Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 229: 229 You must miss him very much


The red petals flying all over the sky fell into the flowers.

Saya was wearing a luxurious and luxurious dress, with a finely carved silver crown on her head. Strings of pearls hung down from the crown. A thin layer of white gauze covered her beautiful face, making her His face became hazy.

She lay quietly in the sea of flowers on the other side. Due to the trauma to her body, her clothes were slightly dented on her chest, and her body began to gradually become transparent.

King Yin stood by her side, his whole body had aged a lot in one night, he looked absent-minded, with sadness on his vicissitudes face, staring at the girl among the flowers.

The pervert stood beside him without making any sound. I squatted down and looked at Saya.

All the dissatisfaction and antipathy towards her in the past seemed to be like the petals of the other side flower flying into the distance, gone with the wind and disappeared without a trace.

"When you were young, you often played together here, maybe Wang didn't remember it very clearly."

After I heard this sentence, I somewhat understood in my heart that it was because Saya insisted on marrying a pervert before.

It is easy for childhood sweethearts to develop feelings, but often this feeling cannot be successfully transformed with age.

Thinking of the many novels I have read, it is really rare for childhood sweethearts to be together.

Girls are generally the ones who use the most affection.

My hand stretched out involuntarily and touched Saya's slender hand. I closed my eyes and was about to use my backtracking ability when my shoulders suddenly sank.

"Hua'er, you haven't fully recovered yet."

The pervert's sound successfully stopped my movement, I opened my eyes, and he pulled me up.

"I just want to see some memories of your childhood."

Those good memories are kept in Saya's mind, but when I saw King Yin's displeased expression, I suddenly understood a little bit.

What I did was wrong.

Recalling memory has certain uses, but it is also a way to spy on privacy.

This belongs to Saya's memory, and it should disappear with her life, and this is the respect for her.

Originally, there was no such thing as a funeral in the underworld, but the pervert still held a simple funeral for Saya according to my idea.

In a corner of the sea of flowers on the other shore, there is a beautiful girl lying down. She takes the sky as her cover and the earth as her hut, and falls asleep forever in this sea of flowers full of fragrance.

"Wang, are you injured?"

The judge who hadn't seen him for a long time came back from nowhere, and when he saw the pervert, he asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, what happened to the things I entrusted to you?"

The pervert sat at the top of the hall and spoke seriously. Since I was inconvenient to show up on this occasion, I had to listen quietly at the other side of the screen standing behind his throne without making a sound.

"Wang, I went to investigate the affairs of the underworld according to your intention, and got an important discovery!"

The judge raised his head and reported solemnly and respectfully: "The fluctuations in the underworld have something to do with the escape of the evil spirits at the bottom of the underworld. As for the connection... sorry I haven't found it yet."

How could it be linked to major events in country M? I frowned, feeling more and more that something was wrong!

Grandpa An is also gone forever. Although I got some news about him before, it seems that the contact with An's family is not very frequent recently, as if he is very busy.

"Heh, Caesar is living and going back. This king has already found Hua'er. Why hasn't he found his treasure in the underworld?"

The pervert's slightly mocking words came, and the judge didn't know how to respond to these words, and the hall fell into silence for a while.

"My lord, the fluctuations between the underworld and the yang world have been temporarily suppressed by a group of ghost exorcists. The king of the underworld is hurrying to find the treasure that suppresses the underworld. Hei Wuchang has sent a message, and it is said that he has found the approximate location."

The judge cupped his hands and said, the pervert listened, put one hand on his forehead, and waved the other to let him back down first.

"Hua'er, what do you think?"

I slowly walked out from behind the screen, looking at the judge's leaving back, I still couldn't help but overlap him with his avatar in the yang world.

Looking sideways, I saw the sad face of the pervert, and I knew it in my heart, with a sly smile on the corner of my mouth: "I was still mocking him just now, but I really want to help Caesar Hades in my heart, right?"

He was pierced by my words, the muscles on his face tightened, he sighed, looked at me helplessly, and said with a smile: "Nothing can escape Hua'er's eyes."

"You, you are a dead duck with a stubborn mouth. The relationship between you and Caesar must be good." I sat next to him and said what I had been thinking about for a while.

"How about we go and have a look?"

I have long wanted to go to country M. I missed her a few days after transferring from Anning.

Although we still send messages and chat through mobile phones, this does not rule out my missing her.

She didn't reply to me in the past two days, and Grandpa An didn't have much contact with An's family, and because our two families went to Japan to deal with Kurosawa Yuri's affairs, the two families were in chaos.

