Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet

Chapter 234: 234 I Smell the Taste of Adultery


Because of An Ning's words, Anna also cast her eyes on my stomach in surprise. Seeing my stomach bulge slightly, a smile of surprise and blessing appeared on her face.

Her smile, with a magical power, warmed my heart a lot, and also subtly eased the gloomy atmosphere in the living room.

An Ning hugged my stomach again, and rubbed her face for a while, probably hearing that I really forgave her, her old temper suddenly came out, and her behavior became unscrupulous.

She touched my belly with both hands, and there were still some tears in her eyes that she didn't have time to shed. She wiped it with the back of her hand, and she looked a little cute with a serious look: "Little baby, I am your godmother. From now on, I will be in your mother's heart." Your status depends entirely on you!"

"The godmother will buy you a lot of delicious food, you must help me!"

"Okay, you, what godmother, I haven't agreed yet, so don't teach him badly."

I giggled, pulled her up from my body, and let her sit next to me. When she heard that I didn't want her to be the godmother of the little guy, she wrinkled her face. Just as she was about to protest, she seemed to be Thinking of something, he clapped his hands suddenly, smiling cunningly.

"Xiaohua, let me tell you something!"

An Ning leaned her head closer to my ear, Anna smiled at us friendly, and the young maid also looked at us curiously with kind eyes.

"You come to the backyard with me!"

She finished speaking quickly, grabbed my wrist, and ran towards the door. Anna was taken aback, and hurriedly lifted the hem of her skirt, and shouted anxiously behind us: "Ladies, where are you going? I need to lead the way." ?"

"No need, Anna, go to the kitchen and help Mrs. David prepare lunch." An Ning waved at Anna, and led me to the backyard excitedly.

I remember that Erin took her two younger siblings to play there, what did An Ning take me there for

With a familiar smile on her face, she dragged me around many bushes and a grove to the garden behind the castle.

Compared with the grandeur of the front yard, the back yard is much smaller, but the inside of the yard is the same as the front yard, as if it has not been affected by the coming of autumn, and the green and soft lawn covers the whole yard.

The birds were chirping like babies, and in the distance, the leaves of the maple tree were trembling and hissing, and the shaded face was revealed. An Ning took me to hide behind a big tree, and raised her finger to signal me not to make a sound. .

She lowered her voice, poked her head in one direction mysteriously, and said to me: "Look quickly... Be careful not to be discovered."

I poked my head out slightly from behind a bush half as tall as a person, and the scene in front of me surprised me.

I saw that An Xuan was combing Tom's golden hair with a wooden comb. The big fluffy dog was docilely crawling beside his legs, with drooping eyelids and flapping its ears from time to time, looking very comfortable. .

Under the mild sunlight, his black hair was glowing softly, and the slightly cool wind stirred his hair and clothes.

Rare, for the first time a thought came to my mind.

Looking at him this way, An Xuan looked more handsome than usual. It may be that the weather and environment made him suddenly burst into a dazzling light.

"An Xuan."

this voice...

Irene was sitting cross-legged next to her, our angle was not very good, we could only see An Xuan and Tom, and Irene was completely blocked by the trunk of a tree.

They actually sit together? !

etc! I smell adultery!

Let me tell you, An Ning's excited expression just now is so familiar, it turned out to be her expression when gossiping.

Unexpectedly, she would not let go of her own brother.

"How do you know they are... um..." I said, right with two thumbs, and asked curiously.

She winked at me mischievously: "I just discovered it recently, this stinky Anxuan, who comes here every day to take care of Tom, is more attentive than taking care of me. Mainly, I found that Irene was in Anxuan's presence." Sometimes, I always sneak a peek at him."

"I just thought that Irene was sent here by Jenny. As soon as they meet, something big will happen!"

An Ning shook his head and sighed, and said in his mouth: "This dry firewood, when it meets a fire..."

I was almost overwhelmed by her description, so I quickly covered my mouth with my hand, lest the voice be too loud and attract the attention of the two men and women.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You're just sitting and chatting. What kind of nonsense are you talking about? You're just thinking about all sorts of messy things in your little head!"

An Ning grabbed the back of my hand, emotionally: "How can I..."

Hearing that she almost couldn't control her voice and yelled out, I covered her mouth, and I put my finger on my lips to signal her to lower her voice.

Only then did she realize that she was so excited that she almost exposed us, blushing and squatting down: "What are you thinking about? Open, like a ball of fire, look at An Xuan's cold appearance, isn't it no different from dry firewood."

