Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 192: 192 flew into a rage


I saw this thin, small, shriveled old man shrinking behind the tree, the words of reproach that were on his lips suddenly seemed to be choked, and he couldn't utter a single word.

The old man stared at me with a pair of cloudy eyes, as if he wanted to see through me, his scorching gaze was exactly the same as before.

The questioning words immediately turned into doubts, and I asked strangely: "Grandpa, are you staring at me secretly?"

Looking at this old man, although he is dressed in rags, his eyebrows and his expression are completely different from ordinary tramps, let alone any pervert.

There was a faint pressure from his body, which made the hairs on my back stand up all the time, and I couldn't calm down for a long time.

The little old man looked at my red jade bracelet with cloudy eyes, and then looked at my lower abdomen thoughtfully. I squinted my eyes, and I had better prepare to run away at any time.

After all, not all ghost exorcists are well-intentioned. Grandpa An reminded us of this at the beginning.

People are greedy and selfish, and they will use their special abilities to seek various interests. Naturally, not all ghost exorcists are decent people.

The pervert has just left, and I don't want to cause any trouble and cause trouble for him. The affairs of the underworld have already made him burnt out, and I don't want him to be distracted from taking care of me.

Unexpectedly, the old man didn't reply to my words at all, but spit on the ground on one side, then moved his feet wearing tattered shoes, and left.

This made me feel even more strange. Why didn't he open his mouth when he obviously wanted to say something to me

In other words, since he wasn't looking for me for anything, why did he keep staring at me from before I entered the amusement park until I came out and planned to go back, and he still insisted on observing me secretly

"Girl, be more careful."

There was a word from him silently, and I saw his feet stopped and stood there with his back to me, with his hands folded behind him, and I thought his voice would sound old and weak.

Unexpectedly, his voice was as deep and powerful as a Hong Zhong, his rough palms were slightly clenched, and he turned his back to me and said: "I never thought that I would meet a tracer here today."

He raised his head slightly, looked at the sky that was beginning to darken, and said slowly: "The sky is about to change, pay attention to safety."

From his tone, I heard helplessness, pressure, and sadness.

I looked at the sky, and it was indeed getting dark. After all, it was autumn now, and it wouldn't be like summer. The sky was still bright at six or seven o'clock in the evening, like afternoon.

However, I did not hear the second meaning hidden in his words at that time.

It wasn't until later, when the big event that shook the entire world of the underworld and the underworld, that I understood the implied meaning of his words.

Looking at this strange and somewhat inexplicable old man, I tilted my head. I wanted to guess his identity and the purpose of spying on me, but in the end even if I wanted to break my head, I just couldn't figure it out.

However, from his words, I can understand one thing.

This old man is also a person in the ghost exorcism circle. As for his identity, I think he will be the kind of expert who hides his secrets.

Often, high-level talents choose to walk on the rivers and lakes in this form.

In order not to make himself too conspicuous, although the old man looks very thin and dry, his voice is powerful and his eyes are full of thick fog that I can't understand. Sitting in a taxi, I lowered my head and thought.

If he's on the good side, I'm grateful for the tip he gave me today, even if I don't understand what he means by doing so.

However, if his original intention is not from good intentions, but has another conspiracy and is hostile to us, I feel that he will be a very troublesome person.

When I went back to the dormitory, the room was very dark and there was no electric light. I turned on the light, and when I saw untouched meals on the table, my heart suddenly rose.

My eyes immediately turned to Mo Jin's bed, and I walked over quickly. When I saw her small, fluffy head resting on the pillow, I yelled in my heart that something was wrong!

I hurriedly changed into my slippers, stepped on the ladder to the upper bunk, and climbed onto her bed.

"Hey, Mo Jin, wake up." If she hasn't woken up this morning, I can still tell myself that she might wake up at noon, have a meal, and take a nap in the afternoon. Her body should be recovering more or less. up.

But she didn't take a bite of the food I prepared for her on the table, and seeing the pair of slippers neatly placed next to the ladder, I knew she hadn't gotten out of bed.

Probably never woke up at all.

This made me nervous instead, worried that something might happen to her. I'm not in the dormitory all day, if she faints, or some kind of emergency happens to her body, I will really feel guilty and regret for the rest of my life.

When I pushed Mo Jin at first, she didn't respond, and I was so scared that I broke out in a cold sweat. I didn't let out a big breath until she responded in a daze.

Well, well, well, she's still alive...

Pooh! What is alive or not, she just fell asleep, that's right!

