Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 166: 166 I want to be worthy of my people


I gave up.

For the first time, I had the idea of giving up, and buried my head in my knees, not wanting to see how the pervert would deal with Xuanyuan Lingyin.

Either way, I find it cruel.

It's not that his methods are cruel, but that I feel that Xuanyuan Lingyin, after going through so much, finally ended up like this and feels unacceptable.

The human heart is made of flesh, not stone.

Perhaps perverts and the like can't empathize with Xuanyuan Lingyin's experience like I do.

So I couldn't bear to watch her being treated like this.

A large number of souls flew towards the direction of the blood ball, Xuanyuan Lingyin laughed wildly there, with his arms wide open, and shouted loudly: "Look, these evil souls, they are going to exercise their last strength now!" Worth it!"

The pervert didn't care about anything, and before Chris and An Xuan could make a move, he raised his hand, the index finger and middle finger joined together, and a red light shot from the fingertips towards Xuanyuan Lingyin.

I didn't dare to look up, I covered my ears with my hands and buried my face in my knees.

The red light suddenly penetrated Xuanyuan Lingyin's red eye. It can even be said that it penetrated into the eye and shot out from the back of the head.

Full penetration!

Xuanyuan Lingyin's laughter stopped abruptly, the sharp laughter was interrupted at once, and the sound that followed was like the sound of a dying duck being strangled by the neck.

Harsh and sharp.

Even though I put my hands over my ears, the sound seemed to be able to pass through all obstacles and reach my ears.

It was a cry beyond the soul, a weeping.

I raised my head slowly, and when I saw the red light penetrating her head, the warm liquid finally couldn't be controlled, and flowed down from my eyes.

Chris and An Xuan froze there, watching this scene in shock.

In an instant, all the souls floating in the air disappeared, and even the blood ball above Xuanyuan Lingyin's head burst suddenly, and bright red blood drops scattered in the sky.

I really couldn't hold it back, I stood up from the ground and scrambled, and shouted: "Don't! Don't!"

In any case, even if I became a bystander hiding in the cave, I still couldn't bear this scene.

Xuanyuan Lingyin was fluttering in the sky, the red eye was also closing rapidly, the young face began to age rapidly, and the white hair began to turn into silver hair that only old people have.

The red robe also slowly crumbled from the bottom. I cried and shouted and ran towards her, but was stopped by Chris on the way.

"Rong Hua, don't go there."

I completely lost control of my emotions. I tried hard to break free from his imprisonment and get rid of his obstruction. I almost pushed him to the ground.

"Let me go! Let me go! Let me go! You..."

Chris had a complicated expression on his handsome face. He kept blocking me and wouldn't let me go forward. I couldn't bear it any longer, and shouted directly: "I want you to let me go!"

I don't know what my expression is like now, I just saw Chris looking at me, full of surprise, and I knew that my eyes at this moment must be very scary.

After a pause of just a few seconds, I managed to break free from his restraints and ran towards the figure that had fallen to the ground.

Her soul body has become translucent, and I seem to be able to see that her soul body is slowly fading until it disappears.

The pervert also noticed my behavior, and was about to fly down to stop me, but I was the first to stop me: "Let me pass!"


I gritted my teeth, my face was full of tears, and my eyes were blurred. I could only vaguely see a black figure flying in the air. I took a deep breath and repeated it again.

"Sexy, let me go."

"Hua'er... I..."

"You said you would respect my decision!" I felt like I was sobbing, thinking that I have experienced so many tragic deeds since I was able to recall my memory, and at this moment, I feel like I am about to A camel crushed by straw.

It was just the last straw that fell on me and completely crushed me.

For some reason, my heart was full of guilt and powerlessness.

The guilt and despair of not being able to rescue her filled my heart and could not dissipate at all.

"Hua'er, don't mess around, I respect your decision, but it must be on the premise of ensuring your safety."

"Guarantee my safety?" I questioned a little out of control, pointing my finger at Xuanyuan Lingyin who was dying on the ground and whose soul would disappear at any time, his voice was a little trembling.

"She took your blow, and now it's like this, what else can she do to me? How can she hurt me?"

The pervert's body shook, as if he was moved by my words, but he didn't back down, which aroused the anger in my heart instead.

I suppressed my trembling body and said word by word: "Just let me walk with her for the last time, can't you?!"

