Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 155: 155 Zulin Cemetery


"This is not an example."

He added another sentence, I was a little lost when I heard his words, and I knew that my actions at that time must have scared him. He definitely wanted to rush over to help me, but he was overwhelmed by a lot of things in the underworld. entangled.

I raised my hands and held his hands tightly. I couldn't help but put a happy smile on the corner of my mouth, and comforted him: "I know, there will definitely be no next time."

"I believed that Xiaoru would not hurt me, so I dared to do that. She... I believe that all her actions at that time were not aimed at hurting Ye Yao's mother and grandma."

"At that time, I was the only one who knew her past and what happened to her during her lifetime. I was the only one who could truly experience her pain and sorrow. The situation was urgent at that time, and I had to do so."

When I thought of when An Xuan took out the black talisman to destroy his soul at Ye Yao's house, my heart still couldn't help trembling.

I don't regret at all that I took off the red jade bracelet resolutely and went to influence Xiaoru's soul.

"Even if you are 99 percent sure and have 1 percent uncertainty, I will not allow you to take risks."

I chuckled softly, compromised, and comforted me: "Okay, okay, I listen to you, and I will never dare in the future!"

It was originally agreed that we would not take a bath together, but we still stood under the hood for more than half an hour. Just when I felt the skin on my fingers wrinkled, I walked out of the shower, dried myself and changed my body. top clothing.

"I'll go with you later."

The pervert suddenly made a sound, and I was overjoyed at first, but then I put my hands on his shoulders, pushed him down to sit on the bed, and stared at him closely.

"You give me a good rest at home. Looking at your face, it seems that you have been up all night for several days and nights. The dark circles under your eyes are almost like panda eyes. Let me go alone this time."

The pervert didn't care what happened, he hugged me, buried his head on my stomach, and said in a muffled voice, "Let's go together."

"you… "

I looked at him helplessly. Before, I really hoped that he could accompany me more, but when I saw his tired expression, my heart softened a little.

"I'm the King of Hades. I'm not as fragile as you think. I haven't been with you much these days. May I make it up to you?"

This is the first time that a pervert has softened his voice and spoken to me. Before, he either had a dark belly or tried his best to throw me on the bed. It was obviously a sentence that made my heart throb, but why, my heart was so confused. There is a vague feeling of uneasiness.

When the time came, I got a call from Chris.

The pervert is already ready to go, and the mask on his face has changed to a style I have never seen before

The black and white mask reminds me of Facebook.

I locked the door and went downstairs, and saw the familiar black sedan parked there, Chris leaning against the door, one hand in his pocket, the other hand looking down at the phone.

Her golden hair shone brightly under the orange streetlights.

He heard my voice and raised his head, but his eyes didn't look at me, but behind me.

I probably thought that Chris might have seen a pervert, so I walked over without saying anything.

But Chris seemed unwilling to let the pervert go, and kept staring at him, with a strange light in his light green eyes.


"Shall we go?"

I asked, Chris's eyes seemed to be glued to the pervert, and he didn't move away for a moment, but his mouth answered me.


Seeing the face of Chris confronting him, the pervert flashed a light in his eyes behind the mask.

We just got in the car, Chris started the car, and said meaningfully: "Seeing is worth seeing once heard a hundred times. I am honored to meet Mr. Pluto today."


The pervert corrected his address, and Chris chuckled indifferently: "Sorry, the master of the underworld in our place is called Pluto, that's good, Lord Hades."

He added another sentence, which made me frown: "Is the underworld okay recently? Has the matter been resolved?"

How could Chris know that something happened in the underworld? Judging from his tone, he seemed to know 100% that something happened in the underworld, otherwise his tone would not be so certain.

The pervert was not angry because of his offense, and cast a scornful glance at the man in the driver's seat, and looked at him through the rearview mirror. Just in time, Chris also raised his eyes at this moment, and the two of them saw through the reflection of the rearview mirror staring at each other.

"It's not easy for Pluto."

Chris's face darkened almost invisibly, and he replied in a bad tone after a while: "Since Lord Yan knows that the Yin and Yang worlds in this world are in turmoil, why do you still ask me this question?"

What he said just now didn't mean to offend. He was just exchanging greetings and asked about the general situation, but the pervert obviously misunderstood the meaning, but I could hear some sourness and sullenness in his words.

"Let's put aside the matter of the yin and yang worlds for now. We don't know the situation of Grandpa An and the others at all. When they return safely, the matter is almost resolved, let's talk about it."

Chris's face was not good-looking, and his already a bit resolute and cold face tightened even more. I hurriedly comforted him: "He has no malicious intentions."

I don't know why, no matter which man the pervert meets, everything that comes out of my mouth seems to end badly.

I sighed, and looked at the pervert sitting silently in the back seat with a funny look.