I comforted myself in my heart, trying to calm down my beating heart.

My hand accidentally touched her hand, and I felt like an electric shock, and I grabbed her palm.

The fiery temperature is not a healthy body temperature that a person should have at all, I frowned and put my other hand on her head.

"Hiss—" It's so hot!

Mo Jin actually had a fever! I started to panic because I don't know when she started to have a fever.

If it started yesterday, I would be so remiss!

At this moment, the first thing I thought of was An Ning. Maybe An Ning would leave. I hadn't gotten used to it yet, so I called out to An Ning subconsciously: "Mo Jin has a fever, An Ning, let's take her to the hospital."

When I finished speaking, the room was silent for a while before I came back to my senses.

The person who was closest to me has already left.

I gritted my teeth, and a trace of apology and guilt still rose in my heart.

When I heard Mo Jin answer me yesterday, I was so dazed that I didn't wake up! In fact, Mo Jin probably had a fever at that time!

Otherwise she wouldn't be insane!

"Mo Jin, can you get up? You can't do this. I'll take you to the hospital."

I gritted my teeth, and wanted to wrap her in the quilt, let her sit up, and look at the high position of the upper bunk. If Mo Jin really couldn't wake up and kept falling asleep, I could only call an ambulance.

What is more gratifying and gratifying is that Mo Jin opened her eyes, and with my protection and support, she climbed down the climbing pole.

I quickly dressed her, got her a coat, took a taxi and headed to the hospital.

As soon as Mo Jin arrived at the hospital, the doctor took her temperature. It was 39 degrees and it was close to 40 degrees. She was rushed to the emergency ward and started to hang salt water.

I sat next to her small hospital bed, leaning on a simple and ordinary wooden chair, watching the sky outside the window gradually darken until it was completely dark, and my stomach began to growl.

I can't help but miss Pervert, we've only been away for a few hours and I'm starting to miss him.

Can't help it, I'm still hungry.

He didn't even eat dinner, so he took Mo Jin to the hospital to hang the salt water.

The nurse in the next bed saw my slightly tired face, and kindly asked me if I had dinner. I replied truthfully, and she promised to take care of Mo Jin for me, so I was freed to go out and buy some food.

Mom seems to be back from a business trip today. When I was shopping for food in the supermarket, I received a warm call from her, but I am really not happy at the moment.

She also seemed to hear my depressed mood, and exhausted all kinds of strength from my mouth to learn what happened recently.

She hurriedly offered to help me take care of Mo Jin, which moved me a lot.

However, I don't think it's necessary. On the way to the hospital, I called the counselor and told him about Mo Jin's illness. He will contact the Mo family.

Just as I walked out of the convenience store with money in my pocket and a bag in my hand, there was another call.

It's just that this call is completely different from the previous ones.

"Girl Hua! Where did that girl An Ning go? Why didn't I see her!?"

I couldn't help taking a breath, and my mind turned quickly, knowing what happened.

An Ning has already left Anjia, has she gone abroad? Are you in such a hurry

And grandpa an, didn't he say he was going to stay there for a week

I know I can't hide it anymore, he will know about this matter sooner or later, who knows that before I confess, Grandpa An suddenly loses his temper and becomes furious!

"Hey!" He sighed, "It's unreasonable! It's unreasonable! You don't even listen to me!"

"Has she ever cared about me as a grandfather?!"

Grandpa An kept yelling in the microphone, I vaguely heard An Yu's voice, she seemed to be persuading Grandpa An, her voice was very gentle.

At this moment, my heart is in a mess.

Obviously, everything this morning was so relaxed and pleasant.

But why didn't God give me a little more chance to breathe, and just let those dark tides engulf me wave after wave

I even heard a few ugly words from Grandpa An, and then the phone clicked and hung up, leaving me standing alone at the door of the convenience store, watching the light coming from inside, making me The figure of the girl shone on the ground, looking so lonely.

I carried the food and walked towards Mo Jin's ward.

The emergency department is very noisy, many people hang salt water here, there are the sounds of old people chatting, and the noise of children screaming.

Mo Jin's condition is a bit serious. So far, it's just an ordinary high fever, and there doesn't seem to be any inflammation in her body. I'm sure without hesitation that it is definitely her overdrawn use of divination that led to her current fate.

Just as I walked into the ward with my things, I was taken aback by a man and two women standing by the bed.

Surprisingly, Mo Jin was sitting on the pillow as if nothing had happened, her face was pale, her eyes were slightly lowered, and she ignored the three people beside the bed.