Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 225: 225 Up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of fire


In the end, Bai Wuchang took me to the lower five floors.

Under my various explicit hints, she finally compromised.

"The lower five floors are not as harmonious as the lower ones. The lower ones are more like purgatory and more dangerous. Unlike these few floors, there are no guards there."

Bai Wuchang's words successfully made me feel a little fear, unprecedented.

This place has already given me a very uncomfortable feeling, but Bai Wuchang's vaccination at this moment is timely.

But... her early warning has little effect.

The scene in front of me was like the horrible purgatory described in the book. No, to be precise, it is more vivid and shocking than what is described in the book.

It is a scene that cannot be accurately described in words.

As soon as we landed on our feet, a heat wave hit our faces! Wherever it comes into view, it is all red like blood.

At the bottom of the feet is a trembling wooden bridge, and under the bridge is a river of blood flowing. The hot air and the unique smell of blood rushed into my nostrils, and the blood river actually boiled, with bubbles popping out of the river surface one by one.

Looking up, one can see a dark red sky, covered with vermilion clouds, and from time to time, there are a few red lightnings flowing between the clouds.

On the banks of the blood river, there are dense white bones, some even piled up to the height of a hill, human skeletons, and the corpses of unknown animals, mixed together.

Occasionally, I saw a few ghosts floating past. They all had long hair fluttering, their limbs were skinny, their nails were black and long, and their skin was pale and green.

Heavy iron chains were tied to their feet, and huge iron balls dragged on the ground behind them, leaving deep marks on the barren ground.

"Your Majesty, follow Xiaobai closely, don't get too far away from me, and remember not to get close to any wandering souls here."

Bai Wuchang walked in front and walked forward.

At this moment, my feet are as soft as cotton, I walk lightly, my body is a little staggered, and the beating of my heart is almost breaking through the sky.

"What are they... what are they doing..."

"be punished."

Bai Wuchang said calmly, turning his head to look at me: "They have borne too many sins during their lifetime, so they have to pay for it after death."

"Xiaobai knows that the empress may be soft-hearted, but when they were alive, some of the things they did were heinous and unforgivable. These are what they deserve and must bear."

I have been following Bai Wuchang closely, and walked into the only city not far away. When we were about to walk in, suddenly, two slender tentacles protruded from nowhere, covered with dense sucker.

A sneer twitched at the corner of Bai Wuchang's mouth, and he said coldly, "I won't be here for a while, so you don't know me?"

Her words didn't seem to be useful at all, and the two tentacles still blocked the gate of the city, preventing us from entering.

They also looked arrogant, flying up and down in front of our eyes, as if they were provocative!

"Hmph, a beast is a beast!"

The voice of Bai Wuchang's mature woman came, and the powerful momentum shook the two tentacles in front of her violently! Immediately, there was a cry of pain from a ferocious beast from nowhere, and the ground trembled continuously.

"What happened!?" I was frightened, not to mention how horrifying the environment here is, even a tentacle thicker than me made me frightened and stayed where I was, my body was extremely stiff, and I took a step. Can't move.

I can only let the hot air sweat my clothes.

Bai Wuchang didn't make a sound, the two tentacles retreated knowingly after being attacked by her, and its body appeared before our eyes.

A huge, translucent, octopus-like monster appeared at the top of the city. It was covered with dense lumps, and there were tentacles exactly the same as before.

Two big black and round eyes occupy most of its body, and the mouth cannot be seen.

To be honest, I really regret that Yan Neng followed, what is this guy who suddenly appeared? !


I kept swallowing my saliva, my body was stiff and I didn't dare to move, I was afraid that this big guy would take me away if he didn't like me!

It seemed to be enraged by Bai Wuchang, it flicked its tentacles, and flew towards her!

Bai Wuchang didn't move at all, she just stood in front of me, she just stared, the octopus-like monster let out another scream, with its two black eyes bent, it retracted its tentacles in aggrieved manner.

Its expression made me less nervous, and I actually thought it was a little cute, I was really crazy!

"Heh, don't forget, you are no longer the big devil king you used to be, work hard, and if you mess with me, believe it or not, I'll cut off your hand!"

Bai Wuchang said fiercely, his hoarse voice was full of hostility and threats.

It's the first time I've seen Bai Wuchang have such a side, she usually gets along with me like a cute little sister, considerate, cute and docile.

