Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 165: 165 Broken Soul!


"I know, if you don't achieve your goal today, you won't give up."

Black smoke began to emerge from the gap on Xuanyuan Lingyin's forehead, and suddenly, a blood-red eye opened from between her eyebrows.

"Priest Lingyin, please calm down, we really didn't say this to harm you, but also...for your own good!"

I saw the third eye on her forehead, and shouted hastily, I know she must activate her ability, once she uses this method, even if I want to subdue her by persuasion, it will be impossible.

Not only will perverts intervene, Chris and An Xuan will not sit idly by.

Once the fight starts, no matter whether the ending is good or bad, it will not leave a good influence on both sides.

"I thought that you would understand me, you would empathize with me, you would support my decision, and you would recognize what I have done over the years! But, I think I was wrong."

She shook her head and stepped back.

Muttering in my mouth, looking at me in despair, my heart skipped a beat, thinking that what happened next must be beyond my expectations!

Sure enough, bright red liquid began to flow out of her red eye, and it slowly flowed down, converging into two bright red rivers on both sides of the bridge of her nose.

The bright red liquid dripped on her snow-white priest robe, like plum blossoms blooming in a snow-colored garden, and the bright red continued to expand on her clothes.

"It's been so many years, but no one can understand me. In this case, you are not on my side, you are the enemy, and you are on the side of those beasts!"

"Then don't blame me for being rude! I accept your life! Stay here with those poor and hateful people, and accompany me!"

She laughed loudly, opened her arms violently, and on the white clothes stained with blood, the bright red blossoms spread quickly on her robe as if they had souls.

Red is like a scourge, like a monster with a bloody mouth, constantly devouring every inch of pure white.

I couldn't help but flashed a picture in my mind.

When she was tied to the pillar of the altar, she started the ceremony. At that time, her snow-white priest robe was instantly stained red by the blood of the tribe and herself.

Then, a unilateral curse and massacre began.

Could it be that she wants to...

no! no!

I gritted my teeth and shouted at her: "You can't do this! Stop it! Why don't you believe us? I can understand your heart, because I saw what you have been through, why don't you Just trust me."

"Just one click! We're not trying to harm you!"

Xuanyuan Lingyin completely lost the last sliver of reason, she hooked her sharp nails fiercely, and the soul of Xu's ancestor who was by her side suddenly came to her.

Her pale lips curled into a wicked smile.

"Originally, I wanted to keep your soul, and I wanted you to feel the pain I had suffered, even though..." She took a deep breath, "Even if you are just a ghost now, I think you can definitely feel it to what your descendants have endured."

She clenched her fists fiercely, and her voice was harsh and spicy: "What should I do, now I have changed my mind."

Xuanyuan Lingyin grabbed the soul of Xu's ancestor and held him tightly in the palm of his hand. The face with three eyes was close to his face, and the white eyes narrowed.

"Don't blame me. Originally, I wanted the souls of all of you to accompany me here after the death of your last descendant. Unfortunately, someone spoiled my interest."

"I've changed my mind."

Xuanyuan Lingyin hooked the corners of her lips, turned to look at me, with a creepy smile on her face.

"I'm going to destroy their souls, all of them!"

I was shocked by this sentence and almost fell to the ground, looking at this crazy woman in disbelief!

Originally, she just chose to imprison the souls of all descendants of Xu's lineage here to prevent them from being reincarnated, but now she chooses to destroy all the souls!

It's crazy!

I don't know why I tried to persuade her, but she never believed in herself.

Perhaps in her heart, she didn't want to be redeemed at all. Her heart was filled with hatred and anger, swallowing up all reason, and all kindness and humanity had long since been lost.

Many people think that there is a good saying.

Time is the best medicine to heal pain, but unfortunately, this sentence does not apply to this woman who has a great hatred.

For her, she already had nothing, indeed, no relatives, not even a living person, just a ghost.

Hundreds of years have passed, but she still hasn't let go of this past, and chooses to stay in the world, becoming a ghost and a demon.

A person's belief, loyalty and obsession to a family is really terrible. Especially the Xuanyuan clan, a special clan that really has psychic or sacrificial abilities. Even if there is no body, only the soul is left, they can control the lifeline of others, and even the length of life.

"This is troublesome."

Chris lowered his voice, his throat was tight, and he couldn't help but blurted out a few words in English, as if he was sighing or lamenting himself.

