Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 22: 022 Tears in the past (below)


When I saw her for the first time, she was not like this. Why did she mistake me for her granddaughter when I met her now

"What's going on? She wasn't like this before."

The pervert slightly turned sideways and explained: "The memory of the earth-bound spirit is like fragments, intermittent. Maybe I greeted you before, but I just thought you were very familiar. The longer she becomes the earth-bound spirit, the memory of her life will be more. Become coherent, become clearer."

After he explained it this way, I immediately understood why I saw the old aunt the first two times, she greeted me and smiled at me when she came home.

In other words, the current old aunt has reassembled her memory, so she mistook me for her granddaughter.

Could it be that her granddaughter is also named Xiaohua

"Old aunt, I'm not your granddaughter."

When she heard what I said, a frustrated expression appeared on her face, and she said pitifully, "It's grandma's fault. I know you blame grandma."

I couldn't help but look towards the empty road. Just now she was looking towards that direction. Could it be that her granddaughter died here

She doesn't want to leave here, she can only say that she died in this area, in order to help her return to the place where she should go, it is necessary to find out why she has been staying here.

"That day, it was my fault. If I hadn't dragged you through that red light, you wouldn't have died. It's all my fault! It's all grandma's fault."

Just from this sentence, I knew what happened.

On the road at the gate of the community, there is a zebra crossing for pedestrians to cross here from the opposite side of the road, so as to enter the community conveniently.

It can be seen that on the day of the accident, the old aunt dragged her granddaughter to run a red light and cross the road, so it ended in tragedy and both died.

Most of the Xiaohua in her mouth has returned to the underworld, and she may have turned into an earthbound spirit because of guilt and regret.

I glanced at the ghost, and if it is really what I think, the soul of the old aunt can be relieved, and only by eliminating her guilt can she return to the underworld with peace of mind.

Seeing my wink, the pervert raised his eyebrows and said, "You want me to go to the underworld to lure her granddaughter's soul up and let them meet?"

My eyes lit up instantly! He knows what I mean!

There was a reluctance in his eyes, I could see it, thinking about it, the pervert is the king of Hades anyway, and the ghost wants to return to the underworld, he can't lure the ghost out for me, doing this kind of thing is completely different from his identity inconsistent behavior.

so what should I do now

I frowned, pinched my chin, and thought about it. The old aunt kept looking at me with tears in my eyes, which made me feel a little pity in my heart. Look at the clothes she wears. Most of the time, she died here cleaning the streets. Since then, her soul has been wandering here in this form, falling into endless regret for her granddaughter.

Suddenly, I seemed to think of something, looked at the old aunt beside me, and after a lot of thinking in my heart, I shouted emotionally: "Grandma..."

The old aunt burst into tears, crying and laughing at the same time, and responded directly: "Hey! My Xiaohua! You really are my Xiaohua. You didn't recognize me just now, you must be blaming me, blaming me hurt you..."

Since the pervert can't help, I have to do it myself. Seeing the old aunt's performance, I knew immediately that my role-playing game was a success! I successfully brought into the role.

I couldn't help but quietly said sorry to her granddaughter, I might have to borrow your identity for once.

In order for your grandma to go to the underworld and reunite with you, if she cannot continue this family relationship in the underworld, she can only stay in the underworld.

After I heard her words, I quickly waved my hands, and got a little closer to her, and my eyes couldn't help looking at the pervert.

He nodded almost invisibly towards me, agreeing to my action, I did not miss his cautious eyes, staring at me firmly in case something happened to me.

I was also careful, took the old aunt's hand, patted it lightly, and said softly: "I never blamed you, grandma, really, I don't blame you, things are unpredictable, things like this happen , It can only be said that it is fate, and it is not your fault."

After the old aunt heard what I said, I clearly felt the layer of light gray gas around her body gradually dissipate, and her body also began to become transparent.

"Xiaohua, do you really not blame me?"

I smiled and shook my head, for some reason, my heart trembled suddenly, and I said in a strange way: "You are my grandma, I am your granddaughter, no matter what happens, I will not blame you, don't blame yourself .”

Her body became more and more transparent, and I could touch her hand before, but now, my hand can only pass through her translucent body.

"Old aunt..."

"Thank you for forgiving me, Xiaohua." Her voice became more and more ethereal and softer.

I watched her figure gradually disappear in front of my eyes. In front of the eight bronze horses, stood me and the pervert.

