Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 122: 122 A token of love


Sect saint? Witch

I was surprised by Yu Lao's words. He may be because he doesn't remember clearly, and his speech is intermittent, and the content is also without beginning and end. I only extracted a few words from a few of his sentences.

Although I was puzzled, I didn't stop. I used my fingers to dig the box out of the soil, and blew the dust on the iron box.

The iron box is of that ancient and heavy style. It is said to be made of iron, but to be precise, it is made of bronze. No matter how you look at it, it is an old antique with a certain age.

My hand touched its rough and slightly damp outer wall, and the bracelet on my wrist began to flicker continuously. I opened my eyes wide in shock, looking at the jade bracelet on my wrist.

The pervert narrowed his eyes and said flatly, "There is something inside."

Since he said that, the "thing" he was talking about must not be a good thing.

I collected myself and turned my head to listen to what the old man said next.

"Yes... that's right."

He wiped his face, covered his head with his hands, and continued: "This box is handed down from my family. I don't know what's inside."

"It's just that Dad told me that this thing must be well protected, and it must not be taken away by others."

I raised the box slightly with both hands, because of the weight, it made me a little hard, I gritted my teeth and poked my head out, wanting to see what the bottom of the box looks like, but at this moment, my hands trembled in shock!

Talisman paper? !

There was a piece of talisman paper stuck under the box! And that's not what shocked me the most!

What makes me unbelievable is that this talisman should have been there a long time ago. After such a long time, it is still intact, except that the talisman on it is not clear because of the soil pollution, but the talisman is exposed Part of the place reveals what it is.

I stabilized my mind, put the box down immediately, glanced at Mr. Yu, and was relieved to see that he didn't notice my movements.

Fortunately, he didn't find out. Let's talk about this kind of thing after I understand the truth clearly.

Otherwise, in case he forgets some of the history handed down from his ancestors, I just tell him that there are cursed objects inside, and there are even talisman papers at the bottom of the box. I don’t know how he will feel.

"What else did your father say?"

"Except for witches, saints, etc., can you be more specific?"

Yu Lao scratched his head for a long time, and finally squeezed out some words from his mouth.

"I can only remember a little bit... I can only tell you what I remember. If Xiao Fu was here, he would be able to tell you everything, but..."

With a vicissitudes on his face, he sat down on a short stone and said slowly to me: "A generation of ancestors fell in love with the eldest lady of a sect at that time, that is, the saint."

"Later, he..."

While speaking, my eyes were also fixed on the box, and my right hand with the jade bracelet touched the lid. Suddenly, the surroundings became quiet! Yu Lao's words stopped abruptly.

I stood in a vast expanse of white mist, and the originally desolate courtyard disappeared completely.

The sudden change caught me off guard, and I froze in place for a moment.

what happened

where is this

I looked around and stood there helplessly, looking around helplessly.

Am I not at work's home? What about grandpa? What about perverts

Why did I suddenly come to this strange place? !

The familiar atmosphere seemed to be shielded, and the sense of security was quickly leaving me. Fear was like a demon that broke out of the cage, sweeping towards me.

"Woman... Slut..."

I murmured, but no one answered me.

Now, I began to be afraid, and my body began to tremble uncontrollably.

Suddenly, the vast white mist surrounding my body dissipated in an instant, and the scene in front of me made me feel a little familiar.

Wait, where have I seen this kind of scene

correct! Qiao Hui!

At that time, Qiao Hui did not know what method she used to let me see part of her memories of her life, and let me understand the unknown love relationship between her and Tan Haoran, as well as Xu Jian's abnormality.

The changing scene in front of me made me calm down quickly. Although I don't know why I came here, if the situation this time is the same as last time, then I'm probably not in danger.

I was just listening to Mr. Yu seriously, how did I come to this place all of a sudden, I still haven't come up with an answer.

Is it possible...

I recalled my actions before I came here. I seemed to touch the surface of the bronze box and came here.

Could it be that something inside wants to convey some information to me

Just like the ghost of Qiao Hui who was unable to speak back then.

I raised my head and looked at what greeted me after the white mist dissipated.

In the vibrant and luxurious courtyard, a scholar dressed in plain clothes was standing under a big green tree, holding a white jade flute in his hand.

The scholar was dressed in shabby clothes, a little out of place with this yard.

There was a subtle smile on his face, and a faint blush on his shy face. He kept walking back and forth under the tree with his feet, and his eyes were full of anticipation and longing.

But I couldn't approach him, so I could only stand not far from him, watching quietly.

