Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 206: 206 Where is this? !


Mo Qin's words made me break out in fear again.

"Are you sure?" I asked nervously. If Moqin's guess is correct, then the witch must be asking us for help.

And, if my guess is correct, the witch in the dream is Kurosawa Yuri!

"what happened?"

Mo Qin and Mo Yin didn't understand why I was acting like this all of a sudden, so I hurriedly told them all about my dreams.

If the two of them were in the past, they would definitely not care about the reality of a dream, but since they knew that I was a backtracker and the wife of Hades, they naturally paid attention to my words.

"You said, could it be Kurosawa Yuri who is asking us for help?"

"It's very possible." I gritted my teeth, "Perhaps, she wants to use this method to guide us to find the secret of Riyue Mountain."

I checked the time, the sky outside was getting brighter, Moyin was going to tell some elders about my dream, and Moqin and I were changing clothes in the tent.

Human voices could be heard faintly outside. It seemed that almost everyone had woken up and got up to take action.

When we walked out of the tent, several members of the An family had already put away the tent, and the head of the Mo family and the person in charge were discussing something with a map.

The dream of last night was still replaying in my mind repeatedly, and it was truly terrifying.

I seem to be able to feel the pain of the poor woman. I stood in front of the high mound, waiting for the next instruction, but my heart has already flown to the Riyue Mountain along with that dream. .

In the end, all of us divided into two groups according to yesterday's group, and marched towards Riyue Mountain.

It has to be said that if there were no such messy legends and seemingly creepy secret marriages, this place would indeed be a beautiful place with beautiful scenery, which is pleasing to the eye.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with what the newspaper clipping reported.

The sun has not yet fully risen, but the morning light has already appeared, and the faint light breaks through the night from the east, waking up the sleeping earth little by little.

But we have stepped into a place that no one has set foot in for hundreds of years. What kind of dangers are waiting for us in this beautiful place

No matter what it is, I will not back down.

The head of the Mo family walked in the front, Mo Yuan followed in the back, and the three of us stood in the center.

Until now, I can see Mo Qin's true ability. She plays the role of a think tank in this family, and she is extremely outstanding in terms of language skills and diplomatic skills.

We proceeded according to the original road. The master of the Mo family held the map in his hand and looked down from time to time, fearing that we might go astray.

After such a long time, no one came to clear the road behind the pile of rocks. Weeds grew on the muddy road and some even reached waist height. We couldn't help but pay more attention.

After all, it's not yet the season for snakes to hibernate. This kind of grassy place is a place where snakes often come and go.

The surrounding area is depressed, with no life in sight, and the quietness is a bit scary.

No matter how desolate the place is, there will always be insects and birds, but here, nothing can be heard.

It seemed that even the sound of the wind had disappeared, and there was a complete silence.

Just the rustling of us through the weeds.

Fortunately, there is only one path leading to the top of the mountain, with layers of stone steps leading to the top, and there are no other forks. Far away, I looked up and saw the red torii gate standing there, and my eyes narrowed.

The image from the dream came back last night, I rubbed my temples, and when I thought of Kurosawa Yuri entrusting me with a dream and still asking myself for help inside, I felt extremely stressed.

The other group of people went another way, seemingly going around to the back mountain.

The master of the Mo family also saw the road leading to the top of the mountain, and noticed that my expression was very serious. He squinted his eyes and raised his head, and said softly but forcefully: "Let's go up."

As long as we step on these steps and pass through the torii gate, we should be greeted with a panoramic view of the shrine.

Just when we officially stepped into the torii gate, I looked ahead in shock. Even though I was already prepared in my heart, I still overlapped the scene in front of me with everything in my dream.

It's unbelievable! I have never been to this place before, and the dream last night actually overlapped with the reality.

When Mo Qin saw my expression, he knew it immediately.

This place is exactly the same as the scene I dreamed of last night, whether it is the shrine in the center, the characters on the Teshui House, the location of the sacred tree, the shape of the stone lantern or the appearance of the angel, they are all exactly the same.

If there is any difference from the dream, it is that everything in the shrine reveals a sense of history.

There is no one here, leaving only an empty shrine, and the ground is full of dead leaves and dust.

Yuheng surrounds the main hall, tied with a straw-made rope with a white zigzag paper tape tied to the torii gate, the sacred tree, and the central shrine hall. At this time, it is swaying in the autumn wind, and the grayness adds to the atmosphere. It's bleak and bleak.