An Xuan's hand was already on the zipper of the backpack, ready to take out the contents to deal with him at any time.

The pervert seems to be the calmest person among us, the mask covers his face, although I can't see his expression, but his cold eyes full of murderous intent, even I can't help shaking trembled three times.

"If she comes hard, don't blame us for taking action."

An Xuan is not a patient person. From what happened to Xiao Ru before, if the soft solution fails, he will definitely use other violent methods.

But I don't want it, I think the experience of the Xuanyuan clan is too tragic, I don't want Xuanyuan Lingyin to be beaten back to the underworld by forceful means in the end.

It would be best if she could let go of the hatred in her heart, let her return to the underworld with peace of mind, drink Meng Po soup, and start her life again.

This is the best solution!

However, the current situation does not seem to make this possibility successful. Since the opening of her third eye, she has completely lost her sanity and ability to think.

Looking at her now, the originally white priest's robe turned blood red, the ground began to tremble, cracks began to appear in the nearby house, some soil fell from the sky, and even some heavy stones fell down.

The pervert directly hugged me to avoid the fall of several stones. Chris was very agile and light, and was not affected by a suit at all.

"Sex ghost, what should we do? Is this the only way we can do this?" Now Xuanyuan Lingyin has disowned her six relatives, and I want her to let go of her hatred. She believes that I am standing by the Xu family's side.

"In that case, this king will not be polite!"

This sentence was not addressed to me, but to Xuanyuan Lingyin.

Xuanyuan Lingyin heard the voice of the pervert, and snorted coldly with a smile, and suddenly burst into laughter: "You're welcome? Don't be polite."

"I, Xuanyuan Lingyin, even if I lose my soul, I will let Xu's lineage be buried with me!"

Clouds of black dead air emanated from her body, bright red liquid began to emerge from the altar, and the stench rushed straight into my nose.

I covered my mouth all of a sudden, and almost spit it out. Seeing her suspended in the air, laughing shrillly and in pain, my eyes couldn't help but sore.

Why can't she let go of this hatred? Hundreds of years have passed, Xu Mang is the only descendant left in the Xu family, and seeing Xu Mang's pale face, puffy and timid appearance, I really can't help it pity him.

He didn't know what his ancestors did, and he didn't know at all, but he had to bear unwarranted crimes and punishments.

He is the only one left in the Xu family.

However, what the Xu family has done is so abominable. The encounter between the two parties began to put me in a dilemma.


The pervert placed me in a fairly safe place, a corner of the house next to the altar, where there happened to be a small, hard-to-find place that looked like a cave.

"Hua'er, don't think too much, just leave it to me."

The pervert quickly kissed me on the head, turned around and flew out of the cave.

I was about to get up from the ground and run out, but when I ran to the door of the cave, my steps stopped.

The scene in front of me made my legs go limp, I almost couldn't stand, my heart seemed to stop, and in my eyes, the scene on the altar at this moment was reflected.

Countless transparent souls floated out from above the altar, and above Xuanyuan Lingyin's head, there happened to be a bright red blood sphere.

Those souls went directly towards the blood sphere, and the moment two of them touched the blood sphere, they evaporated instantly like scalding water sprinkled on the snow at minus ten degrees Celsius!

The soul instantly turned into pieces, and finally slowly turned into a little bit of powder.

I grew my mouth and couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Soul, soul is broken..."

My mind went blank and I couldn't think at all.

Those souls, if I'm not mistaken, should all be the souls of Xu's lineage!

She did what she said, because she knew that she would not be able to keep her own soul in the presence of perverts, so if she did so, it would be nothing more than annihilation.

Even at this time, she still chooses to die together.

It's hard for me to imagine that the Xuanyuan Lingyin in front of me is the pure and quiet young lady in my memory.

This force sent chills down my spine.

I folded my hands on my knees, watching the development of the situation outside the cave in despair. The Solomon's Disc and his ring in Chris' hands gave off a faint light, while An Xuan was holding a yellow talisman in his hand, with a serious expression on his face. The look of being ready to go.

In the end, things got to this point in the end.

All the efforts I made before, just like the spring water wasted, disappeared without a trace.

I covered my face with my hands, and I seemed to have guessed the ending of the matter.

Seeing the graceful back of the pervert, I knew that the soul of Xuanyuan Lingyin might not be able to go to the underworld.

With the character of a satyr, he will definitely destroy her soul body!