Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 231: 231 What Are You Hiding?


This classroom farce passed under the mediation of the judge.

I was not targeted by those two girls again, of course not because they let me go!

Instead, I have already rushed to Country M, with Yang Yi.

During the time I was resting, Bai Wuchang also healed her injuries well. For the convenience of movement, she still followed me all the time, but she was like a pervert in peacetime. Body form appears in the Yang world.

The appearance of Bai Wuchang let me know another side of Yang Yi that is unknown to everyone.

This girl is still a lolicon? !

"Little sister, how old are you? My brother has a lollipop for you. Come here and get it."

I saw Yang Yi constantly waving at Bai Wuchang, with a treacherous smile on his face.

Hearing his terrible words, I stopped Bai Wuchang behind, glared at him, and said in disgust: "You are enough, no matter how young Xiaobai looks, she must be hundreds of years old." Oh, one bite at a time for a little sister, be careful she hits you!"

After hearing what I said, Yang Yi withdrew his idiot-like smile, sighed regretfully, and looked at Bai Wuchang reluctantly, his eyes were full of longing.

We just got off the plane, and it is already night in country M, but the international airport is still full of passengers coming and going.

At the exit, I saw a person I had been thinking about day and night, standing there looking around.

"Mom!" I immediately raised my hand and waved towards her. When my mother heard my excited shout, she cast her eyes on me, with a happy smile on her face.


We dragged our suitcases and trotted to her side, but before I got close, I saw another familiar person standing beside her.

White hair, slightly short stature, and commoner clothes and cattail fans are still the same as those I saw in the shroud shop in those days.

Why is grandpa an here? Why did he stand with mom

My mind was running fast, and I was sure that my parents had never met Grandpa An. Even though An Ning and I had a good time, she would occasionally come to my house as a guest, but Grandpa An had never met her parents.

I glanced at Yang Yi next to me with some displeasure, and said in a low voice, "Did you secretly disclose the news to Grandpa An? Otherwise, why would he be here?" I even came to pick up the plane with my mother.

Yang Yi looked innocent, and raised his hands to swear to the sky: "I didn't say a single thing."

Hey, originally I wanted to surprise Grandpa An and the others, but now it's a waste of time. I thought disappointedly.

Mom took my hand, hugged me in her arms, and said happily: "It's been a long time since I saw you, Xiao Hua, your dad and I have been busy running around, and we weren't there when you came home on weekends, so I've wronged you. "

Hearing my mother's provocative words, I felt sore and shook my head again and again.

"Mom, don't say that."

I looked at the silent Grandpa An, who smiled kindly at me and nodded. I asked suspiciously, "Mom, why are you with Grandpa An?"

The body in her arms shook, her eyes began to wander, and she hesitated in speaking.

After hesitating for a while, he made up a lame excuse to prevaricate. Grandpa An immediately uttered a voice to help smooth things over: "The news from the Mo family, when I came here, I happened to meet your mother. It was purely a coincidence."

Is it really such a coincidence

I still feel in my heart that the two people in front of me appearing here at the same time at the same moment must not be as simple as they said, they must be hiding something from me.

Thinking of that crazy homeless old man, the meaningful words spoken by the head of the Mo family, and the mysterious masked man seen from Ding Ruoshui's memory...

It was as if a great mystery was hanging over my head, and something was buried behind, preventing me from exploring it.

At this moment, it was a coincidence that two people who had never met before came to pick up the plane together. I heard from Grandpa An that it was a coincidence, but I always feel that things are not that simple.

"Okay, Xiaohua, your mother knows the purpose of your visit to country M. Mom will go home after a business trip in two days, and asked for an annual leave with the leader. When you come back, I plan to spend more time with you, and your father .”

Mom patted my head and comforted me and said, it's okay if she doesn't say anything, but when she said it, I became more suspicious.

I can't understand her character very well. Even though I am in college, she is still very close to my studies, but since she and my father found out about my dark marriage to Hades, their attitudes have completely changed. .

No, to be precise, it changed after they went back to their hometown once.

Now she actually allows me to stay in Country M, and Grandpa An still appears by her side...

The head of the Mo family and the "Rong family" that Mr. Mo said... Is there some kind of connection between these things

After we met and greeted each other a few times, Mom went back to the hotel, and I got into a car with doubts and incomprehension.

"I'll take you to live first, and go to David's house tomorrow morning."