It seems that we have come to an abandoned shrine, but when I think about what happened here, I can't help but beat a drum in my heart.

"Rong Hua..."

Mo Yuan called my name, and I nodded, indicating that this place is related to my dream before I set off.

"Why did you dream of Kurosawa Yuri and this shrine?" Mo Yuan was puzzled, and naturally I was not very clear.

Perhaps, Kurosawa Yuri's soul is still lingering here. She has noticed that I have come here, and hopes to use me and the strength of my companions to help her soul escape from here.

After all, there are ghosts who have done this before.

The head of the Mohist family told us to be careful. Let's go in groups of two and explore the surrounding area in front of the shrine. We are not allowed to walk too scattered.

Because when we stepped into this shrine area, all of our mobile phones could not receive the signal. This place seemed to be isolated from the world, and the torii gate also seemed to separate the boundary between the world and the realm of the gods.

In addition, there is also the possibility of a ghost, so all of us are very cautious.

Moqin and I searched the outer courtyard, and after finding nothing strange, we prepared to enter the main hall. Just as we were about to step in, Moqin grabbed me and pointed to the water house.

"According to etiquette, we have to wash our hands and mouth first."

She glanced meaningfully at the closed door of the main hall, and said in a low voice: "We came here this time to rescue people from the hidden gods, if we still offend the gods, it will only make the rescue more difficult. "

I understood what she meant, and when we walked to the hand water house together, there was no water in it, only weeds and dust, and when I looked up again, I saw the master of the Mo family and the others directly entered the worship hall, so we gave up some rule.

This shrine is quite big, but there is no coin hall, so for us, there are a lot of places to explore.

Moqin and I were about to enter the main hall, when our hands just touched the door, a very strong elastic force shook me away, making me take two steps back suddenly, if not for Moqin's quick eyesight, I would have fallen on the ground.

"Be careful!" she exclaimed, grabbing my arm.

"What's going on?" I opened my eyes wide and shouted, only then did I notice that the red jade bracelet on my wrist exuded a dazzling light, the red light was even a bit dazzling.

Mo Qin quickly understood, and pulled me to stand at the door: "You stay here, I will go in alone."

"No, Uncle Mo said you can't act alone."

She took my hand and said softly: "You are wearing this bracelet. It is a ghost. Naturally, you can't enter the main hall. I can do it alone. You can stay at the door. I promise you, I promise you, once you meet It's dangerous, I'll call for help immediately."

After all kinds of soft and hard things from her, I finally compromised.

"Don't worry, the sky will be fully lit soon, and nothing will happen during the day."

She said to me with a smile, then pushed open the door without hesitation, and stepped in.

And I, when she finished speaking, noticed a detail.

A detail that gave me the creeps and screamed bad in my heart.

When our group set off, the sky was already slightly bright, but why, at least nearly two hours have passed, and logically speaking, the sky should have been completely bright, why is the sky still so dark.


I opened my eyes wide, looking at the bleak surroundings, gradually sinking into the dark sky, my heart suddenly became cold.

No, something is wrong here!

I stood in this clearing, alone, and the sky began to darken, as if the time here and the outside world were reversed, and the cold wind was blowing in my face.

I'm afraid, I can even feel an inexplicable fear sweeping my heart, I hope to have a companion by my side now, the abnormal change in the sky is enough to make me panic, and there is no one around me at this moment. I am so courageous, then I will definitely not be able to bear this fear.

By the way, Mo Qin just walked in, and she hasn't gone far. If I can enter the main hall, I will definitely be able to catch up with her!

Even though I know the ruby bracelet keeps me out, I still have to try.

Anyway, I don't want to stay here alone!

I closed my eyes, mustered up my courage, and rushed towards the half-open door!

The expected shock did not appear, and I took off the hands covering my eyes. At this moment, I regretted it again!

Looking at the brightly lit scene in front of me and the girl's voice from around me made my legs go limp and I fell to my knees on the ground.

here is... where...

impossible! This is definitely not the shrine where I am! The scene I envisioned was a dark room. Not far away, I could see Moqin searching seriously. I could touch her hand and tell her that I wanted to act together with her.

Instead of the current view! Even at this moment, this room is full of popularity and vitality, as if someone lives here, but everything here does not belong to my world!

I seem to have been brought into another space by some unknown power, into the tide of time, and came to this shrine belonging to Kurosawa Yuri.

"What the hell... what happened, why did I come to this place..."