be knocked down with a light kick. The house as a whole may be worse than some thatched huts in the countryside. There are spittoons and some toilets that need to be cleaned by hand in the yard.

This place is in depression, and it is already the 21st century. I never thought that there would be such a poor and backward place in the area where I grew up.

It can only be said that I am really in the midst of blessings, as some elders said, sometimes I really "do not know the blessings".

Before I stepped forward to knock on the door, a white-haired old man opened the wooden door.


There was a tooth-piercing sound, and I clearly noticed that some sawdust fell from the door the moment it opened.

The old man has already bald, only a circle of short gray hair can be seen around his head, and his sideburns are all white. In those sickly eyes, the light of life that a living person has is like a candle in the wind. Will go out anytime in general.

There was only a layer of old skin on his withered hands, and his gray face was covered with wrinkles and age spots. The moment he saw me, his frail and crooked body visibly shook, and he asked vigilantly, "Are you who?"

His voice was hoarse, deep, and he was panting violently, whether it was caused by nervousness or a curse.

While talking, I looked around cautiously, and after I found out that I was the only one who came, I relaxed my heart a little, and my tone was no longer so harsh.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Even his words became softer.

I was about to speak, but my voice was stuck in my throat.

The one in front of him should be Yu Gong's old father, but looking at his expression, there is only vigilance, no sadness.

Could it be that he still doesn't know about Yu Gong

So how should I open my mouth to explain my purpose? If you really want to help their family, you must tell the old man about Yu Gong.

He was the only one in the family who was lucky enough to escape the curse, but died on the construction site.

Speaking out, I'm afraid his father can't bear this kind of grief! I hesitated for a while, the old man didn't seem to want to wait for me to speak, coughed twice, and was about to close the door, so I hurriedly spoke.

"Grandpa! Wait a minute, I... I'm Uncle Yu's friend."

The old man stopped closing the door and looked at me suspiciously.

"Xiaofu's friend? My old man's poor health doesn't mean he's stupid! If you're here to collect debts, I'll call the police right away! You... believe it or not! Don't use these tricks to deceive me!"

He seemed to be in disbelief, his temper suddenly became agitated, he took out a very old PHS cell phone from his tattered trousers pocket in a panic, and was about to make a call with trembling hands.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, I hurriedly explained: "I'm not here to collect debts! I'm really Uncle Yu's friend."

"Grandpa, something happened to Uncle Yu!"

If I don't explain the matter clearly, I'm afraid I will be taken away by the police before I can enter this shabby house.

It was this sentence that made the old man stop all of a sudden. He turned his neck slowly and looked at me. His chaotic eyes were shrouded in a desperate darkness.

"What are you talking about...you girl, what are you talking about!"

"Old man..."

Just when he was about to confront me, suddenly, a weak voice came from the room.

There is an old man at home!

As soon as I heard the voice, I knew that the person in the back room was definitely Yu Gong's old mother.

It's just her voice, as if it came from the underworld, ethereal and weak, it feels like a dark hand will pull her into the underworld at any moment.

This is a kind of voice that only people who are about to die have, and it is heard in my ears at this moment, which makes my heart feel more desolate and sad.

The old man seemed to have heard his wife's cry, so he didn't go in immediately, but stood at the door and turned up the volume a little.

"Old lady, there is a guest here, don't worry, just have a good rest, I'll just come and receive you."

After finishing speaking, he immediately raised his foot and stepped over the slightly higher gate, closing the door.

He covered his chest with his skinny hands, and couldn't help coughing twice. His fat seemed to be exhausted, and he kept whistling hysterically.

The sound of wheezing and wheezing is really worrying.

"Girl, I don't care what you say, just go away..."

I know that he doesn't want his wife to hear about Yu Gong, but I'm here this time because I sincerely want to help his family.

Regardless of whether Yu Gong's old father believed it or not, I still told him what I knew.

To add credibility, I also pointed him to the news posted on the mobile phone.

"I'm not here for money, but to help Uncle Yu and your family."

I turned my head to look at the pervert, looked at the old man very seriously, and said.

After listening to what I said and reading the content of the news, Mr. Yu was expressionless, but I could see the extreme sadness and despair in his eyes.

His skinny legs trembled, and he was about to lose his footing, and he slumped on the ground. I quickly gave him a hand.

After a long while, his voice was trembling, weeping, he grabbed my arm and asked in disbelief, "Why, why did you help us? We are not relatives, why?"

"Is our family still saved? What can we save?!"

He spread his hands and covered his face.