Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 141: 141 Together through thick and thin



When the familiar voice came, I let go of my hanging heart.

I turned my head with some resentment, looked behind me, and saw the evil face of the pervert, his eyes beckoned him to let go, the pervert immediately understood my eyes, and then let go.

I turned around, and just as I was about to say something, my eyes were filled with girls' fans!

I saw that the pervert, who usually only wears black and red clothes, is wearing a light pink and purple pink robe today. Even the inner garment is light pink, with pink Bana flowers embroidered on it.

His long black hair was tied loosely with a ribbon.

I almost choked on my own saliva and rubbed my eyes quickly.

What are you doing? I haven't seen you for a few days. Why did the pervert even change his style of painting

The pervert seemed a little uncomfortable, shook his robe a little, walked to the sofa in the living room and sat down.

I'm really taken aback by his every move now. He already looks very enchanting, but now he's wearing full-body powder, he's really... enchanting enough.

Resisting my inner impulse, I walked to him and sat down. Seeing his awkward and unwilling face, I suddenly burst out laughing.

"Hahahaha, what the hell are you doing today? Why are you wearing clothes of this color?"

The pervert sighed, his tone stiff.

"This is the tradition of the underworld."

ah? There is such a tradition in the underworld? Make the high-ranking Lord Yama need to wear pink clothes

Suppressing my laughter, I asked curiously, "What kind of tradition, hahaha."

As soon as he asked, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

The pervert looked at me helplessly, sighed, and opened his mouth weakly.

It turns out that in the underworld, the King of Hades needs to be baptized every hundred years. I don’t know who made the rule. After baptism, you have to wear pink clothes, including the headdress.

I couldn't help looking at him with some distress. Logically speaking, the pervert has been the King of Hades for thousands of years, so he has worn pink clothes many times.

"I think it's probably the rules set by the first King of Hades?"

I clearly saw the black lines sliding down the forehead of the pervert, and I still couldn't help but want to chuckle, on the surface I endured it very hard.

"After baptism, you need to parade in the underworld, which is regarded as a century-old review."

Now I couldn't hold back anymore, I fell on the sofa and laughed.

Holding my belly, I almost burst into tears.

The person who made this rule really offended the next few kings of Hades.

It's okay to wear this kind of clothes.

There is also a parade and a tour.

Isn't this the same as letting the people in the underworld see what the pervert looks like now

"So you ran away to me?"

Seeing that I couldn't stop laughing, the pervert raised his eyebrows and pressed me down on the sofa. His face approached me, and he threatened, "Hua'er, if you laugh again, I'll punish you immediately!"

I covered my mouth in shock, and opened my eyes wide in horror!

"I don't laugh anymore, I don't laugh anymore." I shook my head again and again, for fear that he would do something embarrassing to me.

Now we are in the living room, what if the work is done normally and the parents come back


When I think about this scene, I can't help but blush.

That would be really embarrassing! Don't say that my parents are my relatives and I won't be blamed. Just thinking about it makes me feel embarrassed.

What's more, I promised to let the perverts see them, but I haven't acted yet. If they see us doing this kind of thing first, the perverts won't be able to leave a good impression on them!

Suddenly, the pervert smiled seductively, and his hands began to be dishonest.

"It's late."

I felt a pair of hands churning around my waist, and the itchy feeling came over me immediately, and I couldn't help but burst out laughing!

"Don't...don't touch there, it's itchy! Hahahaha."

The pervert said maliciously, his voice was still innocent.

"Don't you like to laugh, I'll let you laugh a little longer for my husband."

I was made to burst into tears by him, begging for mercy repeatedly: "I... I was wrong, hahaha... please forgive me, please forgive me."

Only then did the pervert stop, and wrapped his hands around my waist, picked me up from the sofa, and put me on his lap.

I wiped the tears from the corners of my eyes, and looked at him with some dissatisfaction, my eyes were full of accusations.

"It's my fault that you dress so distinctively."

"This is also impossible."

It was the first time for a pervert to say such a thing, with a look of helplessness on his face, which opened my eyes a little.

I couldn't help but move closer to him, raised his eyebrows, and said teasingly, "Is there something that you Lord Yama can't solve?"


The pervert sighed, looked at me, and said helplessly.

"Okay, okay, I won't talk about it." I glanced at his clothes, and couldn't help but touch them with my fingers, stroking the smooth fabric with my fingertips.