"Hua'er, it's a good thing you found her in time and sent her to the underworld, otherwise she would turn into a ghost in a short time."

The pervert spoke in praise, walked up to me and put his arms around my waist, boasting: "As expected of the woman I fancy."

When he said this, his eyes flickered a little. Obviously, he should have been hiding something from me. This expression only stayed on his face for a second, and disappeared in front of my eyes in an instant.

I even wondered if I was dazzled.

I couldn't help but think that when I was close to the old aunt, there was a layer of gray atmosphere around her body, which might represent a symbol of transition from undead to evil spirit.

Does turning black make her an evil spirit

I couldn't help but took a deep breath, with a hint of pride and joy in my heart.

I helped an old man's soul go to the place where she should go, so that she and her granddaughter can be reunited. I think her Xiaohua will not blame her.

"Many people have a very strong prejudice against the definition of the underworld."

The pervert took my hand and was about to take me back, because he had already noticed that there was a faint wave of evil in the neighborhood facing the eight bronze horses.

"Actually, the yang world is for people, and the underworld is for ghosts. It's not as scary as you imagine."

I listened and nodded. I did a good deed just now, and I felt a little happier. However, when I thought about what happened to the grandparent and grandson, I still felt a little regretful and lamented.

It is a pity to think that the girl with the same name as me may be about the same age as me, so she died so young at such a young age.

When I was about to get home, I heard a voice coming from the entrance, which shocked me immediately!

Mom and Dad are back!

I hurriedly pushed and shoved the man beside me, and said in a low voice, "My parents are back, hurry up!"

The pervert chuckled, hugged me with one hand, put his lips on my forehead, kissed me lightly, and said softly: "Then I'll go first, you should rest early, remember what I said, I may not be able to accompany you these days, remember to miss me."

It's best not to come! Save you from eating my tofu every day! Thinking of some things he and I did on the bed, his face started to burn again.

I was about to knock on the door, suddenly! I think I realized something, my hands were raised in the air, and I froze.

It's early in the morning, how could my parents come back at this time, I got home at two or three o'clock in the middle of the night...

Although I am a college student, for a little girl, there is still access control. When I go home at this time, I am looking for a taxi!

But, I'm already standing at the door, why can't I turn around and leave, go out and open a room

The pervert has left, and news of women going out at night is not uncommon. For my personal safety, and the little guy in my stomach, I must also be responsible for him, so I had to think of several reasons for coming home late, took out the key, and opened the door. Door.

As soon as my parents saw me coming back, my mother rushed up immediately, hugged me in her arms, and said excitedly: "Where have you been! I was so worried that we came back in a hurry, just because I was afraid that you would meet again." to what…”

I suddenly forgot all the reasons I had thought up, I hugged my mother back, patted her on the back, and comforted me: "I'm fine, it's just a little late to go crazy outside with that girl An Ning, don't worry, they Send me downstairs before leaving."

Dad squatted on the ground and took the luggage out of the box. His movements were very slow, obviously focusing on us.

I could clearly see his tense back relax all of a sudden.

"Let's not take this as an example, it's too late."

His tone was serious and majestic, with a hint of anger.

I stuck out my tongue, made a face secretly, and hurriedly swore: "Okay, okay, let's not make an example, I will definitely not come back so late in the future."

My parents seemed to want to say something to me, but they all waved at me and said, "Go to sleep, we can talk about it tomorrow."

After I took a shower, I went back to my room and lay on the bed.

The pointer is almost pointing to half past three, and in half an hour, it will be dawn.

I didn't have the mind to think about other things. I closed my eyes and fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow due to fatigue.

Before I fell into a deep sleep, the last smile of the old cleaning woman was still in my mind, and it slowly disappeared from my sight.

In the dimness, I could feel the light coming in from the window and splashing on my face, the air conditioner made a slight running sound, and my abdomen seemed to move twice.

Since the movement was so small, I don't know if he really moved or if it was my own illusion.

When I woke up, my parents had already gone to work, and I slept until noon, so I had to get up and get myself some lunch.

Most of the summer vacation has passed, and school will start after a few weeks of rest. Thinking of this, I can't help but feel a little depressed.

The rest time always goes by so fast.

I can't help thinking that Grandpa An has taken so many questionable antiques from antique dealers, and I don't know what he does with them.