Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 153: 153 You shouldn't hitch a ride!


An Ning's eyes shone with excitement, as if countless stars had fallen into them.

I looked at her expression carefully, wondering if it was my illusion, I saw in her eyes apart from admiration, there was also an indescribable emotion.

Very light, very light, I once thought that I was delusional, or thinking too much.

"Oh, by the way, Xiaohua, there is one more thing."

An Ning said worriedly: "Grandpa hasn't sent me a message for the past two days. It seems that they are really troublesome over there. I'm a little worried about them."

I subconsciously thought that in the next second she would definitely say that she would come with us to have a look. Sure enough, as I expected, she really said so, but I justly rejected it!

"You should take a good rest, Chris will help, and An Xuan has also passed, don't you know his strength?"

Only then did An Ning feel relieved, and sat on the bed. I looked at the time and figured that the reception in the front hall was almost done, so I planned to get up and talk to Chris again.

Until I left, I still felt the peace and uneasiness in her heart. She was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling motionless, in a daze.

When I got to the front hall, Chris was already outside the gate of the An family, and was about to drive away, saying goodbye to several elders of the An family.

The adults also noticed my leaving figure, and exchanged warm greetings with me a few times.

It wasn't until we were about to leave that they nodded with a smile and waved goodbye to us.

"I'll give you a ride."

Chris opened the co-pilot's door in a very gentlemanly manner. Since someone gave me a ride, of course I would be more respectful than obedient and take a ride.

This car is very luxurious. Judging from the car Chris is driving, it can be known that his family is definitely very wealthy.

It was still that kind of ancient family, not to mention rich, the status must also be very high.

"How is Miss An's health?"

I heard him ask casually, and I was a little relieved: "I hurt a little energy, I can recover after a few days of rest."

"Don't force yourself."

Chris suddenly said such a sentence, I thought he was talking about me, he added a sentence as if to explain: "I'm talking about Miss An."

"She must have overused her ability to exorcise ghosts. I think she is still a beginner. To deal with the spirit of the dead child with that kind of formation, it still needs a few experienced people with a little bit of knowledge."

I was startled by his words. He knew that An Ning had participated in the exorcism ceremony. I think this is understandable. After all, he is also an exorcist, that is, an exorcist abroad.

An Ning's complexion is very bad at first glance. Chris is so powerful that he can naturally feel the reason for the loss of An Ning's vitality, but how could he know about Xiao Ru

His eyes were always looking ahead, the car was neither fast nor slow, but extremely stable.

"Every age group, the breath of the soul is different."

The car came across a crossroad, which happened to be a red light. He stopped and explained to me: "The soul of the old man is full of maturity. Feel."

"Children's souls are different. They are lighter and purer than adults and some young people. An Ning's body still carries the breath of that child's soul. You are the same, but the soul fluctuations in your body are stronger. ’ The light was green, and he kept going.

"Have you come into contact with something about that child?"

I swallowed when I suddenly thought of the little cloth wrap that I buried in the orphanage and the wreath on the small mound.

My heart overflowed with deep sadness again.

Thinking that Xiaoru is no longer alive, but her breath still remains on the broken doll and the broken pieces of cloth.

She is not in the world, but she left behind the proof that she once existed in the world.

I suddenly didn't want the aura belonging to Xiaoru to disappear from me, and wanted to keep it forever, but I'm afraid I can't do it.

Chris probably couldn't hear my response all the time, as if he understood what I was thinking, he sighed lightly, and spit out a sentence of mellow and standard English from his pretty mouth.

I didn't realize what he said for a while, but he suddenly turned his head and blinked at me.

"The past, let it pass, people always have to look forward."

I was really surprised that he could say such words, my heart was soothed, and I half-jokingly said: "Your Chinese is very good, Chris, but your winking eyes should be reserved for other girls."

He shrugged indifferently, looked at me with a smile, and said, "I didn't have any other intentions. I saw Miss Rong's frowning face, so I did this. I'm not interested in other people's wives."

"Especially a lady with a baby in her belly."

I opened my eyes slightly, and my cheeks flushed when he said these words.

How did he find out that I was married? No, that's not the point, my belly is not protruding at all, how did he know I was pregnant

With a warm and polite smile on his face, Chris patiently explained: "Didn't I just say that I can feel the breath of different souls, besides your own soul breath, you also have the breath of a little guy. "

"And, your baby is special."