A girl in a light purple silk long dress swayed lightly and walked in his direction. Her steps were slow and unhurried.

However, when she saw the scholar, a joyful and shy expression appeared on her face, and she approached him step by step.

"Ah, Xiaosheng has seen Mrs. Saintess."

The scholar immediately cupped his fists and saluted the girl, but the girl in the purple skirt smiled faintly, glared at him with bright eyes, and said angrily, "Brother Cai, you still call him that!"

The tender voice made me numb to the bone, I have never heard such a soft and sweet voice.

I looked at the pair of beautiful figures under the big tree in front of me, the scholar is elegant and gentleman, and the girl is gentle and sweet.

No matter how you look at them, they are a match made in heaven, but their clothes are very different.

The girl called the Saintess by the scholars was dressed in gorgeous clothes, and even wore a small golden crown on her head. Fine gold tassels hung from her head, swinging mischievously with her movements.

Scholar's "Saint" caught my attention.

If my guess is correct, this girl should be the woman who was burned to death in the old mouth!

Then this scholar...

I think this must be Yu Lao's ancestor!

"Xiaosheng dare not..."

The saintess held his hands directly with her delicate hand, and said, "Brother Cai, call me Nuaner, and now no one hears it. I'm going to be angry if I leave a lady saint on the left and a lady saint on the right." Cairen looked around, finally compromised, and said very gently to the girl, "Nuan'er."

Only then did Yao Nuan show a satisfied and happy smile.

Afterwards, they stood there embracing each other, talking some very literary love words, and they looked a little sneaky, as if they were meeting here privately without telling others.

"Brother Cai, I want to go with you, leave here, I don't want to be a saint, I just want to be with you, for the rest of my life."

Yao Nuan said suddenly, her tone was eager and sincere, I'm sure she didn't say a word against her heart, and every word came from her heart.

Yu Cairen hesitated, he was silent, and then he spoke.

"Nuan'er, Xiaosheng's current status is powerless, how can he be worthy of you, I am not willing to let you suffer with me."

Yao Nuan didn't mind at all, but because of Cai Ren's attitude, the elopement plan she originally wanted to carry out was completely ruined.

"Nuan'er, when I raise my hand, I will definitely come to marry you. You have to wait."

She compromised, and took off a warm light green jade pendant from her waist, with long red tassels hanging down.

"Brother Cai, please take this jade pendant with you on the road. This jade has been with me since I was a child and has never left my body. I am giving it to you now. I hope you will think of me when you see it when you are away."

Yu Cairen gave the flute in his hand to Yao Nuan. I stood aside and watched them exchange tokens of love. I saw them embrace each other reluctantly and then leave. I felt bad. premonition.

Why was Yao Nuan burned to death, and how did this matter hurt Yu Cairen

Suddenly, the original warm picture changed by the way.

In front of him was a bustling ancient street, and Yu Cairen came to a mansion on a tall horse.

On the plaque in front of the mansion, the word "Yu Mansion" is written.

"Congratulations to the new champion!"

The cheers and congratulatory voices of the crowd were all around me. I stood aside. Seeing this, I knew that Yu Cairen had held high, so he must keep his promise and go to Yao's house to marry Yao Nuan.

The screen changed quickly again, and the scene instantly changed to night. It seemed that in a room in the mansion, there were three men sitting, one of whom was Yu Cairen.

"The emperor said that all members of the Yao family should be killed regardless of their personalities. Your lord has also heard it above the court. The Yao family is not a decent sect, but an evil sect. The emperor issued this order for the safety of the people."

Standing right in front of Yu Cairen, I could clearly see his expression at the moment.

dignified... anxious...

It seems that now is the beginning of the development of things. The emperor of this dynasty ordered that the nine clans be implicated, and the Yao family must not escape the fate of exterminating the clan.

As for the reason, the emperor said that the Yao family is a cult, so heresy should be eradicated, this is the only information I can get.

"New number one scholar, after you elevate yourself, you must do something meaningful to make the emperor value your talent. Taking advantage of the heat of elevating yourself, it is the correct behavior to elevate your official position!"

"So, this time, how about you do it?"

An obese official, wearing a suit of brocade clothes, showed all his fat, his face was full of flesh, with an unknown light in his eyes, looking at Yu Cairen.

I saw things develop here, and I seemed to understand something in an instant...

Yao Nuan was burned to death... At the time when Yu Cairen held high, the Yao family was in great trouble, and Yu Cairen was instructed to solve the Yao family...

Could it be...