The Mo family finally reunited, and the affairs of country M are not going to bother them anymore. If they really want to go, at most, the pervert and I will go there.

"It's true that I can better understand the situation there when I arrive at the scene, but Hua'er, you know, my identity is not convenient for me to leave the underworld for a long time."

"In addition, you heard what the judge said. What happened in the underworld has a certain connection with the escape of the evil spirit. It was wrong at the time. The overflowing ghost-suppressing energy in your body suppressed him and resolved your danger. I can't left at this time."

As the King of Hades, there are too many possibilities to consider. I tilted my head and thought about it carefully. Then I slapped my thigh and decided: "Then Yang Yi and I will go there, and you stay here."

"no… "

The pervert subconsciously rejected my proposal, and I grabbed his hand: "It's useless if you say no, the underworld doesn't have enough manpower, you can't send the judge to go with me, can you?"

He was obviously worried about my safety and wanted to discuss it with me. I covered his mouth and slowed down my tone.

"Don't worry, I won't go anytime soon. The little guy has grown up a lot and needs to be more cautious, and his body hasn't fully recovered yet. After I rest for a while, I'll set off immediately."

The pervert pulled my hand down and said eagerly: "Yes, let Bai Wuchang go with you!"

He didn't say that I almost forgot Bai Wuchang who was seriously injured. I only knew that she was sent to recuperate, but I didn't know the location. In the past two days, I have asked many times softly and stubbornly, but he just refused to say. "Where did you send her to?"

Thinking of this matter, I haven't settled with the pervert yet, I beat his chest unceremoniously, and said angrily: "Say it! The crisis is over, and my health is almost recovered. It's time to settle the matter." It's settled!"

"You made her vomit blood!"

The pervert controlled my restless body and stabilized my emotions.

"In the hot spring, I don't tell you, because I'm afraid that if you show off your strength, you will run around before your body recovers."

I jumped off my seat and planned to go immediately, but he grabbed me and said, "I'll go with you."

When she came to the hot spring, Bai Wuchang was wearing thin clothes, climbing on the tree to pick fruit, and her rather big hat was placed beside the hot spring.

She noticed my approach first, jumped down from the tree, spread her legs, and rushed towards me. The big movement shocked me!


She hugged my body tightly, I quickly squatted down and checked her body carefully: "Does it still hurt? How is the injury?"

When Bai Wuchang saw the pervert behind me, his body obviously shrank, and he kept hiding in my arms.

I also felt her fear, and I stared at her reproachfully, and comforted me: "Don't be afraid, with me here, he won't dare to hit you."

Although I was still a little depressed in my heart, when I thought of what he said just now, my eyes lit up, and I held Bai Wuchang's shoulders with both hands, and said excitedly: "Xiaobai, do you miss your brother?"

Bai Wuchang looked at me a little foolishly, crystal liquid overflowed from her tear ducts and rolled in her eyes, but she still held back and did not let the tears fall.

"kindness… "

She lowered her head slightly, responded softly, nodded her head, grabbed my clothes with both hands, and kept tightening them, leaving deep marks and wrinkles on the fabric.

"After a while, I'm going to country M to investigate the matter. What about perverts, I plan to let you accompany me there!"

I excitedly told her the news, Bai Wuchang raised his head in shock, clear tears flowed out, a lovely smile appeared on his face, full of joy and surprise!

"Is what the empress said true?!"

"Of course, you will be able to see your brother then."

Bai Wuchang hugged me even tighter, the half-bitten fruit in his hand rubbed against my clothes, and the juice stained my clothes red. She buried her face in my clothes and sobbed.

I touched her head, and when I looked down, I could see a belly that was even bigger than before, and an unprecedented feeling arose in my heart.

"You must miss him very much." I said softly, the gentle voice even I couldn't believe it came from my mouth.

Because of my words, Bai Wuchang cried even more violently. The baby-like crying that only a little girl has, makes people feel really distressed.

I turned my head and glanced at the winking ghost, he just gently embraced my shoulder.

"Make up for it."

I blinked at him, twitched the corners of my mouth, and said with a smile, my eyes were full of tenderness, looking at Bai Wuchang in my arms.

The pervert asked Bai Wuchang to go with me, but I still saw the soft side of his heart, and I also apologized for the mistake and serious injury to Bai Wuchang.

The cruel pervert looks really handsome, but I prefer him with a little human touch.