Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 218: 218 I want to advance and retreat with the family!


When we came to the room full of flowers again, it was already an hour later.

There were only four brothers and sisters of the Mo family in the room, as well as the head of the Mo family and Mr. Mo.

"Does the physical condition really matter?"

They also asked repeatedly in every possible way, fearing that something might go wrong. After all, in their view, I was not only Mo Jin's roommate, but also the Queen of Hades.

"It's totally OK, I can try it, but whether it can be awakened is another matter."

It is hoped that the ability of the backtracker to touch the memory of the soul can be used to indirectly awaken this sleeping soul.

They all nodded and backed away quietly.

In the last room, there was only me and the beautiful woman lying on the bed.

Even though she has been sleeping for twenty years, age has left traces on her husband's face, but she has forgotten this eternal sleep.

She is still so young, her skin is still so plump and shiny, all these signs indicate that she is still alive.

Ding Ruoshui.

This is Mrs. Mo's real name. It has to be said that Mrs. Mo and the head of the Mo family are really talented and beautiful, a natural match.

If she hadn't been in a coma, but appeared vividly in every corner of this family, it might be able to change the current situation of everyone in the Mo family.

After all, a family with a hostess and a mother is not the same as it is now.

Time waits for no one, I calmed down a little, sat on the edge of the bed, closed my eyes, and took two deep breaths.

After a while, I whispered to Mrs. Mo, "I'm offended, Aunt Ding."

The hand wearing the red jade bracelet was gently placed on her shoulder, and I slowly closed my eyes.

After a while, a force rushed into my mind, and after a while of familiar spinning, I opened my eyes again.

Seeing the blue sky in front of me, white clouds are floating above, like sweet cotton candy, forming various shapes with the wind.

In a familiar courtyard, a young woman was sitting on a wooden bench with a book in her hand, and beside her was a boy who looked seven or eight years old, who was concentrating on reading a book on the table.

The black broken hair is extremely soft, fluttering with the wind.

The girl sitting next to him looked a little smaller, with a serious expression, resting her cheeks on her hands, reading the same book as the boy.

There is also a girl who looks the youngest of the three, with a pacifier in her mouth, and a pair of big eyes that are shining like water.

Her hair is a little curly, hanging down on her small head, and she walks a little shambily, looking unprofessional.

She suddenly hugged the woman's leg, wanting to climb up, a pair of gentle hands picked her up and put her on her lap.

"Qinqin, you're being naughty again."

That's right, I successfully entered Madam Mo's memory. This young woman is the mistress of the Mo family, Ding Ruoshui.

Her face used to look much plumper than it is now. Judging from her plump figure and the ages of the three Mo family siblings, it should be when Mo Jin was just born.

It was also the eve of her going to the battlefield.

At this moment, all the beautiful scenes in front of me are actually the calm before the storm, just like those fascinating TV dramas.

No matter how sweet the plot is in the prelude, the follow-up must be very cruel.

A person's life is fair. It will not always be smooth sailing, and it will not be smooth everywhere. A life with ups and downs is normal. But this ups and downs are too cruel for this family.

From the perspective of a bystander, I can't interfere with this memory. I can only play her again like watching a video.

Suddenly, a baby's cry came from the room, breaking the tranquility of the yard.

"Mom, little sister is crying again."

Xiao Moyuan spoke in a childish voice, frowning, jumped off the chair, and wanted to go back to the room to see her little sister, but Madam Mo stopped her.

"Xiao Yuan, it's fine for me to go, you stay here and take care of your two younger sisters."

Little Mo Jin's crying was heartbreaking, it seemed that she was probably starving.

Mrs. Mo put down the book and the little moqin on her lap, and walked towards the room, and the picture continued to advance with her actions.

When the scene changed, little Mo Jin was holding a ball of white snow in her chubby little hands, her mouth was wriggling constantly, her eyes were closed, she was sucking milk, Madam Mo was lovingly staring at the little guy in her arms.

The peaceful and beautiful scene was broken by a soft knock on the door.

"Honey, it's me."

This voice belongs to the master of the Mo family.

Twenty years later, his voice still hasn't changed. I saw the door was pushed open, and a handsome young man walked in. Seeing his beloved wife breastfeeding, the serious light in his eyes softened a lot.

"I'm feeding Xiaojin."

Mrs. Mo nodded, her voice was gentle and pleasant to listen to: "Yes, Xiao Jin is hungry again, she looks like a glutton."

While breastfeeding, she patted little Mo Jin's arm with one hand, coaxing her to sleep.