In some respects, he is still domineering and possessive to the point where I have nothing to say.

The plane took off at nine o'clock in the evening, and it took an hour to get to another city, and it would arrive after ten o'clock.

The plane is full of people, and the pervert is in a spirit state, so he doesn't need to buy a ticket, but in this case, there will be no empty seats for him on the plane.

So he was sitting on the seat, I was sitting on his lap, and Chris was holding a book that looked old and old, and kept flipping through it.

Occasionally, he would chat with us in a low voice, as if the previous confrontation in the car did not exist.

However, when I got on the plane again, what I recalled in my mind was that real dream.

That dream I had on the plane when I came back from a trip.

When I lifted the veil from my memory a little, I felt like I was back to the night of my 18-year-old wedding, my parents were caught, and I was tied into a small black house by a group of stupid, blind and superstitious villagers.

The scene at that time and the dream I dreamed on the plane during the summer vacation kept hitting my brain and heart. The grip was tighter.

"Sure enough, there is a problem there."

Chris handed over the iPad in his hand to me, and I saw that it was Wikipedia, which recorded some history and information about the location of Grandpa An and the others.

Zulin Cemetery.

Eh? 忆

What is this word again

It seems to be an old word. I read the content in Wikipedia, and I really didn’t know it.

It is said that a big Xu family lived there a long time ago. For some reason, the family chose to stay next to a cemetery.

The encyclopedia said that it was because of the owner's wishes, that is, after the family moved there, the whole family changed. Originally full of peaches and plums, the prosperous family with descendants began to become sparsely populated. Many women with different surnames married into the Xu family. Although they were in good health, it was difficult to conceive children.

Even if she is pregnant, it is easy for Liu Chan to give birth prematurely. Even if she successfully gives birth to a child, for some reason, she has been suffering from illnesses since childhood, and even died young.

I feel hairy all over just looking at it, the pervert's chin rests on my shoulder, looking down, I can even feel his cold breath and the same cold mask.

"It's all like this, why don't you move away?"

I asked strangely, talking to myself, Chris' slender fingers slid the screen for me, and pulled to the content near the bottom.

It is clearly stated above that even if the Xu family moved with the whole family at that time, they could not escape this bad luck.

"Is it because of the cemetery?"

"The name of this cemetery is also intriguing."

The pervert suddenly made a sound, and before I answered, Chris nodded and replied, "That's right."

He can hear the voice of the pervert!

Before, I thought it was very powerful for him to be able to see, after all, Grandpa An did it back then.

The pervert is in a spirit state. Chris can not only see the pervert, but also talk to him. His ability is probably on par with Grandpa An.

"The word 俆 is indeed an ancient word. At that time, it was indeed because the Xu family lived there, and there were many trees and forests there, so it was called Xu Lin Cemetery. Later, because the Xu family's entire network was lost, the word Xu became the word Xu at some point.忆."

Chris answered me.

"It is said that there are some very old tombs buried there, and some of them are the cemeteries of wealthy families in the Republic of China. This time Anjia was invited to go there to exorcise ghosts. Something must have happened."

I rubbed my temples with some headaches: "Everyone can see that there is something wrong with the Zulin cemetery, okay? Otherwise, why would the Xu family lose their population? How long has it been since I thought of asking a ghost exorcist for help now? It's inevitable. It's a little too late."

The pervert spoke suddenly and said something that made my hair stand on end.

"I'm afraid that the solution was not delayed until now, but that a ghost exorcist once came to solve it, but they all failed."

This possibility is the scariest. It has been a long time, and no one has been able to solve the problem of the cemetery.

"It's useless to guess now. We don't know why the Xu family chose to stay there in the first place. Later, something happened and why they moved away. The Xu family still did not escape the bad luck, and we don't know at all."

"When I was downstairs just now, I was calling the members of the An family to inquire about the situation. The head of the An family hadn't talked to the family until just now."

I couldn't help but think of the phone call between myself and Grandpa An seeking to buy wreaths in the store, and my heart was beating wildly uneasily.

Don't blame me for thinking too much, I've always been afraid that something might happen to Grandpa An.

I told the pervert and Chris about my call with Grandpa An that day, and Chris asked a little excitedly: "Then do you still remember what that young man said to Patriarch An at that time?"

At that time, the background sound was noisy, and a day or two had passed, so I really didn't have much impression when I recalled it.

That sentence is what I remember most.

"Get ready and start the ceremony immediately."

I shrugged helplessly, this should be the sentence I remember most clearly.

As for what they discussed, I have no memory at all.

Seeing me like this, Chris gave up on continuing to ask, with serious eyes: "We have to be mentally prepared."

He looked sideways at me: "Things have come to this point, any possibility is possible."