Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 127: 127 Evil comes with evil


Originally, the old couple wanted to stay with me for a meal, but I declined.

"I still have to go to the construction site and tell Uncle Yu about it. After sending him to the underworld, my task will be completed."

I stood in front of them and looked at the dilapidated house in front of me, feeling a little melancholy in my heart.

Yu Gong passed away, and he was the only heir of the old couple. Now the two of them can only face old age and no one to depend on, living in this dilapidated house and relying on each other.

All I can do is go so far.

I waved goodbye to these two old people and was about to leave. Seeing their reluctant eyes, I lowered my eyes, gritted my teeth, and lifted my legs to leave.

On the way home, I kept thinking about something on my mind, and the pervert followed me without making a sound, as if he was afraid of disturbing me.

At this time, I suddenly thought that today Anze and the others are going to 402 to take back the souls of An Yu and Situ Jing.

In my heart, I was more worried, but then I thought about it, worrying alone here will only increase troubles and pains, and it has no real meaning at all.

If you say that I can't help, let alone join in the fun irresponsibly, all I can do now is to pray that they can come back safely.

Don't lose your wife and lose your army like the previous time. Not only did you fail to get An Yu's soul back, but you also injured Grandpa An.

At this moment, I saw a black butterfly fly from the fingertips of the pervert, with a long red light spot trailing from its tail, circled in the air, and disappeared immediately.

I looked at him in surprise, he touched my head and said, "Don't worry, I've sent someone over."

The pupils shrank suddenly. I didn't expect him to do this. Before I could ask my doubts, he took my hand and walked forward.

While walking, he said, "Hua'er doesn't want them to have an accident, so I naturally want to help them."

"Is it black and white impermanence?"

The smile in the pervert's eyes was even worse, and his eyes shifted to my face.

"No, it's a guy you haven't met yet."

I'm a little curious, who the pervert sent to help Anze and the others.

"Hua'er, don't think too much, go to the construction site to send the man's soul to the underworld, then go back to rest and wait for the news."

The lecher has said so, so I have no reason not to believe him, I nodded immediately, and then went to the familiar construction site.

Just when we got to the big royal blue iron gate, I saw two or three police cars pulled over there, and some police uncles handcuffed a wretched man and walked out of it under escort.

That man, that disgusting foreman, gritted his teeth, twisted his body constantly, and yelled at the simple workers, "Let me know who the hell is paying for it!" Policeman! Hmph! Do you think you can send me to prison like this? Dreaming! Wait until I come out and clean you up one by one!"

"Shut up and be quiet!"

A middle-aged policeman walking in front glared at the foreman, reprimanded him angrily, and then showed an angry expression on his face: "Don't be too whimsical, just wait until the end of the prison!"

"You can't lock me up! Do you know that there are people above me! Don't you want this job!"

I was frightened by his ferocious look, and I subconsciously wanted to hide at a utility pole, but who knew that he seemed to sense my sight, and found me very precisely, and met my eyes instantly.

The knife of hatred pierced my eyes, I quickly looked away, but couldn't help but glance at him again, only to see his eyes locked on me firmly like a poisonous snake.

He was escorted into the car by several handsome and strong young police officers. He heard the sound of the door being closed, and with a "bang", the three cars drove away from the construction site quickly.

I crossed the road and came to the gate of the construction site. The familiar worker saw me and ran over excitedly.

"Girl, you're here! Do you know that after you left, we discussed reporting the foreman, because we all felt that this accident was not an accident."

"Who knew that we didn't think at all. It really wasn't. It was planned by that black-hearted foreman. It took the police a short time to find the evidence. They just came to arrest him!"

When I heard the news, I was also happy for them.

This kind of person who is not hesitant to kill others for the sake of profit is not worthy of being a leader, let alone a person.

Although I'm still a little worried about what he said before he left.

Since he dared to default on the wages of the workers, he was still so confident, it can be seen that there must be a backer behind him, otherwise there would be no big tree for him to enjoy the shade, and he would even do whatever he wanted.

However, I paid attention to that middle-aged policeman with an upright face and what he said, and my heart can be put in my stomach with peace of mind.

I took his word for it, and since he said that that wretched foreman would go to jail, he wouldn't be released on bail.