"What do you know! You don't know anything. Do you know what the Xuanyuan clan experienced before? What happened to Lingyin? You only know that they have wiped out the clan, and you only know the ending, but you don't know the process!"

I felt my head was a little dizzy, as if I lacked oxygen. I held my forehead with one hand and murmured: "You have all treated her like this, and you have scattered her soul. Whether her life is from the world, It’s still hell, it’s all come to an end.”

"Take it as the final salvation, let me go and accompany her."

I slowly walked towards the red-robed girl who was lying on the ground. No, to be precise, she had changed from a young girl to an old woman.

However, this did not affect her in my eyes, the most real appearance in my heart.

Even though she has done so many things, which can even be said to be hateful mistakes, I have never blamed her once in my heart.

I stood beside her, then slowly squatted down, and finally sat on the ground. When my hand touched her soul body, tears flowed from her eyes again.

A cold soul without any warmth.

I bent down and helped her light soul body up, and let her head rest on my lap.

"Spiritual sound."

My hand gently stroked her hair and touched her old face, but I could only feel the touch of the soul body, not the skin feeling of a living person.

But I still stroked slowly along the outline of her face, and the tears couldn't stop flowing.

In my mind, the scene after scene was played over and over again like a revolving lantern. At this moment, I realized that my psychological endurance was not as good as I imagined.

I can feel that incident from Xiaoru, although every time I seem to be relieved on the surface, the dark past of those poor people will eventually be engraved in my heart and mind.

I may never forget it until I die, these invisible pressures will become the pressure in my heart, the darkest place in my heart.

"I… "

Xuanyuan Lingyin's eyes were slightly opened, and she looked at me weakly. I felt powerless and could only watch her gradually become transparent.

"You talk, you talk, I listen."

Her voice was very soft, as if she was about to say something, I immediately bent down and put my ear close to her, trying to hear what she had to say.

Xuanyuan Lingyin laughed suddenly, although her appearance became old, her voice was still so gentle and young: "I... I want to be worthy of my clansmen."

She coughed twice, and I nodded tearfully, telling her I heard it.

"They...they have suffered so much, I can't...can't relax by myself, it's not fair."

When I heard her words, I couldn't help but covered my face and burst into tears.

Xuanyuan Lingyin suddenly showed a sad and beautiful smile, slowly raised her hand, grabbed my arm, and said with a smile: "You are really a kind girl, Daddy is right, the legendary tracer only has a strong and kind heart talented people can do it.”

"You have done so much, for the sake of your people, you can... you can be relieved, why did you choose this ending."

She shook her head almost invisibly, sighed, feeling that her soul body was slowly disappearing, but a satisfied smile appeared on her face.

"Finally, I can sleep forever with faith and obsession, with my clansmen and loved ones."

Faith, obsession.

This may be what they were obsessed with in that era, especially a huge clan like theirs.

I understood it, I understood it thoroughly, Xuanyuan Lingyin has done so much, until just now I even thought about what I did, I suddenly became enlightened.

Perhaps, from the moment she saw the pervert, she knew that there would be an end for her today, so she released the souls that had been imprisoned here all this time, trying to destroy them.

In fact, this is actually a kind of liberation.

In fact, the performance was to smash the souls, but she should know that before she could finish smashing these souls, she was killed by the pervert in seconds.

When I heard Xuanyuan Lingyin's last words, I couldn't help but burst into tears as I watched the disappearing and empty embrace.

The pervert flew down, hugged me tightly in his arms, and comforted me: "It's over, Hua'er, everything is over."

I felt a hug full of security, hugged him vigorously with both hands, and cried loudly in his broad and strong arms.

Chris and An Xuan looked at each other, each breathed a sigh of relief, and when they looked at the empty altar, there were complex expressions in their eyes.

Afterwards, An Xuan silently took out a cigarette, lit it, put it in his mouth and began to puff, while Chris took out a small notebook that he carried with him, and started to write with a pen.

From time to time, he rubbed his tall nose bridge with his fingers, and his face was not very good-looking.

Obviously, although their identities are ghost exorcists, their moods are not in a good mood when faced with such an ending.

Like I just said.

The human heart is made of flesh, no matter how cold the surface is, there will be a soft side in the heart.

I cried for a long time, until finally I was a little tired, my eyes began to tremble and would close at any time, and I gradually began to feel drowsy.

The tense nerves suddenly relaxed, and both legs were so weak that they could hardly stand up.