I don't think that the head of the Mo family came here, just to visit his wife and daughter. Seeing his unusual expression when he entered the door, I knew that the most critical turning point for this family was coming!

"Wife, Dad received the news. Recently, there have been several soul holes in the underworld. Many evil spirits from the underworld have fled to the underworld. We must send more people to arrest and resist."

Mrs. Mo was still humming a lullaby, but her voice stopped abruptly. I could notice her stiff face for a moment, but she quickly adjusted her mentality, with a soft smile on her lips.

"What are your husband's plans?"

The head of the Mo family did not directly answer his wife's question, but said something that made Madam Mo unable to calm down.

"Except for the underage juniors of the Ding family, the whole family is out."

"What did you say?!"

Mrs. Mo stood up from the bed all of a sudden, and because of her big movements, she directly woke up the little Mo Jin in her arms. Her face shrunk, and she burst into tears again.

I thought that at such a critical moment, the cry of the child would aggravate the dissatisfaction and impatience in the hearts of the two adults, but I thought too much.

Mrs. Mo gently hugged little Mo Jin, patted him on the back, and coaxed her to sleep, but when she communicated with her husband, her expression was different.

"Why did Dad do this? The Ding family has a small population. After several generations, there are mostly girls. Several of our sisters are married. He wants the whole family to go to the battlefield. What is his old man thinking?"

The head of the Mo Family shook his head and frowned: "I tried to persuade Dad, but he didn't listen. The battle report from the front line seems to be very grim."

Seeing that little Mo Jin had fallen asleep peacefully again, Mrs. Mo quickly put her in the crib, walked outside with her husband, and closed the door behind her.

"No matter what, even if I marry into the Mo family, the Ding family is still my home. If Dad makes this decision, then I will go to the battlefield!"

Sure enough, the origin of all tragedies starts from this moment!

"Honey, no, you can't go, you just got Xiao Jin down, and your body hasn't recovered yet, I won't allow it, you can't go!"

The head of the Mo family grabbed his beloved wife and refused to let her go.

"Husband, my family members are fighting bloody battles. I can't enjoy the quiet time here alone. The family must advance and retreat together."

I can't help but admire this woman named Ding Ruoshui.

Her name showed that his family wanted her to be a woman like water, gentle and kind.

However, she is also a woman with great strength.

This strength comes from her heart.

In front of this group of children, she is a gentle and kind mother. Outside, she is also a person who protects the family and values the family more than life.

She will not hide at the back of the battle line and enjoy peace and tranquility alone because she has just given birth. She will choose to charge forward with her relatives and share weal and woe.

If it's possible, I really want to applaud her, but it's not possible now, so I put this idea in my heart, and when the retrospective is over, I must tell Mo Yuan and the others about it.

Their mother is so great.

Whether it is their mother or the Ding family's children.


"It's useless to call me by my nickname, this matter is out of the question." She walked towards her room, and said to the master of the Mo family who was following behind her.

There is also a strongness in the words that only a man can have.

"When I go to the front line, I will pack up my things."

"Shui'er! You..."

Mrs. Mo turned around all of a sudden, and looked at her husband, a heroic spirit burst out from his originally gentle and pleasant face.


The head of the Mo family immediately faltered, and his aura softened. I never expected that the stern head of the Mo family I saw was actually a strict wife.

He also seemed to know that he couldn't stop his wife, couldn't change her decision, so he could only tell her the time set by several family alliances.

"Let the mother-in-law take care of several children." Madam Mo quickly packed up her clothes and supplies for exorcising ghosts as soon as she returned to her room.

"If you're going, I'll come too..."

The head of the Mo family said excitedly, his voice was trembling, and seeing his tall body tense, I couldn't help feeling a pain in my heart.

Whoever it is, I'm afraid they won't be able to watch their lover go to the battlefield alone.

His words were within my expectations, but Mrs. Mo's words made my admiration for her even higher.

"Husband, don't be self-willed. The Mo family needs you to support and manage them. You, the leader, can't be missing. Don't worry, I will act together with my natal family and take care of each other. Just stay At home, help take care of the children, just wait for me to come back."

As soon as this sentence was finished, my eye sockets became moist.

All she thought about in every sentence was the Mo family, children, husband, and Ding family. Didn't she think about herself

Knowing the ending of the future, I feel like an overturned seasoning bottle in my heart, with mixed flavors, and I can't tell what it feels like.

No matter how powerful an exorcist is, her essence is still human. After all, she is an ordinary person with flesh and blood, not an omnipotent god.

Didn't she leave a way out for herself