I heard him say something meaningful suddenly, and my heart skipped a beat.

I paid attention to his expression, and Xin began to jump up and down.

Suddenly, the car made a sharp turn, and I was startled by this sudden move. The car stopped on the side of the road smoothly and braked.

Chris turned around suddenly, approached me suddenly, squinted his eyes, and asked in a dangerous tone: "Who are you? And the child in your stomach, what is... what..."

Just now, the very gentlemanly, humorous Chris suddenly seemed to be a different person, staring at me closely with his light green eyes, and asked in a low voice.

His gaze was like a goshawk locking on its prey, with a powerful momentum and oppressive force.

Seeing Chris' behavior like this, I should have felt scared and afraid, but I didn't.

When I heard him say that the little guy in my stomach was "the thing," a kind of nameless fire crept into my head.

I raised my eyebrows, and my face wasn't as pretty as before: "That's my child, not what you said, he's a human being!"

"Human? Oh no, he's definitely not human."

The corner of Chris's mouth curled up. This smile was cold without any warmth. He stretched out his hand slightly, his slender fingers stretched towards my abdomen, and his eyes shone with a strange light.

I suddenly felt that it was a mistake for me to decide to take this ride!

Wow, I was thinking at first, since Chris and An Xuan know each other, it means that he is not too bad. At least not a bad guy, right

But now, I wish I could slap myself, wish I could go back in time and not have to take this train.

Originally, Chris was tall and strong, and his body was also very strong, so when he approached me, he was like a mountain, and besides the back of the chair, there was only the door behind me.

The space wasn't that big, and now he pressed against the car door directly and oppressively.

Seeing his actions, I immediately covered my lower abdomen with both hands. Thinking that the little guy in my belly was the embodiment of the ghost suppressing order, I began to curse myself for being stupid.

In any case, even if Chris is not a ghost or a human being, the Ghost Suppression Order will still attract his attention.

In case...if he has evil intentions and wants to take away the ghost-suppressing order, could it be...would I be disembowelled by him

Immediately, the movie images of Jack the Ripper and the bloody images of the chainsaw maniac appeared in my mind, and I was so scared that I got goosebumps.

Just when I was hairy all over and didn't dare to take a breath, Chris stopped suddenly, laughed and pulled the distance between us, and comforted: "Look at you nervous, I don't mean any harm."

He also withdrew his hand.

"I don't dare to do anything to the queen of Pluto in this country. I still cherish my life."

I saw his body returned to my position, and then I took a deep breath and covered my chest with my hands.

Chris looked at me apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, I can't help it when I meet a special spirit body. Did it scare you?"

I shook my head, my body was still stiffly against the car door, he started the car and continued to drive towards my house.

"After all, I have never seen such a spectacle. The treasure that suppressed the underworld took human form in the body of a living person, so I couldn't help but want to find out."

He said to himself with some gratitude: "Fortunately, it's not too much."

He may be thankful that his hand didn't touch my stomach, otherwise his life might be lost.

After five minutes passed, I still couldn't calm down. Seeing my nervous look, he apologized and changed the subject: "I plan to go to Anxuan's place tonight, do you know where he is? "

I shook my head without making a sound.

"No address?"

I shrunk back in fear, and said softly, "It was deleted by him."

"Why don't you call him yourself?"

Chris snorted suddenly, and said angrily: "If I can contact him, do I still need to go all the way from abroad to his home to find him?"

"That brat, I still have a debt to settle with him! He just changed his number and escaped back. Let's see if I don't catch him this time and give him a good lesson!"

Chris' words were full of anger, and I looked at him strangely.

He seemed not to give up, and asked me again: "The address is really deleted?"

I nodded: "He was afraid that I would follow him too. Originally, he had recorded his address in my mobile phone, and then sent it to his own mobile phone."

"You said he used your mobile phone to send the address?"

"Yes, but the record was deleted by him."

Chris's tone was filled with excitement and excitement: "It's okay, even if it is deleted, there is still a way to restore it."

I looked at him in surprise, and Chris smiled triumphantly: "Leave it to me, I can restore the address in just five minutes!"