Thinking of those two old people who had regained some hope in life, and thinking of the headless Uncle Yu, his eyes suddenly darkened.

He not only killed a person, but also destroyed a family.

Such a person is simply not a pity to die!

Several uncles who had met me wiped their sweat and said with a smile: "Also, little girl, you are really amazing. We really found Yu Gong's head in those ruins!"

A lot of worker uncles gathered around, chattering.

"Do you know that all the brothers on our construction site gathered together and searched together, and found it quickly, and someone volunteered to send the head."

My eyes, following their words, looked towards the ruins, and sure enough, a complete ghost appeared there, with his back to me, looking at the ruins quietly.

I walked towards him, and the worker brother wanted to follow up and continue to share with me the heroic deeds of how they sent the wretched foreman away, but I made a mute gesture.

"Let me send uncle away first."

The little brother obviously couldn't understand me, so I smiled and said to him: "Do you believe that people have souls? In fact, Uncle Yu has been there all the time. I think I have to send him to where he should go first. No matter how happy you are, it's not too late."

He was very surprised when he heard my words, and just about to ask something, I interrupted his thoughts again.

"Don't ask, if you believe it, you can believe it. If you don't believe it, just treat it as me going to the ruins to pay homage to my uncle. Ten minutes is enough for me."

After I finished speaking, I walked towards the target without waiting for him to reply.

A few uncle workers wanted to follow, but they were suddenly stopped by the younger brother.

"Let the little girl and Yu Gong have a good talk."

Although everyone was full of doubts, they still chose to respect my approach and did not approach.

I walked up to Yu Gong and stood shoulder to shoulder with him. From the perspective of the workers behind me, I was standing alone beside the ruins, with my head bowed, as if I was silently mourning.

"Your last wish has been fulfilled, why don't you return to the underworld?"

Yu Gong didn't expect that I could see him, he tightened his body in shock, then gradually let go, and said with a wry smile: "Brothers helped me find my lost head, I am very grateful to them, but, my Old father, old mother..."

"The curse on your Yu family has been lifted."

I turned my head to him and he looked at me blankly.

I told him what happened in a concise and concise manner. Before he could finish listening, he knelt down on the ground and said excitedly, "Thank you! Thank you, benefactor!"

Yu Gong's behavior was so sudden that I was caught off guard, and I didn't recover for a long time.

The whole family likes to kneel down.

I knew there were people staring at me behind me, so I didn't dare to move too much, so I said helplessly, "Don't kneel to me, get up quickly."

"This matter is a misunderstanding, so it's not so troublesome to solve it. If your ancestors are really heartbroken, I'm afraid your old father and old mother will have a hard time surviving this disaster."

"But..." I changed the subject and said happily, "Fortunately, the matter is resolved, and I think your last wish has probably been fulfilled. If this is the case, you should go back to where you should go. Remember not to stay too long in Yangjian For a long time, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

Yu Gong was silent, and it took a long time before he asked me with a pleading tone: "Can I...can I visit my parents again before I leave?"

I glanced at the ghost, felt him hold my hand tightly, and opened my mouth.


"Just, don't have too much nostalgia. Let these things hold your heart and your soul. If I help you so much, it is tantamount to destroying it."

I turned around and prepared to leave, approached him slightly, and said softly, "Thank you for your hard work, Uncle Yu."

Those four simple words made a big man burst into tears, even though he was a soul body.

Thank you for your hard work, Uncle Yu, you have lived such a hard life for this family and yourself.

Now, it's time to leave the underworld and be liberated.

Thinking that he was about to bid farewell to Grandpa Yu and the old lady, I couldn't help feeling sour again.

To think that he could see his elderly parents, but they couldn't see him.

The closest people are separated by yin and yang, and I can't help crying just thinking about it.

I sniffed and walked towards the workers.

The little brother didn't know what he had figured out in this short period of time. He suddenly approached me and blinked his eyes curiously: "Little girl, can you see ghosts?"

I did not hide, nodded.

He believed it, but he didn't fear me or be afraid of me because of it, but looked at me gratefully, as did the workers.

"Thank you for helping our brother and his family."

I turned my head with a slight smile, and looked at the ruins again.

There was no one there, and Yu Gong had already left.