"What about An Ning them?"

I asked anxiously. Grandpa An snorted when he heard about his disappointing granddaughter, and said angrily, "Don't mention that girl, I was almost mad at her, nonsense!"

"She actually transferred to another school without telling me. It's because I'm old that I can't train her anymore. She's doing something wrong!"

Grandpa An was so angry that he kept pounding his thighs and spit flying all over the place. I had expected such a scene a long time ago, but I didn't expect that Grandpa An's anger would last for such a long time.

Yang Yi and I looked at each other, smiled awkwardly, didn't dare to make a sound, and let the old man vent his anger there.

"Hua girl, you are too, don't persuade her, stop her from ordering."

When Grandpa An said this, I remembered the scene where I was holding the phone and yelling at An Ning, my eyes drooped.

Why didn't I stop her, I almost cried, made trouble and hanged myself, but this was An Ning's choice, even if I really tried to stop her with my life, her heart would have already flown to country M, it was useless.

"Hey, that boy Anxuan, I haven't settled with him yet, even the young man from David's family is messing around with me. I was still thinking, how did Ning girl successfully transfer to another school without my permission? The three young men used this little trick for Lao Tzu."

Grandpa An was muttering and talking non-stop, sulking there, and kept chanting.

"Grandpa Ann..."

I couldn't help saying: "An Ning has always listened to your words, but she must have her own ideas when she chooses to come to country M. I don't think she is the kind of person who is popular for three minutes. You should trust her."

"As a grandfather, how could I not trust my grandchildren!"

Grandpa An leaned back on the chair all of a sudden, and sighed.

"Look, I'm old, I'm too old, I can't afford to gamble! At the beginning, after their parents died in the battle, I made up my mind, no matter what, I must protect their children and not let them suffer any harm."

"An Xuan leaving home for training is the only thing I have compromised on. I was only willing to send him to country M with the guarantee of Patriarch David."

Yang Yi just listened quietly without making a sound. After all, he is not like me. He knows a lot of details about the An family.

Bai Wuchang leaned against my arms, sat on my lap, fell asleep with his thumb in his mouth.

Grandpa An doesn't mention the past, and I won't think of what I saw in Ding Ruoshui's memory.

"I heard that the mistress of the Mo family woke up, did you help wake her up?"

I nodded. It seems that when the Mo family contacted Grandpa An, they also told him the good news.

"Then you must also know what happened twenty years ago."

"Yes." I admitted it naturally. There was nothing to hide. After hearing this, Grandpa An was silent for a while, and then spoke.

"I beg you, don't tell An Ning and An Xuan about the death of their parents."

He looked at me seriously, and said, those scenes flashed in my mind again, vividly in my mind, the slender black arm pierced Mrs. An's chest, Patriarch An died in love right after her.

If they didn't say it, An Ning and An Xuan would only know about their parents, who died on the battlefield, and would not know too many details.

Moreover, their deaths are also related to the Mo family.

It's better not to say anything, so that the two families will not have troubles because of this matter in the future. Both the Mo Family and the An Family have a good relationship with me, and I don't want to see them turn against each other.

Wait, I almost forgot one thing.

I hurriedly asked out the doubts that had troubled me for a long time.

"Grandpa An, I think you must still remember how the Great War ended twenty years ago. Who are those masked people? Why are they so powerful in exorcising ghosts?"

As soon as the words fell, I saw Grandpa An's eyes widen and his pupils shrink, and he immediately turned his head with a stern face, without making a sound.

I squinted my eyes, knowing clearly.

Sure enough, they were hiding something!

It's so strange, why don't you say it? I frowned, Grandpa An's look of talking about him left and right made my doubts deepen.

Those people wearing masks are, logically speaking, the benefactors who ended the battle twenty years ago. Shouldn't Grandpa An be talking about them, praising them and being grateful

I wanted to dig further information, but when the car arrived at the hotel, it was late at night and it was inconvenient to go to David's house to disturb others, so I had to stay in the hotel for one night first.

After entering the room, I put down my luggage, laid Bai Wuchang flat on the bed, covered the quilt, and couldn't wait to talk to Yang Yi.

"Yang Yi, I always feel that they are hiding something."

I confided all my thoughts, Yang Yi listened to the general content in the car, thought for a while, and suddenly said a possibility that I had never thought of.

"Is it possible that those wearing masks are related to your family?"