"And ugly."

An Ning looked displeased, and made another cut, but compared to the previous hostility, she seems to have accepted this brother now.

I am really happy for her. I feel that this time she left me and came here, she is in good health, and the estrangement with her brother has been reduced a lot. It is a happy event.

It's just that her words are full of "aggression", and there is also a taste of being a girl who is acting like a baby. I looked at her with a smile in my eyes, and she didn't seem to know it.

"Shhh, let's stop talking, look!"

An Ning listened sideways for a while, still thinking that she couldn't hear their conversation clearly, grabbed me, and took a step closer to them with her back bent.

"Thank you very much for taking care of Tom during this time."

Irene stroked Tom's body with her hand, and said gratefully, I didn't miss the shyness and dodge in her eyes, and her slightly pink face under the sun.

That touch of red climbed to the tips of her ears and dyed her snow-white neck.

Her blue eyes, like the sea, are full of tenderness at this moment.

An Xuan just replied politely. His English was very fast and his voice was still very soft, so I couldn't hear him very clearly.

Hey, it seems that An Ning's hope has come to nothing!

I sighed with some regret. What kind of dry fire is it? It's clearly dry wood and a small fire. The two of them just can't afford to light a big fire. In addition to the chilly autumn wind, it must have been blown out.

Irene is really not like most foreign girls, more restrained and shy of Asian girls.

An Ning saw that they were just talking stiffly, one was looking for words to chat awkwardly, the other said something absent-mindedly, and replied without a word, my hand was almost hurt by her pulling!

She was even more nervous than those two parties, and kept repeating in her mouth: "Speak up, Irene, speak up quickly! Don't be afraid, the worst thing is that you will be rejected by An Xuan."

I covered my face, I really didn't know how I became good friends with An Ning, seeing her paparazzi-like expression now, I almost took out my mobile phone to take a short video.

It seems that An Ning has long seen that Irene has feelings for An Xuan, and now she can't wait to pull me to watch the show.

I heard before that An Ning and the others have always been on missions. Although Irene inherited part of the family's exorcism skills, there are two younger siblings in the family, so it is not her turn to go on missions.

Chris took on more of the burden, and she took care of the younger brother and younger sister more.

Therefore, it is definitely not easy for them to meet each other or get along alone. No wonder An Ning is so excited, she can't wait to go out and help Irene express her confession.

"Mom cooks in person at noon, you are lucky, you can enjoy the food made by mother."

Erin changed the subject and stumbled into another sentence.

"I'm very honored. Mrs. David's craftsmanship must be good. I believe Miss Irene must be as good as your mother."

I secretly clicked my lips, I never expected that An Xuan would have such eloquence, with a poker face every day, and a bad temper, he would be able to say these words of praise.

Sure enough, when Irene heard these words, the pink on her face became deeper.

On the other hand, An Xuan seemed to be out of politeness. After she praised her, she fell into silence again. Compared with when she was facing me, she was much less hostile.

Thinking of the first time I met him, he wished he could kill me, and every sentence he said was vicious and excessive.


Thinking of these makes me angry!

I murmured in my heart that An Ning's excitement had long been wiped out by Irene, and she sat in the grass a little discouraged, turned her back, and stopped looking at them.

"What's wrong?" Didn't she drag me here, why is she not interested now

"I think it's over. Irene has been like this for a long time. If she didn't muster up the courage to speak up at the beginning, she can only wait for the next opportunity. She will definitely not speak up this time."

I opened my eyes wide in surprise, it seems that this situation has happened many times now, otherwise how could An Ning say that.

Just when she was planning to take me away, so as not to expose us to eavesdropping and other shameful things, Irene suddenly spoke too loudly and said to An Xuan: "An Xuan! I have something to tell you!"

"Ho Ho!"

An Ning's eyes that had been dimming suddenly became brighter instantly, and she pulled me back again, making me dumbfounded!

"There is drama and there is drama!" Just now, who said there was no drama.

I don't want to spoil her interest, and I haven't messed around with her for a long time. It's a rare opportunity today, so I won't miss it.

Anyway, we are eavesdropping, as long as we don't get caught.

According to Irene's birth and background, An Xuan's family background and behavior, they will not do anything against the laws of nature or morality, and there is nothing shameful about it.

Before I was ready, Irene trembled in her voice, and her words were filled with fiery passion and strong affection.

"An Xuan, I like... I like you, I liked you a long time ago."