However, when I thought about it again, I somewhat understood it in my heart.

No matter how cute Bai Wuchang is, she is always a high-level underworld servant, a ghost.

How could she not have a majestic, cold side

"This deity is here today to ask you if you have met Lord Hades."

The big eyeballs of the big octopus watched the scene in the city from time to time, and then I saw the scene in the city. The ghosts with iron chains and iron balls tied to their legs and hands were lifting heavy timber in their hands. Go up a steep slope.

Once the ghosts were lazy, the big octopus slapped them all at once, and a slapping sound stronger than a whip irritated my eardrums.

As for the tall pile of firewood, I took a closer look. What kind of wood is it? They are obviously white bones. They seem to be endless. No matter how long the ghosts have been moving up and down, they are still gone. The bone pile has been slightly reduced.

The ghosts who suffer in this layer carry these bones endlessly and enter the eternal cycle. They cannot have a moment of rest, and feel the long and endless pain and suffering in this scorching purgatory.

The big octopus seemed to be angry, and did not reply to Bai Wuchang. Its eyeballs looked here and there, but it did not dare to look directly at Bai Wuchang.

"Aren't you itchy?!"

Bai Wuchang yelled, the big octopus looked back in shock, obediently raised one of the longest tentacles, and pointed at the ground.

Seeing this, she narrowed her eyes, gritted her teeth and said softly, "Could it be that Lord Yama really went to the bottom?"

Is the pervert not here...

I saw Bai Wuchang biting her lip, with a serious expression on her face, she raised her head and said to me: "Madam, Lord Yama may still be at the lower level, are you sure you want to continue following?"

The lower the level, the worse the environment, full of more crises.

I've already come here, and I couldn't help a smile rippling from the corner of my mouth.

"Of course, I will follow you." Even a moment of regret in my heart can't resist my determination.

I must find the pervert! Looking at the scenes in front of me at this moment, I know that the front is full of ups and downs, it is like going up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of fire, but I don't back down.

Bai Wuchang's eyes softened, she suddenly smiled, grabbed my sleeves with soft hands, and said: "Only a woman like your empress will be favored by Lord Hades."

"Okay, let's continue to the lower level!"

Bai Wuchang led me all the way down, I was curious about that big octopus.

"That beast was a prisoner who was surrendered in the war in the underworld. It was originally imprisoned on the second-to-last floor of the underworld. Lord Hades saw that it had remorse, so he cut off half of its ability and let it guard the fifth floor."

I opened my eyes wide in surprise. I always thought that perverts were harsh, even cruel, when performing their duties as the King of Hades.

But I didn't expect him to have such a soft side.

"Although Lord Yama is sometimes ruthless, he is always the lord of the underworld. His ultimate goal is to hope that souls can find good thoughts, and the final destination is the gate of reincarnation instead of suffering in the underworld."

Bai Wuchang smiled and explained to me that before I could relax, a loud noise came!

Now we are on the seventh floor, and the moment we landed, I saw the person who had been haunting me for days!

"found it!"

Bai Wuchang looked around, and the restriction on this level had already been activated.

A series of incomprehensible spells covered the ground and the entire sky, as if the entire space had been sealed.

Her voice was dry, and she said tensely: "Sure enough, the restriction has been opened, otherwise how could we not be able to contact you?"

He was standing there with his back to me, the robe on his body was constantly swaying from side to side due to the strong wind, and his black hair was flying in the air.

I was about to shout excitedly, but I saw a familiar girl leaning on his arms.

The long snow-white hair looked particularly dazzling against the dark background.

It's Saya.

Even Bai Wuchang next to him noticed her.

Naturally, it wasn't when I was jealous and making trouble for no reason at this moment. I heard Bai Wuchang's words and asked immediately.

"What is prohibition?"

She explained in a low voice: "Because there are many layers, for the convenience of management, each layer will have restrictions, and the restrictions are to deal with emergencies."

"It will only be turned on when it is absolutely necessary, and this layer will be isolated separately. No matter what happens here, it will not affect other layers. Of course, we will not be able to contact people who are inside the restriction."

As soon as she finished speaking, the ground shook violently again. Before I could stand still, I fell to the ground!

The tall black shadow not far away is completely revealed in front of our eyes.

"Impossible!" Bai Wuchang screamed violently, shaking her petite body, shaking her head and muttering, "Why is it here? Isn't it imprisoned at the bottom?!"