After a while, I lowered my eyes and said lightly, "It's very beautiful."


As if the pervert didn't hear it, he turned his head and made a suspicious sound.

I felt my cheeks burn, and then I immediately shook my head and said with a smile, "It's okay."

In fact, he heard those three words, but he wanted me to say it again, so he used this trick, but when he saw my cheeks flushed, the smile in my eyes was even worse.

"Hua Er, do you like it?"

I raised my eyelids, glanced at him a little afraid, glanced at the pink robe several times involuntarily, and finally said intermittently, "Uh... pretty good."

The text is completely wrong.

Who knows, what the pervert said next shocked me!

"If Hua Er likes it, I will wear it more in the future."

"Ah?" I exclaimed, "Don't you like it? Well... it's okay. If you don't like it, don't wear it. It will embarrass you if you wear it once in a hundred years."

"No embarrassment." The pervert hugged me in his arms and hugged me tightly.

"As long as Hua'er likes it, I'm not at all embarrassed." These words sounded like a huge pendulum in my heart.

I felt my heart beating faster, and my cheeks felt hot.

Rubbing his chin against my hair, he murmured, "I miss you so much, I really miss you so much."

Even though there have been many confessions, such words are not surprising, but every time I hear it, I can't help but tremble in my heart, as if thousands of bugs crawled by.

When it was very late that day, my parents still didn't come back, and they didn't send me any messages, so I had to call and ask them what they were doing.

Can't come back for dinner or something.

However, they couldn't get through on the phone. Dad left a message in the voice mail. It seemed that he was on a business trip and he might not be able to answer the phone. I had to give up and plan to call them after playing a little bit.

"Have you decided on tomorrow?"

The pervert knew that we were going to help Ye Yao's house tomorrow, so I nodded.

"Be sure to pay attention to safety. If you find any danger, leave immediately. Do you hear me?" Said the pervert with a serious face.

I nodded, that's for sure, if I don't leave, is it possible to hold them back? Not only will it harm An Ning and the others, but they may even lose the little one in their stomach.

"Then what about you, has anything major happened in the underworld recently?"

Leaning on the bed wearily, the goblin said calmly: "Fortunately, we found them in time. We repaired the cages where they were held and sent additional guards. Now they have stabilized for the time being."

I asked him curiously: "If those monsters come out, what will happen..."

The pervert looked at me suddenly, with flickering lights in his deep eyes.

"They will not only destroy the underworld, but also affect the underworld."

His voice was very ethereal, as if it had no weight at all.

"Humans are really complicated animals. Many of their negative emotions, after death, do not disappear, but all remain in their souls."

"Whether it's sad, angry, or sad, as long as it's bad emotions, it will become a catalyst for them to accelerate to become evil spirits. When some evil spirits lose all their sanity and start to devour each other, those bad filth grow infinitely."

I listened to what the coloring ghost said, and I could fully understand what he meant.

"If they get out of control, they will bring more darkness to the living. People will slowly start to give up hope of life, and their hearts will be swallowed by darkness, because their intention is to deprive others of their souls."

"The darker the soul, the more they like it, and they can even kill a lot of people for it."

I swallowed, and I couldn't help but feel the hairs on my back.

"Hua'er, you are also a living person. Your ability to recall dreams will increase the dark side of your heart, because you will see those suffering souls and what they have suffered in life."

He looked at me sideways, and looked at me affectionately: "If possible, I will tie you by my side all the time, and keep you away from those ghosts."

"But, I know, you won't. You still have friends and loved ones. You will pay for them. If I do this, then I'm too selfish."

"Sexy..." I called out his name tremblingly, and my eyes couldn't help blurring.

The figure in front of me turned into a blur of fans, but I couldn't laugh at all.

After a long time, the pervert kissed my forehead and sighed: "It would be great if I was not the King of Hades, but just an ordinary person."

In this case, it was completely unexpected, I buried my face in his shoulder, and after a long time, I said in a muffled voice: "Idiot, if you are not the king of Hades, but an ordinary person, you will never meet me. Now I won't have your child in my stomach."

"Perhaps all of this is the arrangement of fate. I met you in this life and found something meaningful to me."

There was a flame in my heart, and I squinted my eyes.

I am not only a human being, but also the wife of Hades.

The Ghost Suppressing Order gave me such an ability, so naturally I won't waste it.

In the past, the pervert supported the underworld by himself, and in the future, I will work with him to support the two worlds of yin and yang.